The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 552 It's time to come

Chapter 552 It's time to come

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, everyone put down their chopsticks, some were full, some were full, but their mouths were not idle, and they praised Zhang Qi and the restaurant one after another.

"Today's dishes are so delicious, it's the first time I've eaten these dishes, 100 points!"

"As expected of a chef recruited from a Michelin restaurant, the dishes he cooks are full of flavor and flavor."

"With an elegant environment and exquisite dishes, I think it won't be long before this place will be rated as a Michelin restaurant."

"Well, and one star is not enough, it must be three stars."

Xu Jie listened silently. These people really dare to think and brag. I don't know if they have never seen the world or have never eaten anything delicious.

But looking at it from another angle, these people are not wrong to say this. After all, they are short-handed and short-mouthed. If you don't flatter, you will be sorry for the vegetable leaves stuffed between your teeth.

"Yes, I will open branches in other cities in the end, one life will be two, two will be three, from a restaurant to a catering group, and the listing is just around the corner. At that time, my second brother will no longer be the owner of the restaurant, but the CEO of a listed company!" Xu Jie also agreed. Join the army of adulation.

How could such a scene be missing him?
The Su family is not good at these, so they can only rely on him to output.

The second aunt nodded in satisfaction and smiled.

Not long after, the door opened and Zhang Qi walked in from the outside.

When he saw the warm atmosphere in the private room, he was taken aback.

what's the situation?
They were tit-for-tat before, how come they have become so happy now?

Even my mother laughed.

Could it be that I am the redundant one?
"Everyone finished eating? If you want to eat, you can look at the menu." Zhang Qi said, no matter what, as long as there is no noise.

"already ate."

"Enough is enough!"

"I'm full."

Everyone was polite.

"Zhang Qi, and the second uncle and the second aunt, let's go first, the child has to learn the piano in the afternoon." Chen Na stood up and said, her husband Zhou Sheng and the child followed behind her.

"So urgent? Since it's the child's business, I won't keep you. I will come here often when I have nothing to do." The second aunt said.

"The food here is so delicious, I will definitely come here often in the future." Chen Na said with a smile.

Zhang Qi looked at Chen Na's husband, Zhou Sheng, and said, "Brother-in-law, any business banquets your company has in the future can be arranged here. I have everything here."

"Well, okay." Zhou Sheng nodded.

Seeing that someone was about to leave, Su Yun immediately flirted with the man beside her, as if saying: Quick, let's go too.

She was worried that after the lunch time, all the people invited by the second brother would leave, and the first aunt and the second aunt would bring up the matter of calling the star again.

Xu Jie nodded, the food he ate today was only enough for him to boast, and if he wanted to boast again, he would have to add another meal.

Su Yun went to talk to her parents, then looked at Zhang Qi's family and said, "Second Brother, Second Uncle, Aunt, we are leaving too."

"Why, do your children also want to learn piano?" The aunt said in a strange way, obviously still worried about Xu Jie's previous words.

"Auntie was joking, we don't have any children yet." Su Yun said after hearing this.

"Why are there no children in such a hurry to leave?" asked the eldest aunt.

"Isn't this in a hurry to go back and make a baby?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

The eldest aunt was taken aback for a moment, then rolled her eyes and ignored it.

Su Yun blushed, and after greeting her elders, she dragged Xu Jie out.

"Xiaoyun, brother-in-law, wait a minute!" Zhang Qi suddenly remembered something, and said, "The three of us will take a picture together later."

Everyone was puzzled after hearing this.

If you want to take a group photo, you should take a group photo together, take a family portrait, what's the matter with the three of you taking a group photo?

"What are you taking a group photo for?" Su Yun asked.

"It's a form of publicity when the photos are printed and posted on the wall of my restaurant," Zhang Qi explained.

"Oh!" Su Yun suddenly realized that this was the case.

In fact, many restaurants will do this, taking photos with celebrities who have been to the store to prove how delicious the food in their restaurants is, and even celebrities will come.

However, after other people heard it, they felt uncomfortable, especially the eldest aunt.

Even though she was the last one to come, yet she was so valued that she even wanted to hang the photo on the wall. Not only did she sigh in her heart: times have really changed, and the status of actors has become so high.

Xu Jie and Su Yun followed Zhang Qi to the outside of the restaurant and stood beside the signboard. The waiter took five shots before Zhang Qi was satisfied.

"Xiaoyun, brother-in-law, you must bring more friends here in the future!" Zhang Qi said while waving his hands.

"Understood the second brother." Su Yun said, and after walking a long way out of the restaurant, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, "Finally came out."

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie was amused by the other party's cute appearance.

"It's not the first aunt and the second aunt. It's like this every time. If you hadn't rescued me just now, I would have to call the star." Su Yun sighed.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, you won't be wronged or embarrassed." Xu Jie held Su Yun's hand tightly.

"Thank you." A sweet smile appeared on Su Yun's face, "By the way, where are we going now? Shall we go to a movie together?"

"What movie to watch, didn't you just say that? How can you lie to the elders when you go home and make a child?" Xu Jie said seriously.

"Ah? Don't you need to take a break?" Su Yun asked.

"Why don't you take a break? I've been off for two months. It's time to work overtime." Xu Jie said.



on Monday.

Xu Jie came to the unit refreshed, how the weekend went was all reflected on his face.

Just one word: cool!

"Morning Director Xu." Xiao Wei took the initiative to say hello.

"Morning, I'm pretty dressed today." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Ah?" Xiao Wei looked down at herself, it was an old dress, she wore it last week.

"Director Xu, good morning." Zhang Tong stood up and said hello.

"Good morning, the hairstyle is nice, it suits you very well." Xu Jie said.

"Ah?" Zhang Tong stroked his hair, it was dressed normally, not permed or dyed, and wasn't he always like this?
"What happened to Director Xu today?" Xiao Wei came to Zhang Tong and asked.

It was a normal reply before, why did you add a compliment today?And everyone who greets him will be praised.

"I don't know." Zhang Tong shook his head.

Has the character model changed?

Last week it was deep mode, this week changed to passionate mode?

Xu Jie returned to the office after the morning meeting and continued the unfinished script.

Indulgence is indulgence, work is work, and one mind can't do two things.


Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Xu Jie raised his head while speaking.

The door opened, and Qin Yan came in from the outside.

The other party looked mysterious. After putting the work plan on his desk, he bent down and whispered, "Hey, do you know? President Yu of Jingshi Culture has resigned."

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, it seemed that the one who should come still came.

As soon as Mr. Yu resigned, I believe Director Jiang's side is not far away.

"Huh? Why aren't you surprised?" Qin Yan looked at Xu Jie curiously and asked.

"What's so surprising?" Xu Jie lowered his head and continued writing the script.

"Resignation, it's resignation, not a transfer." Qin Yan raised her voice and said, "JingTV Culture is also a company in our station, and the general manager has such a high position. Squeezed?"

"Hehe, what's being squeezed by the door, Mr. Yu is better than anyone else, he must have found a better next home, isn't there still a small number of people who have been poached from our station?" Xu Jie said.

"Many people were poached away, but this is the first time I've heard that the general manager was poached directly. Who do you think will take over his position? The general manager of Jingshi Culture, that's a big official in Xinjiang." Qin Yan asked.

Xu Jie looked at the other party and said, "Are you too busy? Does this matter have something to do with you? Have you finished writing the copy of "Ordinary Courage"?"

Qin Yan rolled her eyes when she heard it, muttered "boring", and walked out of the office.

Xu Jie closed the door and fell into deep thought.

Resignation does not mean that you can leave immediately after resigning. Even if the superiors agree, it will take at least a few days for the work handover.

During this period, the above will conduct a personnel study to decide who will take over the position.


In the next few days, the Art Center was very peaceful, just like usual.

until Thursday.

After Director Jiang was called to the director's office, the news began to circulate in the station that Jiang Hai, the director of the cultural program center, would go to Jingshi Culture to replace Yu Kuan as the general manager.

The other departments are fine, at most they just talk about it, but the Art Program Center exploded, and everyone lost the mood to work.

"Director Jiang is going to Beijing Television Culture? Is it true?"

"It should be true, people in other departments say so."

"Why Director Jiang? Also, if Director Jiang leaves, who will be the director? Is it internal promotion or external transfer?"

"I don't know, we can only wait for Director Jiang to come back."


Xu Jie was concentrating on writing the script when the door of the office was suddenly pushed open.

"Xu Jie, is it true or not?" Qin Yan came to Xu Jie with anxious and nervous expression on her face.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"Why, you don't know yet?" Qin Yan asked.

"You know what? I stayed in the office all morning." Xu Jie said.

"How did you become the deputy director? It's all messed up outside, and only you can sit still." Qin Yan took a deep breath, and then said: "Director Jiang has gone to the director's office. There are rumors in the station that Director Jiang is going to Beijing. As for the TV culture, what do you think will happen if Director Jiang really goes to Beijing TV Culture!"

The so-called emperor and courtier, once director Jiang leaves, a new director will take over. Whether she can continue to be the first sister of the art program center has also become unknown.

For some, it's an opportunity; for the other half, it's a disaster.

As Director Jiang's right-hand man, will she be trusted and reused by the new director?

Judging from the similar changes that have occurred in the past dynasties from ancient times to the present, as well as in other departments of the Beijing Radio and Television Station... Hang!


(End of this chapter)

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