The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 562 You Picked the Wrong Person

Chapter 562 You Picked the Wrong Person

Wang Wanjun returned to the office, thinking about the meeting just now, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

This is the first time he has organized a meeting for all staff since he came to the art program center. As a result, the protagonist has become a supporting role, and the limelight has been taken away by others. May I ask who would feel better?
Thinking of those subordinates who became dumb at critical moments, I was even more angry.

A group of pigs, none of them can fight!

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Wang Wanjun returned to the desk and sat down, adjusted his emotions, hid his dissatisfaction in his heart, and then shouted: "Come in."

The door opened, and Jiang Lan came in from the outside.

Wang Wanjun's expression turned cold, and he said that the pig is here.

He didn't speak, pretending to organize the documents on the table.

Beauty is beauty, show is show, but it cannot be used at critical times, which makes people very anxious and angry.

Jiang Lan is not stupid, she can tell from Director Wang's serious and indifferent expression that she has disappointed the other party with her performance in the meeting just now.

However, she felt that she was not wrong. After all, Deputy Director Xu's limelight was not limited to just now?In the past two years, isn't Deputy Director Xu the most popular?Not to mention the cultural program center, even the entire capital TV station, can't find anyone who can overwhelm Deputy Director Xu.

Director, Director, you picked the wrong person!

Taking Deputy Director Xu under the knife, isn't that the same as self-harm?

"Director, I was so excited when I heard you said at the meeting that you were going to revise the art channel. In fact, I had such an idea a long time ago. Now that I have your leadership, I think this revision will be very successful." Jiang Jiang There was a smile on Lan's face that can only be seen in the season of recovery.

Men need to be coaxed, and the male director needs to be coaxed even more. .

After Wang Wanjun heard it, the expression on his face eased, and then he said lightly: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Lan stood up in front of the desk, showing her body perfectly in front of the director, and then said with a smile: "After listening to what Director Wang said, I would like to share my views on the revision."

When Wang Wanjun heard this, his brows immediately frowned.

During the meeting just now, I asked you to say it, but if you didn’t, now that the meeting is over, why don’t you come to my office to say it?

On purpose?

Wang Wanjun even suspected that the other party was an undercover agent placed by Xu Jie's side, and wanted to piss him off!

"Why didn't you say it during the meeting?" Wang Wanjun asked coldly, as long as the other party said a few words during the meeting, the limelight would not be taken away by that Xu.

"Director, my thoughts are not as good as Deputy Director Xu's. If I said it at that time, wouldn't it make him more prominent?" Jiang Lan said with a wry smile.

She came this time not to express her opinion, but to explain what happened during the meeting.

Wang Wanjun was taken aback, it sounded very reasonable.

"Didn't I tell you about the revision in advance? You who are prepared are not as good as those who are not prepared? Are you not taking this matter seriously?" Wang Wanjun asked.

In fact, as early as last Friday, he told the few people who reported to him about the matter. The purpose of doing this was to hope that the first work meeting he held today would be a success, but the result was turned over. car.

"Director, is Deputy Director Xu an ordinary person? You used to be in the satellite TV program center, so you should know him well. Every program of his will become a hit, and the ratings are not only among the best in the whole station, but also in the whole country. I How can his idea compare to his? Just like the programs he came up with, even if I think about it for a year, I still can’t come up with it!" Jiang Lan said with an aggrieved expression, which was extremely lethal.


Wang Wanjun froze immediately, wondering whether he should continue to reprimand the other party, because what the other party said was indeed true.

The performance of the program directed by Xu Jie is obvious to all, otherwise, he would not have become the deputy director of the art program center at such a young age.

Speaking of which, the satellite TV program center once conducted research on Xu Jie's programs. After all, the programs made by the people in the cultural program center were a mess on the satellite TV channel. This kind of thing made the people in the satellite TV program center feel very embarrassed.

However, everyone has studied for a long time and many times, but they have not come up with any results. They can only watch the programs directed by each other become more and more popular.

Even the people in the satellite TV program center can't handle the characters, so it's really difficult for the people in the art program center to do it.

In fact, he didn't have to embarrass Xu Jie, it was because the other party didn't take him too seriously, and the most important point, if he didn't get rid of that person, how could he use him in the future?
He wanted to make Xu Jie her man.

But, it feels demeaning to take the initiative to show favor. After all, he is the director. How can the director bow to the deputy director first?Once this matter is known to outsiders, how will he continue to work in the art program center in the future?
Who would take him seriously?
Don't you have to listen to Xu Jie?

"Okay, I see." Wang Wanjun said.

"Thank you, Director, for your understanding." Jiang Lan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, you go out." Wang Wanjun looked at the woman and said, as for the idea, since it is not as good as Xu Jie's, it doesn't matter if you don't listen to it. .

"Good director, I will definitely think carefully during this time and come up with a good program plan for you." Jiang Lan said seriously.

Wang Wanjun nodded.

Jiang Lan turned around and left, her back was still provocative, her steps were still coquettish.

Not long after, there was another knock on the door.

Wang Wanjun can probably guess who it is. After all, Jiang Lan has been here, can the others sit still?

"Come in!"

A man in his thirties with a mid-partie came in from the outside.

"It's Jia Wei, what's the matter?" Wang Wanjun asked. With Jiang Lan's explanation, he was no longer so angry. If he wanted to blame it, he would blame himself for overestimating his men and underestimating his target.

"Director, I have some ideas about the new program. I'm here to report to you." Jia Wei said cautiously. He also saw Jiang Lan's relaxed expression after going out, so he dared to knock on the door.

"No need, you go back and think about it carefully, put in more effort, and discuss it in a meeting next Monday." Wang Wanjun waved his hand at the other party.

"Director, during the meeting just now..." Jia Wei wanted to explain, after all, the revision meant an opportunity, and he never wanted the show he directed to air in the morning.

"I understand." A kind smile appeared on Wang Wanjun's face, "It's okay, it's just a meeting, don't take it to heart, just behave well in the future."

"Director Wang, I understand. I will work hard in the future, and I will never disappoint your expectations." Jia Wei said seriously, and finally let go of his long-sustained heart.


Jia Wei left.

Wang Wanjun also put away his smile.

Although each of these people swears by it, he doesn't hold out much hope.

As the saying goes: It is better to ask yourself than to ask others.

It is better to count on yourself than to count on others.

There is still a week until the next meeting.

Next, suppressing is absolutely impossible, and I hope that Deputy Director Xu can come up with some good program plans.

So during this period, we still need to focus on establishing prestige, and let these people in the art program center know that their new director is capable and worthy of following.

Thinking of this, Wang Wanjun left his seat and walked out of the office.

He's going to talk to deputy editor-in-chief Zhou about replacing the hardware. When the studio is redecorated, don't these people in the art program center admire his vigorous and resolute style?

Wang Wanjun came outside the office of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou.

"Come in."

Hearing the sound, Wang Wanjun opened the door and walked in.

Zhou Zhengliang was answering the phone, saw that it was Wang Wanjun, and stretched out his hand to signal him to sit down for a while.

Wang Wanjun respectfully came to sit opposite the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou. Although he used to be under the supervision of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, after he came to the cultural program center, he was under the supervision of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou. Naturally, he couldn't be as casual as before.

Zhou Zhengliang put down the phone quickly, and asked Wang Wanjun with a smile: "Director Wang, how do you feel in your new position?"

"I have completed the handover of work with Director Jiang, and it is very good in the art program center." Wang Wanjun replied.

"Well, that's fine, I've appointed you as the director of the art program center this time, and I want you to bring your excellent work experience in the program center of satellite TV to the art program center, so as to provide our station with more, better and more excellent art programs. "Zhou Zhengliang said slowly.

"Yes, Editor-in-Chief Zhou, I will definitely work hard to live up to the Taiwan leaders and your expectations of me." Wang Wanjun blurted out, and felt that the words sounded familiar after he finished speaking. Someone told him just now.

It doesn't matter, anyway, there is absolutely nothing wrong with subordinates saying this to their superiors.

"What's the matter with you this time?" Zhou Zhengliang asked.

"Yes, Editor-in-Chief Zhou, I just finished the weekly meeting. At the meeting, we discussed about the revision of the Art Channel. Everyone is very enthusiastic. I think that if we want to change the status quo of the Art Channel, we must start from three points. To make a move, the first point is the content...the second point is the form...the third point is the hardware..."Wang Wanjun said one by one
Zhou Zhengliang listened carefully, and at the same time kept nodding his head. After Wang Wanjun finished speaking, he smiled and praised: "Very good, I can give so many good suggestions just a few days after I joined the art program center. Come here, you are really hardworking, and I support you."

Wang Wanjun was very happy. Although he copied Xu Jie's idea, as long as the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou didn't know, whoever said it first in front of the leader would be the one who said it, as long as the leader knew who said it. just fine.

"Editor-in-Chief Zhou, I came to you for the revision, and there is something that needs your approval." Wang Wanjun felt that there should be no problem with appropriating funds for renovations. After all, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou seemed very happy.

"Oh? What can I do for you?" Zhou Zhengliang asked.

"It's the third point mentioned just now. I want to redecorate and upgrade several studios in the Art Program Center. Can you allocate some money for the stands?" Wang Wanjun asked.

Zhou Zhengliang was slightly taken aback when he heard it, and then put away his smile.



(End of this chapter)

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