Chapter 547 Unhappy

Xu Jie left the office of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, quickly returned to the art program center, knocked on the door twice, and then pushed the door eagerly to enter.

When Jiang Hai saw the person coming in, he was neither angry nor surprised, as if he had been waiting for a long time, he pointed to the chair opposite and said, "Sit down."

Xu Jie walked quickly to Director Jiang, and asked with a puzzled look: "Director, what's the situation? Why did you go to Jingshi Culture, and I still stay here? Didn't we agree last night?"

He also made a lot of determination to go to Jingshi Culture Company, but now he is told that he can't go, and he wants to know what the problem is.

"Hey!" Jiang Hai sighed softly, then looked at Xu Jie and said, "Xiao Xu, I really want to take you away, otherwise I wouldn't tell anyone but you, but Lao Lu He disagreed with life and death, and even threatened me by refusing to agree to my going to Jingshi Culture, and there was nothing I could do about it.”

Xu Jie was taken aback. It turned out that the problem was with Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

"Why doesn't Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu agree?" Xu Jie asked strangely.

He is a member of the Arts Program Center. Director Jiang is in charge, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou is on top. What does he have to do with Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu?
"He said that you are the pillar of our variety show, and the satellite TV channel cannot do without you, and neither can he." Jiang Hai said.

He originally thought that Xu Jie would be the most difficult to convince. After all, the other party had just been promoted to deputy director, and his future in the TV station could be said to be bright.

However, he never thought that Xiao Xu agreed easily, but Cheng Yaojin came out halfway, and Lao Lu would come out to stop him.


Xu Jie froze for a moment, completely speechless.

I wanted to know where the problem was before, but now I have found the problem because he is so talented.

Xu Jie knew very well that as an employee of Beijing Radio and Television, he didn't have to decide where to go, but the leaders above had the final say. Although he would ask for his opinions, he had to work wherever the leaders asked him to work. where to work. .

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu is a high-level executive in the station, and he is in charge of the most important Beijing Satellite TV channel. What Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu said still has a certain weight in the station. If Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu disagrees, then he wants to go to JingTV Culture is impossible.

Go to Jingshi Culture after resigning?


Jingshi Culture is a company controlled by Jingcheng Radio and Television Station, and it also needs to listen to Jingcheng Radio and Television Station. When the leader of the station gives a transfer notice, he still has to obediently return to the TV station.

"Director, you're gone, what should I do?" Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang and asked, it seemed that the idea of ​​following Director Jiang to a big fight could not be realized.

"You can stay here first. After I get there, I will stabilize it first. I will think of a way after a while and see if I can find an opportunity." Jiang Hai comforted him.

But he also knew that this opportunity was hard to find, because as long as Lao Lu was around, it would be difficult for him to transfer Xiao Xu to Jingshi Culture. He valued Xiao Xu, so why didn't Lao Lu not?
Speaking of which, this old Lu has always wanted to transfer Xiao Xu to the satellite TV program center.

Xu Jie felt sad and didn't know what to say for a while.

Why doesn't he himself know that the hope of going to Jingshi Culture in the future is very slim?
Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu is against it now, will he not in the future?

Now he finally understands why deputy editor-in-chief Lu said those words before.

"Director, I'm going back." Xu Jie said.

"Yeah." Jiang Hai nodded, seeing that the other party was a little frustrated, so he said with a smile: "Xiao Xu, it's actually good for you to stay in the stage, there are many opportunities here, and you are so young, you will definitely have more opportunities than me in the future." future."

Xu Jie didn't say anything, turned and left the director's office.

Jiang Hai looked at Xiao Xu's back. Although the other party failed to go to Jingshi Culture with him, he was very relieved by the other party's attitude. He was not in vain before, and he was affectionate and righteous, not a white-eyed wolf.

Xu Jie returned to the office area and sat down among colleagues in the program group.

All the team members were discussing the copywriting. After seeing Director Xu's depressed look, they stopped the discussion immediately, showing curiosity and puzzlement one after another.

I was fine when I left just now, why did my mood turn sour after I went to the director's office?

Is there something wrong with the show?
"Director Xu, what's wrong with you?" Li Li asked.

"It's okay, you continue to discuss, I'm listening." Xu Jie said after hearing this, but the expression on his face didn't change at all, as if he was out of his mind.

Everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke.

The director of the show is not in the state, and they continue to discuss what the hell?
Seeing that everyone was silent, Xu Jie asked, "Is the discussion over? Go back and continue writing after the discussion."

Anyway, I won't be able to go to JingTV Culture, and there is no need to finish the new variety show within two months.

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he got up and walked towards his office, leaving everyone with confused faces behind.

"What's the situation?" Li Li looked at the person beside her and asked. It was the first time she had known Director Xu like this for so long. It was scary.

"I don't know." The others shook their heads.

If he knew, he wouldn't have stopped talking just now.


Xu Jie packed a few buns and took them home. This is his dinner today.

"Ring bell bell!"

The ringtone of the WeChat video call suddenly rang, and Xu Jie swiped the screen while eating buns.

"Hi, husband!" Su Yun's smiling face appeared on the phone screen.

Xu Jie thought the phone screen was too small, so he turned on the TV and projected the screen to the TV. On the 85-inch screen, Su Yun's profile picture instantly occupied half of the wall.

"Honey, what did you have for dinner tonight? Did you eat well?" Xu Jie asked with concern.

"Shrimp broccoli, tomatoes and eggs, rapeseed and shiitake mushrooms, and tofu." Su Yun reported the recipe for tonight, and at the same time took a picture of the dish in front of her with her mobile phone, and she knew it was her husband and wife video , Those who don’t know think it’s a live broadcast.

Xu Jie nodded. He has been to the film crew and knows that actors often can't eat on time. This is one of the reasons why he and Su Yun videoed during dinner time, just to supervise each other to finish their meal well.

"Why do you only eat buns?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie and asked.

"Isn't the steamed stuffed bun very good? It has staple food, vegetables and meat." Xu Jie said.

"Anyway, add two small stir-fries." Su Yun leaned closer to the screen at this moment, carefully sizing up Xu Jie with a pair of eyes.

But in front of Xu Jie, it felt like Su Yun was about to come out from the TV.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie asked.

"Did something happen?" Su Yun asked curiously.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, and said with a smile, "Where do you start with this?"

"You seem a little unhappy." Su Yun said.

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment, secretly feeling that a woman is a woman, the sixth sense is too strong, he can even see this, anyway, he looked at himself on the screen, and he didn't see anything unhappy.

Perhaps, this is the difference between actors and non-actors.

Su Yun was just guessing, but seeing Xu Jie's reaction, she immediately knew that she had guessed right, and hurriedly asked, "What can make our Director Xu unhappy?"

The last time she saw each other unhappy was a year and a half ago, on that snowy morning...

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just that there was a little accident at work." Xu Jie squeezed out a smile, not wanting to make the other party worry.

However, the more he behaved like this, the more worried Su Yun became.

Unhappy things can only be vented by speaking out. If you keep it in your heart, it will easily lead to problems.

"What's the accident, tell me." Su Yun straightened her body, pretending to be listening carefully.

Can a job make your husband unhappy?She has to listen.

In her heart, Xu Jie is extremely good at work, no matter what problems he encounters, he can solve them very well. How could accidents happen?
If something is really difficult, she can comfort her.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and the person sitting opposite the phone was not an outsider, but his wife, so he said, "This there no one else around you?"

Whether the matter is big or small, the key is that many people will be involved, such as Director Jiang and Mr. Yu. You must know that Mr. Yu has not resigned yet. If this matter gets out, it will not only affect the overall plan , It will also have an impact on Director Jiang's going to Jingshi Culture.

"No one, just me in the nanny's car." Su Yun said, seeing her husband's cautious look, it seems that something is not small.

After Xu Jie heard about it, he told the whole story about going to Director Jiang's house for dinner last night, and about Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's refusal to let him go to Jingshi Culture today.

In fact, he is also willing to work in a TV station. The problem is that he finally made up his mind to do something, but now he suddenly can't do it. Whoever it is, he will feel uncomfortable.

"So that's how it is." After hearing this, Su Yun showed a look of sudden realization, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I thought I encountered some difficulties before, but it turned out that the job was not transferred successfully.

From her point of view, this is nothing to worry about.

"Husband, you didn't succeed if you didn't go. I know that Director Jiang has been kind to you, but there is no banquet in the world, and you can't work under him for a lifetime. I also know that you went to Jingshi Culture to repay you." Director Jiang, even if you stay at the TV station, you can still repay him." Su Yun explained patiently.

"How to report?" Xu Jie asked.

"You think, the main business of Beijing TV Culture is the production of large-scale variety shows and evening parties. When you are in charge of variety shows in the future, you must cooperate with Director Jiang to make more wonderful variety shows and more wonderful performances. Isn't the party the same as reporting on Director Jiang? If you feel that the cooperation is not enough to highlight Director Jiang, then you can help in private, if you have any good ideas for variety shows, tell Director Jiang, isn't this also repayment?" Su Yun said.

Xu Jie nodded, and felt that what his wife said was also reasonable. Going to Jingshi Culture is an open gang, and you can help secretly at a TV station. Isn't it possible that you can't help if you are not in Jingshi Culture?Director Jiang is not like Yu Kuan. Yu Kuan went to another film and television company, but Jingshi Culture is owned by Beijing Radio and Television Station, and the two are still in the same system.

After thinking about this point, Xu Jie finally showed a relaxed smile on his face.

"You are right, I am too entangled."

Su Yun also laughed, Xu Jie was able to let go, so she was relieved.


(End of this chapter)

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