Chapter 553
After Xu Jie heard Qin Yan's words, he was a little surprised. He hurriedly looked at the calendar card on the table. Today is only Thursday. Such an important personnel arrangement has been decided so quickly?

Although he knew Director Jiang would leave a long time ago, when this moment actually came, he still felt very uncomfortable, and his face was a little more melancholy.

After all, he should have been one of the people to be transferred.

"Whether Director Jiang goes or not has nothing to do with you. If you do your job well, gold will shine everywhere." Xu Jie said to Qin Yan indifferently, how could he not know what the other party was thinking?Guess also guessed.

"You can't say that." Qin Yan shook her head, and then said solemnly: "There is Bole in the world, and then there is a thousand-mile horse. There are always thousand-mile horses, but Bole doesn't often have one. I remember when you were in the life program center, no Did you work hard? What about the Beijing News Award and the top ten people’s livelihood news? What’s the result? I was assigned to answer the hotline.”

Xu Jie didn't expect Qin Yan to bring this up, coughed awkwardly, and said, "If Director Jiang is really transferred to Jingshi Culture, this is a promotion. We should congratulate him and be happy for him."

"I'm happy for him. I didn't say it was a bad thing for Director Jiang. I was just worried about whether I would be abandoned by the new director." Qin Yan confessed.

"Abandoned? Are you kidding me? You are the hostess of the Arts Program Center. If the new director doesn't use you, who will he use?" Xu Jie smiled, feeling that the other party's worries were completely unnecessary.

Is it easy to cultivate a good host?not easy.

"I used to think the same way when I was in "Cultural and Entertainment Broadcasting". The program couldn't do without me. What happened? After I left "Literary and Cultural Broadcasting", would the show be broadcast normally if the hostess was changed?" Qin Yan said lightly. He sighed lightly, his eyes filled with disappointment.

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, saying that it was his suggestion that the other party quit "Literary Broadcasting". .

It seems that the other party has not let go of this matter.

"I'm sorry." Xu Jie apologized.

"I'm sorry for what? I didn't mean to blame you. Besides, your suggestion is correct. If I hadn't quit "Literary Broadcasting", how would I have time to host a new variety show?" Qin Yan looked up at Xu Jie and smiled wryly. Said: "I'm different from you. You are the director and the planner. We can't do without you here, but I'm different. I'm just a host. The most important thing a TV station lacks is a host."

The reason why she felt this sense of crisis was because after the news that Director Jiang was going to be transferred to JingTV Culture came out in the department, some hostesses began to move around, and it was obvious that they had some ideas.

Although Director Jiang is quite popular with everyone in terms of personality, when assigning work, it is inevitable that there will be a situation of favoring one person over another. After all, even a saint cannot balance everyone.

Who is assigned to host unpopular programs and who is assigned to host popular programs? Although everyone doesn't say anything on the surface, there must be some people who are happy and some who are complaining behind the scenes.

If there is a new director, the work is likely to be re-divided, and the opportunity for the unpopular show host will come.

Those who can enter the Beijing TV station as hosts generally lack not beauty and hard work, but opportunities and luck.

As long as you seize the opportunity, you can turn around.

It is said that my life is up to me, but if there is no right time, place and people, life can only be an ordinary life.

Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan in surprise, where did the other party's usual self-confidence go?
It seems that he thought things too simply.

He has always been thinking about himself, but now he is the deputy director of the art program center, and he also has a team.

After the arrival of the new director, how to ensure that the interests of his team members are not lost should also be a question he has to consider now.

"Don't worry, Director Jiang is gone, am I still here?" Xu Jie smiled and comforted: "With me here, are you still worried about being abandoned?"

"Having said that, but you are the deputy director after all, don't you want to listen to the new director at work?" After Qin Yan finished speaking, she felt that what she just said hurt her self-esteem, so she forced a smile and turned to Xu Jie. Said: "But with your words, I feel a little better psychologically. Okay, I'm done complaining, and I should go."

Qin Yan said, turned and walked out.

Xu Jie sat staring at the script in his hand, then suddenly stood up and left the office after a while.

When he came to the office area outside, everyone seemed to be discussing Director Jiang's departure. He was not in the mood for work at all, and the whole department was panicked.

"Director Xu!" Xiao Wei stopped Xu Jie who was passing by, and asked in a low voice: "Do you think Director Jiang is really going to be transferred to Jingshi Culture?"

"Where there is no wind, there are no waves, it should be true." Xu Jie said lightly.

Before Director Jiang came back, no one knew what the other party was called to do by the director, and he naturally couldn't leak the secret in advance, otherwise he wouldn't be surrounded by people to ask questions?

"Then you said that if Director Jiang leaves, who will succeed him?" Liu Hua asked curiously.

The people around, like the members of the "Delicious History" program group and the "Film and TV Talk" program group, all gathered together at this time.

From a personal point of view, they naturally hope that Director Xu will take over, but from a practical point of view, Director Xu has just been promoted to deputy director at the beginning of the year, and he is still so young, it is impossible to skip two grades in a year.

This is a promotion, not going to school, not just jumping with good grades.

"I don't know." Xu Jie shook his head, he really didn't know about this.

"Could it be Deputy Director Liu?" Miao Zhenzhen asked.

Everyone thought about it and thought it was very possible.

Unlike Director Xu, Liu Qingpeng, another deputy director of the Art Program Center, is just in his early forties this year and has worked here for more than ten years. There is no problem in terms of age or qualifications.

"I just saw several people going to Deputy Director Liu's office." Liu Jinbao said in a low voice.

"I saw it too." Tian Haobo said.

Xu Jie turned his head to look at the office of Deputy Director Liu Qingpeng, and happened to see a hostess coming out of it, and then Liu Qingpeng also came out, walking around the office with his chest up, pointing at this and talking about that.

"Look at Deputy Director Liu, as if he is waiting for the director to call." Song Huanhuan said with his lips curled up.

Xu Jie looked at it for a while, but he didn't agree with everyone's views.

Deputy Director Liu's qualifications are indeed good, but there are no outstanding achievements. Although he has planned a few cultural programs, the ratings are very average. He once planned a program with a good reputation and won an award, but because of the ratings The rate was too low, there were no sponsors, and it was later canceled.

As for the director of the cultural program center, he has to shoulder the burden of producing and creating all the cultural programs of the entire capital TV station. Deputy director Liu obviously does not have that ability.

It seems that the director is likely to be transferred from other departments.

Xu Jie thought to himself.

At this time, the door of the department was suddenly opened, and then Director Jiang, who had been away for more than half an hour, came in from the outside.

In an instant, everyone in the office area looked over in unison, and many even stood up, as if they were waiting for Director Jiang to say something.

When Jiang Hai saw such a scene, he immediately guessed that everyone should have heard about him. After all, before the director formally approached him today, the station had held many meetings to discuss it, but it was just confirmed earlier today. .

"Director, I heard that you are going to be the general manager of Jingshi Culture, is it true?" Qin Yan couldn't help asking, with a little anxiety in her eyes.

No matter how fierce the rumors are, it is better to listen to the person involved.

"You all know?" Jiang Hai didn't hide anything, nodded with a smile, and said, "That's right, I really want to leave here and go to Jingshi Culture."


The entire office area fell silent in an instant, and everyone's faces were filled with surprise. If it was just a rumor before, and no one knew whether it was true or not, then now, no one doubted it anymore.

Well, the art program center is about to change.

"Director, didn't you try to stay in our art program center?" Qin Yan asked, she was so confused about the future that she didn't want Director Jiang to leave from the bottom of her heart.

"The leaders of Taiwan must have their reasons for making such an arrangement. Besides, how can you pick and choose when doing work? I am a brick, so I can move it wherever I need it, understand?" Jiang Hai said solemnly, this is the work of an old actor. Self-cultivation, even if you kill him, you will not admit to taking the initiative to transfer.

"But..." Qin Yan opened her mouth, but she didn't say anything in the end. She knew that this was a matter decided by the Taiwan leader, and no matter what she said, it would be useless.

"Why, don't you want me to leave?" Jiang Hai looked at the surrounding department employees and asked.


"Do not want to."

Everyone said one after another, some are true feelings, some are fake, no matter what they think in their hearts, the matter of face must be passed. After all, it is just a transfer, not a resignation. Called back again.

"Director Jiang, everyone doesn't want you to leave." Liu Qingpeng said affectionately, his face still full of reluctance.

Xu Jie was dumbfounded. Just now, he was acting like he was directing work, but now he changed his face immediately, and Sichuan opera changed his face for fun.

"Haha, there is no permanent banquet in the world. Thank you for your support for my work these past few years. You don't have to give up, because there will be opportunities to work together in the future." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

"Director, after you leave, who will preside over the work of our art program center? We can't delay the work." Liu Qingpeng asked.

At the same time, the people around pricked up their ears, for fear of missing it.

Jiang Hai looked at the crowd. In fact, his heart was like a mirror, knowing that this is what everyone cares about most. The so-called people take tea to cool down, this is reality.


(End of this chapter)

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