Chapter 545 No way!

on Monday.

Xu Jie came to the unit.

Although he had already decided to leave Beijing TV Station and follow Director Jiang to go to Beijing TV Culture Company to develop, but he did not become slack because of this. He still took his work seriously as usual and stood up for the last shift.

What's more, the two of them had to wait until the end of the second season of "Crossover Actor" before they could leave, and there were still about two months before that time. As the old saying goes: people leave their names, and geese leave their voices.Even if Xu Jie wants to leave, he still wants to leave a good name behind.

"Okay, that's the end of today's weekly meeting. Let's go back and convey the key points of this week's work." Jiang Hai stood up, packed up the documents, and walked out of the meeting room cheerfully.

Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang who was leaving. The other party still had his usual smile on his face, and he couldn't see anything unusual. If he hadn't gone to the director's house for dinner last night, it would be hard to think that Director Jiang would leave the TV station.

They are all old dramas!

Xu Jie left the conference room, but did not return to his office. Instead, he came to the work area and gathered the members of the "Ordinary Courage" program team together to chat about how the copywriting was going.

What he can't let go of now is this show.

The station has invested a lot of manpower, material and financial resources for this program, and the filming part has been completed, leaving only the post-production part, how can it be reasonable to leave half of it?
Isn't that a eunuch?
Therefore, Xu Jie plans to finish the production of the new variety show "Ordinary Courage" before leaving, which can be regarded as an explanation.

"Director Xu, didn't you say to give everyone a month to prepare the copy? Why do you have to check after a week?" Lu Zhanpeng asked with a bitter face.

Although the "Ordinary Courage" program group was temporarily disbanded, "Delicious History" is busy shooting for next month's program, and he has also re-entered the work of the cameraman of this program. After work, there are also Saturdays and Sundays. Didn’t we agree to give everyone time to recuperate?

In short, a thousand words and one sentence: the copy is not written. .

Of course, others are not much better.

Although I have started to write, the things I can write are really limited.

Some only wrote a beginning, and some only wrote an outline, and they were too embarrassed to take it out, for fear that Director Xu would be angry or be laughed at.

"This is not a review, nor is it to see how much you have written. It is simply to know from what angle you will write. If someone does not know where to start, we can discuss it together." Xu Jie explained.

Hearing Deputy Director Xu's words, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They thought it was an inspection work and were scared to death.

"Director Xu, I just started, and I don't know how it's written. I'll read it to everyone..." Li Li took out her own copy and began to read it.

At this moment, Xu Jie saw Director Jiang coming out of the office.

When the other party walked to the office area, he deliberately looked at him, nodded to him with a smile, and then walked outside the department.

Xu Jie knew that the other party was going to see Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

It's easy to leave the TV station.

But if he wants to be the general manager of Jingshi Culture, it needs the consent of the senior leadership of the TV station.

I don't know if Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu will support Director Jiang.


Jiang Hai came to the satellite TV program center and knocked on the door of Lao Lu's office.


"Come in!"

After Jiang Hai heard the voice, he opened the door and walked into the office.

"Old Jiang? Sit down quickly." Lu Hong pointed to the chair opposite.

Jiang Hai closed the door, walked over, and asked with a smile: "Editor Lu, what are you busy with?"

"Busy, but I still have time to receive you." Lu Hong said with a smile, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, just take a look." Jiang Hai said.

"Huh?" Lu Hong looked at Jiang Hai strangely, and asked with a smile, "Do you treat my place as a zoo? Come and leave whenever you want? What's the matter, tell me!"

He knew Lao Jiang well. The other party always went to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, and the way he smiled almost put it on his face.

Jiang Hai sat down, thought for a while and asked, "Editor Lu, what do you think of my work ability?"

Lu Hong was startled, and asked puzzledly: "Lao Jiang, what's wrong with you, why are you asking this question all of a sudden?"

"Don't ask so many questions, answer me." Jiang Hai urged.

"Your work ability is very strong. You have been in the art program center for so many years, and your achievements are obvious to all. You have also contributed so many wonderful programs and galas to satellite TV channels. Why do you ask this?" Lu Hong asked.

"Editor Lu, tell me, am I capable of serving as the general manager of Jingshi Culture?" Jiang Hai asked again.

Lu Hong was confused, not understanding what Lao Jiang meant.

Why did the other party suddenly miss the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture?Don't Lao Jiang and Lao Yu always wear a pair of trousers?Why are you poaching people's corners now?

"Lao Jiang, just speak up if you have anything to say, and don't play around with me." Lu Hong frowned and said, pretending to be impatient, and didn't want the other party to play around with him again.

Jiang Hai thought that he had to talk anyway, so he leaned forward, put his arms on the desk, and said in a low voice, "Old Yu is leaving, I want to go to his place."

"What?" Lu Hong was taken aback, with both surprise and doubt in his eyes, but after seeing Lao Jiang's mysterious appearance, he felt a little ridiculous, "Lao Jiang, where did you hear this news? Who told you?" Are you going to be transferred? How come I don't know?"

He is the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing Radio and Television Station. How could he not know about such an important matter?
"Let me tell you, you must never tell anyone else." Jiang Hai glanced back at the office door, and continued: "Old Yu told me that he was going to leave Jingshi Culture and go to a film and television culture company. The company and the treatment have already been negotiated, and I will talk to the above after a while."

"Really?" Lu Hong couldn't believe it.

Do not!
I can't believe it!
Lao Yu also worked for many years in Jingshi Culture Company before finally taking the position of general manager. He has only been sitting for a few years, how can he quit?

Yes, it is true that Jingshi Culture Company does not earn as much as those film and television culture companies in society, but Jingshi Culture is a company controlled by Jingcheng Radio and Television Station. As the old saying goes: leaning against a big tree is good for shade.How can those individual companies compare?

"Of course it's true. Old Yu told me himself, can I lie to you about such a big matter?" Jiang Hai said seriously.

Lu Hong looked at Lao Jiang, and it took him a while to digest it because of the sudden incident.

"Then why do you want to go to Jingshi Culture again? The TV station is so good and there are so many opportunities." Lu Hong said.

After Jiang Hai heard it, he thought to himself: There are too many farts, so many opportunities, can I leave?
Trees move to death, people move to life!
Of course, I think so, but I can't say so.

"I've been working in the art program center since I came to the TV station. After so many years, I'm a little tired and I don't have the passion for work anymore, so I want to change the environment." Jiang Hai said, this is his explanation to the outside world, as for the real thoughts , can only be hidden in the heart.

"Old Jiang, how old are you? Why do you suddenly want to be passionate about work?" Lu Hong asked with a smile.

"Recently, I read some articles about life in my spare time, and I was deeply touched... Don't ask so many questions, just say that I am qualified enough to be the general manager of Jingshi Culture?" Jiang Hai worried that he would reveal his secrets if he said too much. He still understands the truth that many things must be lost.

"Qualified is qualified, but I think it's a pity for you to go to Jingshi Culture. Why don't you think about it and discuss it with your wife when you go home?" Lu Hong asked.

He thought that he had enjoyed working with the other party for so many years. If the other party left, there would be one less person in the stage who could discuss matters with him.

"Why do you ask a woman about a man's affairs? I can make decisions about my own affairs." Jiang Hai said loudly, full of masculinity.

Lu Hong was slightly taken aback, thinking: When did Lao Jiang become so stubborn at home?Could it be that eating too much wolfberry?

Others don't know, but he knows very well that the other party is a strict wife and listens to the one at home in everything.

Well, it seems that it was discussed at home.

"Since you have made a decision, I will fight for you when the time comes to study in Taiwan, but I can't do it alone, you have to find a few more people." Lu Hong suggested.

The general manager of Jingshi Culture Company is not a small position. If Lao Yu leaves, there will definitely be many people staring at that position, and the more people who speak, the more confident he will be.

"I'll go to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou later." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

Lu Hong nodded, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou is a veteran in Taiwan, if the other party can also speak for Jiang Hai, there is great hope for this matter.

"By the way, I still have to bring someone there." Jiang Hai thought of Xu Jie.

"Who?" Lu Hong asked curiously.

I thought: job transfer, not travel, why do you still organize a group?

"Xu Jie!" Jiang Hai said.

"No way!" Lu Hong directly vetoed it without even thinking about it, and his tone was very resolute, not negotiable.

"Why?" Jiang Hai asked puzzled.

He wanted to say that Xiao Xu had agreed, but he swallowed the words again.

If he said so, it meant that he and Xu Jie were making small moves behind their backs, and it would inevitably make Lao Lu feel that he was the one who encouraged Xu Jie to leave together, and it would be him who was passive at that time.

"Why? Do you still need me to say?" Lu Hong rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "You count yourself, how many programs Xiao Xu has contributed to the TV channel now, if he leaves with you, those programs of his What should I do? What about the satellite TV channel?"

He can turn a blind eye to the matter of the art program center and Beijing Television Culture, but if it is related to the satellite TV channel, he, the director of the satellite TV program center, cannot sit idly by.

Xiao Xu has contributed many high-rated programs to Satellite TV, which is also the highlight of Beijing Satellite TV. If Xiao Xu leaves, Beijing Satellite TV will go back to before the revision?

Therefore, Lao Jiang can take anyone away, but he can take Xiao Xu away, no!

He also needs Xiao Xu!

(End of this chapter)

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