Chapter 563
When he heard that he was asking for money, Zhou Zhengliang immediately hesitated.

Matters involving money are usually more sensitive. Even if it is a dollar, it cannot be approved casually. What's more, the decoration of the studio is not in the TV station's work plan for this year. You can do it yourself, but if you want the station I'm sorry, but I don't have the budget.

"Are you here specifically for the decoration fee?" Zhou Zhengliang looked at Wang Wanjun and asked.

Originally, he had a good impression of this person. As soon as he arrived at the art program center, he carried out drastic reforms and came up with specific ideas.

But asking for money with just one mouth, what is this called?

"Yes, Editor-in-Chief Zhou." Wang Wanjun nodded, his face full of anticipation, and he was already thinking about how much hardware improvement funds he could get, even the design plan.

Zhou Zhengliang's face gradually lost expression. The last thing he wanted to see was someone who asked for money before showing his grades.

Once the money is given, what should I do if the results are not released?
Isn't this money in vain?
"Director Wang, your idea of ​​improving the hardware conditions of the art program center is very good, but I think that for a program, the content is far more important than the hardware..." Zhou Zhengliang said lightly.

Wang Wanjun was shocked, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes. Hearing the voice of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, it seemed that the matter of the hardware improvement fund was going to be serious.

But didn't you agree with it before?

He also praised the idea as a good idea, why did he suddenly turn his back on it?

Isn't it normal for a new director to take office and want to change the working environment?What's more, he did this for the program, for the channel, not for himself.

Is it too much?
Not too much!
Wang Wanjun gradually became dissatisfied. Could it be that he disagreed because he was not a member of the art program center, but an outsider who was transferred from the satellite TV program center halfway?

Zhou Zhengliang ignored Wang Wanjun's feelings and continued: "Didn't you just say three points? The first point is the content, the second point is the form, and the third point is the hardware. That is to say, you also feel that the hardware is here. Among the three points, it is the least important. Look at Xiao Xu, it is Deputy Director Xu's "In-depth Talk on Film and Television". Seeing that Deputy Director Xu is going to a more luxurious studio to record the program, so the quality of the program has nothing to do with the hardware...

Wang Wanjun thought to himself: Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, this is the revision proposal proposed by Deputy Director Xu.

Of course, when I think about it, I definitely can't say it. After all, he has made Xu Jie's idea into his own. If he tells the truth at this time, wouldn't it be the same as exposing himself?This is deceiving the leadership.

"Well, you should change the first two points first and see the effect of the program. If the effect is good, the station will allocate funds to support the hardware renovation of your art program center. If the effect is average, then there is no need to modify it. Of course, you can also think about it yourself. Ways to reform..." Zhou Zhengliang said with a smile.

The corner of Wang Wanjun's mouth twitched.

Find a way by yourself?
any solution?Crowdfunding?
This is for the decoration of the TV station's studio, not for your own home, how can you pay for it yourself?

Of course, you can also find sponsors, but who will sponsor the art channel?
I've heard of sponsored clothing, and also heard of sponsored drinks, but I've never heard of sponsored studio renovations. Those who don't know think he's getting some benefits behind his back.

It doesn't work if you pay for it yourself, and you can't find a sponsor, so what should you do?
Wang Wanjun was in a hurry. This was his first major task after taking office. If he couldn't do it, what would the people in the art program center think?
The new director can't do it, I agreed to renovate the studio, but the fart didn't move...

"Editor Zhou, this is the first thing I do after I came to the art program center. You have to support me. If you don't support me, how should I carry out the next work?" Wang Wanjun said with a bitter face, wishing he could Bow to the other party and satisfy his small request.

"Director Wang, I support you, but if you ask me to solve everything, what do you need as a director? I know the current situation of the Art Channel, so you should overcome difficulties and complete this revision. Bring new vitality to the art channel, come on, I am optimistic about you." Zhou Zhengliang said to Wang Wanjun.


Wang Wanjun was speechless, so he could only silently think in his heart: Is the deputy editor-in-chief too stingy this week?It seems that I can only go to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu for help.

"Editor Zhou, I'm going back first." Wang Wanjun stood up from his chair, his face full of disappointment.

"Well, go back and do the first two things you said first. As long as you show your results, you can renovate the studio." Zhou Zhengliang is not unreasonable. In his opinion, as long as you come up with As for the results, everything is easy to talk about. In this way, even if the higher-ups ask, he doesn't need to worry about anything.

Wang Wanjun thought to himself: I renovate the studio just for the sake of performance, is it for my own fun?
He also knew that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou was the one who didn't see any rabbits, so he left the office and walked to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's office.


"Come in."

Wang Wanjun heard Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's friendly voice, immediately opened the door and walked in, and said with a smile: "Editor-in-Chief Lu, old leader, are you okay?"

"It's Xiao Wang. I'm fine. How are you? Is your work in the art program center going well?" Lu Hong asked with a smile.

"It's not going well, no, I came to ask the old leader for help." Wang Wanjun's voice was full of depression and helplessness.

"Oh? Looking for me? You are now a member of the Art Program Center. Shouldn't you go to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou if you have something to do?" Lu Hong asked curiously
"Oh, it's hard to say." Wang Wanjun sighed deeply, showing a wronged look.

He originally wanted to express his dissatisfaction with Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, but Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou is the senior leader of the TV station, and he is now his immediate superior. Is the art program center working?So in the end, he swallowed all his dissatisfaction abruptly, and replaced it with a sigh of grievance and helplessness.

Lu Hong saw that the other party must have encountered a problem with his appearance, so he asked, "Tell me, what is it?"

"Old leader, it's like this. After I went to the art program center, I found that the ratings of the art channel's programs were too low, so I wanted to carry out a comprehensive revision of the art channel..."

Lu Hong was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and wanted to change the version too?Is this to learn from him?
"The revision includes: content, form, and hardware. I reported this matter to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, but Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou only agreed verbally, and didn't express anything else. He didn't even plan to allocate funds for the refurbishment of the studio, so I can only come to you, you are my old leader, and I am doing this to provide more excellent cultural programs for the satellite TV channel, you will definitely support me, right?" Wang Wanjun looked at the old leader expectantly , When it came to the end, he even played the emotional card.

He has no friendship with Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, but he has worked under Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu for many years, and he feels that because of this, the other party should support him and help him.

Lu Hong narrowed his eyes, and immediately understood the purpose of Wang Wanjun's coming to him.

Ganqing came to ask him for money.

But the problem is, the landlord's family has no room to spare!
"Xiao Wang, I also want to help you, but you are now the director of the art program center, and deputy editor-in-chief Zhou is the leader in charge of you. What's the matter with you looking for me? If I allocate this money to support you, What will Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou think? What will other station leaders think? I know, you are my old subordinate, but those who don’t know think I have other ideas.” Lu Hong said.

If it's for the show, he might be able to approve a sum of money for the production fee, but the problem is that Wang Wanjun is going to renovate the studio. Does the studio of the Art Program Center have anything to do with him?
Wang Wanjun thought for a while, and felt that what Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu said was also reasonable. If the other party really allocated the money to him, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou would definitely be unhappy, and he would definitely guess that it was the Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu who he was looking for. At that time, his life in the cultural program center may not be easy.

I was too eager for success and neglected this matter.

"Editor Lu, what do you think I should do now?" Wang Wanjun was completely helpless.

"If you want me to say, let's start with the content first, and it won't be too late to ask Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou for funding after it has achieved results." Lu Hong suggested.

After hearing this, Wang Wanjun thought to himself: As expected of being the deputy editor-in-chief, even the ideas are the same.

Isn't that what deputy editor-in-chief Zhou told him just now?

"Editor Lu, but I have already promised the people in the Art Program Center that if the studio cannot be refurbished, how will I explain to them when I go back? How should I answer when they ask?" Wang Wanjun asked.

That's where things got worse.

"You can talk to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou." Lu Hong thought for a while and said.


Wang Wanjun smiled wryly to himself, wasn't he sincere just now?He was about to kneel down to deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, but what happened?
Grades, grades, doesn't he want to make grades?But without a good environment, how can you achieve results?
Seeing Wang Wanjun's downcast look, Lu Hong couldn't bear it, so he said, "If you think the studio in the Art Program Center is too bad for your new program, I can lend you the studio in the Satellite TV Program Center."

Wang Wanjun shook his head, renovating the studio is not only for the program, but also to establish his prestige in the cultural program center.

Can recording programs in the studio of the TV program center solve this problem?cannot!
"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Lu, then I'll go back." Wang Wanjun turned and walked out with a sad face, thinking about how to explain to everyone as he walked.

He originally thought that this matter was very simple, but who would have thought that the two big bosses would not want to pay.

Good idea, no money, is this a good idea or a bad idea?

(End of this chapter)

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