Chapter 544
Xu Jie came to the living room to sit down, and looked around the room by the way.

The simple design makes the whole house look simple and elegant. The safe tree by the window adds a touch of green to the space, which not only has a good meaning, but also has the effect of purifying the air. The family photos on the TV cabinet make the room even more beautiful. A little more warm feeling.

"Talk slowly, I'll cook." Feng Lin said to Xu Jie, and then walked to the kitchen.

"Then please trouble sister-in-law." Xu Jie said politely.

"Xiao Xu, coming here is like going back to your own home. You are welcome." Jiang Hai poured a cup of tea from the tea set on the coffee table and handed it to Xu Jie, and said, "The ratings of the program last night came out. Guess how many there are?" ?”

Xu Jie took the tea and thought about it for a while, and if the director can be put off again, the ratings must not be bad.

"2.6?" Xu Jie asked.

He remembered that the previous highest rating was around 2.4. He guessed 2.6, which is not whimsical or daydreaming.

"It's too conservative, it's 2.812." Jiang Hai said with a smile, with a bit of excitement in his voice.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, his eyes filled with surprise. .

It's only the third round, and the ratings are so high?

Wouldn't it be even higher in the next six to three and the finals?

He recalled it carefully, and remembered that the ratings of the first season finals were around 3.2.

In this way, the current 2.8 is quite normal. After all, the second season far surpasses the first season, no matter in terms of investment in production or invitation of stars.

In fact, his requirements for the second season are not high, as long as it can be like the first season.

Seeing Xiao Xu calm down so quickly, Jiang Hai couldn't help nodding secretly, this is the style of a general.

"After the third round, there will be six rounds and three finals. What are your plans?" Jiang Hai asked.

As a competition show, it must be more critical at the end, and more people will pay attention to it at the end. As the chief screenwriter, the script of the short drama produced by the other party must naturally be more exciting.

After all, the facts have proved that in this show, the script is more important than the stars.

If you change the actors, there will still be many viewers who will watch this show, but if the script is not good, the audience will give up the show immediately, and the ratings are the best proof.

"I've already started working on the six-in-three script, so there shouldn't be any problem. As for the finals, the contestants will write, direct and act on their own, which has nothing to do with me as the chief screenwriter." Xu Jie said with a smile.

The previous scripts were all selected from the screenwriting group, but this time the six-in-three script was written by him himself. From "Delicious History" to "Crossover Actor", the short play script has always been his favorite. He is good at it, so in terms of content, it is absolutely guaranteed.

"Good! Good!" Jiang Hailian said two words "good", then nodded and said: "You write it, the plot will definitely not be bad."

After chatting for a while, Feng Lin came out of the kitchen, looked at Jiang Hai and said, "Lao Jiang, dinner is ready, come over to eat with Xiao Xu, and chat while eating."

"Understood." Jiang Hai stood up from the sofa, pulled Xu Jie and walked towards the restaurant, bragging for his wife as he walked, "Xiao Xu, your sister-in-law's cooking skills are quite good, you must have a meal later. Eat more."

When Xu Jie came to the restaurant, he saw six dishes on the table. Although there were not many dishes, they looked quite good.

"Director, where is the child? Have dinner together?" Xu Jie asked.

"Go to her grandma's house." Jiang Hai said, then took out a bottle of Moutai from the wine cabinet, poured a glass for Xu Jie himself, then raised the glass and said: "Xiao Xu, we have known each other for so long, you are still the first Come to my house next time? Come on, let's go one, and come here often when we have nothing to do."

Without hesitation, Xu Jie picked up the wine glass with both hands, touched the wine glass in Director Jiang's hand, and said, "Thank you Director and sister-in-law for your hospitality!" After speaking, he raised his head and drank it down.

There are many people who know Director Jiang in the unit. In the art program center alone, most people have known Director Jiang longer than he has known Director Jiang, but they were able to receive Director Jiang's invitation to come to Director Jiang's house There are probably only a handful of people who eat inside.

Therefore, this wine must be drunk, otherwise, one would be ignorant of good and bad, and of flattery.

"Come on, Xiao Xu, eat vegetables. I don't know what you like to eat, so I just made a few home-cooked dishes casually. Don't think it's not delicious." Feng Lin said with a smile.

"Sister-in-law, the director has just said that your cooking skills are quite good, and what the director said must not be wrong." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

There is an old saying: If you want to keep a man's heart, you must first keep his stomach.

As a small program director, he often receives advances from some actresses, not to mention the director of the cultural program center, he must have received more temptations.

But under such circumstances, he had never heard of Director Jiang's style problems in the stage. He thought that this group leader Feng must be a skilled husband and has something in his hand.

Xu Jie picked up a piece of stir-fried broccoli with his chopsticks. The appearance was emerald green, and it tasted crisp and refreshing. It may seem like a very simple home-cooked dish, but the heat was well controlled, otherwise the broccoli would take a long time to cook It's too bad, it's not delicious if it's rotten, the cooking time is short, and it tastes raw if it's not cooked.

"Crisp and refreshing, moderately salty, better than those made in restaurants outside." Xu Jie boasted.

A few days ago, I lived in the hotel for more than a month, and I ate broccoli, stir-fried, and cold salad, and this dish was often made in the canteen of the unit, so he still had a great say.

"Really? If it's delicious, eat more." Feng Lin said.

"Yeah." Xu Jie was not polite, and kept stuffing it into his mouth. Ever since Su Yun went out to film, he hadn't eaten this kind of home-cooked food for a long time.

Although he knows everything by himself, he always feels that it is not worth it to start a fire by himself. It is better to eat something outside to save trouble.

"Bring it to Su Yun next time." Feng Lin said again.

"Okay." Xu Jie nodded.

"By the way, you and Su Yun have been married for a year and a half, right? Have you thought about when you will have a child?" Feng Lin asked.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, wanting a child?It's like never thinking about it.

Firstly, it hasn't been long since the two really established a relationship, and they are still in the stage of newlyweds; secondly, Su Yun is in the second spring of her career and has no time; thirdly, it is easy for a female star to be cold when she gets married, and it is even easier to be cold after giving birth.

"The two of us haven't had enough of the world, and we plan to talk about it in a few years." Xu Jie replied.

"Yes, play for two more years, anyway, you are still young, don't worry." Jiang Hai said.

"You don't worry about anything." After Feng Lin finished talking about her husband, she turned to Xu Jie and said, "Xiao Xu, Lao Jiang is good at everything, but he is lazy. He can use others to do it, and he will never do it himself. You must be very tired working under him, right? Are you asked to do everything? "

"No, the director is giving me a chance." Xu Jie said after hearing it, knowing her husband, Mo Ruo's wife, she was right.

"Honey, it's called hard work for those who are capable. Even if others want to help me, I don't need it. Only Xiao Xu has that ability." Jiang Hai said while eating.

Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang, and then at Team Leader Feng. The two of them sang together, is there something wrong?

Could it be that Director Jiang dragged him back to be the chief screenwriter and added another job to him, and felt sorry for him, so he deliberately invited him to dinner to show comfort?
Just when Xu Jie was thinking this way, Director Jiang who was opposite him suddenly sighed.

"Well, even if you want to use Xiao Xu in the future, I'm afraid you won't be able to use it."


Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, what he said, why does it feel like one of them is going to die?
"Director, where do you start with this? I am your soldier. If you have any work, just arrange it, and I will work hard to complete it." Xu Jie said seriously.

"You are my soldier now, but it doesn't mean you will be my soldier all your life. Haven't you heard of it? There is no banquet in the world that lasts forever." Jiang Hai picked up his glass and took a sip of mulled wine.

Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang strangely, and was completely overwhelmed by the other party.

As soon as he sat down to eat, Director Jiang said that there is no permanent show in the world. Is this an order to evict guests?

I can't!

Didn't the director invite him to dinner tonight?
Inviting him and then rejecting him, is this teasing him?

No, something must have happened.

"Director, have you heard the news of some transfer from above?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously. If it wasn't a job transfer, why did he suddenly invite him to dinner and talk about parting?

"It's not the transfer from above, but I want to transfer it myself." Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie and said.


Xu Jie was stunned.

The good director of the art program center is inappropriate and wants to be transferred?Is there a better job than this director?
It seems that there are people in the positions of directors of other program centers, and the deputy editor-in-chief at the top has not heard of anyone leaving.

"Director, where do you want to be transferred?" Xu Jie asked.

"Old Yu of Jingshi Culture is going to change jobs. After he leaves, the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture will be vacant," Jiang Hai said.

Older than?

Wider than total?
Xu Jie was a little surprised. Because of the new variety show, he had dealt with Mr. Yu a lot, but he had never heard of it from the other party, nor had he been mentioned by anyone from Beijing TV Culture.

too suddenly!

You must know that Beijing Television Culture is an important industry of Beijing Radio and Television Station. As the old saying goes: relying on a big tree can enjoy the shade, and with Beijing Radio and Television Station as the backing, Beijing Television Culture has been developing very well. How could Mr. Yu think of changing jobs?That position is in the Beijing Radio and Television System, but it is the existence of the feudal officials and princes.

However, Xu Jie also remembered that Director Jiang once said that although the big officials in Fengjiang are good, they are far from the center of power, so they have never envied Mr. Feng of Zonghe and New Era Media.

Why do you want to go to Jingshi Culture now?

"Why?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.

"I have been working as the director of the art program center for many years, but with the current situation in the station, it is impossible to go up in a short time, so I want to go to Jingshi Culture to change In the new environment, there may be new opportunities. Secondly, Jingshi Culture is an enterprise, so I want to study enterprise management. When I retire in the future, I can start my own company or something, so I can have some experience." Jiang Hai explained.

Although there are still more than ten years before retirement, he has to think about his retirement in advance.

Especially at his current age, it is very embarrassing. If you can't take a step forward, don't look at your current wealth and strength, but in five or eight years, you will arrange a idle job and wait for retirement to give other Comrades make way.

The current situation in the station, Lao Lu is about the same age as him, and he has just been promoted to deputy editor-in-chief, and the director of the satellite TV program center is also held by the other party. This position will definitely not be vacant for a while.

In addition, there is Zhou Zhengliang, the deputy editor-in-chief in charge of the Arts, Life, Sports and Youth Program Center.

Although the other party is a few years older than him, but with his current resume, which has only worked in a cultural program center, he may not be qualified for this position. If he is transferred to another program center for a few years, his age will not matter at that time Advantage.

So after much deliberation, coupled with my wife's opinions and suggestions, I finally made this decision.

And this opportunity is very rare, if Lao Yu didn't want to change jobs, he wouldn't have such an opportunity.

After retirement, I will start my own film and television media company, and with the help of contacts I have accumulated over the years, it will be absolutely easy to earn tens of millions a year, which is much more than I am earning now.

The chopsticks in Xu Jie's hand stopped. Director Jiang was able to say these words to him today, which showed that he did not treat him as an outsider at all. However, what surprised him was that Director Jiang was usually careless. Prepared.

"Have you decided?" Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang and asked.

"Yes." Jiang Hai nodded.

"When are we leaving?" Xu Jie continued to ask.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to talk to Lao Lu about this matter. If there are no accidents, it will only take a month or two, after "Crossover Actor" is over." Jiang Hai said.

Xu Jie fell silent after hearing this.

Director Jiang suddenly said that he wanted to leave, and he felt somewhat uncomfortable.

He can achieve what he is now, largely because of the trust and support of the other party. Without the other party, he would not be where he is now.

And after he joined the art program center, although he had a lot of work, the other party took good care of him. He was the first person who thought of him when something good happened, such as advanced collectives, advanced individuals, and the current position of deputy director...

After a while, Xu Jie raised his glass and said to Director Jiang seriously: "Director, thank you for taking care of me all the time, I respect you."

"Okay." Jiang Hai picked up the wine glass.

When the two cups collide, they are both drank in one gulp.

Jiang Hai put down his wine glass, and suddenly asked: "Xiao Xu, do you want to go outside to exercise with me?"

"Ah?" Xu Jie was stunned.

He never thought of leaving Beijing TV Station, let alone that the other party would invite him to Beijing TV Culture.

Well, that should be the real purpose of tonight's meal.

"If you are willing to go to Jingshi Culture, the deputy general manager is yours." Jiang Hai said.

Although the higher-ups didn't know that Yu Kuan was going to change jobs, nor had he been formally appointed, but he was confident in the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture.

Firstly, he has many years of relevant experience in the production of variety shows and evening parties, as well as the management of media resources, as well as the planning of large-scale events and film and television programs. There is no other person in the entire Beijing TV station.

Secondly, as soon as he leaves, the director of the art program center will be vacated. The importance of this position is definitely not inferior to that of the general manager of Jingshi Culture.

Xu Jie lowered his head, looked at the empty wine glass in front of him, and seriously considered Director Jiang's invitation.

To be honest, he is very happy to work under Director Jiang. There is an old saying: Maxima is common, but Bole is not.

But if he left Beijing TV Station, his help to Su Yun would probably be greatly reduced.

Although Beijing TV Culture is the industry of Beijing Radio and Television Station, its influence is far less than that of Beijing TV Station.

Maybe he will earn more money in a company like Jingshi Culture, but is money important to him?It doesn't matter, what he needs is power, influence, and resources.

Of these three, Beijing TV Station can satisfy him, but Beijing Television Culture cannot satisfy him.

But the reason why he would consider it was the most important point. When Director Jiang left, a new director would come. Would the new director support him like Director Jiang and value him?This is an unknown.

After all, whether it is "Delicious History", or "In-depth Film and Television Talk", including "Crossover Actors", or even the new variety show, these are all programs produced by Director Jiang when he was there, and the new director needs new programs to make achievements. He and his program will definitely not be as supportive as Director Jiang.

Feng Lin could see that Xu Jie was hesitating, and hesitating meant that he could fight for it.

So she stretched out her foot under the table and lightly kicked her husband next to her, signaling to him to persuade him, don't wait for him to make a decision, sometimes the allure of a position is not as great as human favor.

Jiang Hai knew what his wife meant, but he looked embarrassed and couldn't open his mouth.

He really wanted to take Xu Jie away and let the other party work with him. With this capable man, he is not afraid that he will not be able to achieve results when he arrives at Jingshi Culture.

But he is very clear that Beijing Television Culture is a small temple, how can it compare to Beijing TV Station?

What's more, the other party is so young, has excellent work ability, and has a bright future. In the future, he will definitely climb to a higher position than he is now.

He went to Jingshi Culture to study and find opportunities, but if the other party went to Jingshi Culture, it would be a bit self-destructive.

Feng Lin was on the sidelines worrying for her husband.

In fact, the reason why my husband has full confidence in the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture is that in the past year or so, the cultural and art program center has produced many excellent programs and excellent evening parties. Things, and the reason why her husband was able to get extra points, Xiao Xu in front of him can be said to be indispensable.

If Xiao Xu goes, my husband may have a chance to return to Beijing TV Station in the future and take a big step forward successfully, but if Xiao Xu doesn't go, my husband really can only plan for retirement.

"Xiao Xu, what do you think, just say it, we are not outsiders." Feng Lin couldn't help but said.

Xu Jie looked up at Team Leader Feng, and then at Director Jiang, both of them were full of anticipation.

Obviously, the two wanted him to go to Jingshi Culture, otherwise they would not have invited him to their house for dinner.

Xu Jie thought about it for a while, and then he said, "Since the director and sister-in-law didn't regard me as an outsider, I'll just say it straight. In fact, the reason why I joined the art program center was for my wife. The center can provide her with some opportunities and resources, if she leaves Beijing TV station..."

"Xiao Xu, you don't need to worry about this at all." Feng Lin said with a smile after hearing this: "You may not know enough about Jingshi culture. This is a diversified enterprise, such as variety shows, evening parties, large-scale events, film and television They all participate in the production of the program, and its partners are not only the Beijing TV Station, which is the controlling shareholder behind it, but also other TV stations, even Huaxia TV Station, so in terms of resources, it is definitely not inferior to the Beijing TV Station. You are at the Beijing TV Station, at most It is to let her appear on shows and evening parties, and at Beijing Television Culture, she can also participate in film and television programs, and has strong media resources to escort her..."

Feng Lin was eloquent, showing all the skills of the head of the broadcasting team of the radio station.

"Also, my family Lao Jiang has worked in Beijing TV Station for so many years. There is nothing to say about his connections. Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu have to give him face. Cooperation, so you will definitely not lack the resources of Beijing TV Station, and the radio stations on my side will spare no effort to help you."

"In the past, you only had the resource of Beijing TV Station, but in the future, you will have the three major resources of Beijing TV Culture, Radio Station and Beijing TV Station, which will help Su Yun even more."

Xu Jie thought about it carefully for a while, and what Team Leader Feng said was indeed reasonable, and Jingshi Culture is an enterprise of Beijing Radio and Television Station, even if he went, he would have the opportunity to return to Beijing Television Station in the future, after all, they are all one.

"Okay, I'll go!" Xu Jie nodded heavily.

Director Jiang and Team Leader Feng's kind invitation, how can he refuse?

"Really? You really decided?" Jiang Hai straightened up and leaned over, knocking down his chopsticks in excitement.

"Yeah." Xu Jie said with a smile: "It's comfortable to follow Director Jiang."

In a person's life, it is not easy to meet a good leader and a good Bole. The so-called: report to the king on the golden platform, and support the jade dragon to die for the king.

Without Director Jiang, he wouldn't be where he is today. Now that Director Jiang needs him, it's time to stand up and repay Director Jiang, and we will hang out with him in the future.

Xu Jie, deputy general manager of Jingshi Cultural Media Company...sounds good too.

"Okay, I didn't misread you!" Jiang Hai said happily.

Feng Lin immediately picked up the wine bottle and poured it for Xu Jie herself. When it was halfway through, it was gone, so she went to get another bottle of Moutai, filled it for Xu Jie, and then herself.

"Xiao Xu, I am very happy that you can agree. You are a kind and righteous person. My sister-in-law proposes a toast to you." Feng Lin lifted the wine glass.

"Sister-in-law, you are too polite. You have said that you are not an outsider, and you will have to trouble sister-in-law and Director Jiang to take care of you in the future. I should respect you." Xu Jie quickly picked up his wine glass.

"No, I must respect you. From now on, Lao Jiang will be your elder brother. Feel free to mention anything. As long as the two of us can do it, we will never say no." Feng Lin said seriously.

Xu Jie nodded. Unexpectedly, Team Leader Feng looked dignified and generous, but he was actually very heroic.

"Come on, cheers!"



(End of this chapter)

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