The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 542 The end of the experience

Chapter 542 The end of the experience

Su Meichang frowned and looked at the hooligan, how could the hooligan look a little drunk?
And compared to the arrogant and wretched one just now, the drunk now has a silly smile on his face. If it weren't for those four bloody men, she would definitely suspect that it was just a coincidence.

"Yes." Xu Jie confessed.

He didn't intend to hide it from the beginning to the end, he just cut it first and played it later.

The reason for doing this is neither a prank nor a bad taste, but entirely for the effect of the program.

After all, there is still a big difference between an actor acting and what actually happened, especially a star like Su Meichang who is an actor but has average acting skills. I really want to give her the script. It takes at least one night to shoot, and the effect may not be achieved.

Popularity and acting skills are completely different things.

"Script?" Su Meichang asked again.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

Su Meichang was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then burst out suddenly.

"You, how can you do this? How can you shoot a show like this? It's too hateful!" Su Meichang expressed her dissatisfaction angrily.

Although she was not injured and even scratched the drunk man, she was very scared and nervous at the time, especially at the moment when the microphone was crushed, she panicked. .

What the hell is this director and program team, the actors are too bad.

I will definitely not cooperate with Director Xu again in the future.

At this time, Su Meichang suddenly turned her head, looked at the follow-up team behind her and asked, "You all know that too?"

The team members turned their heads to look away, not daring to look at Su Meichang, each of them was very guilty, and the assistant director Li Li was full of guilt, feeling sorry for Su Meichang.

Su Meichang gritted her teeth fiercely, she finally understood why the assistant director didn't let her call the police.

This is just a play, why call the police?

Get the actor up?
And then arrest all the staff of the program group who are accomplices?

"Actually, this is an exam." Xu Jie said calmly, "Congratulations, you passed the graduation exam."

Su Meichang was taken aback.

take an exam?Career Experience Exam?

Xu Jie continued: "As you know, the six-week professional life is coming to an end soon. In order to test whether your experience during this time is successful, I have arranged a test for each of you..."

Su Meichang looked suspiciously at the other entertainers in the corridor after listening, and asked, "Have you also encountered hooligans?"

"I didn't meet any hooligans." Hu Xuan, the delivery man, shook his head and said, "I helped the old lady, but I was blackmailed."

"I met Pingci." The courier Wang Zihao said with a wry smile.

"I was deceived by the returned fake products." Cosmetics salesman Geng Di said shyly.

"It was even worse for me. I accidentally broke the owner's antique vase while cleaning." Cleaning Haixin sighed deeply.

"You guys are nothing, I sold a house to two people." Real estate agent Wu Wei said.

Everyone told their own test content, and from the helpless expressions on their faces, it can be seen that they must have been devastated at the time.

Su Meichang was stunned. She didn't expect that everyone would be connected with her own fate. In this way, she could feel more comfortable in her heart, so the anger on her face gradually subsided.

Since it is an exam, there is nothing to say.

Now thinking about the behavior of the drunk at that time, it seems that there is no other movement except grabbing clothes and arms.

In fact, every star who was arranged was very angry when he came back and learned the truth, and he even wanted to leave the pick and leave, but after learning that other people also encountered similar or even worse scripts, he became angry It also disappeared.

"I...really passed?" Su Meichang looked at the director and asked, since it was an exam, she began to pay attention to her previous performance.

Thinking back carefully, it seemed a little flustered at the time.

"Yes." Xu Jie said.

Qin Yan and other staff members of the program group did not speak, but their admiration for Director Xu was like a surging river.

It was obviously a severe beating, but the sentence "graduation exam" was easily resolved, making these stars hold back their anger.


"Director Xu, since the graduation exam is over, can you not go to work tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?" Wang Zihao asked.

If possible, he would like to sleep in.

"I've been here for more than a month, are there still two days left?" Xu Jie said: "In the remaining two days, let's wrap up the filming during this period, talk about feelings and feelings, and talk about chicken soup Let’s talk about chicken soup, and say goodbye to your colleagues by the way.”

After the artists heard it, they immediately understood what Director Xu meant.

Well, it really needs a perfect ending to put an end to this professional life experience.

"Come on everyone!" Xu Jie said loudly, stretching out his hand.

After everyone saw it, whether it was an artist or a staff member, they moved closer and put their hands together.

"come on!"

"come on!"

In the next two days, the artists displayed their acting skills one after another, talking about life and feelings in front of the camera. The busiest thing was no longer work, but after returning to the room after get off work, they talked on the phone with their managers and assistants. Study the lines, what to say will be brilliant, what to say will be different, and make the last effort for the personality you have established.

Two days passed quickly.

Soon came Sunday.

late at night.

The staff of the "Ordinary Courage" program group and participating artists gathered in the corridor. Although it was past 0 o'clock, none of the people present felt sleepy, and no one was in a hurry to go back to the room to rest.

Not long after, the elevator door opened, and the last artist, Su Meichang, returned to the hotel.

"Director Xu, we're back." Li Li said to the director.

Xu Jie nodded.

At this moment, everyone looked at Xu Jie, as if waiting for something.

Xu Jie walked to the middle of the hall, glanced at everyone's faces, finally took a deep breath, and said loudly: "I announce that the six-week professional life experience is officially over, thank you for your efforts, thank you all Thank you for your cooperation."

After speaking, he bowed deeply.

Hearing Director Xu's words, whether it was an artist or a staff member, they all raised their hands and applauded.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

Warm applause spread throughout the hallway, celebrating the end of filming.

Everyone present was very happy, because the end of the filming part indicated that the program would enter the post-production stage, and the official broadcast would not be far away.

The staff wants the show to air sooner, because everyone's performance pay is only paid when the show is on air, and the higher the ratings, the more performance work.

Artists also hope that the program can be aired as soon as possible, so that it can increase exposure, increase topicality and influence, and the ratings of Director Xu's program will definitely not be bad, and its own commercial value will also increase by then , the number of people looking for them will naturally increase, making movies, TV dramas, songs, variety shows, commercials, just thinking about it makes me happy.

But apart from being happy, everyone felt a little more sad, especially between the artist and the filming group. Everyone has been together for more than a month. I don't want to give up.

After the applause stopped, Xu Jie looked at the stars and said, "It stands to reason that I should treat everyone to a dinner and send you a bouquet of flowers, but the show hasn't aired yet, so no one knows what the ratings will be. So I think it’s better to wait until the show airs. If the ratings are good, I’ll hold a celebration party. I hope everyone can attend. If the ratings are not good, you don’t need to use it. I’ll save the meal Meal money, haha."

After everyone heard it, they also laughed. Xu Jie's words made everyone feel a lot easier. At the same time, they also responded to the sentence: the separation is for a better reunion next time.

"Okay, everyone can go back to the room and rest. The check-out time is 12 noon tomorrow. Of course, I know that some of you can't wait to leave here. If you don't mind the trouble of leaving in the middle of the night, feel free to do so." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he ignored the artist and walked to the temporary office. Today's shooting content has not been edited yet, and he still has to continue working.

Seeing that Director Xu left, the artists did not go back to the room at the first time, but went to their respective follow-up team staff to say goodbye.

After all, having a good relationship with the TV crew is good for the artist, not bad.

"Sister Li, thank you for your care these days, I hope we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future."

"Director Zhao, and everyone, I have caused you trouble these days."

"Old Qin, our work is over, and your work has just begun. If you need to make up shots, feel free to call and be on call."


Xu Jie returned to the room and just made himself a cup of coffee when the cell phone rang.

He looked at the caller ID, it was Su Meichang, and he couldn't help being curious, the filming of the show was already over, why did the other party call him?
Wouldn't it be for post-production?
As far as the program is concerned, only half of it is completed now, and the other half is not completed, and the production of the second half is actually the key to the program.

Through post-production, the good can become evil, and the good can also become bad.

No matter how hard the artist works to establish the character setting during shooting, if those hard-working clips are not added in the post-production, then the character design will not be established, so the character design is not only shaped by the artist, but also by the artist. Post-production to show, otherwise the artist will act for the program group, not for the audience.

"Hello?" Xu Jie answered the phone.

In fact, he has encountered this kind of situation before. For example, when making "In-depth Film and Television Talk", some actresses offered to invite him to dinner after the interview. The purpose was not to have more positive shots in the feature film. ?
"Director Xu, are you asleep?" Su Meichang asked, her voice was very soft and melodious, like gurgling water.

"No, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked while drinking coffee.

"Director Xu, can you come to my room? I have something to tell you." Su Meichang said.

"Now?" Xu Jie was startled, it was almost 1 o'clock, not 1 o'clock in the afternoon, but 1 o'clock in the morning.

"Yes." Su Meichang said.

"Is there anything I can't say over the phone?" Xu Jie asked.

An actress invites a male director to her room in the middle of the night...

Does it fit?

Not suitable.

"I want to tell Director Xu face to face, come quickly, I'll wait for you." Su Meichang said.

Xu Jie frowned slightly. How could this voice sound like Pan Jinlian calling the high officials of Ximen again?

"I'm very busy here. Let's talk about it tomorrow." Xu Jie hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Today's female artist, alas!
Xu Jie shook his head. The reason why he felt this way was because he had received invitations from actresses before, even blatant temptations.

Speaking of which, he has been tested for a long time.

But after thinking about it carefully, I felt something was wrong.

According to his understanding of Su Meichang, the other party is not that kind of person, and the other party is a female artist signed by Liu Jinghua's company. Can you not know his relationship with Su Yun?
Could it be that I made a mistake?I just want to talk about the show, and there is no other meaning?
That's not OK!

Once someone sees it, what's the deal?

When the door is closed, who knows what happened inside?In the end, isn't it up to Yuji's imagination and play?At that time, even if you jump into the Yellow River, you won't be able to clean up, and no one will believe you even if you explain it.

never mind!

If the other party really has something important to do, he will definitely come to him. There are other staff here, so there is no need to worry about gossip, because these are his witnesses.

Xu Jie put down his mobile phone, stopped thinking about it, took a sip of coffee, and devoted himself to work.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, the phone rang again.

He originally thought it was Su Meichang, but it turned out to be another female artist, Hai Xin.

I'll go, it won't be another female star who has something to tell him, right?

No wonder everyone wants to be a director, the benefits are too high, even if they are not in good health, they can't be a big director, and they can't bear it.


Xu Jie connected the phone.

"Director Xu, it's not good, Meichang fainted due to hypoglycemia." Haixin's urgent voice came from the microphone.


Xu Jie stood up from the chair suddenly, Su Meichang had hypoglycemia?How come you never heard Liu Jinghua mention it when you were selecting candidates?

Could it be that Su Meichang's call just now was a call for help?

Both Su Meichang and Haixin belong to Liu Jinghua's agency, it seems that he didn't go, and the other party called Haixin.

"I'll be there right away!" Xu Jie hung up the phone after speaking, then looked at the people in the office and asked, "Su Meichang fainted due to hypoglycemia. Does anyone of you have anything to eat? The one with high sugar content."

"I have cheese, bread, and biscuits." A staff member took out a plastic bag from the bag. In addition to bread and biscuits, there were also milk, chocolate, beef jerky, and spicy strips. use.

"Yes." Xu Jie picked up the plastic bag, walked out of the office, and hurried to Su Meichang's room.

How can hypoglycemia faint?

Could it be that you are tired these days?
Should not be ah.

Although Su Meichang often has to work until 1 or 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, she usually sleeps until noon during the day, and sometimes catches up on sleep in the afternoon, and the money she earns as a driver, although she can't eat good food, is full Absolutely no problem.

He came to Su Meichang's room, the door was ajar, he quickly pushed the door open and walked in.

The room was dark and the lights were not on.

Just as he was looking for the lamp, his eyes suddenly blurred, and then he saw a white thing flying towards him, hitting his face.


Sweet, with a rich, creamy taste.

Xu Jie wiped his face with his hand, it was cream cake.

He wiped his eyes, opened them with difficulty, and saw six people standing in front of him, that is, six stars, Su Meichang, Hai Xin, Hu Xuan, Geng Di, Wang Zihao, and Wu Wei were all there.

"Director Xu, I wish you a happy ending."

At this moment, everyone is smiling.

When Xu Jie saw it, he immediately understood that it was all nonsense and it was just a prank.

Retaliation, definitely revenge!

"Remember, if there is a celebration banquet, I will definitely prepare 6 cakes and slap all of them on your faces." Xu Jie said.

"Director Xu, if there is a celebration banquet, we don't need you to do it, we will smash ourselves." Su Meichang said with a smile.

"Okay, you wait for me!"



(End of this chapter)

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