Chapter 568
Arts program center.

Although it's time to go to work, everyone has no intention of going to work. Everyone is paying attention to the quarrel between Director Wang and Deputy Director Xu.

Some people who just came back from the outside didn't know the cause and effect of the incident, so they asked the people around them one after another.

"Hey, why are Director Wang and Deputy Director Xu arguing?"

"It seems to be for overtime work. Deputy director Xu disagrees with leaving work so late, saying that it will affect everyone's work status the next day. Director Wang thinks that our art program center has no sense of urgency before, and wants to use it to revise the art channel. opportunities to strengthen the discipline of our department.”

"Fuck me, is Director Wang a human being? He's asked to work overtime and enforce discipline. Is he a devil? Or Deputy Director Xu. This time, I'm going to support Deputy Director Xu!"

"I agree with Deputy Director Xu. We are a literary channel, not a satellite TV channel. How can we have so much work to do? Half of the time on our channel is a loop of TV dramas, and a quarter of the time is reruns. There are not so many jobs at all, what kind of classes should I add? I am really full."

"Even if there are three fires for a new official to take office, they don't burn like this."

After hearing the focus of the quarrel between Director Wang and Deputy Director Xu, everyone secretly scolded Director Wang in their hearts, supported Deputy Director Xu, and cheered for Deputy Director Xu. After all, Deputy Director Xu was thinking of everyone.

"Deputy Director Xu, it's their problem that they sleep. Please don't attribute their negativity and laziness to working overtime. People in the satellite TV program center have also worked overtime like this. Why can they persist? Why don't they complain? "Wang Wanjun said seriously.

"Director Wang, you have to understand that this is a cultural program center, not a satellite TV program center. I know you want to spread the experience of the satellite TV program center here, but you can't be too blind. After all, the situation of each department is different. .” Xu Jie didn’t show weakness, if he was weak he lost.

"You mean I don't know how to manage?" Wang Wanjun widened his eyes, looking at the posture and wishing to smash Xu Jie with his eyes.

"Then have you ever heard of adapting measures to local conditions?" Xu Jie asked back.

"You, Xu Jie, please don't forget your identity. You are just the deputy director of the Art Program Center, and I am the director here!" Wang Wanjun said loudly. .

"Why, the deputy director can't give you advice? Do you want to talk here?" Xu Jie asked.

"You, don't give me too much credit. As long as I am the director of the art program center, everyone here will listen to me, including you!" Wang Wanjun stared at the young man in front of him with a fierce expression.

"Yes, I really have to listen to you, but since you don't accept my opinion, then I can only keep it." Xu Jie said lightly.

Seeing that Xu Jie was no longer arguing, Wang Wanjun was immediately filled with complacency and a sense of joy of victory.

Fight with me, you are 800 years too early!
"Hmph!" Wang Wanjun snorted coldly with disdain, then turned and walked towards the office.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun's back with a sneer on his face.

Listen to you?
you too?
"Director Xu..."

People in the meeting room came out and looked at Xu Jie worriedly.

"What are you doing out here? Continue the discussion!" Xu Jie said to the program team, and then walked in.

"Director Xu, it's all my fault. I fell asleep during the meeting." Zhao Gang said in a low voice, with guilt written all over his face.

"It has nothing to do with you, it's because I can't see his management methods." Xu Jie returned to his seat and sat down.

"Director Xu, you are amazing." Zhang Tong put a bottle of mineral water in front of Xu Jie, and said with a smile: "Actually, we wanted to hit him like this before, but we didn't have your guts. I just heard you insult Director Wang. My heart was refreshed, it was so enjoyable.”

"Yes, I admire you so much!" Chen Songming said.

"Director Xu, who is good to us? We know in our hearts that justice is at our fingertips." Song Huanhuan said, she was sleepy just now, but now she has no sleepiness at all. The quarrel between Director Wang and Deputy Director Xu is better than any stimulant Make.

"I don't know whether justice is in people's hearts, but since you are all awake, let's continue discussing the copywriting." Xu Jie said.


The discussion lasted until noon, Xu Jie asked everyone to go to the cafeteria to eat first, and then continue in the afternoon.

When he walked out of the conference room and passed the public office area, everyone here stood up and looked at him one after another.

"Director Xu!"

"Director Xu, you have worked hard!"

"Director Xu, thank you."

Everyone looked at Deputy Director Xu gratefully. Although the quarrel ended with Director Wang's victory, Deputy Director Xu was able to speak for everyone, and they accepted it.

Xu Jie waved his hand and continued to walk out without stopping.

Director Wang has not been persuaded, this is a shameful thanks.

Xu Jie came to the cafeteria and found an empty seat to sit down after eating. After a while, all the people from the program team gathered around him.

"Xu Jie, you don't have to blame yourself. Director Wang can win because he is the director. If he is the deputy director, you must be the winner." Seeing that Xu Jie was unhappy, Qin Yan persuaded him.

"Director Wang only uses power to suppress others. In my heart, Director Xu will win." Song Huanhuan said.

"Director Wang won the battle of words for a while, but lost people's hearts forever." Zhang Tong echoed.

"well said!"

"Director Xu, don't be unhappy."

Everyone comforted Xu Jie one after another.

Xu Jie didn't say anything, and continued to eat with his head down.

Is he unhappy?


In fact, when he was about to make an opinion to Director Wang, he had already guessed the result before he said it.

He didn't speak because he was thinking of a way, how to make Director Wang's plan come to nothing.

Xu Jie is not a person who gets frustrated and shrinks when encountering setbacks and difficulties. On the contrary, he likes to face up to difficulties.

"Director Xu, if you say something, don't hold back, okay?"

"Yes, it's easy to suffocate if you hold it in!"

Everyone continued to persuade, for fear that Xu Jie would be overwhelmed.

Xu Jie thought to himself: I dare to quarrel with Director Wang, what else can I not think about?
He swallowed the contents of his mouth into his stomach, then looked at the people in the entertainment center and said, "Don't talk, eat quickly, go back to take a nap after eating, and continue to discuss the copywriting in the afternoon. If anyone sleeps again by then, I will Just let him stand outside."

When everyone heard Director Xu's words, they breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine!

If Deputy Director Xu is missing, the future art program center will really become a hell.

After dinner, everyone listened to Xu Jie's words and went back to the office to take a nap. Although the time was short, chatting was better than nothing.

In the afternoon, everyone gathered in the small conference room to continue discussing the program copy.

Due to the large content of the copywriting, the discussion was not finished until after get off work, and if it follows today's progress, it will take at least a week to be finalized.

"Come here first today, remember to continue the meeting here tomorrow." Xu Jie said to the people present, closing the folder in his hand.

Anyway, the program will only be broadcast in the second half of the year, and there is still a long time, so there is no need to rush.

As the old saying goes: slow work leads to careful work.

This is the first time he has directed a large-scale variety show, so he must not be perfunctory.

The people in the satellite TV program center were very happy, and left the meeting room with the documents. In contrast, the people in the art program center looked depressed.

"Oh, I have to work overtime again." Qin Yan sighed.

"What overtime, just sitting in a daze." Zhao Gang shook his head and said.

"Yeah, I don't know what to do tonight, forget it, let's sort out the papers discussed today." Song Huanhuan said.

"Xu Jie, see you tomorrow." Qin Yan said to Xu Jie, she knew that with Xu Jie's personality, even if she quarreled with Director Wang during the day, she would definitely not work overtime tonight.

"Thank you, see you tomorrow." Xu Jie said.

He returned to the office, sorted out the materials for the day, and walked out with his bag.

Common office area.

All but the people who were recording the show in the studio.

Wang Wanjun was also there, and he was standing in the middle of the aisle, arrogantly, with a hint of complacency on his face.

Especially when Xu Jie came out of the office, his chin was raised higher, his nostrils were facing the person, and he snorted from time to time.

As if Xu Jie didn't see Wang Wanjun, he walked directly in front of Wang Wanjun.


A cold snort came, it was Wang Wanjun.


All the employees around heard it, and everyone's heart skipped a beat. Although they all lowered their heads, they were secretly aiming at Director Wang and Deputy Director Xu in the direction of the aisle, waiting for the second quarrel to happen.

Xu Jie paused, and his steps gradually slowed down.

Arguing with Wang Wanjun is definitely not a win. After all, the other party is the director and he is just a deputy, but he is still very good at making things difficult for the other party.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie suddenly stopped, looked at the people in the office area and said: "The people from the "Ordinary" program team come with me, I have something to inform everyone."

Everyone was taken aback, although Deputy Director Xu said something was up, but everyone always felt that Deputy Director Xu was going to make trouble.

The people in the program group looked at each other and hesitated for a moment. Qin Yan stood up first, followed by Song Huanhuan, and then the third and fourth...everyone got up.

Wang Wanjun frowned slightly, and then said coldly: "Deputy Director Xu, what can't be said here, do you have to go out?"

"Haha, don't you see that everyone is busy and worry about affecting everyone's work." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"It's okay, let's talk here." Wang Wanjun said.

"How can I do that? The program "Ordinary Courage" is our station's secret weapon. Everything is kept secret and cannot be leaked. Only the people in the program group know. If I say here, once the wind leaks, If other TV stations know about it and shoot a similar program before our station, who will be responsible for the consequences?" Xu Jie asked.


Wang Wanjun was startled, gritted his teeth, and finally did not speak.

Xu Jie smiled, turned and walked out, followed by others.


(End of this chapter)

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