Chapter 550

The sun penetrated into the room through the gaps in the curtains, shining on the faces of the two on the bed, warm.

Xu Jie and Su Yun hugged each other and slept soundly. They didn't know what sweet dreams they had, the corners of their mouths were slightly turned up, showing a smile.

Suddenly, an annoying mobile phone rang, waking them up from their sweet dreams.

Xu Jie turned over and continued to sleep. Su Yun got out of Xu Jie's arms, reached out to fetch the mobile phone from the bedside table, and frowned immediately after seeing the caller ID.

"Second brother, what's the matter?" Su Yun moved her body and rested her head on the man's arm. This position is very comfortable, and she might be able to catch up with the sweet dream just now.

"Xiaoyun, my aunt and uncle are already here, when will you arrive?" Zhang Qi asked anxiously.

"Where are you going?" Su Yun asked reflexively.

"Ah? Didn't my brother-in-law tell you? My restaurant opened today." Zhang Qi said after hearing it.

When Su Yun heard it, she woke up. She turned her head to look at the clock on the wall. It was already 10 o'clock. When she looked outside, it couldn't be brighter anymore. The sun was even dazzling.

"I know, he told me about it last night, but I just returned to the capital, and I still have a lot of work to do, so I can't go now, but second brother, don't worry, no matter how busy I am at work, I will take time to go to support at noon Yes." Su Yun said. .

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Zhang Qi said, and then hung up the phone.

Don't be afraid to come late, as long as you can come.

Come, the restaurant will have traffic!

Su Yun put the phone aside, then stretched out her hand to gently push Xu Jie beside her, and shouted, "Honey, wake up, it's time to get up."

"Don't worry, just sleep for a while." Xu Jie turned over and held Su Yun in his arms.

Warm fragrance and warm jade hug her bosom, gold, silver and treasure cannot be exchanged.

"It's 10 o'clock, and Zhang Qi's restaurant is open, we're still waiting for us to go there." Su Yun said in a low voice.

Xu Jie opened his eyes immediately after hearing it.

10 o'clock?

But thinking about last night, after exercising for so long, and going to bed late, it's normal to wake up so late.

The two quickly got up, took a shower, changed clothes, put on makeup, and finally drove away from home.

Xu Jie drove, and according to the location sent by Zhang Qi, he finally found the restaurant named "Xinqiji" in a shopping mall east of Gongti.

The exterior decoration of the restaurant is very simple, which is a very popular style now. There are flower baskets on both sides of the door, at least twenty or so.

When Xu Jie and Su Yun walked in, the decoration style inside was completely different from the outside, and it looked very elegant. Compared with the luxurious shopping malls, it seemed to have entered another world.

"Two customers, do you have an appointment?" The waiter stepped forward and asked, with a gentle voice and a generous demeanor. It was obvious that he was not a newcomer.

"No." Su Yun looked at Xu Jie beside her. Anyway, when Zhang Qi called her, he only asked them to come and didn't say anything else.

"Didn't your place just open today? What appointment?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"That's how it is, we Xinqiji..."

The waiter was about to explain when he saw Zhang Qi walking out from inside while looking at his watch.

When he saw Xu Jie and Su Yun, a smile appeared on his anxious face, like a chrysanthemum in full bloom, no, it was a chrysanthemum in full bloom, and he walked over quickly.

"Xiaoyun, brother-in-law, you are finally here." Zhang Qi said enthusiastically, and then looked behind the two of them. After seeing no one, his enthusiasm immediately lost half, and he asked suspiciously: "Is it just you two?" ?”

Su Yun was stunned for a moment, and asked puzzledly, "Didn't my parents come already?"

But Xu Jie understood what Zhang Qi meant right away. The other party was asking if he and Su Yun had brought celebrity friends over.

"Ah? Yes, yes, aunt and uncle are here, go in quickly." Zhang Qi was a little disappointed, but still pointed to the restaurant, and then led the way.

Su Yun looked around while walking, and said, "Second brother, your decoration here is not bad, it's very tasteful."

"Of course, this is designed by an interior designer I hired from abroad at a high price. Have you seen these materials? They are all imported from abroad." Zhang Qi said triumphantly.

"Do you cook Western food here?" Xu Jie asked.

"It's not traditional western food, nor traditional Chinese food. To be precise, it should be called fusion food. Brother-in-law, do you know what fusion food is?" Zhang Qi turned around and asked, with a bit of show in his eyes, subtext: you I don't know, I can tell you.

"I know, it's neither east nor west, neither local nor foreign, neither fish nor fowl." Xu Jie said.

The corner of Zhang Qi's mouth twitched, his expression froze. If he hadn't called to invite him himself, would he have thought that the other party was here to mess things up?

"Fusion cuisine is a fusion of Western food and Chinese cuisine, a creative dish formed by combining their respective characteristics. It has both the characteristics of Western food and the essence of Chinese cuisine." Zhang Qi explained.

"Look, I'm right." Xu Jie said to Su Yun beside him.

Su Yun smiled.

Zhang Qi was speechless.

I thought: What a bumpkin!
Under the leadership of Zhang Qi, Xu Jie came down to a private room, which was already full of people. In addition to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, there were also a lot of relatives of the Zhang family, uncles, aunts, aunts, uncles, young ones Among the generations, except for Zhang Ke and his wife who are working abroad, the rest came.

"Xiaoyun, your husband and wife made us wait a long time." The second aunt said in a tone, with a trace of displeasure on her face.

"There are so many people, we'll just wait for you and your husband." The aunt also said, quite fanciing.

Xu Jie looked at the dishes on the table, they had obviously been moved, can this be called waiting?
"Second aunt, you can't blame me and Su Yun for this matter. If you want to blame it, you can blame the second brother." Xu Jie knew that Su Yun was embarrassed to talk back, so he said: "Actually, we have been thinking about the second brother's opening of the restaurant, but the second brother Brother just called us last night. Wasn’t this a surprise attack? Originally, Yunyun was going to sign a contract with a brand today, but in order to support her second brother, she even turned down the signing. I don’t know if the brand will come Angry, it’s several million a year.”

Men, they can be wronged, but they must not let their women be wronged.

Besides, are they invited to dinner to cheer, or are they invited to be angry?
The second aunt's expression froze, and then she asked: "So, it's my Zhang Qi who delays Yunyun's earning a few million less?"

"Of course, but we are all relatives. What is a few million for the sake of supporting the second brother?" Xu Jie pulled Su Yun to the young man's table, looked at the other people present and asked, "Brothers! Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, I wonder when the second brother notified you? Was it also last night?"

Everyone was stunned. Speaking of this matter, Zhang Qi really didn't notify them last night. To be precise, he had already notified them a week ago, and even brought them here for a tour even earlier.

But can this be said?
can not say!
They have all seen this brother-in-law's mouth during the Chinese New Year, with iron teeth and copper teeth, who can speak well, he is simply a wife-protecting madman, for Su Yun, one person verbally fights all the elders, do they have that ability?


Not even that guts.

"Cough, we only received the notification yesterday." The eldest daughter of the aunt's family, Chen Na, said, "Xiaoyun, brother-in-law, come and move your chopsticks. Zhang Qi's food is really good, try it soon."

Zhang Qi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, big sister. My second brother told me when I came here that his dishes are neither local nor foreign." Xu Jie said with a smile.


All the people present were stunned. After recovering their senses, they all looked at Zhang Qi, as if they were asking: Did you say that?
Zhang Qi opened his big and small eyes with an innocent face: How could I say that?I am not stupid!

At this time, the second uncle who was sitting at the table with the elders said: "Xiao Xu, you have filmed so many food shows, you should know a lot about food, right? Try these dishes today and tell us about them?"

"My photos are all Chinese dishes, which are different from the ones here." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

He knew that his second uncle, Zhang Sisheng, was testing him, and by the way, he would give him a chance, but he would never give him this chance.

"Gourmet food is always inseparable from it." The second uncle said.

"According to what my second uncle said, you are the curator of the cultural center. Food culture is also culture. You should understand it better. You should tell everyone about these dishes. I won't play choppers in front of Guan Gong." Xu Jie said.


Zhang Sisheng was so choked, his old face flushed suddenly, and he felt like he was lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot.

Culture involves so many things that anything can form a culture.

Although he is the curator of the cultural center, he has a specialization in art. If you ask him about history, there is no problem, but if you ask him about food, he is not a gourmet.

When Zhang Qi saw his father's appearance, he immediately smoothed things over, and said with a smile: "I invited everyone here to try the dishes. Everyone eats the dishes. If you have any opinions and suggestions, just let me know."

Xu Jie didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, and his mother-in-law still has to give her face, so it's fine to stop.

He put a piece of meat in his mouth, and it tasted pretty good.

"Brother-in-law, how is it?" Zhang Qi came over and asked, the other party was his key treat today.

"That's right, it's better than the one made by the chef in my university cafeteria." Xu Jie said seriously.


Zhang Qi was speechless again. He said that he hired a chef who had worked in a Michelin restaurant. How could he compare with the chef in your university cafeteria?Is it comparable?

This person, did it on purpose?
"Brother-in-law, the chef here is recruited by Zhang Qi from a Michelin-starred restaurant. How can it compare with your university cafeteria?" Chen Na said with a smile.

"Sorry, this is my first time eating this kind of fusion food, I have never eaten it before, but it reminds me of the chefs in our university cafeteria, who often make some special things, such as fried tomatoes on moon cakes, scrambled eggs on Lantern Festival and so on. "Xu Jie said.


This time, the entire private room fell silent, and everyone was speechless.

Are the dishes the other party just mentioned a dish?

It's not a dish at all!

It was the dark cuisine of the university cafeteria.

Isn't it a curse to compare the dark cuisine with the dishes here?
Is this person here to try the dishes, or to spoil the show?


(End of this chapter)

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