The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 564 Recognize the reality!

Chapter 564 Recognize the reality!
The small conference room of the Art Program Center.

The members of the "Delicious History" program group gathered together. The original theme of the meeting was to discuss the content of the script for next month's program. However, as they talked, it turned into a complaint meeting.

"Who can tell me why we have to write a program plan?" Liu Jinbao looked at the people present and asked, his face was very unhappy.

The revisions are those programs with poor ratings. What does it have to do with them?
"Delicious History" not only has a high ratings, but it is also broadcast on the satellite TV channel. The program on the satellite TV channel has nothing to do with them, so the revision should be nothing to them.

Besides, even if they write a good copy of the new program, they have to be busy with "Delicious History", and they don't have time to work on the new program.

"You should ask Director Wang about this." Song Huanhuan said. When she mentioned the new director, her tone was not friendly. After all, no one likes to work overtime.

"Director Xu, are you speaking for everyone?" Xiao Wei looked at Director Xu, hoping that the other party could tell Director Wang that for programs with high ratings, the staff would not have to write new program proposals. This is not a waste of everyone time?
"What are you talking about? The revision of the art channel this time is related to every person in the art program center. Are you a member of the art program center? You have to think about it and contribute to the art channel." Xu Jie said with a serious expression. Said.

"But how to write the plan?" Liu Hua asked.

"That's right, I didn't say what the budget for the show is. I want to invite two celebrities to fight. Is it exciting? Is it hot? But if there is no money to invite, isn't this planning a waste of time?" Zhang Jiao said.

Xu Jie glanced at the people present, and then said: "Stop complaining, Director Wang asked us to come up with a new program planning plan, we just write it, as for whether we can invite stars, that is Director Wang's business, it is useful Are you worried? It’s really easy to worry about eating carrots.”

"But Director Xu, if the plan is useless, what's the point of writing it?" Song Huanhuan asked. .

"It means a lot." Xu Jie said after hearing it: "At least let Director Wang know that it's not that the people in our art program center are not good, but that our channel is not taken seriously, unlike satellite TV channels that have such production fees."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and stared at Director Xu intently. The people present finally understood why Director Xu supported Director Wang in the meeting. It turned out that Director Wang was deflated.

To put it simply, it is to let Director Wang recognize the reality, and then retreat in spite of the difficulties, so as not to torment everyone in the future.

"Director Xu, are you good or bad!" Liu Hua asked with a smile.

I thought that Director Xu really supported Director Wang, but he was waiting for Director Wang here. No wonder he talked so much during the meeting and proposed several things to be revised. This is basically digging a hole for Director Wang, and Director Wang jumped in without realizing it.

The others laughed too.

I didn't know how to write the program plan just now, but now, I just write it casually, anyway, it's all to solve problems for Director Wang.

Regarding the program production fee, Xu Jie knows best.

When filming the first issue of "Delicious History", Director Jiang only gave a few thousand yuan, but in the end he spent tens of thousands of dollars to finish the first issue.

There is also "In-depth Talk on Film and Television", the station did not pay a penny, and the final production fee was also based on his mouth.

Through these two incidents, it is not difficult to see that the station will only increase the production fee of the program when the ratings of the program are high, and support the continued shooting of the program.

However, for the program staff, there is a planning plan, but there is no production fee, or the production fee is pitifully low, and the content of the planning cannot be fully presented in the program, which indirectly leads to a decline in the quality of the program. What kind of star, the ratings are not high, and the station doesn't pay much attention to it, so it can only barely maintain it with the pitiful advertising fee.

This is an endless loop.

The ratings of the station are required, and the program group needs production fees. One is that if you don’t see a rabbit, you don’t spread the eagle, and the other is that a smart woman can’t cook without rice. The result is the current situation of the Art Channel.

If Director Wang wants to change the version, he must solve this problem. If he can't solve it, there will be no changes in the art channel.

After all, Art Channel is not a satellite TV channel.

Director Wang, Director Wang, recognize the reality!

Wang Wanjun returned to the art program center, looked at his subordinates who were immersed in their work, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

What if everyone is working hard to prepare the programming plan according to his meeting instructions, but he has not solved the problem of renovating the studio?
I've already looked for what I should look for, and I've already looked for what I shouldn't look for. Who else can I look for?

and many more!

A person suddenly came to his mind.

As the old saying goes: To untie a bell, one must tie it.

Whoever made this suggestion, it is best to let whoever solves it.

Thinking of this, Wang Wanjun hurried to Xu Jie's office, reached out and knocked.



No one in the house responded.

Wang Wanjun tried to twist the doorknob and pushed the door open, but there was no one in the office.

Not in the office again?

Why is Deputy Director Xu not in the office all the time?Why does a deputy director seem to be busier than the director?

Wang Wanjun came to the public office area, found a person and asked, "Did you see Deputy Director Xu?"

"Deputy Director Xu is in the small conference room." The staff member replied.

Wang Wanjun came to the small conference room immediately after hearing this, and saw Xu Jie sitting in it through the glass wall, discussing something with the members of the "Delicious History" program group.

Wang Wanjun stopped involuntarily. It was not suitable to ask at this time. He thought for a while, and finally returned to his office. He pretended not to know that Xu Jie was in a meeting, and called the other party directly to ask him to come to his office. .

Soon, there was a knock on the door.


After hearing this voice, Wang Wanjun felt very comfortable, and shouted outside: "Is it Deputy Director Xu, come in."

The door opened, and it was indeed Xu Jie.

"Director Wang, are you looking for me?" Xu Jie asked.

"Come, sit." Wang Wanjun pointed to the chair opposite, and after the other party sat down, he said: "Deputy Director Xu, the two points you mentioned at the meeting before are very good, can you say more? How to be more specific? For example, how to invite celebrities, how to replace hardware?"

Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun, who was full of longing eyes, and seemed to have encountered a problem.

now it's right!

Xu Jie thought to himself.

The reason why he said these two points was to give the other party a difficult time.

If you want to take him under the knife, it depends on whether the other party has the ability.

Xu Jie is not a soft persimmon, he treats whoever is nice to him, and he is not a vegetarian if anyone seeks trouble with him.

"To invite a star, of course, first contact the star's agent, and then discuss the conditions with them. Then you can wait for the star to come to the TV station to record the program. If you don't have an agent, you can contact the star himself. Now there are many communication methods, and it is easy to contact the star. .” Xu Jie pretended not to understand what the other party meant.

Of course Wang Wanjun knew how to contact the star, he just said it casually just now, what he really wanted to know was how to replace the hardware.

"What about replacing the hardware?" Wang Wanjun asked.

"Send a report to the superior, hand in the cost of replacing the hardware, and wait for the approval of the superior." Xu Jie paused here, looked at the other party on purpose and asked: "Director Wang, you will not even connect this You don't even know the program?"

"Of course I know, but what if the superiors don't approve?" Wang Wanjun asked again.

"Then I don't know." Xu Jie said.

"Huh?" Wang Wanjun was stunned.

do not know?
I don't know how to do it, you don't know, didn't you cheat me?How can I explain to everyone?
"Aside from making a report? Is there no other way?" Wang Wanjun asked, no longer trying to hide it.

"No, if the superior doesn't approve, the office won't take care of it, and the finance department won't take money." Xu Jie said.

"Then why did you say it at the meeting?" Wang Wanjun couldn't help raising his voice, blushing with anger.

"Director Wang, didn't you ask me to speak?" Xu Jie said innocently.

"I let you speak because I want you to give some feasible opinions." Wang Wanjun explained.

"I think it's very feasible. Director Wang must have been carefully considered in Taiwan's election to be the director of the art program center. I believe in Director Wang's ability. You have the ability and the support of the station's leaders. This kind of trivial matter is for you. Isn't it just a report?" Xu Jie took the initiative to mention the other party's bragging.


After Wang Wanjun heard it, he didn't know what to say.

He also thought so before, and felt that the leader valued him and would definitely support him, but only after meeting with Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu did he find out that the superior was just trying to do nothing.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun, and asked pretendingly, "Director Wang, have you reported to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou?"

"No!" Wang Wanjun shook his head. Although the report was not prepared, the matter had already been said, which was no different from the rejection of the report.

"Then you have to hurry up and write, submit the report early, approve the payment early, start construction earlier, and use the new studio earlier. Then everyone will be very happy and the audience will be attracted." Xu Jay said with a smile.

I thought to myself: Just act, who will know who pulls out his trouser pockets at that time.

"Well, I see, you go out." Wang Wanjun only felt weak all over, and his head was even more chaotic.

"Okay Director, call me if you need something." Xu Jie walked out after speaking, and let the other party suffer here alone.

Want to give me a hard time?Is my little Zhuge from Nangou Village a false name for Lang?

Wang Wanjun looked at the closed door and sighed deeply.

It might be a good idea for the art channel to replace the hardware, but it is a bad idea for him personally.

Is that how you admit it?

No, if the first shot is not fired, will there still be a deterrent in front of subordinates in the future?

Yes, write a report!
If Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou disagrees, then keep writing!

If it really doesn't work, throw the blame to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou!

(End of this chapter)

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