Chapter 546
"Xiao Xu's program can be handed over to other people. Isn't there a program group? You can just select from the group. You may not know that in the past two months, Xiao Xu has been busy with new variety shows and "Crossover" "Actor", such as "Delicious History" and "In-depth Film and Television Talk", are all completed by other people in the program group." Jiang Hai said to Lao Lu.

If Xiao Xu's departure really had a great impact on the satellite TV channel, he wouldn't say that to Lao Lu.

It was because he saw that those few programs could be completed independently without Xiao Xu these days, so he invited Xiao Xu to go with him.

"Old Jiang, aren't you talking nonsense with your eyes open? Xiao Xu is the lead actor of "Delicious History". Do you dare to say that his departure will have little impact on the show?" Lu Hong asked.

"Then change the leading role, the host of the show, the actor of the TV station's sequel, isn't this a common thing? Besides, you still plan to let Xiao Xu be the leading role of "Delicious" for the rest of your life?" Jiang Hai said after hearing it.

"Xiao Xu is the symbol of "Delicious History". If he leaves, his soul will be gone. Of course not." Lu Hong shook his head repeatedly.

Last year, Taili just awarded the honor of Advanced Collective to the "Delicious History" program group. If the program's ratings plummeted because of Xiao Xu's departure, wouldn't that be a shame to Taili?

"There is also our station's star variety show. Xiao Xu holds up half of the sky by himself. In the future, he will continue to be responsible. If he leaves, who will run our station's variety show?" Lu Hong asked again.

"Me! No, no, it's Xiao Xu." Jiang Hai smiled and explained: "You should know better than me that the main business of JingTV Culture is to produce large-scale variety shows and evening parties. Most of the star variety shows on our station are Cooperating with Beijing TV Culture, if Xiao Xu goes to Beijing TV Culture, I will specifically let him be in charge of the variety show, will it be the same as now?"

Lu Hong thought about it, and what he said seemed to make sense.


How can you shake yourself?

Xiao Xu is not only the pillar of variety shows in Taiwan, but also his lucky star. If Xiao Xu leaves, the lucky star will be gone, and he still wants to improve in the future.

"That won't work!" Lu Hong said with a serious expression: "There is no need to discuss this matter!"

"Old Lu, don't do this, you have to listen to Xiao Xu's personal opinion, right? Why don't we ask Xiao Xu? I respect his personal wishes..." Jiang Hai said.

Lu Hong stared at Lao Jiang intently, speaking to the other party, before coming here, he must have told Xiao Xu about Beijing Television Culture in the past.

"What's the question? He's from a TV station. He doesn't decide what job to do, but he has to follow the arrangement of his superiors. Lao Jiang, do you still have a little bit of organization and discipline?" Lu Hong said righteously. Said.

"That's a coincidence. I'm his superior. He listened to me and let me go." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

"I'm still his superior's superior." Lu Hong said angrily, then picked up a document from the table and pretended to read it.

Subtext: I have to work, you can go!
Playing a rogue in front of him is useless!

Jiang Hai felt so depressed!
He had already discussed it with Xiao Xu, and Xiao Xu had already agreed, but he got stuck at Lao Lu's place. Isn't this blocking his progress?
He looked at Lao Lu who was bowing his head, and suddenly stood up from the chair, leaning his upper body on the table, and said cheerfully: "I asked someone to get a pack of special Wuyi Dahongpao, do you want to try it?"

"No, I have." Lu Hong said blankly.

"I still have a bottle of Moutai that is more than 20 years old, don't you have this?" Jiang Hai tempted.

"I quit drinking!" Lu Hong said lightly.

"Quit drinking? No way? When did you quit?" Jiang Hai asked in surprise.

Those who work in their line of work often need to go out to socialize.

Quit drinking?how is this possible!

It's pretty good if you don't drink and go to the hospital.

"I just quit today." Lu Hong said.


When Jiang Hai saw that Lao Lu refused to enter, he scratched his head and scratched his head anxiously, walking up and down in the office, trying to think of a way, how to persuade Lao Lu to let him go.

Lu Hong raised his eyelids, glanced at Lao Jiang in the office, and couldn't help snorting in his heart. The tricks the other party used just now were all used by him to deal with the other party on weekdays, but now they are actually used on him. How can it be successful?

However, based on his understanding of Lao Jiang and the importance the other party attaches to Xiao Xu, he will definitely not let it go. He must stop the idea of ​​the other party taking Xiao Xu away.

He thought for a while, and then said: "Don't think about it, it's useless, you have to know, Xiao Xu is also famous with the director, so how about it, I will find a way for you to become the general manager of Jingshi Culture I'll do it for you, Xiao Xu won't go with you, if you insist on taking Xiao Xu away, then you can't go to Jingshi Culture either."

Jiang Hai stopped in his tracks and stared at Lu Hong with wide eyes. He didn't expect that the other party even used threats. It was so despicable.

Apart from his anger, he was also full of helplessness. After all, he really needed the help of Lao Lu to go to Jingshi Culture.

"All right!"

After thinking about it, he finally chose to compromise.

"I won't take Xiao Xu with me, I will leave the matter of going to Jingshi Culture to you." Jiang Hai said.

"That's right." Lu Hong raised his head and said with a smile, "Don't worry, as long as Yu Kuan resigns, the position of general manager of Jingshi Culture will be yours."

Jiang Hai didn't say anything after hearing this, and turned and left Lao Lu's office.

Although the other party promised to help him operate, he was not happy in his heart.

Without Xiao Xu, all he had to do to prepare for retirement when he went to Jingshi Culture.

Oh, wait a minute, how can I tell Xiao Xu?
This is a mess!

Arts program center.

Xu Jie is discussing the program with his colleagues in the program group.

Although it is discussed together, most of the time it is colleagues who are talking and he is listening, but his mind is no longer here.

He looked at the time for a while, and looked at the entrance of the department for a while, thinking: Why hasn't Director Jiang come back yet?Could it be that deputy editor-in-chief Lu doesn't want to help?

He can't help but he is planning to go to Jingshi Culture with Director Jiang to do a big job.

Last night when I went to bed, I dreamed that Jingshi Culture was going to make a TV series and invited Su Yun to be the heroine.

After more than half an hour, the door of the department opened, and Director Jiang walked in from the outside.

Xu Jie's eyes lit up, he sat up straight involuntarily, and cast a questioning look.

Jiang Hai met Xiao Xu's gaze, sighed secretly, winked at him, and then walked towards the office.

When Xu Jie saw it, his heart tightened. Seeing Director Jiang's downcast look, could it be that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu did not support Director Jiang?

"You guys talk first, I have something to do with the director." Xu Jie said to his colleagues, then stood up and walked to the director's office.

"Xiao Xu!"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind, and Xu Jie looked back, it turned out to be Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

Compared with Director Jiang's helpless look, deputy editor-in-chief Lu was all smiles, and those who didn't know thought it was the second spring.

what's the situation?
Xu Jie was completely confused.

In his thinking, Director Jiang's visit to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu would have two outcomes, either they would break up unhappy, or everyone would be happy, what if one is depressed and the other happy?

Xu Jie turned around, looked at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and asked, "Editor-in-Chief Lu, are you looking for me?"

"Well, come to my office." Lu Hong said with a smile, with an amiable attitude.

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment. Why did he call him to the office when he could solve it with just one phone call?

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the director's office. The most suitable place to go now should be Director Jiang's office.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Xu Jie agreed, but his feet didn't move.

He was waiting, waiting for deputy editor-in-chief Lu to return to his office first, so that he could go to Director Jiang and then go to the office of deputy editor-in-chief Lu.

Xu Jie thought the idea was great, but after standing there for a few seconds, it became a sand sculpture.

Why doesn't Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu leave?
Are you waiting for him to go with you?

Is this salary too high?
"Xiao Xu, let's go." Lu Hong said, waving at the same time.

"Oh." Xu Jie had no choice but to walk towards the other party after hearing it.

He cautiously followed Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, and since he didn't know what was going on with Director Jiang and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, he felt a little uneasy.

When he came to the office of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, as soon as he walked in, the other side closed the door behind him.

"Xiao Xu, sit down." Lu Hong pointed to the sofa beside him.

Xu Jie walked over to sit down, and then saw Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu pour a glass of water, put it on the coffee table, and pushed it in front of him.

He looked at the teacup with question marks in his head.

Are you so polite?
"Xiao Xu, how is your work doing recently? Is it going well?" Lu Hong asked, without any airs of leadership, as if the elders were caring about the younger generation.

"Very good." Xu Jie nodded.

"You have been the deputy director for half a year, how do you feel compared to before?" Lu Hong asked again, with concern on his face.

"There are more things to be busy with, and more responsibilities." Xu Jie responded copiously.

"Well, if you encounter any difficulties at work in the future, or if you have anything to do, feel free to come to me, don't be polite." Lu Hong said with a smile.

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Lu." Xu Jie thanked him, but his heart became more and more confused.

"You Director Jiang just found me and said that he wanted to go to Jingshi Culture Company, do you know?" Lu Hong suddenly changed the subject and talked about what happened just now.

"I know." Xu Jie didn't know what Director Jiang said, so he could only answer truthfully.

"After Director Jiang leaves, the position of Director of the Art Program Center will be vacant. In fact, I think you are very suitable. It's just that you have just been promoted to Deputy Director not long ago and lack leadership experience. You should practice in this position for a few more years. , the position of director will definitely be yours in the future." Lu Hong said very seriously.

Xu Jie was not happy when he heard it, but felt a "thump" in his heart, because from the words of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, he had already heard the result of Director Jiang's discussion with the other party.

Director Jiang will go to Jingshi Culture, but he will continue to stay at the TV station.

How did that happen?


(End of this chapter)

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