Chapter 549

Beijing TV Grand Theater.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

Applause resounded throughout the program recording site.

This was the warmest applause since the recording of the second season of "Crossover Actor", and after the host announced the end of the show, the audience was even more reluctant to leave for a long time.

Today's show is really exciting!

The actors are focused, the judges are sharp, and the rhythm of the scene is so smooth that people forget that this is a recording program, and they think it is a live broadcast.

"Xiao Xu, you did a good job!" Jiang Hai came to the backstage to find Xu Jie, with a happy and gratified face, and at the same time thanked him for everything he had done.

"Actually, I didn't do anything." Xu Jie said after hearing that, he should be able to share Director Jiang's worries.

This is Director Jiang's last variety show at the Art Program Center, and he must not let the other party leave with regrets.

Jiang Hai stretched out his hand and patted Xu Jie's shoulder, without saying anything, everything was kept silent.

After a long time, all the audience left.

Xu Jie greeted Director Jiang and went to the cafeteria for dinner.

While eating, he looked at his watch, and did not make a video call with Su Yun as usual. The reason for this was not that he was late for dinner, nor was there any awkwardness, but that he knew that Su Yun was in Yiwu at this time. On the flight back to Beijing. .


Su Yun will return from Hengdian tonight.

He looked at his watch to calculate the time and avoid being too late to pick up the airport. Because today is Friday, there must be a traffic jam at night, so he simply took a few mouthfuls of food, left the unit, and drove to the airport.

The reality was just as he had imagined. Not long after he drove out, there was a traffic jam. He stopped and stopped on the road and drove for more than ten minutes per kilometer. Fortunately, he had the foresight to set off a while earlier, otherwise he would have to be late.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, the phone's incoming music suddenly rang.

Xu Jie's first reaction was that Su Yun had arrived, but then he thought that even if the flight was ahead of schedule, it would be impossible to advance an hour, so he took out his mobile phone from his pocket while the traffic jam was in progress, and a series of numbers were displayed on the screen. number, he put on the headset and connected the phone.


"Hello, is this Xu Jie's brother-in-law?" A man's voice came from the microphone.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, brother-in-law?Doesn't Su Yun only have one younger brother?

Who carelessly recognized relatives to take advantage of him?

But being able to say his name accurately, it is obvious that he and Su Yun are known.

"You are……?"

"Brother-in-law, I'm Zhang Qi, Su Yun's second brother, we met during Chinese New Year."

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, of course he remembered Zhang Qi, wasn't he the son of his mother-in-law and second elder brother's family?It's just that he didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to call him.

"It turned out to be the second brother." Xu Jie said with a smile: "I don't know what the second brother is looking for me? Is it playing mahjong?"

"Cough, no." Zhang Qi remembered the money he lost playing mahjong with the other party for the first time, and now thinking about it, he still feels a little distressed, "It's like this, remember when I told you and Xiaoyun during the Chinese New Year that I was going to open a restaurant something?"

"Well, I have a little impression, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked while driving.

"The restaurant opens tomorrow. It's near Gongti. It's called Xinqiji. I called Xiaoyun just now, but I couldn't get through. No, I can only call you. Tell Xiaoyun that you must come over tomorrow to join us. It would be even better if we could invite some celebrity friends." Zhang Qi said with a smile.

Xu Jie frowned when he heard it, opening tomorrow and notifying tonight?

Although tomorrow is Saturday, isn't this too sudden?It directly disrupted his original plan to have an in-depth exchange with Su Yun about Chinese Tang poetry and Russian games.

At this time, a car came obliquely from the side, and if he hadn't had quick eyesight and quick feet, he would have almost loaded it, and he was so angry that he yelled: "Shabby, will you drive, will you turn on the turn signal in advance? "


Zhang Qi on the other side of the phone was dumbfounded.

Is this scolding him?

Xu Jie honked the horn a few times to express his dissatisfaction. If he hadn't gone to the airport to pick up Su Yun, he would never step on the car because of the behavior of the car in front of him just now.

"Brother-in-law, are you driving?" Zhang Qi asked.

"Well, I went to the airport to pick up Su Yun, and I met someone who stuck in my car." Xu Jie said angrily.

"Oh!" Zhang Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

I see, did you think you were alluding to him?

"Second brother, I will tell my wife what you said just now, but she is busy filming these days, so I don't know if she can go." Xu Jie said.

He didn't know Su Yun's schedule, so he couldn't make decisions for the other party. After all, besides filming, the other party had other work to do.

As far as he knows, when Su Yun returns to the capital this time, in addition to shooting the cover of the magazine, she also has to attend some endorsement activities. Returning to the capital does not mean taking a break, but will spend more time at home than filming outside. That's all.

"Don't tell me, why don't you come, even if you find time to show up, we are all real relatives!" Zhang Qi said anxiously.

Tomorrow's restaurant will open, although many people have been invited, but there are not many who have real social influence. He also hopes that his sister and brother-in-law, who are celebrities, can help promote a wave of publicity, increase some popularity for the restaurant, and attract some celebrities and friends. When fans come to the store to spend, he even has already found a reporter. If his sister and brother-in-law don't come, wouldn't it be a lot of attention?
After hearing Zhang Qi's words, Xu Jie couldn't help sneering in his heart.

Really relative?

When you spoke coldly to the Su family back then, why didn't you treat them as real relatives?
Love when you need it, and abandon it when you don't need it?

"Fight for it." Xu Jie replied ambiguously, whether to go or not depends on Su Yun's intentions, anyway, he has time.

"I also invited my aunt and uncle, and they will come too." Zhang Qi continued.

In fact, he didn't invite his aunt and uncle, but in order to invite his younger sister and brother-in-law, he decided to call his aunt later.

"Oh?" Xu Jie was taken aback.

If the father-in-law and mother-in-law go, then regardless of whether Su Yun has time tomorrow, he must go.

Zhang Qi's face may not be given, but he has to give his mother-in-law's face.

"You and Xiaoyun must come too. The chef I hired once worked in a Michelin restaurant, so it will definitely make your trip worthwhile!" Zhang Qi finally said.


call ended.

After an hour, Xu Jie finally arrived at the airport.

He looked at the flight information. Su Yun's flight had just arrived. He quickly came to the pick-up gate. Within a few minutes, he saw a familiar figure among the crowd.

"Wife!" Xu Jie waved at the figure. Although the figure was wearing a peaked cap and a mask, he recognized him at a glance.

Su Yun handed the luggage to Huang Xiaorong who was at the side, and then rushed towards Xu Jie quickly, and jumped into the man's arms.


She hugged the man tightly and smelled the familiar smell on him. At this moment, she felt unprecedented peace of mind and joy. Maybe this is called the harbor of happiness.

"Su Yun? It's Su Yun!"

I don't know who suddenly yelled, and then several young people with backpacks ran towards this side, some with pens and notebooks in their hands, and some with mobile phones and SLRs in their hands.

"Su Yun, can you sign for me?"

"Sister Su Yun, can you write your name on my clothes?"

"Sister Yun, Director Xu, can we take a photo together?"

Xu Jie let go of Su Yun, and looked at the fans around him in surprise. He was also wearing a peaked cap and a mask, but he didn't expect to recognize them.

Are these groupies all sharp-eyed?

Fortunately, he had encountered such scenes many times, and he was considered battle-tested, so he didn't feel flustered. He saw the right moment, and while the crowd was scattered, he pulled Su Yun and rushed out of the crowd, running towards the outside of the airport.

After a while there will be more people, and the three inner floors and the outer three floors will be surrounded, and they will not be able to escape even if they want to.

Just like that, Xu Jie and Su Yun ran ahead, and the fans chased after them.

Maybe seeing more and more people, Su Yun resorted to the old trick again.

"Liu Junkai is behind!"

"I also saw Jinlu."

"Shen Yifeng is also there."

Xu Jie looked back, using this trick before, the effect was still very obvious, but this time, the fans behind him did not decrease.

"There are many people!" Su Yun said while running, feeling very strange in her heart.

"This shows that you are more popular than these popular ones now, you are the most popular!" Xu Jie said with a smile.

The two kept running until they got into the car, and the fans stopped chasing.

Xu Jie used to read news reports that there were fans blocking celebrities at the airport, chasing them, and even blocking their cars. However, he never believed it, thinking that those people were hired for hype, but today he Finally believed.

"What about Huang Xiaorong?" Xu Jie looked at Su Yun, the co-pilot, and asked.

"It's okay, the studio sent a car here." Su Yun said after hearing it.

Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly started the car to leave this place of right and wrong.

On the road.

Xu Jie remembered Zhang Qi's phone call, so he said to Su Yun: "Zhang Qi called me, his restaurant will open tomorrow, let us go."

"After I got off the plane, I received several reminder calls, including Zhang Qi. I think he called me for this matter." Su Yun looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Do you think we should go? If we don't like to go, we won't go."

In fact, she didn't want to go, firstly, her relationship with Zhang Qi was not that good, and secondly, she had just returned to the capital, and was going to spend a few days with Xu Jie in their world, and she didn't want to be disturbed by other people.

"Go, listen to what he said, and invited your parents. If we don't go, your parents will definitely be run over by your second uncle and aunt." Xu Jie said after thinking for a while.

When inviting people, of course you will be polite, but when you can't invite people, there is no need to be polite.

Su Yun nodded, thinking that what Xu Jie said was right, she knew the people in the second uncle's family very well.

"Well, then let's go and kill him severely."


(End of this chapter)

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