Chapter 571 Not so good!
Xu Jie packed up his things and left the office. As soon as he went out, he heard a woman's voice. When he walked through the corridor to the public office area, he saw Jiang Lan standing at the work station, talking to other people, and her words were sonorous. Powerful and exuberant.

Looking at Wang Wanjun standing in the aisle, with a comforting smile like a godfather on his face, and nodding his head from time to time, he seemed very satisfied with Jiang Lan's performance.

What are you doing?meeting?
This was Xu Jie's first reaction.

But why no one informed him?And he hadn't been notified in advance of the meeting.

"Huh, Deputy Director Xu?" Seeing Xu Jie, Wang Wanjun said with a smile, "You came at a good time. Jiang Lan is sharing some of her thoughts on the new program. Come and listen."

When the people around heard it, they thought it was Director Wang's ruthless trick, not only keeping everyone to work overtime, but also keeping Director Xu to work overtime.

How to go?
Someone is sharing ideas for a new show, who dares to go?Even Xu Jie, the deputy director, might be embarrassed to leave.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun, and then at Jiang Lan. He didn't share in the morning, and he didn't share in the evening. He just shared it when he was off work. Isn't this intentional?
This is a change of routine!

"Have an idea so soon? Then I have to listen carefully." Xu Jie pulled a chair from the side and sat in front of Jiang Lan, staring at Jiang Lan intently, as if listening carefully.

Seeing Deputy Director Xu's reaction, everyone secretly sighed in their hearts. Even Deputy Director Xu admitted that he had failed. It seemed that he was destined to work overtime tonight.

The corners of Wang Wanjun's mouth turned up slightly, it was a kind of smile that only winners have.

He was defeated by the opponent many times before, not only was he not destroyed by the opponent today, but he also kept the opponent. Today's victory made him very happy, and he can find similar reasons to keep the opponent in the future.

Tonight, I won!
Just when he was secretly complacent, he suddenly saw Xu Jie frowning, as if he didn't agree with Jiang Lan's idea. .

Hmph, whether you agree or not, you have to stay and listen.

Wang Wanjun didn't care.

In his opinion, so what if Xu Jie feels bad?The other person's thoughts cannot represent everyone's thoughts, and differences are not necessarily a bad thing.

After Jiang Lan finishes speaking, everyone will discuss together. Maybe we can come up with some good program plans by then, and the time will pass with the discussion.

The point is, he also hid a few hands.

After Jiang Lan finished talking, there were others who could talk, one after another, until 10 o'clock.

Fight with me?Be careful putting yourself in it.

Wang Wanjun thought to himself.

Jiang Lan confidently talked about the idea of ​​the new program. In the past, she lacked the opportunity to perform, and the limelight was all taken away by Qin Yan. Today, it was finally her turn.

She speaks standard mandarin, and her words are correct. She regards the opportunity in front of her as a show, showing her hosting skills in front of Director Wang, whether it is news, variety shows, or interviews, she can control it. She wants to Tell Director Wang, as well as everyone in the Art Program Center, that Jiang Lan is no worse than Qin Yan.

Just when she was actively performing, she suddenly noticed that Deputy Director Xu was frowning, and there was a trace of doubt on his face.

After Jiang Lan saw it, her heart skipped a beat.

Where did I say something wrong?Or is the show idea bad?

If it was someone else who was frowning, she would definitely not care so much, but the problem is that it was Xu Jie who was frowning, so she had to pay attention.

For one thing, Xu Jie is the deputy director of the Art Program Center, in charge of the content of the program, and has a lot of say in the new program.

Secondly, the other party is sitting in front of her, firmly in the C position, and it is impossible to pretend to be invisible. The sense of presence is too strong, and no matter whether you look at the front, left or right, you can't get around the other party.

Thirdly, Deputy Director Xu is a thoughtful and insightful person. The director's program is not only broadcast on the satellite TV channel, but also ranked first in the ratings. If the other party is not satisfied, it must mean that there is something wrong with her idea of ​​the new program.

Jiang Lan felt guilty and panicked. If she said something wrong, wouldn't it be embarrassing in front of everyone?

When a person is distracted, it is easy to make mistakes.

She was very fluent in speaking at first, but because of double-tasking, her mouth immediately became uneasy, and her brain obviously couldn't keep up. She often said the last sentence and forgot the next sentence, and she didn't even know what she should say. Uh uh uh on and on.

"In the interaction with the guests, um... we can ask more, um, some bold questions, especially questions that fans are more concerned about, such as um..."

Jiang Lan only felt that her head was in a mess, like a mess of paste. She looked down at the proposal draft on the table, but she couldn't find where she was talking, so she could only search page by page. .

Everyone looked at Jiang Lan suspiciously, why did they get stuck while talking?
And since it's the other party's own idea, it should be all in his head, so what are you doing looking for a manuscript?Did she come up with it?

Wang Wanjun frowned slightly at this moment.

what's the situation?
Didn't you say it well before?
Go on!

Why did you drop the chain again?
Wang Wanjun's face couldn't help but pulled down, it was as long as a donkey's face.

You know, he was the one who asked Jiang Lan to stand up and speak, and wanted the other party to throw bricks and sparks, but it turned into a car rollover scene. Isn't this embarrassing for him?
In the panic, Jiang Lan finally found out where she was talking, and finally finished the idea of ​​the new program according to the script while stuttering.

Probably because she knew that she performed poorly in the end, so Jiang Lan sat down quickly after speaking, lowered her head and did not speak, and was no longer as active as before.

Wang Wanjun was very angry. If Xu Jie didn't speak at the last meeting because Xu Jie said it too well, what about this time?Xu Jie didn't say anything.

Hmph, what are you talking about, Director Jiang didn't give you a chance before, but now you are given a chance, you are useless!

But if you are angry, you are angry, he called the person, and he made the plan, so no matter what happens in the end, he has to smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

"Well, it's a good talk." Wang Wanjun forced himself to be calm, then looked at the other people present with a smile, and asked, "Jiang Lan finished speaking, what do you think? If you have any opinions and ideas, feel free to talk, let's discuss together. "

Only ten minutes had passed before leaving get off work, and this time was not considered overtime at all, so he had to take the initiative to stir up the topic and get everyone involved.

After everyone heard it, they were silent, thinking: You have said everything well, why are you asking us?
Wang Wanjun looked, no one spoke?This is not allowed!
"If you have anything to say, just say it. Don't have any psychological pressure. It's just a discussion. No matter whether it is good or not, no one will laugh. Maybe in the process of discussion, new ideas will burst out. Idea." Wang Wanjun said.

The office area was still very quiet, and no one spoke.

Wang Wanjun's face was a little uneasy, he had already talked to this point, and no one had spoken yet, wouldn't this not give him face?

Fortunately, we were prepared!

He waited for a while, and after a while, he looked at a person not far away, and winked at Jia Wei...

"Let me tell you."

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded, almost blinking the eyelids of Wang Wanjun who was winking, and almost blinking the waist of Jia Wei who had just left his seat.

But then Wang Wanjun was overjoyed, someone finally spoke, but when he looked at the person who raised his hand, he was stunned.

Xu Jie?

How could it be him?

Wang Wanjun was both pleasantly surprised and worried. The surprise was because the other party cooperated with his work, and the worry was because he was afraid that the other party would say something unpleasant. However, it is a discussion meeting now, so it shouldn't happen, right?

"Deputy Director Xu has something to say? Okay, everyone, come and listen to Deputy Director Xu's thoughts." Wang Wanjun said.

All eyes are on Deputy Director Xu. After all, when it comes to work, Deputy Director Xu is a good hand. Deputy Director Xu said that he is second, and no one dares to say first.

Xu Jie put his hand down, and then said lightly: "I don't think Jiang Lan's idea is very good."

One stone caused a thousand waves!

Everyone in the office area was surprised.

not so good?
It's too disrespectful, isn't it?
Don't give Jiang Lan face, don't give Director Wang face.

Can't you be a little more tactful?

Jiang Lan stared blankly at Deputy Director Xu, and Wang Wanjun's eyes were also full of surprise.

"Deputy Director Xu, why do you say that?" Wang Wanjun asked, he had read the manuscript in Jiang Lan's hand during the day, not to mention how good it was, but it was definitely not useless, and Xu Jie's words, But directly denied the program plan.

After hearing this, Xu Jie said: "Talk shows, that's right, there's nothing wrong with inviting celebrities. The problem is the interaction part. Don't you think the key points of interaction that Jiang Lan said are familiar?"

"Familiar?" Wang Wanjun was puzzled.

"I know, it's "In-depth Talk on Film and Television"." Qin Yan said.

"That's right." Xu Jie took the words and continued: "What she said, the program "In-depth Film and Television Talk" has been used for more than half a year. Is it necessary to produce two similar programs?"

When everyone heard it, although the presence of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" on the literature and art channel was 0, no one dared to ignore its presence, because it has been broadcast on the satellite TV channel, and the ratings are still high. Now, after Deputy Director Xu That being said, it really is the case.

Wang Wanjun was also taken aback, and then asked: "Why can't we make two similar programs? How many similar programs are there in the country? But as long as you can create your own new ideas and make your own characteristics, it is possible to surpass the original version." , anything is possible.”

Jiang Lan is his man, if he doesn't support it, who will support it?
Xu Jie laughed after hearing this.

"According to Director Wang, you don't have to think about the new show, just remake all the popular shows in the country?" Xu Jie stood up and slapped his buttocks, "Say it earlier, this is not a waste of time Besides, do you need to work overtime for such a trivial matter? Can’t you just go home and watch TV? That’s fine, let’s leave.”

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he walked outside, leaving behind Wang Wanjun with an extremely ugly face.


(End of this chapter)

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