The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 572 Looking forward to it!

Chapter 572 Looking forward to it!
A week passed quickly.

For Wang Wanjun, the past week was a very difficult one, and it was also a very depressing week, because the overtime culture he advocated was not successfully implemented in the cultural program center, and the first fire as the director of the cultural program center failed to burn. come out.

Without overtime, there would be no work, and without work, there would be no grades. How could this "new official" explain to the superiors?

As soon as he thought of this, Xu Jie, the deputy director of the Art Program Center, could not help appearing in Wang Wanjun's mind.

This person turned a blind eye to his order, and also opposed him everywhere, sabotaging his plan, not only keeping his "fire" from burning, but also seriously questioning his prestige in the art program center.

He already regards this person as the number one challenge of being the director of the Arts Program Center. If he wants to do a good job as the director, he must get rid of this thorn, otherwise he will not be respected as the director.

Wang Wanjun came to his office and looked at the calendar card on the table. Today is Monday, which is not only the day of the weekly meeting, but also the day of the new program discussion meeting, and it is also the day when he challenged Xu Jie.

"Didn't you always think about the show? Think about it at work during the day and at home at night. Let's see what you have achieved today. If you can't say it, or it's not good, hum!"

A sneer appeared on Wang Wanjun's face, and he even began to imagine all kinds of scenes of denouncing Xu Jie.


Xu Jie sneezed after getting off the car.

"Who is speaking ill of me?"

He thought about it, and felt that since he worked hard, had excellent grades, respected the elderly and cared for the children, and loved his colleagues, no one should speak ill of him behind his back.

"Well, someone must have missed me!"

He couldn't help sighing. As an excellent man, there must be many people who have a crush on him and miss him secretly.

"Hey, my brother is already famous and has an owner, don't even think about it!"

Xu Jie rubbed his itchy nose and walked towards the TV station building.

"Xiao Xu!"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

Xu Jie stopped in front of the steps and looked back. It was Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu. .

"Morning Editor-in-Chief Lu!" Xu Jie turned around and greeted the other party.

"Morning!" Lu Hong walked quickly to Xu Jie's side, and asked with a smile, "Did you watch "Crossover Actor" on Saturday?"

"I see." Xu Jie replied, and then added two words "it's strange" in his heart.

It's strange to see it!
Yes, he didn't look!
Back to the village last Saturday, he and Su Yun played mahjong with their mother for half the night, stayed at home for one night, and came back on Sunday afternoon.

And he participated in the recording of the program, not to mention that it was broadcast, even if it was not broadcast, he would know it.

Besides, the ratings of the show will not change just because there is one more person, so there is absolutely no need to watch it again.

"Lao Jiang has already told you the ratings?" Lu Hong asked again.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

Last Saturday night was the first episode of the second season of "Crossover Actors". The ratings of the show also created a new high for the ratings of the second season.

When the ratings of the previous few episodes came out, Director Jiang simply sent him a text message, even if the notification had arrived, but this time, the other party called him directly, and he could hear the other party's excited voice through the microphone.

"The ratings of the six-in-three have surpassed the finals of the first season. I watched the finals later, and there is no problem with the ratings breaking 4. By the way, I heard from Lao Jiang that the script of the six-in-three this time You wrote it?" Lu Hong looked at the young man in front of him, and he really liked it more and more. It was right not to let the other party be taken away by Lao Jiang, otherwise where would he find a second person?
"Yes." Xu Jie said.

"You did a great job. Facts have proved that you are indispensable for this program." Lu Hong said with a smile. The ratings of the program were very popular, and he, the deputy editor-in-chief who is also the director of the satellite TV program center, was naturally flattered.

In fact, this is not only a matter of high ratings, but also adds value to the brand of this program. For example, the sponsorship fee of the second season of "Crossover Actor" reached 4 million. According to the current ratings trend, the third season's How can the sponsorship fee be more than 5 million to 1 million.

This is not counting the overall impact of the program on Beijing Satellite TV.

Because usually, if a program has a high ratings, the influence of the entire channel will increase accordingly, and the sponsorship fee of other programs, as well as the advertising fee of each time period will also increase accordingly, perhaps not as much as "Crossover Actors" It's so big, but there are many programs and advertisements. After a year, the extra income is quite considerable.

He now not only regards Xu Jie as a lucky general, but also as the God of Wealth.

"It's all thanks to everyone. The members of the screenwriting team worked hard." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Humble, too modest!" Lu Hong suddenly put his arms around Xu Jie's shoulders and asked, "Xiao Xu, Lao Jiang is now at Beijing TV Culture, and there will be a third season of "Crossover Actor" if there is no accident. Are you interested in being the chief director?"

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and then said: "Editor Lu, even if Director Jiang goes to Beijing Television Culture, he can still serve as the chief director of "Crossover Actor". This program itself is a collaboration with Beijing Television Culture."

Lu Hong was quite surprised by Xu Jie's answer. You must know that for a variety show as popular as "Crossover Actor", the position of chief director is a favorite, and everyone wants it. However, the other party's reaction is very flat, as if There is no interest.

"Xiao Xu, are you worried that Lao Jiang will be angry with you for taking Lao Jiang's position? You must not have such worries. Lao Jiang is not such a person, and when we talked yesterday, he himself said, After the second season of "Crossover Actor" ends, you will be the chief director of the third season." Lu Hong said.

"I know Director Jiang won't be angry, but he's a good chief director, why should I grab his position? Besides, I have quite a lot of programs on hand now, so I don't want to be distracted, so I can do a favor and gather the number of people. No problem, but if I really want to take on all the work, I'm afraid I don't have the energy and time." Xu Jie said seriously.

Lu Hong thought about it, and there was nothing wrong with his explanation. Not only did the other party have several programs, but he was also in charge of the programs of the Art Program Center, so there was indeed a lot of work.

"Let's talk about it when the time comes. By the way, how are the preparations for the new variety show going?" Lu Hong asked with concern.

With the second season of "Crossover Actors", Beijing Satellite TV's variety show tasks in the first half of the year have been completed, and the next step is to see if the variety show tasks in the second half of the year can be completed. This is not what he said, but what Lao Jiang said It doesn't count, only the young man in front of him has what he says.

"Post-production is in progress, and it will be completed before September." Xu Jie said after thinking for a while.

I originally thought that the paperwork could be solved in a week, but the plan did not change quickly. I had meetings every day last week, and only half of it was completed. It is estimated that it will take another week.

"That's good." A smile appeared on Lu Hong's face, "I don't worry if you do the work, it's all right, let's go back."

"Editor Lu, then I'm leaving."

After Xu Jie left Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, he returned to the Art Program Center, and the office area was completely silent.

No need to ask, Wang Wanjun is already here!
Normal people are not active at work and active at get off work, but when it comes to this person, they become active at work and not active at get off work. Isn’t this a problem?
Xu Jie shook his head and walked towards the office.

After walking a few steps, he heard someone calling him.

"Director Xu, wait!"

Xu Jie looked over and saw Song Huanhuan bending over, lying beside the desk and calling him cautiously.

"What's the matter, why are you still being sneaky?" Xu Jie walked over and asked with a smile.

"Director Xu, is the copywriting for the new program ready?" Song Huanhuan asked in a low voice.

"It's done, it's been done a long time ago, what's wrong?" Xu Jie asked.

"What did you write, can you lend me a look?" Song Huanhuan begged.

Xu Jie felt that these words were familiar. He remembered that when he was in school, every morning when he came to class, someone would say that.

"Why, you haven't written yet? Are you crazy for today's meeting?" Xu Jie asked, Wang Wanjun was worried that he couldn't find a chance to get mad, didn't he send it to his door? .

"I wrote it, but I think it's not good, so I want to read what you wrote." Song Huanhuan said, and the people around him also came over at this time, wanting to see Xu Jie's ideas.

"You will know it during the meeting." After Xu Jie finished speaking, a confident smile appeared on his face, "Let me tell you, I am good at writing, you just wait to applaud me." After finishing speaking, he left .

Everyone looked at Deputy Director Xu's back, how are you?
How good is that?
In the midst of everyone's conflict, the weekly meeting still came.

In the conference room, everyone was whispering to each other about each other's new program plans. Fortunately, they had a good idea in their hearts.

In the weekly meeting last week, Director Wang tried to scare the chickens to scare the monkeys, but he failed. So in today's weekly meeting, everyone is very careful, and no one wants to be that "chicken".

Xu Jie came to his seat and sat down, putting the copy in his hand on the table.

"Deputy Director Xu, you seem to be in a good mood. Is there anything good?" Liu Qingpeng, who was sitting opposite, asked.

"The program discussion is finally about to start. I have been waiting for a long time. I hope to see innovative and creative program proposals, so that our art channel can stand out among many channels, and under the leadership of Director Wang, it will be the first in the country. , so looking forward to it." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Liu Qingpeng was taken aback for a moment. Why did this sound so awkward?
Are you expecting Director Wang to make a fool of himself?
The people around were also speechless.

National ratings number one?

What an international joke!
The program of the Literature and Art Channel is only broadcast in the capital area. Even if people in the whole city watch it, it is afraid that they will not be number one in the country.

Wait, don't say that you can't pass it, when Deputy Director Xu's "Delicious History" was broadcast on the Art Channel, didn't you have to pass the first place in the evening?
As the old saying goes, the higher the praise, the harder the fall.

Deputy Director Xu isn't holding back what's wrong again, is he?
Well, we are looking forward to it too!


(End of this chapter)

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