The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 557 Are you still family?

Chapter 557 Are you still family?
At 6:[-] in the evening, when Xu Jie came home, Su Yun had already prepared the meal, four dishes and one soup, which was hearty and appetizing, and full of the taste of home.

Today's Su Yun is no longer the woman who only knows how to cook seafood noodles. Although she is not proficient in everything, she still knows a little bit about everything, and she knows how to infer other things from one instance, so in her recipe Now there are many dishes.

Xu Jie is quite proud of this, but it's not because he can eat the dishes made by big stars, but Su Yun's current culinary skills are completely trained by him. This sense of accomplishment is something you can't find when eating out of.

"I heard that the director of your art program center has changed?" Su Yun asked while serving food for Xu Jie.

A female artist needs to maintain her figure, so she can only look good when she dresses like this and looks good on camera, so she only ate a few bites, and spent the rest of the time picking up food for Xu Jie. Seeing Xu Jie eating big mouthfuls, she was happier than eating herself.

"You know all of this?" Xu Jie looked at Su Yun in surprise. He was going to tell the other party about this tonight, but he didn't expect that the other party already knew about it.

"The matter of your capital TV station is the matter of our Beijing circle, and it has already spread this morning." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Just after the appointment yesterday, the new director has arrived today." Xu Jie said while eating.

Because the work handover takes a period of time, under normal circumstances, the new director will not come to work until the work is completely handed over.

Now that Wang Wanjun came to the art program center so early, although this eagerness is easy to understand, isn't it too anxious?
"So impatient?" Su Yun asked, can't wait until the handover of work is completed?

"It's more than impatient." Xu Jie told Su Yun what he saw in the art program center at night, "It's okay for Internet companies to treat overtime as a culture, but he is a TV station, what kind of classes do employees need to work on? Let everyone Predict what entertainment news will happen tomorrow and then turn it into fake news? I don’t understand it at all.”

The work of the Art Program Center can be roughly divided into four parts, one is entertainment news, the other is self-produced programs, the third is broadcasting TV dramas, and the fourth is to cooperate with the work of Beijing Satellite TV.

Among these four tasks, news is time-sensitive. If the date is not up, if you don’t know what happened, how do you make news?Playing old news?Who is watching?

As for self-made programs, guests usually need to be invited, and it is no problem for employees to work overtime to record the program, but which guest will come to record the program on this big night?It's not a New Year's Eve party.

As for TV dramas, let alone, they are all ready-made, making work easier.

There is also the last item, which is to cooperate with the work of the satellite TV channel. In fact, among the four tasks, this is the most important, but the crux of the problem is that the satellite TV program center has already closed get off work. go?

So every time Xu Jie thought of Wang Wanjun's satisfied expression when he saw employees working overtime, he was very speechless, but he couldn't say anything.

After all, he is the new director, maybe he is not familiar with the work of the art program center?
Maybe in the future, knowing that the work intensity of the art program center is not as strong as that of the satellite TV program center, we will not encourage everyone to work overtime after get off work.

"In that case, if you come back so early, won't you be disrespecting the new director?" Su Yun was a little worried after hearing this.

No one else is leaving, only you are leaving, isn't this equivalent to being a young bird?
"When I have a job, I will work overtime. When I don't have a job, I will leave work on time. What's wrong with that? In fact, I have already worked overtime for more than 20 minutes to record "Crossover Actor" today." Xu Jie said here , looked up at Su Yun who was opposite, "Besides, my wife has already made dinner at home, why should I pretend to work overtime?"

Su Yun smiled beautifully, and asked, "Aren't you afraid that the new director will give you small shoes?"

"Okay." Xu Jie said nonchalantly: "Just let me see the new director's methods, so that I can also recognize the new director's true face."

To be honest, Xu Jie is not worried about being put on small shoes. After all, his current programs are broadcast on satellite TV channels, and the new director has no control over them.

Will deputy editor-in-chief Lu wear small shoes for him?
Certainly not.

Otherwise, he would not be forced to stay.

Su Yun was taken aback. Others were worried about being put on small shoes by the new leader, but the other party was so nice that she actually looked like she really wanted to be put on small shoes.

The means to meet the new director?

The new director hasn't tested you yet, but you are going to test the new director instead?
"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, Xu Jie's cell phone rang suddenly. He thought it would be someone from his work unit reporting the results of the internal investigation to him, but when he checked the call, it turned out to be Su Lei.

Isn't this kid very successful in the film and television industry?He already has an assistant, why did he suddenly call him?

"Your brother." Xu Jie looked at Su Yun and said, then connected the phone and pressed the speakerphone, "Hello?"

"Brother-in-law, do you have time tomorrow?" Su Lei's voice came from the microphone.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked after hearing it.

"The movie I'm acting in will be released tomorrow. I have a few tickets. I want to invite my parents, you, and my sister to watch it together. It's 8 o'clock in the evening, just after dinner." Su Lei said, with this At the same time, there was excitement and worry in his voice.

Excited, because this is the first movie released since he entered the film and television industry, and other movies are either being produced or being promoted; I am worried that this is because he is afraid that his brother-in-law will not go, and he will not be able to see his performance in the movie.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, he looked at the date, and tomorrow is May 5th.

How could the movie be released at this time?

Other movies are all summer vacation, winter vacation, National Day, New Year, and Spring Festival. What kind of movie is it now?Kids file?Next week is Children's Day.

"Are you acting in a cartoon?" Xu Jie couldn't help asking.

"What cartoon? Is it a costume drama or time-traveling? I'm the fourth male." Su Lei said complacently.

"Really? It's amazing." Xu Jie looked up at Su Yun who was opposite, and asked, "Going?"

"Still time-traveling in ancient costumes? It sounds like a bad movie, so don't go!" Su Yun shook her head.

"You can't say that, dare to release it at an unpopular time, it seems that the producer has enough confidence, maybe the film is not bad, the actor is bad, just take this opportunity to see if your brother is suitable for the career of an actor Fuck, maybe he sees his acting is bad, so he chooses to join the film and television industry." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"There are too many actors with bad acting skills. I haven't seen any of them quit the entertainment industry. Moreover, they have one common characteristic, which is inexplicable self-confidence. No matter what others say, they are self-confidence. It's not that I can't act well, it's that you don't know how to appreciate it. "

"Haha!" Xu Jie was amused by Su Yun, and several actors appeared in his mind unconsciously.

"Brother-in-law, sister, I'm still here!" Su Lei on the other side was almost speechless.

When you say bad things about people, can you be a little bit behind your back?
Said directly on the phone, isn't this hurting his self-esteem and dampening his enthusiasm for filming?

Still not a relative?
"So what if you're here? I'm afraid you'll hear me?" Su Yun said loudly into the phone, and after thinking for a while, she felt that what Xu Jie said was also reasonable, maybe my brother could wake up?So he asked Xu Jie, "Do you have time?"

"I have time." Xu Jie nodded.

Su Yun bowed her waist and said to the mobile phone: "Did you hear what your brother-in-law said? We will go tomorrow night, which movie theater is it?"

"It's in the Huaying International Cinema near our home." Su Lei was very happy. He knew that no matter how good he was, his sister would not believe him. This time, he will use the movie results and the audience's reputation for him to tell his sister. Fight back.

"Well, haven't you been home for a long time? Go to your parents' place tomorrow and go to the movies together at night." Xu Jie said to Su Yun.

"Okay, you're still thoughtful." Su Yun stood up, bent down and kissed the man's face, and then went to get the phone, "I'll call my mom right now."

"Brother-in-law, my sister is gone?" Su Lei asked.

"Yeah." Xu Jie looked up at Su Yun who was going to the kitchen, but the other party seemed to have heard Su Lei's words, and came back after taking the phone.

Just as Xu Jie was about to say that your sister is back, he heard Su Lei say on the phone: "Brother-in-law, when the movie ends tomorrow, no matter how well I acted, please praise me more. I really like acting and I don't want to be in front of my dad and me I don’t want to lose face in front of my mother, and I don’t want to disappoint them, after all, this is the first time I have done something so seriously.”

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Su Lei to say these words, he thought: "Is it useful for me to boast? Your parents are not blind, if you insist on boasting, the two elders still don't doubt my professional level?"

Xu Jie didn't know what to say, he didn't want to agree or refuse, after all, destroying a young man's dream is a very cruel thing.

At this time, Su Yun on the side suddenly laughed: "Hehe, you also told me the same thing when you were learning guitar in high school. How did it turn out? You stopped learning after you became a female classmate."

Xu Jie was stunned when he heard this, he dared to say that Su Lei was still a habitual offender, but after carefully thinking about what the other party did in the past, he understood.

This is a dog who can't change eating shit!
No wonder the kid asked if his sister was there, probably because he was worried about being exposed.

"Ah? Sister? Didn't you leave? Brother-in-law, what's going on?" Su Yun was startled, and the emotions that had been brewing with great difficulty instantly disintegrated.

"Your sister left just now, and now she is back, I forgot to tell you, I pressed the speakerphone." Xu Jie said.


Su Lei was speechless, thinking: If you didn't speak earlier after pressing the speakerphone, I wasted my feelings.

"Brother-in-law, just pretend I didn't say what happened just now, sister, when you hear the audience's praise of me tomorrow night, you will know that you have underestimated me before." Su Lei said seriously.

"I think you don't cry when you don't see the coffin." Su Yun said: "Okay, let's listen to the audience's evaluation of you tomorrow, so that you can have a clear understanding of yourself. I really think that Hu Zhen signed you because he liked you." Your strength? If it wasn't for your brother-in-law, would he know which onion or garlic you are?"

"Hmph, let's wait and see! Brother-in-law, see you tomorrow." Su Lei hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Xu Jie happily watched the rivalry between the siblings, who will win and who will lose, we will see tomorrow night.


(End of this chapter)

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