Chapter 566 Toss
on Tuesday.

Xu Jie came to the unit as usual, and as soon as he got out of the car, he saw Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu driving into the parking lot.

"Xiao Xu, wait a minute!" Lu Hong lowered the car window, shouted at Xu Jie on the side of the road, and then parked the car next to Xu Jie's Land Rover.

He looked at his A6, then at Xu Jie's Range Rover, who is the "boss"?

"Good morning, Editor-in-Chief Lu." Xu Jie greeted the other party, not knowing what was going on.

"Well, good morning." Lu Hong came back to his senses, pointed in the direction of the TV station building, and asked as he walked, "Director Wang has been in your art program center for a few days, what do you think of him?"

"Very good." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing it.

Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, but he will not complain to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

Firstly, no matter what, Wang Wanjun is his superior, so it’s not good to sue his superior behind his back; secondly, Wang Wanjun was transferred from the satellite TV program center, and he used to be deputy editor-in-chief Lu’s deputy. The relationship between the two must be Very good, he said bad things about Wang Wanjun in front of deputy editor-in-chief Lu. Doesn't that mean he offended two people at once and made himself feel uncomfortable?
"Really?" Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie, obviously not convinced.

"Really, Director Wang is hard-working and vigorous in his work. He will revise the art channel as soon as he arrives. I believe that under his leadership, this revision will be very successful." Xu Jie said seriously, thinking: Your people, don't you yourself know what virtue is?

"Oh? You have such a high opinion of him?" Lu Hong was a little surprised, knowing that the other party didn't even have such a high opinion of Jiang Hai.

"To be honest, Director Wang and I have only worked together for a few days, and I don't know him well enough. I believe that Director Wang has more advantages waiting for me to discover." Xu Jie said.

Lu Hong couldn't help being startled when he heard it. Although the other party said good and polite words, why did it sound so awkward?Especially with the other party's serious expression, no matter what, I feel that there is something in the words.

Forget it, don't ask, and you can't get it if you ask.

Lu Hong said: "Director Wang works very hard, overtime is a common thing, working with him will be more tiring than working with Lao Jiang, but he still has abilities, like the revision of the Art Channel, his The idea is very good, to completely change the programs of the Art Channel in terms of content, form, and hardware..."

Xu Jie frowned.

Whose idea?

Isn't that what he said at the meeting yesterday?When did it become Wang Wanjun's idea?
It seems that Wang Wanjun has already approached Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

Well, that's fine too.

In this way, even deputy editor-in-chief Lu will know when the revision fails in the future.

Xu Jie didn't expose it, and continued to listen to the words of deputy editor-in-chief Lu.

"His ideas and thinking are very good, but some problems are not what he thinks, such as renovating the studio, he went to the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, but Zhou did not approve his budget report, and it was me instead. It will not be approved, this is not a matter of money, it also involves all aspects of other program centers..."

Xu Jie was taken aback, did Wang Wanjun approach Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou?No wonder he had a droopy face all yesterday afternoon, like a donkey's face, that's why.

"The next revision will focus on content and form. You are not only a person in the cultural program, but also the backbone of our TV station's literature and art. In this matter, you should help Director Wang more and give him more opinions. And suggestions, give the art channel a new look." Lu Hong said seriously.

In fact, Wang Wanjun was not the best candidate for the position of the art program center, but the other party met all the requirements and there were not many candidates, so they finally agreed to the other party as the director of the art program center.

In his mind, the best candidate should be this young man beside him, but the other party is too young and has just been promoted to deputy director. If the other party is about ten years older, then he will definitely choose him.

"Editor Lu, don't worry, I will definitely assist Director Wang well." Xu Jie said, thinking at the same time: I have put forward many opinions and suggestions.

Lu Hong nodded, reached out and patted Xu Jie's shoulder, "Okay, there's nothing else to do, go get busy."

"Yes, Editor-in-Chief Lu." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he walked towards the elevator. He really had something to do.

Today is the last day of May, and it is also the day to discuss the copywriting of the new variety show "Ordinary Courage". I don't know how everyone's writing is going.

Like this kind of variety show, the quality of the copywriting has a great impact on the ratings of the show. If the writing can be deep and interesting at the same time, then the show is half successful. If the content is superficial and boring, even if the star’s performance is good Well, the show fails too.

When he came to the art program center, what he saw were bitter faces again.

The former cultural program center was full of laughter, smiling faces and warm greetings as soon as you entered the door, but now, it is a lifeless scene, and everyone looks weak.

Of course, he can fully understand.

The never-ending overtime and the fact that it's only a Tuesday can't be fun.

"When did you work overtime last night?" Xu Jie asked when passing by Tian Haobo.

The reason why he didn't ask Qin Yan was because he felt that even if he asked, the other party wouldn't answer him. After all, he was the only person in the entire art program center who didn't work overtime.

"10 o'clock." After Tian Haobo finished speaking, he yawned, his face full of sleepiness.

I get off work at 10 o'clock in the evening, and I get home at almost 12 o'clock. It's already 1 o'clock in bed, and I have to get up before 7 o'clock in the morning. It's no wonder I'm not sleepy.

"It's 10 o'clock again?"

Xu Jie was taken aback, thinking that he was indeed a workaholic that even Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu knew, and it really was unusual.

9 o'clock in the morning.

When Xu Jie came to the small conference room, all the members of the "Ordinary Courage" program team had arrived, but most of them were listless and yawned.

As ordinary office workers, the high housing prices and high rents in the capital doom them to live far away from the TV station, so it is really late for these people to get off work at 10 o'clock, and they don't have enough time to rest.

"Has everyone arrived?" Xu Jie sat down.

"Well, it's all ready." Qin Yan said expressionlessly.

Xu Jie looked at the other party. He never thought that even Qin Yan, a workaholic, would have a day of being tortured and lethargic. Sure enough, the overtime madman was even better.

"Didn't you rest well last night?" Xu Jie asked.

"Ask knowingly." Qin Yan directly gave Xu Jie a supercilious look.

"Director Xu, to tell you the truth, I only slept for 5 hours last night." Song Huanhuan said with a wry smile.

Xu Jie looked at the bags under the eyes of the other party, needless to say, he could see it.

"Hehe, I only slept for two hours." Zhao Gang said with a smile on his face.

"You moved again? Where did you move this time? North Hebei?" Xu Jie asked in surprise, no, even if he lived in North Hebei, he wouldn't just sleep for two hours.

In fact, many people who work in the capital live in northern Hebei.

"I didn't move, I just fell asleep after lying on the bed and couldn't fall asleep." Zhao Gang said.

"Why? Do you have something on your mind?" Xu Jie asked.



Xu Jie looked at the other people. The meeting room was divided into two factions. One was people from the entertainment program center, who were all out of shape, and the other was people from the satellite TV program center, all of whom were in high spirits.

How can this meeting be opened?

"Is the copywriting finished?" Xu Jie asked.

"It's finished, it's finished a long time ago." Qin Yan patted the notebook on the table.

"There is nothing to do overtime, I can only write copywriting to pass the time." Song Huanhuan said.

"I told you a long time ago that this director Wang is very perverted, but you don't believe it. Now you realize it?" Zhang Tong said with a smile. She is from the satellite TV program center.

"I also just slept soundly for a few days, I hope you can persevere, Ollie!" said Chen Songming, who is also from the satellite TV program center.

"Stop making sarcastic comments at this time, okay? Besides, I'm in a hurry with you." Song Huanhuan simply lay down on the table.

"Why don't you guys sleep for a while first? Get up and discuss the copy after you sleep well." Xu Jie asked.

"Director Xu, is what you said true?" Zhao Gang raised his head and looked over.

"Really, when have I ever lied to you?" Xu Jie said.

Zhao Gang's heart was moved, but after thinking about it, he finally shook his head, "Forget it, if Director Wang sees you, you will inevitably be scolded. I'll stick to it and catch up on sleep at noon."

"Okay, then let's hurry up and have a meeting." Xu Jie straightened himself.

"do not!"

"do not want!"

The people in the cultural program center said in a hurry, and even the people lying on the table sat up.

Xu Jie looked over suspiciously, and asked puzzledly, "What's wrong?"

"The atmosphere outside is too depressing, and Director Wang will come out of the office from time to time to check the work, and we have to be vigilant about him at all times." Song Huanhuan said: "It's better to stay here and relax."

"Yeah!" The others nodded.

"Okay, then let's hold the meeting slowly and discuss for a longer time." Xu Jie said, looking at the people in the satellite TV program center, and said: "Let's start with you first, let them take a while, after you finish speaking, Let them talk."

Zhang Tong and the others nodded. Although they are not in the same department, they are in the same program group, and they have filmed the program for more than a month. Everyone is already familiar with each other, and there is no barrier or prejudice.

Now we are all grasshoppers on the same rope, one prospers and one loses.

"I'll come first."

Zhang Tong stood up, closed the curtains, turned on the projector, and opened the PPT copy he had prepared.

Xu Jie nodded while watching. The other party is indeed an elite of the satellite TV program center, and the copywriting is very good and in-depth.

After Zhang Tong finished speaking, Xu Jie looked at the people present and said, "Let's talk about it, everyone."


A heavy breathing sounded in the meeting room.

Xu Jie searched for the sound and looked over. Probably because of the curtains being drawn, Zhao Gang fell asleep lying on the table, and the people around him were also drowsy.


After Xu Jie saw it, he couldn't help frowning, not because he was dissatisfied with Zhao Gang's sleeping, but because he was angry with Wang Wanjun.

The other party was happy, and someone accompanied him to work overtime, but it affected him!

The team members are so sleepy, how can they discuss it?

No, we can't let the other party "do" like this anymore.

If this torment continues, his program will also be affected!


(End of this chapter)

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