The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 543 Director Jiang's Invitation

Chapter 543 Director Jiang's Invitation

on Monday.

Xu Jie and the program staff returned to Beijing TV Station to officially start the post-production of the new variety show.

Although we bid farewell to the delicious food in the hotel, we don't have to work overtime, let alone go out to shoot in the middle of the night, so everyone is still in a good mood.

Of course, the one in the best mood is Jiang Hai, director of the Art Program Center, because his left and right arms are back, and he doesn't have to be as busy at work as before.


Xu Jie was about to go to the editorial room after the weekly meeting, but was stopped when he walked out of the conference room.

"Xiao Xu, wait." Jiang Hai quickly caught up with Xu Jie.

"Director, what's the matter?" Xu Jie stopped and asked, at the same time signaling Liu Jinbao and Li Li to go first and wait for him in the editorial room.

"You don't know about the "Crossover Actor", don't you? Last week you were busy with the new variety show and didn't appear in "Crossover Actor". Everyone is very concerned about the screenwriting work of this episode." Jiang Hai said.

"Did the phone editor not explain?" Xu Jie asked.

"I explained, you are still the chief screenwriter, and you are responsible for checking the script. It's just because you didn't participate in the recording for other work, but many viewers expressed disbelief, saying that they didn't see you on TV, and they were worried about the show, so , You still need to attend the rehearsal this Friday, otherwise the audience will definitely decrease, and the ratings will also drop." Jiang Hai said with a wry smile.

Although Xu Jie is not the chief director, nor is he a competitor, but he is the signature of the show and the guarantee of quality.

A behind-the-scenes staff member can have such a great influence on the show, and the whole station can't find a second one. You must know that this kind of situation only happened when the host was changed in the past.

This mass base, this audience popularity, is also gone.

"Director, but I still need to work on the new variety show." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Although he has returned to the unit, it does not mean that the new variety show has been completed, it is just another beginning.

"It doesn't matter. From Monday to Thursday, you are busy with your work. You only need to go to the Grand Theater to guide the rehearsal on Friday. It's next door anyway. Besides, it's just May, and the new variety show will only be broadcast in the second half of the year. According to Judging from the broadcasting time of variety shows in previous years, even if you finish it ahead of schedule, it will not be broadcast until September, so don’t worry, and work on my side first.” Jiang Hai put his arm around Xu Jie’s shoulders, saying that he was justified, afraid The other party disagrees.

"But I still have other programs, such as "Delicious History". I had to work overtime to rush out the shooting part in advance for the new variety show. Now the stock has been used up, and I have to go out to shoot in a few days." Xu Jie Said.

"Okay, I'll give you Monday and Tuesday, isn't it enough? There are two days left." Jiang Hai said, scratching his fingers.

"There is also "In-depth Talk on Film and Television"." Xu Jie reminded.

"I'll give it to you on Wednesday, there's still one day left..." Jiang Hai said, feeling that he had gone too far, so he thought for a while and said, "Xiao Xu, don't worry about the new variety show, "Crossover Actor" It will be over in two months at most, when "Crossover Actor" is over, it won't be too late for you to work on a new variety show, that's all right, that's it."

Jiang Hai patted Xu Jie on the shoulder, and slipped away without waiting for the other party to speak.

Xu Jie smiled wryly and shook his head. It seemed that he could only follow Director Jiang's suggestion.

When he came to the editing room, all members of the "Ordinary Courage" program team had gathered, and everyone was waiting for his work arrangement.

"Just now I met with Director Jiang. Our show is expected to be aired in September at the earliest, so there is plenty of time for post-production. You don't have to be tense. Taking advantage of the filming part just finished, it is the most touching When it comes time, write the copy first, and then edit it next month, work slowly and carefully." Xu Jie said to the staff.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard it. Last night they said they were working hard, so why did it become slow work and careful work today?Should we listen to what was said yesterday, or should we listen to what was said today?

Seeing everyone's strange eyes, Xu Jie knew what was going on, but he was also very helpless, and the plan did not change quickly. Unless he was the first brother, he had to follow Director Xu's arrangements for work.

Big Brother……

When can I become a brother?

"I thought about it for a long time when I couldn't sleep last night. In the past six weeks, everyone has been very busy and tired. Everyone has lost a few kilograms. It is common to work overtime until late at night. If I continue like this, I will I'm really worried that everyone will be exhausted, so this month, everyone is recuperating while writing the copy, and after the mental state recovers, we will study the post-production." Xu Jie said.

After everyone heard this, they understood Director Xu's intentions, and they were all moved from the bottom of their hearts. At the same time, they thought to themselves: There is such a leader who understands his subordinates, he is really following the right person.

Xu Jie felt that he was hypocritical, obviously because he was busy and didn't have time to participate in post-production, but he wanted to say that he was thinking about everyone's health...

Sure enough, he is becoming more and more like a leader.

The program group of "Ordinary Courage" just got together and disbanded on the spot.

Total time: 10 minutes.

After leaving the editing room, Qin Yan caught up with him.

"Xu Jie, what's the situation? Didn't you say strike while the iron is hot? Why did you suddenly change your mind?" Qin Yan asked in puzzlement. This kind of procrastinating behavior was completely unlike the other party's usual style. He used to act vigorously, saying Just do it.

"I saw a news about a sudden death from overtime work this morning, so I changed my mind." Xu Jie explained casually.

"Really?" Qin Yan frowned slightly, with suspicion in her eyes.

A woman's sixth sense told her that this reason was far-fetched.

Firstly, the other party is not a sentimental person; secondly, the news of sudden death from overtime work is not the first day, such news will appear from time to time, if you see such news, let everyone adjust for a month, Then you don't have to work overtime all year round.

"Of course, I can have evil intentions." Xu Jie said frankly.

Qin Yan thought about it, and she was right.

Let everyone rest well, can there be any conspiracy?
Is it wrong to consider the health of the team members?
Are only 996 and 007 normal?
"I didn't expect you to care about everyone." Qin Yan was somewhat surprised, because the other party was a workaholic.

"This is called humanization." Xu Jie said.

"Well, that's right, he looks more and more like a leader." Qin Yan nodded with a smile.

Xu Jie looked at the other party. Although it was literally a compliment, why did it sound so awkward?
He returned to the office, picked up the calendar card on the table, and started to make a work plan for this month. The daily work plan was useless to him. There was too much work, so he had to make a good overall plan.

In the next few days, Xu Jie, as Director Jiang said, first filmed "Delicious History", then worked on "In-depth Film and Television Talk", and then came to the recording day of "Crossover Actor".

His appearance made the assistant actors in the program group very excited.

On the one hand, it can guide them to perform and improve their acting skills. On the other hand, it can also give them some scenes showing their faces when filming the screenwriter of Mr. Xu.

When the program was officially recorded in the afternoon, although Xu Jie was standing in the background, when the actors walked off the stage, they no longer reached out to give the actors high-fives.

He figured it out, as a married man, it's better to keep a certain distance from other actresses. Although Su Yun didn't care, he had to be aware of this.

And it turns out that Su Yun actually cared a lot, she was just pretending to be generous.

Women are all duplicity.

Sometimes what you say is completely different from what you think in your heart. If you believe it easily, you will really lose.

In the evening, the program recording ended.

Xu Jie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally completed another phase.

His biggest burden now is not "Delicious History", nor "In-depth Film and Television Talk", let alone the new variety show that has not yet started post-production, but "Crossover Actor".

For other programs, the people he trains can complete independently, and he is the director, everything is up to him, but "Crossover Actor" is different, even if you want to be lazy, Director Jiang will follow him Pushing behind the ass.

His biggest wish now is to finish the second season of "Crossover Actor" as soon as possible.

"Xiao Xu, you've worked hard, do you have time on the weekend?" Jiang Hai walked over and asked with a smile.

"I have time." Xu Jie said after hearing this, but he regretted it after he finished speaking, thinking that Director Jiang would not plan to drag him to work as a coolie again, right?
During these days, he has been terrified by Director Jiang's work arrangements.

Thinking about the recording of the show, but still needs post-production, he quickly added: "I don't have time on Saturday, but I have time on Sunday."

The show would air on Saturday night, and there would be no work for him after Saturday.

"Great, I'm talking about Sunday." Jiang Hai said.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched when he heard it, and he shut himself off.


Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

"Director, what's the matter?" Xu Jie forced a smile on his face, praying in his heart not to work overtime.

"Go to my house for dinner on Sunday night and ask your sister-in-law to show you something," Jiang Hai said.

Xu Jie was taken aback.

Go to the director's house for dinner?

A series of question marks could not help popping up in his head.

The director had taken him out for dinner before, and participated in some dinner parties, but he had never taken him home for dinner.

And eating out has a completely different meaning than eating at home.

If you take him to a restaurant, no matter how good the relationship is, he will be a superior and subordinate. If you take him home, you will treat him as one of your own.

However, it should be more than just eating, at least there must be a reason to eat.

"Since you came back as the chief screenwriter, the ratings of this show have been good, and the pressure on me has eased a lot. I said I would treat you to dinner. You said you were busy shooting a new variety show. I'm done with work, and it's time for me to fulfill my original promise. I was going to take you out to eat, but after much deliberation, I don't know where to go. Your sister-in-law suggested going home. If not, I'll ask you." Jiang Hai explained.

Xu Jie suddenly realized that this was the case.

"Director, it's actually not necessary. This is my job." Xu Jie said, although it was indeed agreed at the beginning, he was worried about causing trouble to the director and his wife.

""Crossover Actor" is not your job." Jiang Hai said seriously.

Xu Jie thought about it, and felt that it was not good to refuse, as if he didn't know how to flatter, so he said: "Okay, I'll go, then I will trouble my sister-in-law."

"Haha, no trouble, no trouble." Jiang Hai smiled again, patted Xu Jie on the shoulder and said, "Okay, let's go back."

Xu Jie nodded and left the theater.

On Sunday.

According to the location, Xu Jie found Director Jiang's house.

This is a high-end community located outside the South Fourth Ring Road. There are lakes and parks nearby, and the environment is quite good.

Xu Jie parked the car, then walked into the community with a can of tea and a set of skin care products.

Although the director invited him to dinner at home to thank him, how could there be any reason to come to the house empty-handed?
Moreover, the tea and skin care products belong to Su Yun. There are too many piles at home, and they are kept in storage. Why don't they give them as gifts.

Xu Jie came to the door of the unit, pressed the house number of the director's house, and said after connecting, "Director, I'm Xu Jie."

"Okay, come up, I remember the seventh floor." Jiang Hai opened the door of the unit.


Xu Jie took the elevator to the 7th floor. As soon as the elevator door opened, he saw Director Jiang standing outside. The other party changed from his usual shirt and suit to only simple home clothes.

"Little Xu is here, come in quickly." Jiang Hai warmly greeted Xu Jie with his arms around Xu Jie's shoulders.

Xu Jie walked into the door, and saw a middle-aged woman standing inside. She was of medium build, with long wavy hair and fair skin. Although there were some fine lines on her face, for a woman of this age, she was already well-maintained. Well, the overall look is very fashionable, dignified and elegant.

This should be Director Jiang's wife Feng Lin.

According to colleagues in the station, Director Jiang’s wife used to be the host of the TV station in Beijing, and Director Jiang’s pursuit of her can be regarded as a good thing, but later the job was transferred, and he is currently working as the team leader of the broadcasting station at the radio station. a system.

Looking at Team Leader Feng and then Director Jiang, one can see that Director Jiang was also very "virtuous" when he was young.

"Hello, sister-in-law." Xu Jie said while passing the things in his hand, "The tea is for the director, and this set of skin care products is for you."

"Xiao Xu, you are too polite." Feng Lin said quickly after hearing this, with a warm smile on her face, and her voice was very nice and familiar.

"Yes, I asked you to come to eat, what do you bring, if you are like this, will you dare to ask you to come to my house for dinner in the future?" Director Jiang frowned and said: "Don't do this in the future."

"Good director." Xu Jie nodded.

"Sit down quickly." Director Jiang put on a smiling face and pointed to the sofa in the living room.

Xu Jie walked a few steps, and heard the sound of "woo woo woo" from the other side. If he heard correctly, it should be the sound of the range hood.

"Sister-in-law, is the meal ready? If it's not ready, let me come." Xu Jie said. When you arrive at the leader's house, you must have some insight.

"You are a guest, how can I let you cook?" Feng Lin said with a smile: "But I know that you are a famous gourmet. Wait a moment to taste my cooking and comment."

"What kind of gourmet, it's just that he helped cook in a restaurant before." Xu Jie can't bear the title of gourmet, at most he can be regarded as a cook.


(End of this chapter)

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