The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 556 Inside Volume?

Chapter 556 Inside Volume?


Xu Jie returned to the Art Center from the Grand Theater, and was shocked by the scene in front of him as soon as he entered the door.

I saw that the public office area was full of people, some were making videos, some were writing copywriting, and some hurried into the post-editing room with documents. It was a scene of serious work and a very busy scene.

what's the situation?
Xu Jie turned his head to look at the clock on the wall, which showed that the time was 5:52 pm.

Shouldn't you be off work at this time?Why are you still here?
Could it be that the clock is broken?

He looked down at his watch again, and it turned out that the clock was not broken.

This is strange, if only a few people are there, it is normal, the department will be on duty every night, but if everyone is there, it is not normal.

Is there any party task?
Never heard of it.

He came to Tian Haobo's work station nearby, reached out and knocked on the table twice.

"Dong dong!"

Tian Haobo was staring at the computer screen intently. After hearing the voice, he immediately looked up. When he found that it was Xu Jie, he asked suspiciously: "Director Xu, what's the matter?"

"Why are there so many people tonight?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

Usually when it’s time to get off work, everyone is like a game, scrambling to go out, even before it’s time to get off work, they start to pack up, get dressed, and take their places, even during the busiest "Biennial" party, they never I have seen such a scene.

Is the sun coming out from the west?

"Work." Tian Haobo replied.

"What did you do during the day, why did you leave your work until now?" Xu Jie asked. .

But after asking, I felt something was wrong, because some people were in charge of the program that was broadcast during the day, which means that today's work is over, there is no reason to stay here, is it to prepare for tomorrow's work?When did the people in the Art Program Center love their work so much?
The corner of Tian Haobo's mouth twitched when he heard it, then he looked around cautiously, and then said in a low voice: "Director Xu, to tell you the truth, everyone is working during the day, and now they are pretending to be working."

Xu Jie was taken aback.

Pretend to work?

As for pretending to work, he has done it before, but it was all during working hours, but now it is off-duty time, why should he pretend to be working?
"Why?" Xu Jie asked.

"Show Director Wang, Director Wang hasn't left, and we are embarrassed to leave." Tian Haobo said with a wry smile.

Xu Jie was startled, and soon understood what Tian Haobo meant.

This is to compete to perform in front of the new director and leave a good impression on the new director.

"Who suggested it?" Xu Jie asked, everyone was there, it must have been organized and premeditated.

"No one suggested, even if I saw that other people didn't leave, I didn't dare to leave." Tian Haobo said in a low voice.

Xu Jie was speechless.

Everyone got off work on time yesterday, have you become so introverted today?

The question is what is the use of pretending to work?Can the ratings of the show go up?

Even if you want to make a good impression on the new director, you don't have to use this method, right?

"Xu Jie, you are finally back." Qin Yan walked over, as if seeing a savior, still holding a stack of documents in her hand.

Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked, "Are you also pretending to be working?"

"Others don't know, but I don't anyway." Qin Yan raised the document in her hand and said, "I'm writing the copywriting for a new program." Then she looked at her colleagues at other jobs, and said, "If it's like this every day in the future, the new program The program’s copywriting can be written in a few days.”

"Really? I really want to thank Director Wang. After he came, your work efficiency has increased. How long do you plan to work overtime today?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

Qin Yan was a little embarrassed by what was said, then she turned sideways, turned her back to the people in the public office area, and whispered to Xu Jie: "I came to you just to talk to you, see if you can get everyone to hurry up Get off work, don't act here, isn't this the end of the world? Is it interesting?"

Xu Jie shook his head immediately when he heard it, "They all stay here voluntarily to work overtime, how can I force everyone to leave work? Besides, I won't do this kind of thing like being a leader."

The new official took office with three fires, and he didn't want to be the bird hit by the firearms.

"Whatever is voluntary is forced to voluntarily." Qin Yan said, no one else knew, she was forced anyway.

"Don't look for me, I don't care." Xu Jie said and walked towards the office.

"Xu Jie, Xu Jie!" Qin Yan yelled a few words in a low voice, and when she saw that the other party didn't respond, she stomped her feet angrily.

No dedication at all.

Can't we sacrifice our ego to benefit everyone?
She looked at the others, sighed helplessly in her heart, and then walked to the workstation.

Go ahead and write the copy.

Isn't that just working overtime?Who is afraid of whom!

Since you want to be imprisoned, then I will imprison you all tonight, and don't leave anyone who is capable!
Xu Jie returned to the office and copied the finished script to a USB flash drive, planning to use the two days of the weekend to polish it.

As for the outside affairs, he doesn't care, can't manage, let alone manage.

With so many people, maybe some of them really volunteered to stay and work overtime?

People voluntarily work overtime, but he forces them to leave work. Isn't this hindering others' progress?
It has nothing to do with him. Anyway, Su Yun has prepared meals for him at home, so he has no time to waste here.

After copying the script, Xu Jie walked out of the office with his bag.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Wang Wanjun standing in the public office area outside, looking at the overtime employees with a satisfied smile on his face.

Xu Jie frowned, then opened it again, and walked towards the other party.

"Director Wang, haven't you left yet?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

"Well, no, let's get acquainted with the materials of the Art Program Center, so we can start working as soon as possible." Seeing the bag in Xu Jie's hand, Wang Wanjun asked, "Where is Deputy Director Xu going?"

"Go home." Xu Jie said.

After the people around heard it, they admired Deputy Director Xu to the extreme in their hearts. It's still Deputy Director Xu who lives freely and freely, leaving as soon as he says, awesome.

Wang Wanjun was slightly taken aback, looked at the staff who were all busy, and then at Xu Jie who was about to leave with his bag, he couldn't believe that the other party didn't like to work so much.

"Deputy Director Xu, are you done with work?" Wang Wanjun asked, his eyes seemed to say: Everyone is working, and you have to leave, are you embarrassed?As the deputy director, shouldn't you lead by example?

"No." Xu Jie said confidently.

"Ah? Then you still..." Wang Wanjun didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning he wanted to express was already obvious.

"When the work is not finished, this reflects the importance of making a reasonable and proper daily work plan. When the plan is completed, you will leave work. Otherwise, you will have to work overtime when you are busy and have nothing to do when you are free. What will happen? "Xu Jie said solemnly.

Wang Wanjun stared blankly at the young man in front of him, not knowing what to say for a while.

But the surrounding employees were extremely excited, because Deputy Director Xu spoke their minds.

Why do you have to write work plans every day?One is to remind myself of the content of today's work, and the other is to let the leader know what I have done.

What now?
Everyone has clearly completed the content written in today's work plan, but they still stay here and pretend to work. Isn't this harmful to others and themselves?

What is the use of the daily work plan in the future?

Everyone turned their heads to look at Director Wang, hoping that Director Wang could get off work. In this way, everyone can get off work. Even if Director Wang doesn't get off work, at least say something to let everyone get off work. After all, they have already seen everyone during the day I also listened to everyone's work reports.

Wang Wanjun held back for a long time, and finally uttered a sentence: "Deputy Director Xu is right."

"Director Wang, I'll leave now. I'll see you next Monday." Xu Jie said to Wang Wanjun with a smile, and then left. When he passed the public office area, he did not forget to scold the employees who pretended to be working: "Usually I asked you to make a good work plan, but if you don’t listen, how are you doing now? You should stay and work overtime? You deserve it! I tell you that those who haven’t finished their work are not allowed to leave. Let’s see if you still get fish when you work during the day.”

After speaking, he swaggered and walked outside.

Everyone looked at Deputy Director Xu's back in astonishment, and they were all speechless.

Said in front of Director Wang that they fished, did they do that?

You go home as soon as you go home, why are you still cheating on us?
It's as if we're working overtime because there's nothing to do during the day.

At this moment, everyone really understands what envy, jealousy and hatred are!

Wang Wanjun frowned unconsciously as he looked at the young man who left.

really gone?
This clearly did not take his words seriously.

Most importantly, the other party dared to contradict him in front of so many people. Wouldn't this destroy his majesty in everyone's mind?

Jiang Hai has already left, how dare he be so rampant?Hmph, you will suffer in the future!Wang Wanjun thought to himself.

Originally, he was going to make friends with that young man. After all, his ability lies there, but the other party didn't give him face just now, and there is no need for him to show face to the other party in the future.

Make a reasonable work plan?

Then arrange more work for you, endless work, it depends on how you make plans!

Thinking of this, Wang Wanjun turned and walked towards the office.


After the door was closed, everyone in the public office area was stunned.

What do you mean?
Is this gone?

Shouldn't you say something?

Has Deputy Director Xu's words been in vain?
"Hey, did you see Director Wang's expression just now? It's so serious and scary!"

"Yeah, I was quite approachable before, how can you change your face when you change your face?"

"I must be unhappy seeing Deputy Director Xu leave."

"No way? Deputy Director Xu just came home from get off work, and this made him angry? Isn't Director Wang narrow-minded?"

"It's over. I even sent a WeChat message to my wife and told her to go home for dinner around 7 o'clock. Now it seems that dinner will become a supper."

"Oh, if only I had the guts of Deputy Director Xu!"


(End of this chapter)

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