The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 555 Reporting on work?

Chapter 555 Reporting on work?

When Wang Wanjun returned to the office, there were bursts of discussions in the public office area outside.

"Director Wang looks good, not as harsh as those people in the satellite TV program center said."

"I think so too. Have we been deceived? Are the people in the satellite TV program center trying to scare us?"

"If that's the case, those bird people are too wicked."

"Don't be so anxious to make a conclusion, today is the first day, let's observe for a while."

"Well, that makes sense."

Everyone didn't dare to be careless, and immediately threw themselves into work.

Xu Jie didn't go back to the office, and left the art program center directly. Today is the rehearsal and recording day of "Crossover Actors", and the assistant actors are all waiting for him at the Grand Theater.

When I arrived at the Grand Theater, I saw Jiang Hai directing the staff to rehearse as soon as he entered the stage.

Actors need to rehearse, and so do crew members.

The actors rehearse the short play performances, and the staff rehearse the on-site process and emergency response. Although the content of the rehearsals is different, they are all for the purpose of not appearing during the recording of the program, and for the betterment of the program.

"Xiao Xu, here we come." Jiang Hai greeted Xu Jie with a smile.

"Morning, Director... Should I change my name to Mr. Jiang now?" Xu Jie asked, the official appointment has been made, but it is still in the work handover stage. .

"Haha, we are not outsiders, we can call you anything, even if you call me brother, I will agree." Jiang Hai said after hearing this.

Not being able to take Xu Jie along made him feel a little depressed, but one must look forward in life, and the matter has come to this point, there is no need to continue to entangle, otherwise you will not be depressed?
"I'll call you Boss Jiang." Xu Jie thought for a while and said.

Public is public, private is private, you can call him whatever you want in private, but at work, it is better to call him according to his position, just like after he became the deputy director, no matter how familiar his colleagues were, he changed his name to Deputy Director Xu .

"Okay." Director Jiang didn't care, checked the time and asked, "You're a bit late today."

"I met the new Director Wang and went to say hello to him." Xu Jie explained.

"Already gone? I'm going to take him to greet everyone after I'm done here." Jiang Hai was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "How is it?"

"It feels different from when I saw it in the satellite TV program center, and it is not as strict as the group of people in the satellite TV program center said." Xu Jie said.

"It's normal. On the first day of taking office, of course I want to leave a good impression on everyone. In this way, the future work will be easier to carry out. Otherwise, he is an outsider and he is so strict when he first takes office. Why don't everyone group together to boycott him?" Jiang Hai said with a smile.

It's all routines.

Of course, he doesn't need these routines.

First, he is not a strict person, and if he makes the atmosphere so serious, he will feel uncomfortable; second, he has a close relationship with Yu Kuan, and Lao Yu's people are his people. The management of Shihua made an appointment, and everyone had a drink together.

There is another point, which is the biggest difference between him and Wang Wanjun. He is the general manager of Jingshi Culture, and he can fire whoever he wants to fire, so people from Jingshi Culture dare not boycott him.


Xu Jie nodded, he thought so too.


Arts program center.

Not long after Xu Jie left, Wang Wanjun came out of the office.

When he found Xu Jie's deputy director's office according to the name tag, he found that it was empty and there was no one there.

He quickly came to the public office area again, but he still didn't see Xu Jie's figure, and his brows frowned involuntarily.

What about people?

Why is there no one during working hours?

"Did you see Deputy Director Xu?" Wang Wanjun asked a random employee.

"Deputy Director Xu has gone to the Grand Theater." The employee replied.

"What did he go to the Grand Theater for?" Wang Wanjun asked curiously.

"Recording the program, "Crossover Actor" will be recorded every Friday."


Wang Wanjun remembered that when he was familiar with the personal information of the Art Program Center last night, he did see information about this.

Originally, I wanted to get closer to the other party. After all, I was the deputy director, and he was also a star in the station. Now it seems that I can only postpone it.

He walked around the office area, it was very quiet, everyone was working with their heads down, and the work status was very good, he nodded with satisfaction, and then returned to the office.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door outside.


Wang Wanjun was slightly taken aback, and then a gleam of joy flashed through his eyes, then sat upright, and said loudly to the outside: "Please come in."

The door was pushed open at this time, and a female employee came in from the outside.

Wang Wanjun looked at the other party, flipping through the employee profiles of the Art Program Center one by one in his mind, and finally settled on the profile of a female host.

Jiang Lan, female, 31 years old, the host of the program "Starry Night Story Show" on the Art Channel...

"Director Wang, I'm Jiang Lan, the host of "Starry Night Story Show", and I'm here to report to you." The woman came to the desk in high heels, with a sweet smile on her face.

"Okay, please sit down." Wang Wanjun smiled and pointed to the chair opposite, motioning for the other party to sit down and talk.

He still welcomes the arrival of women very much.

Reporting work sounds like official business, but it actually contains another meaning, which is to take refuge and show loyalty.

Wasn't his previous speech just for this moment?

Jiang Lan sat down, raised her chest, held her head up, and tucked in her belly, and spoke about the program she hosted with full enthusiasm for work and high spirits.

In fact, she didn't know much about the situation of the new director, but this did not delay her idea of ​​showing her loyalty.

She has been the host of late-night programs since she came to the Art Program Center of Beijing TV Station.

At first it was a program called "Spiritual Stories", but it was canceled because of the poor ratings, and then there is the current program "Starry Night Story Show", but the ratings are still bleak.

However, she has always felt that this is not her problem, nor the problem of the program, but the problem of the broadcast time. The broadcast time of these two programs is 10:35 every night. There are very few, let alone art channels that only target local audiences.

After so many years, the Art Program Center finally got a new director. She felt that her chance had come. Maybe the new director would be her noble person and change her destiny.

Wang Wanjun listened carefully. In fact, he didn't listen to a word of what the other party reported, but to him, as long as the other party's attitude is good, what he said is not important anymore.

Is the other party reporting work seriously?
Not necessarily!
So, as long as everyone understands it, it's fine.

Some things are meaningless to say directly.

Turning a corner can also express well, and it is not hurtful.

Ten minutes later.

Jiang Lan finally finished speaking.

Wang Wanjun nodded in satisfaction, and affirmed the other party's report, "Well, what you said was very serious and specific, which shows that you usually work very hard..."

Jiang Lan was praised by the new director, her eyes lit up immediately, and the apprehension before coming here disappeared without a trace, replaced by excitement.

You bet yourself!
"Thank you Director Wang for your approval. Under your leadership in the future, I will definitely work harder to complete the work you entrusted to me." A few words from the director were dismissed.

Thousands of words and one sentence: push away the clouds and mist to see the sun, keep the clouds open to see the moon.

"Well, very good." Wang Wanjun said with a smile.

Jiang Lan knew that she should go, so she stood up and said, "Director Wang, I'm going out first if I have nothing to do." After speaking, she consciously walked out of the office.

Wang Wanjun looked at the woman's back, and when she walked, her crotch twisted and twisted, like a willow swaying in the breeze.

Mmm, nice!

This is the first person to turn to him, and it is still on his first day in office, so he can be reused.

In his eyes, work ability is important, but work attitude is even more important.
No matter how strong his work ability is, he is awesome all day long, no matter how good his grades are, he will feel very unhappy. On the contrary, if his work ability is average, as long as he has a correct attitude, he will get a lot of opportunities.

Jiang Lan closed the door gently, then straightened her back, raised her chin, and walked towards the work.

She is not afraid of being seen, so what if she sees it?Opportunities are won by oneself, sitting in a poor job, it is better to take action for the future.

Nowadays, it is no longer the era when the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys.

Moutai beef?Isn't it the same as advertising?
People need to be able to sell themselves.

When she returned to her workstation and sat down, the employee next to her immediately came over and asked in a low voice, "Sister Lan, how is the new director?"

"Both talented and approachable, it's not like what those people in the satellite TV program center said." Jiang Lan said seriously, defending the director.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. She believes that even if the director can't hear what she said just now, it will reach the director's ears in the future.


"Of course, it's worthy of being transferred from the satellite TV program center. He is capable and capable. Our art program center is finally on its way. Under Director Wang's leadership, it will definitely be even better."

Qin Yan, who was not far away, frowned when she saw this scene.

What does this mean?
Could it be that the art program center was not good when Director Jiang was here?
Can the new director see the future on his first day in office?Can you predict the future?This flattery is too obvious, right?
Jiang Lan's voice was very loud, and many people around heard it, and the previous worries were reduced again.

At this time, a program director suddenly stood up and walked to the new director's office.

After other people saw it, they became anxious, thinking: Should I also report to work?


(End of this chapter)

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