The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 570 Confrontation!

Chapter 570 Confrontation!


When Xu Jie came to the unit, he saw smiling faces as soon as he entered the door.

"Director Xu, thanks to you last night, otherwise we would have to work overtime until 10 o'clock." Zhang Xiaoming said gratefully.

"Yes, Director Xu, you are simply our savior!"

"It's up to you tonight. This is a snack to thank you. Eat it when you have nothing to do."

"I have it here too!"

Several female employees stuffed snacks into Xu Jie's hands, including potato chips, plums, beef jerky, and yogurt, and Xu Jie quickly finished them.

what's the situation?
Xu Jie was confused.

He just called away the members of the three programs he was in charge of last night, and the people in front of him who thanked him and gave him snacks were not from his program group.

"Director Xu, don't you know? After you called people away last night, Director Wang also asked us to get off work. I guess Director Wang was worried that we were unbalanced and resentful, so he let everyone go." Zhang Xiaoming Said.

"Really?" Xu Jie laughed, it seems that Director Wang is not stupid.

If Wang Wanjun continued to let the employees stay here to work overtime last night, the other party would definitely become a public enemy of the whole people.

Suddenly, the public office area became quiet, and everyone quickly returned to their workstations to work. .

Xu Jie looked back, and he really said that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here.

Wang Wanjun is here!
"Huh? Everyone seems to be very energetic today, and we will continue to maintain it in the future!" Xu Jie said loudly on purpose, and then walked to the office.

The corners of Wang Wanjun's mouth were twitching non-stop, and the flames of anger burned blazingly in his eyes.

What the other party said just now was clearly meant for him.

Hmph, the days to come are long, let's wait and see, there will be times when you cry and beg for mercy.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, one day has passed, and it's time to get off work again.

Xu Jie walked out of the office while humming Su Yun's song. Today's seminar went well. The people in the art program center didn't embarrass him, and his mood also followed suit.

When he passed the public office area, he saw Wang Wanjun standing in the aisle from a distance, but the employees did not leave, and all sat obediently at their workstations. Although they were very calm on the surface, he could feel Now, everyone's heart is very restless.

"Deputy Director Xu!" Wang Wanjun suddenly stopped Xu Jie and asked, "Are you going to take someone to film the show tonight?"

"Why does Director Wang ask this?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked with a smile.

"I want to tell you that everyone doesn't have to work overtime tonight, and you can take whoever you want." Wang Wanjun said.

When the people around heard it, their eyes immediately shone with excitement, and they all clenched their fists excitedly, but because of Director Wang's presence, they all held back.

"Oh, that's it. Let me think about it. Well, I don't need to shoot today. After all, I don't have to work overtime every day." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Wang Wanjun smiled, turned to look at the crowd and asked, "What do you think about the new program? Has anyone written a plan?"


The office area was quiet, and no one spoke.

It was as if everyone had been splashed with a basin of cold water.

The meeting was held on Monday, and today is only Wednesday. In such a short time, who can come up with a good program plan?Even if you think of it, can you write it out so quickly?

"Isn't there any? You've let me down so much, you'd better stay here and continue to think about it." Wang Wanjun said disappointedly, and then glanced at Deputy Director Xu beside him, with a flash of pride in his eyes.

Want to prevent overtime?
I have plenty of ways to deal with you!
Haven't you heard that ginger is still old and spicy?

After everyone heard this, they were all dumbfounded, and their mood was like a roller coaster. If it was cold water that was splashed just now, then it is ice water that was splashed now, and their hearts are so cool!

Didn't you say you don't have to work overtime?Why are you staying here again?

This, isn't this playing with people?

However, some sober-minded people have already realized that Director Wang said that he would not work overtime, but he actually told Deputy Director Xu. Later, he heard that Deputy Director Xu was not going to take people away, so he found another reason to resume working overtime. To put it bluntly, this is Director Wang playing tricks with Deputy Director Xu.

So, everyone turned their attention to Deputy Director Xu, wanting to see whether the other party chose to admit defeat or accept the move.

Of course, everyone hopes that Deputy Director Xu can accept the recruitment. After all, only when Deputy Director Xu accepts the recruitment can everyone not work overtime.

Director Xu, come on!

people thought.

Xu Jie squinted his eyes and looked at Wang Wanjun. He was such a grown-up, but he still contradicted his promise. Are you ashamed?As if no one could.

"Then I won't disturb everyone working overtime, goodbye!" Xu Jie said with a smile, and then walked outside.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

gone?Just gone?

Don't you plan to accept the offer?

What a disappointment!

Alas, as expected, the wine is old and the ginger is old and spicy.

Deputy Director Xu is still no match for Director Wang.

Seeing Xu Jie walk out, Wang Wanjun smiled, fighting with me?Do you know how powerful I am this time?

Just when Wang Wanjun was about to return to the office and the employees were about to bury their heads and pretend to be working, the door suddenly opened again, and then someone came in from the outside while talking on the phone.

"Deputy Director Xu?"

Everyone was stunned again.

Didn't you leave?Why are you back again?
What is this doing?
Wang Wanjun also stopped at this moment and looked over vigilantly.

"Well, okay, okay, I see, take someone there right away, and call earlier in the future, don't be so late, I will leave the unit one minute later, and hang up." Xu Jie put down the phone after the call, looked at Wang Wanjun said, "Director Wang, I didn't expect to see you so soon."

"What are you doing back?" Wang Wanjun asked.

"Hey, it's like this. A star called me just now. Her movie has just finished filming. She invited me and the people from "In-depth Film and Television" to come over and help promote some interviews." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Wang Wanjun frowned. He guessed that the other party was just talking nonsense for a reason, but he said seriously: "She told your program team to go, so your program team will go? Do you have any principles?"

After hearing this, Xu Jie explained: "Director Wang, this is why you don't understand. We are a cultural program center, and many programs are inseparable from celebrities, so it is a compulsory course for us to have a good relationship with them. We help each other and help each other. Achievement."

Wang Wanjun rolled his eyes, what this guy said seemed to be true.

"Okay, hurry up and take the people from the "In-depth Film and Television Talk" program group away." Wang Wanjun said impatiently. Fortunately, there were only a few people in "In-depth Film and Television Talk", and their departure did not have much impact on the entire cultural program center.

"Not only the people from the program group "In-depth Film and Television Talk", but also the people from the program group "Ordinary"." Xu Jie said.

"Ah? Why?" Wang Wanjun asked.

"Because this star is also a participating actor of the program "Ordinary", I can use this opportunity of meeting to chat with each other about copywriting." Xu Jie said calmly.

Wang Wanjun gritted his teeth, turned his head away, and said, "Go, go, hurry up!"

"The people from the "Delicious" program team should come too. It happens that this star will be filmed next month. Let's get to know each other better, so we can speed up the filming." Xu Jie said.


Wang Wanjun was completely speechless.

Xu Jie was smiling, and he wanted to let the other party know what it means to push forward after a long time.

Soon, the office area lost a quarter of the people.

The others looked at Wang Wanjun, and they remembered yesterday, and today's scene is the same as yesterday.

Wang Wanjun sighed secretly, how could he not know what these employees were thinking?

"It's getting dark, let's go home and think about new programs, let's go." Wang Wanjun said.


Everyone cheered in their hearts. Sure enough, Deputy Director Xu is still reliable.


It's time to get off work again.

Xu Jie walked out of the office and met Wang Wanjun again.

The two are like two peerless masters, waiting for each other to make a move.

The others sat and watched quietly, waiting for Director Wang and Deputy Director Xu to decide the winner, so as to decide whether everyone should stay and work overtime tonight.

This has become the most anticipated moment of every day.

That kind of mood is like chasing dramas, one episode a day, everyone looks forward to it every day, waiting for today's episode to be played quickly, and after the show, to rest or work.

"Deputy Director Xu, are you going home?" Wang Wanjun spoke first.

"Yes, isn't Director Wang coming back?" Xu Jie asked.

"No, does Deputy Director Xu have anything else to do?" Wang Wanjun asked.

"Not yet, but who knows if someone will call later?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Then you'd better go and get home."

"What's the matter? If you have important work, you have to come back even when you get home."

Xu Jie and Wang Wanjun, you talk to each other.

In other people's eyes, the two of them fired a gun and a sword, you come and go, and sparks are constantly bursting out.

Xu Jie passed by Wang Wanjun, stopped not far away, stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, and said, "Oh, I remembered, there are a few shots that need to be re-shot, how could I have forgotten this matter ..."

When Wang Wanjun saw that Xu Jie was going to do this again, he interrupted the other party and said to the staff: "Everyone get off work."

Instead of asking the other party to be a good person, it is better to leave this good person to yourself.

However, not working overtime is definitely not enough. It seems that tomorrow we need to change the number of routes.


The staff of the Art Program Center are not in a hurry to get off work. Everyone is waiting for today's episode update, and the potato chips and milk tea are ready.

There are still a few minutes before get off work, Wang Wanjun appeared in the aisle on time, but compared with the usual quiet observation, today he has something to say.

"I don't know about the new program, what do you think?" Wang Wanjun asked.

"Director, I have an idea." Jiang Lan raised her hand high.

An imperceptible smile flashed in Wang Wanjun's eyes, and then he looked at all the employees and said, "Everyone, stop what you are doing and listen to Jiang Lan's thoughts. It can be regarded as attracting jade." Then he said to Jiang Lan : "Okay, tell me."

Jiang Lan nodded, and then said, "My idea is..."

Many people frowned, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that Director Wang had discussed this with Jiang Lan.

Isn't Director Wang and Deputy Director Xu one-on-one?Why did you call for foreign aid?Isn't this cheating?
If Jiang Lan keeps talking like this, will Deputy Director Xu call people away after he comes out?I'm afraid even he himself will have to stay and listen.

It's a meeting when I'm about to get off work. Director Wang's move is a bit disgusting!


(End of this chapter)

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