Chapter 554 New Director

"Wang Wanjun, Deputy Director of the Satellite TV Program Center, will take over my position as Director of the Art Program Center." Jiang Hai said flatly.

He also just found out about this, and met Wang Wanjun in the director's office.

Everyone couldn't help but look surprised when they heard it.


Was it transferred from another program center?

This is troublesome.

If they are selected from within the Art Program Center, since they have worked together for a long time and are familiar with each other, the future work will definitely be easy, and there will not be much change from before.

But if they are transferred from the outside, then for a long time to come, everyone will have to behave with their tails between their legs.

Some people looked at Deputy Director Liu Qingpeng. Everyone knew that Deputy Director Xu was impossible, so they all speculated whether Deputy Director Liu would take over the position of director. Maybe even Deputy Director Liu thought so, but now... now the most The lost person should be Deputy Director Liu.

When Liu Qingpeng heard Director Jiang's words, he felt a "buzzing" in his head, and his expression froze on his face.

not yourself?

How could this be?
I still remember that Director Jiang was directly promoted from deputy director to director at the beginning. Why is Director Jiang gone, and he is not the one who takes over as director?
Where is the difference?

At this time, Liu Qingpeng was not only disappointed, but also angry, and felt "fooled".

In contrast, Xu Jie's heart was calmer, because he knew from the beginning to the end that it would not be him.

Without expectations, you will naturally not be disappointed.

He wasn't very familiar with Wang Wanjun, but he had met him a few times, and he looked very serious. .

The other party is the first deputy director of the satellite TV program center, who is mainly responsible for assisting Lu Hong in handling the daily work of the satellite TV program center, and is mainly responsible for the innovation of program content.

Programs such as "The Capital in Painting and Calligraphy" and "I'm Waiting for You in the Capital" with good reputation in recent years were all produced by him.

Because Lu Hong is the deputy editor-in-chief of the TV station and concurrently serves as the director of the satellite TV program center, Wang Wanjun's development in the satellite TV program center has been restricted to a certain extent. So strange.

Xu Jie came back to his senses and came to Director Jiang to congratulate him: "Director, congratulations."

Jiang Hai looked at Xiao Xu in front of him. Everyone else was busy asking who the next director would be, and only Xiao Xu congratulated him.

"Thank you!" Jiang Hai stretched out his hand and patted the young man's shoulder, and the urge to strangle Lao Lu rekindled in his heart.

"When will you officially take office?" Xu Jie asked.

"After the end of "Crossover Actor", before that, I handed over the work here to Wang Wanjun, and handed over the work of Jingshi Culture to Yu Kuan at the same time, and I will no longer take care of the work here. Actors." Jiang Hai said.

Xu Jie nodded understandingly and said nothing more.

Jiang Hai walked in the direction of the office, ready to pack up and give Wang Wanjun the office.

Others also sat down one after another. On the surface, they were working, but their minds were not here at all. The entire office area was extremely quiet, and the atmosphere became extremely deserted for a while.


Xu Jie came to the cafeteria to eat, and just found a seat to sit down when he heard a conversation behind him.

"Brother Jiang, it's time to eat. Let me ask you something. What kind of person is Wang Wanjun, the deputy director of the program center of your satellite TV?"

"Hey, do you know that Wang Wanjun has become the director of your art program center?"

"Well, I just found out."

"Director Wang is a serious person, with strong working ability, and he is strict with his subordinates..."

"Do you have any personal hobbies, what kind of people do you hate?"

"A person who likes work and hates fishing at work. In our satellite TV program center, we can often see him admonishing others. Even if your work tasks are completed, as long as he finds you chatting, there will be a period of education."

"Huh? So strict? It seems that my good days are over."


When Xu Jie heard the discussion, it was similar to his impression of Wang Wanjun.

As for strong working ability and being strict with subordinates, it can basically be understood as: high requirements and a lot of pressure.

This is exactly the opposite of Director Jiang. Director Jiang is typically not very demanding and has few things to do.

Xu Jie observed the cafeteria while eating, and found that the people from the satellite TV program center were especially popular here today, and were welcomed by the people from the art program center.

Every person in the satellite TV program center will sit next to one or several people from the art program center, and everyone is asking about everything about the new director.

It is not necessary to flatter and curry favor with the new director, but at least not to offend the new director in future work.

After eating, Xu Jie returned to the art program center. As soon as he entered the door, he saw everyone gathered in twos and threes discussing something.

"I asked my acquaintances in the program center of Satellite TV, and they said that the new director is very strict, and if they are found chatting, they will be punished."

"That's right, I've also heard that the new director not only likes to train people, but also often assigns them a lot of work. A few days ago, he even scolded and cried an intern."

"Really? Don't scare me, I'm timid."

"What one person says may be false, but if two or three people say the same, how can there be falsehood?"

"When the people in the satellite TV program center heard that Director Wang was going to be transferred to our art program center, they were all overjoyed, as if Monkey King had just been released from the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, and they couldn't wait to do somersaults."


At this time, Qin Yan also came back after eating. After looking at Xu Jie, she asked in a low voice: "Hey, have you heard about the deeds of the new director?"

"I heard." Xu Jie said.

"What do you think?" Qin Yan asked.

"What else can I think? Work hard." Xu Jie said indifferently after hearing this.

In fact, he felt that whether the new director was strict or not had nothing to do with him. After all, he had his own independent office, and even if he played games online, the other party would not look at him.

in the afternoon.

Although the new director hadn't arrived yet, the atmosphere in the office area was extremely dull. Everyone looked hopeless, and at one point someone even bumped their head against the table.

Time does not stop because of people's subjective wishes, and it will be Friday when you close your eyes and open them.

Xu Jie came to the unit in a hurry and signed in on time at the last minute.

Because Su Yun was at home, he didn't have to have breakfast in the cafeteria, so he went out later than before.

Today is different. Today is because I slept late last night, so I woke up late this morning.

When Xu Jie walked into the art program center, it was quiet inside, which formed a strong contrast with the previous talking and laughing, and even made him wonder if he went to the wrong department.

"What's the matter with everyone?" Xu Jie asked Tian Haobo nearby, the other's station was next to the aisle, very close to the door.

Tian Haobo raised his head, glanced at the direction of the director's office, and then whispered, "Director Wang is here."

Xu Jie was taken aback, came so soon?Isn't that too positive?

He looked at the quiet office area, no wonder there was something wrong with the atmosphere, as the old saying goes: new officials get three fires when they take office, and no one wants to draw the fire on himself.

At this time, the door of the director's office suddenly opened, and Wang Wanjun was seen walking out of it.

The other party was in his early forties, not tall, a little thin, with a sharp chin, sunken eye sockets, and slender eyes. He also wore very wide glasses and a suit that didn't fit well. He looked very old-fashioned.

Wang Wanjun glanced around the office area expressionlessly, and nodded slightly when he saw that there were people sitting in every seat. When he found Xu Jie, he was slightly taken aback, and the expression on his face finally eased. There was a smile.

"Deputy Director Xu, hello." Wang Wanjun took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello Director Wang." Xu Jie walked over after hearing this.

As the saying goes: Reach out and don't hit a smiling face.

Although the other party's smile didn't look kind, it was still his new superior.

"I didn't expect that one day we would work together." Wang Wanjun said while looking at the people around him.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that, Director Wang is welcome." Xu Jie said.

"Thank you, but I'm new to the art program center, and I don't know much about the people and work here. I will ask you for advice if I have anything to do in the future." Wang Wanjun said with a smile, and patted Xu Jie's arm as a sign close.

"If you don't want to ask for advice, just ask for any work." Although Xu Jie said so, his heart was full of doubts.

Why is Wang Wanjun in front of him different from what the people in the satellite TV program center said?

Although the appearance is a bit old-fashioned, isn't this attitude very friendly?

Or, is it because he is the deputy director that the other party is so friendly to him?
Otherwise, the daughter-in-law for many years turned into a mother-in-law, and after being a deputy for so many years, she finally became the director of the cultural program center. I am happy.

It's normal for people to be happy when they have happy events.

After Wang Wanjun finished talking to Xu Jie, he came to the public office area, looked at the people in the office, and coughed heavily.


The coughing sound was very loud, and it sounded like it was on purpose.

Everyone present looked up as if they had received the signal.

Wang Wanjun was very satisfied with this effect, raised his chin slightly, stroked the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his hand, smiled on his face, and said: "Hello everyone, I am Wang Wanjun, and from today onwards, I will be the director of the Art Program Center , I hope that in the days to come, everyone can work together and unite with sincerity to make the show even better."

Everyone was startled, the thoughts in their hearts were the same as Xu Jie's just now.

Although the speech is quite satisfactory, there are no bright spots or flaws, but the smile when speaking is still easy to give people a good impression.

It seems that it is not as serious and mean as the people in the satellite TV program center said.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, applauding and applauding.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

There was warm applause in the office area.

"Thank you!" Wang Wanjun kept nodding to the staff.

Seeing this scene, Xu Jie was thoughtful.

The eyes of the masses are discerning, and what those people in the satellite TV program center said is definitely not false.

It seems that the new director, who has just arrived, wants to win people's hearts first.

(End of this chapter)

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