Chapter 548 Charm
The next day, Xu Jie came to work as usual, went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and then returned to his office to write the script for the second season of "Crossover Actors".

This is Director Jiang's last program before leaving the Art Program Center. He has to devote [-]% of his concentration and efforts to write more exciting short drama content and get a good rating. This can be regarded as seeing Director Jiang off. Bar.

During the whole day, except for going to the bathroom a few times in the middle, Xu Jie stayed in the office at other times, and even made lunch in the office casually, devoting himself to the creative mode.

And his abnormality also attracted the attention of many people.

As the end of get off work approached, everyone discussed in a low voice while clearing the table.

"What's wrong with Director Xu today? It's too rare to lock yourself in the office for a whole day." Miao Zhenzhen said to the colleagues beside her.

In her heart, Director Xu is not a person who likes to stay in the office, but likes to discuss the program with everyone and make some suggestions for the program, but today, it's like a different person.

"Yes, and the expression is very serious." Zhang Tong said quietly.

"Do you think it has something to do with yesterday's incident? Ever since Director Xu came out of Director Jiang's office yesterday, he has been out of his mind, and today he is mysterious. Something must be happening." Xiao Wei guessed.

Hearing this, a question popped up in everyone's mind: What is it?
When it was time to get off work in the evening, colleagues in the department left one after another, leaving only some people who needed to be on duty tonight. .

After more than half an hour, Xu Jie came out of the office, but instead of going home, he went to the cafeteria to eat.

"Ring bell bell!"

Wechat video is connected.

"Honey, where are you?" Su Yun asked curiously, looking at her back, she was not at home.

"The work canteen, I'm going to go home after dinner today." Xu Jie said while pointing the phone camera at the canteen to take a picture.

"Well, it's good. It's better than going home to eat buns last night." Su Yun said with a smile: "By the way, I have some good news for you. If there are no accidents, I will be able to return to the capital this weekend."

"Really?" Xu Jie's eyes lit up, but then he realized that the movie could not be finished so quickly, so he asked, "How long can I stay this time?"

"A little more than a month, then shoot another month in July and another month in October, and the movie will be finished." Su Yun said.

The scenery of the four seasons needs to be presented in the movie, and director Xu Shenghua has very high requirements for the shooting of the movie, and must use real scenery, so the shooting time is also very long.

Such a situation is normal in filmmaking, and it is not surprising that some films are made for two or three years.

"Just come back." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"After I go back, I will cook for you every day, so you don't have to eat out. Let me tell you, recently I often read recipes in my spare time, and I will show you my hand when I go back." Su Yun confidently Said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Xu Jie said with a smile.

What he wants to see is more than showing off?
And showing off...

Xu Jie and Su Yun chatted for a while, and the video ended when both of them had finished their dinner.

However, Xu Jie did not go home after eating as he told Su Yun, but returned to the office and continued to create during the day.

For him, going home is also a person, and he continues to write when he goes home. Since it is the same at work and at home, why should he go home?
It's better to save some time and gas money, anyway, there is a folding bed in the office.

the next day.

Xu Jie went to the bathroom to wash his face, shaved his beard, and then went to the cafeteria to eat.

"Xu Jie, you didn't come home last night?" Qin Yan sat across from Xu Jie with a plate, her eyes revealed doubts, she seemed to remember that the other party was on duty tonight.

"How do you know?" Xu Jie asked.

"I haven't changed my clothes, it's still the same as yesterday." Qin Yan said.

Xu Jie looked down, and it turned out that he thought the other party could read minds.

"I was a bit busy with work, and it was too late when I was done, so I didn't bother to go home and just made do with the night in the office." Xu Jie explained.

"Su Yun hasn't come back yet?" Qin Yan asked.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

Qin Yan looked at Xu Jie sympathetically, he was the object of envy and jealousy of every man in the stage, and the reality of marrying a star and getting together less and more divorced was very cruel.

"By the way, what's the matter with you these two days? It feels weird." Qin Yan recalled the discussions of her colleagues, and she also felt that the other party seemed to have something on her mind.

"It's okay." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Then tell me, what happened in the director's office the day before yesterday? Why did you lose your mind after you came out?" Qin Yan asked.

She doesn't care about other departments, and she can't care about them, but in the art program center, there can't be things that she, Qin Yan, doesn't know.

"Did you see it? Is it so obvious?" Xu Jie asked in surprise.

"Of course, not only I saw it, but everyone in the department saw it." Qin Yan said, thinking: Sure enough, something happened.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, Qin Yan didn't say anything, he hadn't noticed yet, it seemed that he was still too young, and his acting skills needed a lot of training.

"What else can make me depressed? Of course it's about work, otherwise why did I stay here and work overtime last night? Sigh!" After Xu Jie finished speaking, he sighed pretendingly.

Qin Yan showed an expression of "So that's it".

She didn't have too much doubt about Xu Jie's answer. After all, the other party did have a lot of work. In addition to acting as the director of three programs and one program as the chief screenwriter, she was also responsible for reviewing other programs in the department. Just the sound of it makes me feel out of breath.

She reached out and patted the other person's shoulder, encouraging her: "Come on, deputy director, you have to remember that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and the greater the responsibility, the more work."


Xu Jie returned to the office after breakfast and started a new day of work.

More and more people are seeing Director Xu's changes, especially seeing that Director Xu is working so hard, and other people dare not go to work to fish, and the working atmosphere of the entire department has been mobilized.

In a blink of an eye, it was Friday, and it was the recording day of "Crossover Actor".

Xu Jie came to the Grand Theater early in the morning to speak for the assistant actors.

In the past few times, he only regarded himself as a bastard in the show, and he didn't pay too much attention to everything. After all, he was only the chief screenwriter, but today, he is not only serious and responsible, but also dedicated to it. He is completely the number one in "Crossover Actor" season status.

Xu Jie walked out from the first rehearsal room and went to the second rehearsal room. Behind him, the assistant actors who had just received guidance started talking.

"Director Xu today is different from before," said a male assistant.

"Well, so serious, so handsome!" said the female assistant on the side.

"A man is most attractive when he concentrates on doing one thing. I know why Su Yun married Director Xu. She must have been fascinated by Director Xu's concentration." Another female assistant said .

"It would be great if my future boyfriend could be like Director Xu." The former female assistant became a nympho.

Tang Fei, who was on the side, felt lost when she heard what the female assistants said, but as the man's former girlfriend, she could also feel Xu Jie's difference today.

Just like what the female assistant said, a man is the most attractive when he is focused on doing one thing. She was so fascinated just now that she even lost her mind.

The man is more attractive than before.

It's just that that man is someone else's husband now and no longer belongs to her.

Like the actors, the camera team also felt the changes in Director Xu.

Because in the previous episodes, Director Xu was only responsible for guiding the assistants, but today, Director Xu also gave them a lot of suggestions, such as what kind of shots to shoot more, which rehearsal link is the key, and so on.

The whole morning passed quickly, and under the waiting of countless live audiences, the recording of the program officially started.

Xu Jie was still standing in the background, but he talked a lot more than usual.

"The lights shouldn't be so bright..."

"Don't lower the curtain so quickly, but slowly, to give the audience some time to reflect..."

"The cameraman in camera position 3 should not move around. If you dangle in that position, it will affect the concentration and performance status of the actors...

"The host don't come on so fast, let the actors enjoy the applause for a while..."

Xu Jie kept talking on the walkie-talkie, from the front of the stage to behind the scenes, there was nothing he could not control, which completely exceeded the duties of the chief screenwriter, and looked more like the chief director of the show.

However, no one disobeyed Director Xu's orders, and everyone obeyed them one by one.

For one thing, he is the deputy director of the Arts Program Center, and his position is here. The subordinates follow the orders of the superiors, and there is nothing wrong with them.

Secondly, everyone came over from the first season. In the first season, Director Xu commanded them in this way, so Xu Jie is giving orders now. The feeling of the first season.

Three, the return of Xu Jie has improved the ratings of the second season of "Crossover Actor", which has made the ratings of this show rise steadily, and returned to the explosive period of the first season. Therefore, everyone knows that Director Xu Everyone will listen to Director Xu's orders.

And the most important point is that the chief director Jiang Hai said that today the audience listened to the director Xu's director's command, so Xu Jie's behavior did not cross the line, he was just exercising the power given by the chief director.

The reason why Jiang Hai said this is because he saw Xu Jie's thoughts and knew that the other party wanted to leave him a perfect curtain call ceremony before he left, and the second season of "Crossover Actor" is undoubtedly the best stage .

The second season of "Crossover Actor" has a perfect curtain call, and he can also retire and go to Beijing Television Culture to take up his post.

As he got closer to going to Jingshi Culture, he became more and more reluctant.

"Old Lu, old Lu, I really want to strangle you to death!"


(End of this chapter)

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