The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 569 Here comes another chapter?

Chapter 569 Back again?

Xu Jie came to the corridor, waiting for others.

Members of the program team came outside one after another and gathered around Xu Jie.

"What's the matter?" Qin Yan asked, and other people also looked at Xu Jie, knowing that they all came out at the risk of offending Director Wang.

"There is a very important task that needs to be done immediately, so it can be regarded as preparation for tomorrow's discussion meeting." Xu Jie said solemnly.


When the people around heard it, their eyes were full of doubts. What important tasks should be mentioned after get off work instead of during the meeting?

"This important task is to go home and rest, go to bed early, and recharge your energy." Xu Jie said seriously.

Everyone couldn't help but stunned.

How does this task sound like it would put them off work?

Don't work overtime?

"This, is this okay?" Song Huanhuan asked in a low voice.

No one is willing to work overtime, and everyone knows that Deputy Director Xu is doing it for their own good, but this is Director Wang's intention. Do they dare to disobey it?dare not.

"Why, isn't what I said not working?" Xu Jie frowned.

"It's easy, but Director Wang..." Zhao Gang turned his head to look in the direction of the department. Over there was Director Wang, and here was Deputy Director Xu. He had to listen to both of them, and he couldn't afford to offend either one.

Others are also in a dilemma. .

"What do you think is the important thing is the revision of the art channel, or the new variety show?" Xu Jie asked lightly.

"Of course the new variety show is important!" Song Huanhuan said.

No matter how the art channel is changed, it will also be broadcast in the capital area, while the new variety show will be broadcast nationwide, so it is clear at a glance which one is more important.

"Although we are all old acquaintances, if anyone is still dozing off at tomorrow's meeting, don't blame me for being rude, and don't participate in the future. Get out of the program group yourself." Xu Jie said coldly.

In fact, today's discussion meeting was not very ideal. The people in the art program center were not very enthusiastic. Most of the time, the people from the satellite TV program center were speaking. This also made him, the deputy director of the art program center, feel very embarrassed. .

If it was only this day, he wouldn't say anything, but if it was like this every day, what's the point of having these people?Is it blocking?
Seeing Deputy Director Xu's serious expression, everyone lowered their heads, feeling ashamed and guilty.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Qin Yan gritted her teeth, as if she had made some important decision, and said resolutely: "I won't work overtime, I'll go home now."

What overtime, what Director Wang, all go to hell!
She has had enough!

If there is really work, such as a party or something, it doesn't matter if you stay and work overtime. This is her job, but the problem is that today's work has already been completed, why do you have to sit here meaninglessly?

Just because you don't want to offend Director Wang?

Doesn't that mean bowing to the evil forces?
Also, with so many people standing beside Director Wang, if she didn't stand by Xu Jie's side, wouldn't Xu Jie become a loner?

Besides, the other party is doing it for everyone's benefit, if she doesn't follow suit, won't she become ignorant of good and evil?
The others looked at Qin Yan in amazement. No one thought that the other party would actually do what Deputy Director Xu said. Aren't they afraid of offending Director Wang?
"I'm going home too!" Song Huanhuan on the side said.

Everyone looked at Song Huanhuan again.

"What are you looking at me for? I've always been messing around with Director Xu, so I can do whatever he says." Song Huanhuan explained.

Her idea is very simple. From the beginning of "Delicious History" to the current "Ordinary Courage", she has been a member of the program group, and Director Xu is the director of the program group. She does not listen to Director Xu , Who do you listen to?
Do not listen?

How can I have the face to participate in Director Xu's program in the future?

As for Director Wang, can she be allowed to participate in the production of the hit show?Can she lead the team out to shoot the show?


Therefore, she chose to side with Director Xu.

This can be seen as gratitude to Director Xu, support for Director Xu, or even a gamble. Between Director Wang and Deputy Director Xu, she blocked her future in the latter body.

When the people around heard this, they thought that they were also messing with Director Xu, so they expressed their opinions one after another.

"Off work, no overtime!"

"Go home, I'll go home!"

"Listen to Director Xu."

Destroy it!
Anyway, I'm not alone, and the whole group will be wiped out.

Qin Yan turned around and walked into the gate of the art program center, followed by others.

When the people in the public office saw Qin Yan and the others coming back, they thought that the work was over, but they found that after returning to their workstations, these people started to pack their things, and then went out with their bags.

what's the situation?
"Where are you going?" Wang Wanjun asked loudly, dissatisfied, but also had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I arranged some work for them." Xu Jie stood at the door and said with a smile: "They will be busy until late, and it would be a waste of time to come back to pick up their bags, so I asked them to bring their things. go home."

"What job?" Wang Wanjun asked, frowning.

"Secret." Xu Jie said.

Wang Wanjun's face darkened immediately, and his intuition told him that the other party was talking nonsense, but he had no evidence.

Under the envious eyes of everyone, Qin Yan and others left the art program center.

Although Director Xu said it was because of work, any fool can see that this is get off work.

It's great to have such a program leader.

I really want to join Director Xu's program group.

Xu Jie led people to the elevator, and after everyone went in, he stood there and said to Qin Yan and the others: "You go first, I have something to do, see you tomorrow."

"Director Xu, what else do you need?" Zhao Gang asked.

Others also looked at Director Xu suspiciously, do they still want to make trouble?

"What do you care about so much, just go with you." Xu Jie said angrily.

When the elevator doors closed, he turned around and walked back.

Since he decided to save people, how could he only save people from this program group?People in the other two program groups should also wear them.

Xu Jie pushed open the door and walked into the art program center.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

Why are you back?

Their intuition told them that Deputy Director Xu was going to do something again.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Wang Wanjun asked angrily. The conflict during the day brought the relationship between the two to a freezing point. If they knew how to pretend before, they don't even bother to pretend now.

"I remembered something again." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"You have so many things to do, what is it this time?" Wang Wanjun asked.

Xu Jie turned his head to look at the office area, raised his voice and said, "The members of the "Delicious History" program team brought their things, and we will go to shoot some night scenes later."

Everyone was startled, come back?

It wasn't enough to call away the "Ordinary Courage" program team just now, but also the "Delicious History" program team members?
Can't we change the routine?

The members of the "Delicious" program team were overjoyed and started to pack their things.

That's great, Director Xu didn't give up on them, and still thinks about them.

"Deputy Director Xu, you called away the "Ordinary Courage" program group just now, and now you have called away the "Delicious History" program group, which program are you busy with?" Wang Wanjun asked in a deep voice.

"I'm busy." Xu Jie said without changing his face.

"Busy on two programs at the same time?" Wang Wanjun asked suspiciously.

"That's right, assign the tasks to them and let them shoot, and I will supervise." Xu Jie said.

Wang Wanjun gritted his teeth, and said in a strange way: "It's tiring to go out to film at such a late hour."

Xu Jie smiled and said, "Isn't this learning from Director Wang?"

Because many people in the "Delicious" program group are from the "Ordinary" program group, not many people left this time, only four.

Xu Jie led the people to the corridor and stopped in front of the elevator.

"Director Xu, what shall we shoot tonight?" Tian Haobo asked curiously.

Xu Jie glanced at the other party, this kid, hasn't he figured out the way yet?
"Our program has been filmed for so many episodes, and many traditional delicacies in the capital have been filmed. You should go home and think about what to film in June, and see what else is available." Xu Jie said.

"Ah? Isn't it a night scene?" Tian Haobo asked suspiciously.

Xiao Wei who was next to him immediately bent Tian Haobo with her elbow, and said in a low voice: "There is so much nonsense, you can do whatever Director Xu asks you to do, and leave quickly."


Four people entered the elevator, Xiao Wei looked at Xu Jie who was standing outside and said, "Director Xu, come in quickly."

"I still have something to do, you guys go first." After Xu Jie finished talking to the four people, he walked back again, opened the door and entered the art program center.

"Xu Jie!!!" Wang Wanjun blew his beard and stared angrily, his whole body was on the verge of a volcanic eruption, "Are you finished?"

"Director Wang, for the last time, I have no choice but to work too much." Xu Jie said with a smile, scanning the office area with his eyes, and finally said: "People from the program team of "Deep Talk on Film and Television" come with me. Go interview a star."

"Okay!" Miao Zhenzhen stood up happily, she had already packed her bag, and she was waiting for Director Xu to come back.

Well, fortunately, she did not live up to her expectations.

After Wang Wanjun saw it, he felt his chest churning violently, and a mouthful of 40-year-old blood almost spewed out of his mouth.

Is this work?
This is simply rat food!

If the other party comes back a few more times, everyone in the department will be evacuated by the other party!

Fortunately, the other party only has three programs, if there are more programs...

Looking at the people in the office area, Wang Wanjun suddenly lost a quarter.

Although the remaining people accounted for the majority, he could tell that everyone was obviously not in the mood to work.

It's all Xu.

"Let's stop here tonight. Regarding the new program, everyone should go home and think about it!" Wang Wanjun said, Xu Jie can't be such a good person, he also wants to be.


As soon as everyone heard it, pleasant surprises appeared on their depressed faces, and some people couldn't even believe it, wondering if they had heard it wrong.

Director Wang, what happened today?Didn't everyone work overtime until 10 o'clock?
Well, it must be because of Deputy Director Xu!

Sure enough, it's better to hang out with Deputy Director Xu!


(End of this chapter)

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