Chapter 567 Quarrel
Xu Jie looked drowsy and fell asleep, knowing that today's discussion meeting would not go on, so he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, got up and left his seat.

"You guys discuss first, I'll go out and make a phone call."

After speaking, he walked out of the conference room.

He didn't mean anything else, he just wanted to give these people some time to rest, and making a phone call was just an excuse.

Seeing Director Xu leave, everyone relaxed, especially the people in the art program center, even though they were sleepy just now, they still knew how to cover up, and now they just let themselves go, imitating Zhao Gang and sleeping on the table.

All of a sudden, half of the conference room fell down.

The people in the satellite TV program center smiled "hehe", as if seeing their former self.

Xu Jie stood outside the meeting room, full of worries.

This is just the beginning. If you work overtime every night in the future, who will have the energy to work during the day?Don't they all sleep in their workstations?

If you like to work overtime, you can work overtime yourself, but if you affect me and my people, then it won't work.

In fact, Xu Jie has been avoiding a direct conflict with Director Wang, but now it seems that this conflict is inevitable!

Wang Wanjun walked out of his office with the budget report, and stopped suddenly when he passed the deputy director's office. He wanted to know whether Xu Jie was working hard as he said last night, writing plans for the revision of the Art Channel, so he reached out Knocked on the door.



The corner of Wang Wanjun's mouth twitched, is there anyone?Why is there no one every time I knock on the door?

If he didn't see the other party coming out of this office every day after get off work, he even suspected that this was not the other party's office.

How can a deputy director be busier than the director?
Is the other party busy, or is he taking a break from his busy schedule?

He was skeptical.

"Deputy Director Xu is in the editing room again?" Wang Wanjun asked an employee. .

"No, Deputy Director Xu is in the conference room." The employee replied.

Wang Wanjun nodded understandingly. He wanted to take a look, but when he thought of the budget report in his hand, he should send it to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou first, and then go to the conference room.

He came to the office of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, and happened to come out of the office of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, so he quickly handed over the report in his hand.

"Editor Zhou, here we are."

"What is this?" Zhou Zhengliang asked.

"Budget report." Wang Wanjun said.

Zhou Zhengliang frowned. He heard from the other party yesterday that he would send the budget report every day until he agreed.

Isn't this looking for trouble?

Zhou Zhengliang looked at Wang Wanjun in front of him, who gave him the courage to play a rogue with him?
Is it Lao Lu?
Thinking that Wang Wanjun had been Lu Hong's deputy for many years, Zhou Zhengliang thought it was very possible.

"Understood." Zhou Zhengliang said coldly, and then left with the report, and threw it into the trash can as he passed by, just like yesterday.

He wanted to let the other party know clearly that this was not a satellite TV program center, and it was useless for anyone to support him.

Resolutely not used to illness!
Wang Wanjun watched the back of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou leaving, and didn't care about the budget report thrown away by the other party. Anyway, he had already printed many copies, and the other party threw it away casually.

He did this not deliberately to offend the deputy editor-in-chief of Zhou, but to let the other party see his determination to revise.

If you don't achieve your goal, you will never give up.

Back at the art program center, Wang Wanjun went straight to the small meeting room to see what Deputy Director Xu was busy with all day long, but before he got there, he saw Xu Jie standing outside the small meeting room, holding a mobile phone. Who are you talking about.

"Deputy Director Xu, what are you busy with?" Wang Wanjun walked over and asked.

Xu Jie turned his head when he heard it, and when he saw Wang Wanjun, he put his mobile phone in his pocket and said, "Discuss the copywriting of the new program with everyone."

"Oh?" Wang Wanjun's eyes lit up, and he asked in surprise, "Deputy Director Xu already thought of a new program?"

Xu Jie shook his head and explained: "The new program I'm talking about is the new variety show that will be broadcast by Beijing Satellite TV in the second half of the year, as you know."

Wang Wanjun's smile immediately froze on his face.

He did know about the new variety show. When the other party formed the production team, they went to the satellite TV program center to pick people. At that time, he was the deputy director of the satellite TV program center.

"Well, keep busy. However, the programs of the satellite TV channel must be done, and the programs of the art channel must not be left behind. After all, you are the deputy director of the art program center. This revision, you also have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders." Wang Wanjun reminded, He also counted on the other party to come up with novel programs.

"Director Wang, I know that both hands must be grasped and both hands must be firm. I will not delay the program of the Art Channel, but..." Xu Jie stopped on purpose in the middle of speaking, with a look of embarrassment on his face expression.

Hesitant to speak.

"But what?" Wang Wanjun asked curiously.

For him, there can be problems with the programs of the satellite TV channel, but the programs of the art channel must not be delayed.

"But the team members seem to be in a bad state." Xu Jie said tactfully.

"Not in good condition? Is it a lack of enthusiasm for work?" Wang Wanjun asked suspiciously.

"Hey, Director Wang, you should see for yourself." Xu Jie turned and pointed to the meeting room.

Wang Wanjun looked in through the glass wall curiously, and saw that half of the people sitting around the conference table were lying on the table, and the remaining half were sitting, but they were all from the satellite TV program center.

Yes, that's right.

He has been in the satellite TV program center for so many years, and he is still very clear about the people there, like Zhang Tong, Cui Ying, Chen Songming, etc., are the backbone of the satellite TV program center.

As for those who got down, they were all people from the cultural program center.

"What's going on?" Wang Wanjun asked in surprise.

Sleeping during a meeting at work?What is the system.

The embarrassment is thrown to other departments.

"It's outrageous, I'll go in and wake them up." Wang Wanjun angrily walked towards the door of the conference room.

Xu Jie immediately stopped Wang Wanjun, and said to the other party: "Director Wang, don't worry, there is a reason why they are like this."

"Oh? What's the reason?" Wang Wanjun looked at Xu Jie and asked, listening to the other party's voice, it seemed that he wanted to excuse these sleeping employees.

But since the other party is not angry, why should he let him watch and make a small report to him?
"They went to bed very late last night, and they don't have enough sleep in their eyes!" Xu Jie said.

Wang Wanjun was stunned for a moment, and asked strangely: "Why didn't they sleep well last night? Did they go out to play disco? Young people nowadays, relying on their youth, wantonly squander, play disco all night, stay up late to play games, and go to work the next day." Sometimes yawning and listlessness, this is a sign of not being serious and irresponsible for work!"

"As far as I know, they didn't play disco or play games." Xu Jie looked into the conference room and said, "For example, there are some employees who live far from the TV station, and it takes two hours by car. Let’s start, do you think they won’t be sleepy when they go to work?”

"I can understand starting at 6 o'clock, but why do you have to go to bed at 1 o'clock? Can't you go to bed before 11 o'clock?" Wang Wanjun asked.

"Because they don't get off work until 10 o'clock!" Xu Jie said.

As soon as Wang Wanjun heard it, he immediately understood what was going on.

Dare the other party to make such a big detour, he was talking about working overtime at night.

"Deputy Director Xu, what do you mean is that working overtime delayed their sleep time?" Wang Wanjun raised his brows, his voice revealing a bit of dissatisfaction.

How dare you trick him?


"Yes." Xu Jie said very directly.

"Are you blaming me?" Wang Wanjun asked coldly, his face darkened.

"No wonder, I just think that since everyone has finished their work for the day, there is no need to stay here and work overtime. Every day when you get home in the middle of the night, and you have to go out before the sun rises in the morning, who is still in the mood to work hard? What would you do instead? I, I'm too sleepy and just want to sleep." Xu Jie said, and gave Wang Wanjun a little bit of face.

"Deputy Director Xu, according to what you said, they only need to finish their work for the day before they can go home from work? Have you ever thought about when to make plans for the new program? They don't do it at the unit, do they have to go back to the office?" Can you do it at home? Can they do it?" Wang Wanjun couldn't help raising his voice.

"Of course, Director Wang doesn't believe them? Also, working overtime so late, everyone doesn't have enough time to sleep. During the day, they will feel sleepy, lose concentration, and work efficiency will be greatly reduced." Xu Jie said seriously. .

"The work efficiency is low. It's because of their work attitude. They are idle all day long, without a sense of urgency and crisis. How can they build a good art channel? Like them, I work overtime until 10 o'clock. Why am I not at work? Time to sleep? It's because I know how much courage I have on my shoulders." Wang Wanjun said in a deep voice.

"May I ask where Director Wang lives? How long does it take from the TV station to your home? Is it more than an hour, or more than two hours?" Xu Jie asked.


The voices of Xu Jie and Wang Wanjun became louder and louder, and spread into the meeting room next to them, and also spread along the corridor to the public office area.

For a moment, everyone was terrified. No one thought that Director Wang and Deputy Director Xu would actually quarrel in public. Even if there was a conflict, it wouldn't be a public quarrel, right?
Besides, one is the director and the other is the deputy director. It is very obvious who is the king and who is in charge of who. How could there be a quarrel?There is no reason!
And listening to the tone of the two talking, it was full of a strong smell of gunpowder, as if it would explode in the next moment.

Deputy Director Xu is too good, right?How dare you contradict Director Wang?


Director Xu has never been a person who takes the initiative to provoke troubles!

What happened?

Everyone wanted to take a look, but when they thought that the two people who were arguing were No. [-] and No. [-] of the department, in order to avoid being affected, everyone sat quietly at their workstations, as if they had discussed it. Listen to the voices coming from the corridor.


(End of this chapter)

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