Chapter 561
meeting room.

At this moment, everyone looked at Deputy Director Xu.

In the first meeting after the new director took office, he was named. This kind of "treatment" is not available to everyone.

Under normal circumstances, there are two situations when you are asked to speak by name. One can be regarded as a high regard, and you want to listen to this person’s opinion and give this person a chance to perform. The other can be regarded as an operation. To set the fire, someone must be found to perform the operation and kill the chicken to show the monkey.

Everyone knows that last Friday everyone stayed in the unit and worked overtime with the new director. Only Deputy Director Xu left first, so today's roll call, the latter is very likely.

For a moment, everyone held their breath, and even the atmosphere in the room became tense.

Speaking of which, Deputy Director Xu was the person most valued by the former director, and it was normal for the new director to take him under the knife, but I don't know how Deputy Director Xu would deal with it.

Some people were worried for Deputy Director Xu, while others gloated at his misfortune. The so-called emperor and his courtiers changed to a new director. It turned out that those important ministers should also be changed.

With this change, wouldn't some people have a chance?

Xu Jie put the pen on the notebook, looked up at the people in the meeting room with a smile and said, "Since Director Wang asked me to talk, then I will talk."

Xu Jie looked around for a week, and continued: "I agree with Director Wang's opinion very much. He is indeed a person who came out of the satellite TV program center. He has ideas and courage. Our art channel should really change. I don't know if you still remember last year's satellite TV program. The revision of the channel has removed many programs with poor ratings and replaced many new ones. What is the result? The effect is very obvious, bringing new vigor and vitality to the satellite TV channel. This year, Director Wang is here, and our art channel is also It should be changed..."

Wang Wanjun originally wanted to make things difficult for Deputy Director Xu, but the other party not only did not follow his pace of working overtime, but also was as warm as the original Director Jiang, obviously he did not take him seriously.

But after hearing what he said just now, he felt very comfortable, because he really wanted to revise the art channel and show off his strengths.

Of course, all this is not because of how bad the Art Channel is, but because he wants to show some achievements to the leaders above, so as to contribute to his future development.

And Xu Jie's words definitely touched his heart. .

Before, he was worried that such a major issue as the revision would be opposed and treated negatively by everyone, but now with the support of Deputy Director Xu, he agrees with both the original and the first copy, and his thinking has been consistent, so there is no need to worry about it.

The people present looked at Xu Jie suspiciously, and thought: When did Deputy Director Xu learn to flatter?
In everyone's mind, Deputy Director Xu has always been neither humble nor overbearing, and speaks with his achievements. What happened today?Are you afraid too?
and many more!

Satellite TV channel revision?

Isn't Deputy Director Xu responsible for many of the new programs on the satellite TV channel after the revision?Deputy Director Xu is also in charge of the programs with the best ratings.

Is he praising himself?


"Deputy Director Xu, do you have any specific ideas about the program?" Wang Wanjun asked enthusiastically. If he wanted to embarrass the other party before, then this time he really wanted to hear what the other party thought. One thing is that other people here can't compare.

If you speak well, he can use it. If you speak badly, you can also blow the opponent's arrogance.

"First of all, learn from experience. Don't broadcast programs with poor ratings, and don't just do similar programs. If you want to do it, you must come up with selling points, that is, places that attract audiences. It is limited to the entertainment industry, including celebrities from all walks of life, such as writers, painters, Peking opera masters, etc..." Xu Jie said.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but smile bitterly in their hearts.

May I ask, who doesn't want to invite celebrities when making a show?But who will pay for the labor costs of the stars?Let alone a celebrity, hiring an Internet celebrity now costs at least tens of thousands of yuan.

And the Art Channel only targets the capital area, and it is very difficult to find sponsors. No one will waste this money. As for the advertising fee, it is pitifully small, and it is not enough to pay for labor costs.

If you say a thousand words and ten thousand, you have no money.

Xu Jie continued: "The second is the hardware. The studio in our art program center is too dilapidated, like a small workshop, completely unable to keep up with the times and trends. If the studio can change a few more styles, it will be taller. Let the audience's eyes shine when they see it. I think it will definitely be able to retain the audience. Isn't there a saying? People rely on clothes, Buddha depends on gold clothes. Forget about our show."

"Clap clap clap!"

wow wow wow...

When Xu Jie's voice fell, the meeting room immediately burst into applause.

For those present, it may not be realistic to invite celebrities, and it has nothing to do with them personally, but changing the hardware is inseparable from them.

Especially the hosts, all of them seem very excited. They have long wanted to change studios. Now those studios have been used for many years. Every time they enter and see the old decoration background, they can’t get motivated to work. , so Deputy Director Xu's words reached their hearts.

Wang Wanjun also nodded.

New director, new environment, new atmosphere.

Not only should the leaders above see the changes in the art channel, but the audience should also be able to see the changes in the art channel, so that it can have a wide impact in society and attract more viewers.

He, the director of the cultural program center, will also become the focus.


It's just that Xu Jie seems to have taken the limelight now.

This will not work!

He is the director of the cultural program, and the direction of today's meeting must be in his hands.

"Do you have any other ideas?" Wang Wanjun looked at the other people present and asked, finally resting his eyes on the few people who had reported their work.

It's time to show your loyalty, quickly suppress Deputy Director Xu's arrogance!
Among the people who reported to Wang Wanjun, there were directors and hosts, but they all lowered their heads after meeting Director Wang's eyes.

It's not that they don't want to speak, but that their thinking is far worse than that of Deputy Director Xu.

Having said that, it will only lower one's own profile, not only cannot cover up Deputy Director Xu's limelight, but it is also likely to elevate what Deputy Director Xu said just now, making the effect counterproductive.

This is the risk that those who speak later need to face.

If the first person to speak is stumped, they can show their abilities at this time, but if the first person to speak is too good, they can only shut up obediently.

So after much deliberation, several people decided not to talk about it. It would be a big deal to explain to Director Wang after the meeting.

Seeing that no one responded, Wang Wanjun frowned involuntarily.

Speaking, why are you all dumb?
Are you here to help me, or are you here to hinder me?

Wang Wanjun waited patiently for a while, and found that those people were still not ready to speak, and because of this, the whole meeting fell into silence.

Wang Wanjun was so angry.

Not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs, no, subordinates.

A group of things that are not successful enough to fail!

He took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and then said: "Deputy Director Xu said very well, and I thought about it together, but I would like to add one more point, our revision this time not only needs to change the form, but also change the hardware. , but also to make innovative changes in the content. Next, we will start from these three aspects, and strive to complete the revision in the shortest possible time, and give the audience in the capital a brand-new literary channel. I want to see the weekly meeting next Monday. Results, the meeting is over!
After Wang Wanjun finished speaking, he got up and left his seat. The moment he walked out of the meeting room, his eyes began to turn cold.

This meeting is not going well.

Although the revision plan was approved, the fire was not ignited. At first, I wanted to kill the chicken to show the monkey, but I couldn't do it.

It seems that we can only kill chickens at the next meeting.

Wang Wanjun returned to the office, and closed the door heavily with a "bang".

The others walked out of the conference room with ugly expressions on their faces.

Coming up next week?

Is this too fast?

You must know that it took several months to prepare for the revision of the satellite TV channel.

How can it be possible to have the results of a satellite TV channel for a few months in a week?

Everyone can understand that the new director is eager to achieve results, but he is too eager to achieve results, and the concubine cannot do it.

"Deputy Director Xu, can you tell Director Wang that a week is too short?" Someone approached Xu Jie to complain.

"Don't make it seem like Director Wang is embarrassing you. Director Wang will say that, which means he believes in everyone's strength. You must not let Director Wang down." Xu Jie said earnestly.

When the people around heard it, they thought they didn't have enough time, but now they all felt that Director Wang was deliberately embarrassing them and using this incident to build his prestige.

"Director Wang's requirements are so high, and he needs new content and new forms. How could we have thought of it so quickly? If we had such ability, we would have achieved it when Director Jiang was around, and we wouldn't wait until now to develop it." .” Someone else began to complain.

"Don't tell me, I have to think about it. You have time to complain to me. Why don't you go back and think about the new program? Don't ask Director Wang at the meeting next week. You still keep silent. If Wang The director will call my name when the time comes, so I can put the blame on you." Xu Jie said solemnly.


After everyone heard it, they all sighed, and their faces were full of depression.

In retrospect, Director Wang's smile when he first came here was completely fake. The people in the satellite TV program center were right. Director Wang not only has high demands on his subordinates, but also is very strict. Now it has all been fulfilled.

Alas, it's too early to be happy!


(End of this chapter)

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