Chapter 551 Aggressive!

"Eat vegetables, eat vegetables!" Zhang Qi smiled and pointed at the food on the table, trying to defuse the awkward atmosphere in the private room, and at the same time told himself in his heart: Don't be angry, today is the opening day of the restaurant, so don't be angry.

The relatives held their chopsticks but did not move for a long time. They were all disgusted by the "moon cake fried tomatoes" and "Yuanxiao fried eggs" just now.

At first, everyone thought that the dishes today were quite novel, but the chefs put a lot of effort into them, but when Su Yun's husband said that, they immediately felt that they were not delicious.

The line between being creative and messing around is inherently blurry.

If it comes from the hands of masters, messing around is also creativity; if it comes from the hands of grassroots, creativity is also messing around.

Is Su Yun's husband a master or a grassroots?
It's really hard to say.

Say he is a master, listen to what he just said, is it worthy?It is said that he is grassroots, and he also filmed a nationally-renowned gourmet program, which was not only broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV, but also on China TV.

Looking at the situation in the private room, Zhang Qi felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Forget it, it’s better to be out of sight.

"Let's eat, I'm going to receive other people. If you need anything, just tell the waiter outside that they are all from your own family. Don't be polite." Zhang Qi said and came to his parents, "Dad, Mom, please help me Everyone."

"Well, son, go get busy." Zhang Sisheng said. .

Zhang Qi nodded, and then walked out. The moment he closed the door, he breathed a sigh of relief and sighed in his heart: This brother-in-law is too protective of his wife. Isn't it too late for Xiaoyun to be despised by her elders? Are you open?

"Yo, Mr. Zhang, no, it should be called Boss Zhang now." Two passers-by saw Zhang Qi and walked over with a smile.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Liu, thank you for coming to join us today." Zhang Qi hurriedly said politely, and greeted the rich man with a smile.

Most of the people I invited today are customers I met in the restaurant where I worked before, so whether the restaurant's business will be good in the future depends on whether these people can come to frequent in the future.

"Is it over with thanks?"

"It's a great day for the opening. Boss Zhang should have a few more drinks. Let's go to our private room."

Zhang Qi was called to a climax by the sound of "Boss Zhang", and he said straightforwardly: "It was my negligence, and I will apologize to you two."

After speaking, he walked to another private room.

Xu Jie ate one bite after another, and during the process, he did not forget to pick up vegetables for Su Yun beside him.

He is really hungry.

Last night, I exercised for a long time, and my body was exhausted. In addition, I woke up late today and didn't eat breakfast, so I was already hungry. I wanted to eat everything I saw, even mooncakes with fried tomatoes.

To be honest, the taste of these dishes on the table is still good, but the amount of dishes is too small, and the plate looks quite big, but there is only a small pile in the middle, which is not enough for one person and one chopstick. When picking up the second chopstick, you have to think about it in your heart.

This kind of feeling is a bit like eating a banquet. There are only ten sea cucumbers in a plate. According to the head, there is one per person. If you want to eat another one, you have to endure it. But anyone who dares to eat two has social coercion.

As for the table in front of you, it's better to have a banquet. There are ten people, but there are five people. Is this because you want five people to eat for the other five people to see?
I didn't learn the good parts of western food, but I learned how to cut corners.

Of course, it cannot be said that this kind of dining experience is not good. After all, the previous emperors came here in this way. It is said that the emperor ate meals in order not to be known about his preferences and to avoid being poisoned. After eating with chopsticks, after a meal, there are still many dishes that have not been eaten, so it can only be said that Xu Jie cannot enjoy this kind of blessing.

"What do you think?" Su Yun asked in a low voice.

"The environment is very good and the taste is good." Xu Jie commented.

"Oh? Such a high evaluation?" Su Yun was a little surprised, that's not what the other party said just now.

"Your second brother's place is obviously for Michelin restaurants, so it's definitely not bad, but for me, I don't like it very much." Xu Jie said.

"Why?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"I like the feeling of drinking heavily and eating meat, but here is the kind of place where you need to taste one bite at a time, and you have to share several bites with a piece of meat. Of course, this is not the problem of the restaurant, but my problem." Xu Jie explained.

Su Yun nodded, and then asked, "Compared to Zhou's food?"

Xu Jie thought for a while and said, "Zhoujiacai is a place to eat, and this is a place to pretend to take photos and post them on Moments."

Su Yun couldn't help laughing.

"Xiaoyun, what are you two talking about so happily? Tell us to be happy too." Chen Na, who was opposite, said.

"It's nothing, let's talk about some work matters." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Xiaoyun..." The second aunt at the next table suddenly said, looked at Su Yun arrogantly and said, "Don't you know a lot of celebrities? In the future, introduce your second brother to those celebrities more, and bring them here. Anyway, I eat everywhere.”

"I know Second Aunt." Su Yun said.

Xu Jie frowned slightly. He hated the Zhang family's arrogant attitude. He was obviously asking for help, but the way he spoke sounded like he was giving orders.

You are awesome, don't beg for help!

Although they are elders, elders must also look like elders, otherwise how can they be respected?

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day. I think today is a good day." The aunt on the side said, "Didn't Zhang Qi invite a lot of people who are famous in the society today? Let Xiaoyun quickly hide and call some celebrities to come over." Let those people see."

"Well, sister-in-law is right." The second aunt turned to look at Su Yun after hearing this, and said, "Xiaoyun, call your celebrity friends, the more people there are, the better, this little thing is fine, right?" ?”


Su Yun was startled, and then a look of embarrassment appeared on her face.

Celebrities are not idlers, how could they be on call?

Besides, it was just a meal, and there was no major event, so he suddenly called someone to come over, it sounded like he was here to accompany him for dinner and drinks.

Seeing that Su Yun didn't move, the second aunt couldn't help frowning, and asked with a trace of dissatisfaction in her voice: "Why, are you unwilling to call, or are you unwilling to help your second brother do publicity here?"

"Second aunt, you misunderstood Su Yun." Xu Jie stepped forward and said with a smile: "Su Yun just heard that the first aunt said that there are many famous people here, and she is worried that the appearance of stars will attract fans. It disturbed the interest of those prestigious people, so I didn't call."

"Yeah." Su Yun nodded vigorously.

"It doesn't matter, those people won't care. There is an old saying: a prime minister can hold a boat in his belly." Second Aunt said.

"Whether you care or not, who can say it? These days, people know people, face but not heart." Xu Jieyu said earnestly, with a look of "I'm all for your own good" on his face, and continued: " Second aunt, you are not an insider, you may not understand, the current fans are too crazy, once they rush in with the stars, what will they do if they run into those people? Prosecute them, and they can’t be convicted. Don’t prosecute them. I won’t be happy, so let’s call later, anyway, the second brother’s place is not only open for a day or two, it’s going to be a long time in the future.”

The second aunt thought about it, um, the words are not rough.

What Son pays most attention to here is style and atmosphere. If fans rush in, what will people who come here think?
"It doesn't matter, those people left after lunch, Xiaoyun can call those celebrity friends to come to join in the evening." The aunt said at this time.

When the second aunt heard it, the sister-in-law was right.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun's eldest aunt. Others were just watching the excitement and it was no big deal, but the other party was fanning the flames, lest the world would not be chaotic.

Did Zhang Qi give you a dividend or what?

At this moment, Su Yun didn't know what to say.

Let's make this call. It's obvious that people come here to spend money. Don't make this call. The first aunt and second aunt are aggressive. Should I call or not?
"Auntie's words are wrong." Xu Jie said eloquently, and started the mode of reasoning, "Second brother's restaurant has just opened, there must be many people wanting to try the new restaurant, the capital is the land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon , do you know who is the rich man's daughter and who is the minister's son? Can they look up to the stars? Can't look down on them, besides, the opening of a new store has its own halo, there is no need for a star, and it will appear as soon as it opens. The feeling of leading a donkey may be counterproductive."

The second aunt nodded involuntarily, um, it makes sense.

The eldest aunt's face was a little uneasy, and she repeatedly refuted her, and she didn't take her seriously.

"Since that's the case, when are you going to help Zhang Qi promote it?"

"Of course we want to avoid the opening period. Maybe the second brother's business will be good in the future, and it will be overcrowded every day. A few months after the reservation is made, the stars will automatically be attracted." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Hmph, are you telling the truth? Didn't you want to help promote it to the stars?" The eldest aunt asked with a sneer.

"Auntie, how can you say that? Do you not believe that the business here is good for the second brother, or do you not believe that the second brother has the ability to attract celebrities to spend?" Xu Jie asked.

The second aunt next to her changed her face.

This place was opened by her son, and she also paid a lot of money. If it is not good, she will be the first to be unhappy.

"You..." The first aunt stared straight at the question, then turned around and explained to the second aunt beside her: "I didn't mean that, don't listen to his nonsense."

"Sister-in-law, I know." The second aunt took a deep breath and calmed down, and then everyone in the private room said: "Eat quickly, everyone, if you don't eat, the food will be cold."

She was worried that if she continued talking, she would make the restaurant dirty.

"Okay Second Aunt." Xu Jie said after hearing this, and while eating, he said to Su Yun beside him: "Honey, the fusion food here is really good, we must recommend it to our friends."

"Yeah." Su Yun nodded.


(End of this chapter)

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