Chapter 565

Arts program center.

There are only ten minutes left before the end of get off work, but no one is happy. Everyone sits at their desks and pretends to be a person who is working hard, but they are thinking about the same question in their hearts, should they work overtime tonight?

If it was in the past, when the day’s work is done, you can pack your bags and leave when it’s time to get off work, and you can even chat with your colleagues about what to eat for dinner and where to go before getting off work.

But now, Director Jiang has left, and now Director Wang is in charge here. Since he had just worked overtime last Friday, no one dared to leave when the time came. They were all waiting for Director Wang to speak or hint.

In the past, it was a normal thing to leave work when the time came, but now it has become a luxury.


The door of the director's office opened suddenly, and then he saw Director Wang walking out of it.

Everyone in the public office area became tense. You must know that they are going to get off work soon. When Director Wang appeared at this time, he probably had to work overtime again.

Some people have even started to howl in their hearts, another night of overtime work.

While everyone was waiting for Director Wang's instructions, they saw that the other party walked past the office area without stopping, and left the art program center directly...

what's the situation?
For a time, everyone was stunned.

Why did Director Wang leave?Did you stop talking about working overtime?

After a while, people gradually relaxed, and smiles appeared on their faces.

Good to go!
It is best not to come back until after get off work, so that everyone can leave work on time.

Everyone started to pack their bags, keeping their eyes on the time, counting the seconds. While counting down, they secretly prayed: Don't come back, don't come back, don't come back. .

No one wants to see Director Wang before get off work.

Wang Wanjun came outside the office of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou and knocked on the door.


"Come in."

Wang Wanjun pushed the door open and walked in.

When Zhou Zhengliang saw that the person who came in was Wang Wanjun, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he opened his mouth and asked, "Director Wang, what's the matter?"

He glanced at the clock on the wall out of the corner of his eye, he was about to leave work, what was this man doing in his office?
In fact, whether it is ordinary employees or superior leaders, they hate talking about things when they are about to get off work. After all, leaders also have homes and nightlife plans.

Wang Wanjun came to deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, put a report on his desk, and said, "Editor-in-Chief Zhou, this is the budget report for the refurbished studio of the Art Program Center, please have a look."


Zhou Zhengliang was slightly taken aback, looked down at the report, and then looked up at Wang Wanjun, with a little more doubt in his eyes.

What does this person mean?Didn't you understand what he said this morning?
"Why did you give me this budget report? Didn't you agree to start with the content and format of the program?" Zhou Zhengliang asked.

As for the budget report, I don't even want to read it.

"Editor Zhou, if you want to change the version, you can change it completely. How can you change half of it? If you don't know, you think it's not a change. Since you are determined to change the version, of course you have to do it in one step. You should approve this budget report. I promise to change the art channel and give you a brand new art channel." Wang Wanjun said vowedly, almost stretching out his hand to swear.

Zhou Zhengliang didn't take it seriously, let alone swear, even if he signed a military order, he couldn't do it.

"How can I do that? If I start this job and approve this budget for you, what if other departments come to me? It's not just your art program center's studio that lasts a long time, the same goes for other program centers." Zhou Zhengliang said seriously.

He is different from Lu Hong. Lu Hong is only in charge of the satellite TV program center, but in addition to being in charge of the art program center, he is also in charge of the life program center, sports program center, youth channel, etc.

In the entire Beijing TV station, Beijing Satellite TV is the absolute core, so the resources obtained by other program centers are definitely not as good as the satellite TV program center. What can be approved by the satellite TV program center may not be approved by other program centers, and the revision is the best. example of.

Last year, the satellite TV channel was revised, and the station invested a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, but for other channels, there was no investment other than to produce good programs.

After Wang Wanjun heard it, although he felt that what Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou said was reasonable, he didn't intend to give up just like that. He understood Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, but who understood him?

"Editor Zhou, the refurbishment of the studio is not only my idea, but also the idea of ​​all the staff of the cultural program center, and I have already promised them at the meeting, so I can't go back on my word? How about you Go and explain to them?" Wang Wanjun looked at the other party and said.

His meaning is very clear, or else the budget report will be approved, or else the blame will be blamed.

Zhou Zhengliang's face darkened immediately, and he frowned and said, "Wang Wanjun, don't forget, you are the director of the art program center. If you feel that you are not up to the job, you can submit a job transfer and I will approve it for you right now." , when you encounter problems, you only know to ask for money, isn’t it the same when you were in the satellite TV program center?”


Wang Wanjun didn't finish his sentence, but he was thinking in his heart: When I was in the satellite TV program center, it really wasn't like this, at least the satellite TV program center was never short of money.

"Okay, go out if you have nothing else to do, use your brain more on the content of the show, and don't ask for money when you encounter problems. I'm not an online loan." Zhou Zhengliang said coldly. Lost patience, even lost patience with Wang Wanjun.

This person simply doesn't know how to advance or retreat!

"Editor Zhou, if you don't approve it, I will write a budget report every day until you approve it." Wang Wanjun said seriously.

"Are you threatening me?" Zhou Zhengliang clenched his fists tightly. It was the first time he saw someone threatening him. Thinking about it, he found it funny. This person really treats himself like a dish?
"This is not a threat. I am also doing it for the good of the Arts Program Center, and I believe you will be moved by my sincerity." Wang Wanjun said.

"Instead of getting a budget report, you might as well get a ratings report." Zhou Zhengliang directly threw the budget report into the trash can.

Wang Wanjun smiled wryly, watching again, returning to this cycle again.

Forget it, since we can't talk about going together, let's show it with practical actions.

"Editor Zhou, then I'm leaving, you should think about it carefully." Wang Wanjun finished speaking and walked out of Deputy Editor Zhou's office.

Zhou Zhengliang rolled his eyes straight away, looking for trouble right after he took office, who is this!

Arts program center.

Many people have already packed their bags and sprint away as soon as the time is up.

1 minute left.

10, 9, 8..."

Just when people were counting down, and someone even raised their buttocks, the door of the department was suddenly pushed open, and Wang Wanjun, who had left before, came back with a gloomy, very ugly face.

came back?
Everyone was dumbfounded, and the mood was like riding a roller coaster.

It will be off work in a few seconds, and Director Wang will come back at this time, which makes everyone have a bad feeling.


It's time to get off work.

The people who were about to sprint, but now they dare not move, for fear of being left behind by Director Wang.

Wang Wanjun caught a glimpse of everyone looking at him, and immediately understood what it meant.

If the budget report was approved, he might not have to work overtime when he was in a good mood. However, now that the budget report was not approved, he was unhappy, and he couldn't make others happy.

"Has the plan for the new program been written yet?" Wang Wanjun asked coldly.


As soon as everyone heard it, they all froze immediately.

Don't say it early, don't say it later, but just when you are about to get off work, isn't this just to let everyone continue to work overtime?too disgusting.

When I saw Director Wang for the first time, I thought it was the people from the satellite TV program center who were lying, but now, it's even worse than the legends say.

Some people secretly put the packed bags aside and continued to bow their heads and pretend to be working, while others cursed inwardly and gritted their teeth while working.

I have to work overtime again.

Alas, only a few seconds away!
They are all beating workers, so why bother beating workers?

At this time, the door of the deputy director's office suddenly opened, and then I saw deputy director Xu coming out of it, and said loudly: "I'm off work, I'm going home!"

After everyone saw it, their expressions became even more depressed, did they come out to piss people off again?
"Huh? It's already off work. What are you still doing here? Hurry up and leave work? Is it because you haven't finished your day's work?" Xu Jie asked.

Everyone thought: We have been wronged. Didn't you see Director Wang here?
Wang Wanjun was already in a bad mood. Seeing that Xu Jie was about to leave again, his face drooped immediately, and he asked, "Deputy Director Xu, have you finished writing the plan for the new program?"

"I haven't started writing yet." Xu Jie replied.

Not only Wang Wanjun was dumbfounded, but everyone else was dumbfounded. How could they be so confident without writing?Sure enough, it was Deputy Director Xu.

"When do you plan to write?" Wang Wanjun asked.

"I don't know!" Xu Jie said, "I need to go home and think about it carefully, looking for inspiration, when did I think of it, and when will I write it again, anyway, the meeting will be discussed next Monday."

The others nodded secretly: Deputy Director Xu is right, we think so too.

"Bringing work home? Isn't it appropriate to do this?" Wang Wanjun said, what he meant was that work is not suitable for taking home, so just continue working here.

"Well, what Director Wang said makes sense. Home is a warm harbor and a place where the soul belongs. It is really not suitable to bring work home. Thank you Director Wang for your concern. I will go home and have a good rest and relax. I will come back to work tomorrow and think about it seriously." Director Wang will see you tomorrow for the plan of the new program." Xu Jie waved at Wang Wanjun, and then walked towards the door.

Hmph, I don't like your tricks!


Wang Wanjun stood there with astonishment, staring blankly at Deputy Director Xu's back.

Is there a problem with his ability to express, or is there a problem with the other party's ability to understand?
Originally, I wanted the other party to stay in the unit and work overtime, but now it's better, and I don't bring work home.

On purpose?

Wang Wanjun thought of what happened today, the higher ups didn't support it, the lower ones were disobedient, the director was really aggrieved!


(End of this chapter)

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