The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 573 I can't get it right!

Chapter 573 I can't get it right!


The door of the conference room opened, and Wang Wanjun walked in from the outside. When he saw everyone whispering, instead of getting angry, he smiled.

"It seems that everyone has a lot to say about the plan for the new program." Wang Wanjun walked towards his seat while talking.

The conference room suddenly fell silent, everyone shut their mouths, sat upright, and stopped talking.

Have a lot to say?
Everyone felt hehe.

In just one week, I want someone to come up with a good new program plan, how is it possible?

If possible, they would rather be dumb in today's weekly meeting, so that they don't have to embarrass themselves by speaking out their perfunctory written plans, and if they fail, they will have to be criticized.

"Yes, Director Wang, my new program plan has been prepared a long time ago, and I can't wait to share it with everyone." Xu Jie said seriously.

The people around were not surprised when they saw it. After all, Deputy Director Xu just yelled the slogan "No. He couldn't believe his ears.

Did I hear wrong?Or did the other party drink too much early in the morning?
"Deputy Director Xu, don't worry, let's hold a weekly meeting first, and then discuss the new program." Wang Wanjun said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll listen to Director Wang." Xu Jie nodded. .

Wang Wanjun looked at Deputy Director Xu who was sitting in a well-behaved manner, and he couldn't fix his whole body. He thought to himself, what kind of routine is the other party playing?
Crossing Chencang secretly?
Wang Wanjun sat down with doubts, ignored the other party for the time being, and finished the meeting first.

"Is everyone here? Tell me about last week's work..." Wang Wanjun took out the manuscript and began to read it seriously.

The content of the weekly meeting is very simple. First, summarize the work of last week, talk about the good and the bad, and then propose the work goals for this week and the outlook for the future.

In less than 10 minutes, the weekly meeting was over, and it was finally time to discuss the new program.

Wang Wanjun put down the manuscript in his hand, then looked at the people in the conference room, and said: "I had a meeting last Monday, and I left a task for everyone. Everyone has to come up with a new program plan. Now that the time has passed, everyone wrote Okay?"

The meeting room was quiet when a voice suddenly sounded.

"It's finished!" Xu Jie said loudly, he was the only one in the room who spoke, and his voice was full of excitement, as if he had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

Wang Wanjun looked at the silent people, then at Xu Jie who had a positive attitude, and suddenly began to hesitate in his heart.

Let this person speak first?
Let’s talk about it first, if it’s too good, other people will definitely not dare to speak like last week’s meeting, and there may even be a situation where the plan is repeated; but let’s talk about it later, the other party seems to be picking on Jiang Lan’s faults on Thursday night How to do?
He thought about it, and suddenly had an idea.

Find someone in the other party's program group and talk first, isn't it all right?At that time, the other party will definitely not find fault.

Thinking of this, Wang Wanjun secretly admired his ingenuity. At the same time, his eyes swept across the conference table, and finally fell on a woman.

"Qin Yan, tell me first."

Qin Yan was shocked, and looked up at Director Wang suspiciously.

I didn't say anything, and tried to lower my head to avoid the other party's gaze, why would I still call her?

There is Xu Jie who is active in the open, and Jiang Lan and Jia Wei who are lurking in the dark. What do you want her to do as a crowd of onlookers?She just wants to be silent and silent.

Retaliation must be revenge for not working overtime after listening to Xu Jie.

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Qin Yan sighed secretly, then sat up straight and said, "Okay, let me talk about the new program plan I thought of."

After speaking, he picked up the notebook on the table and turned to the first page.

"I think of a music program, but it has nothing to do with singing. It mainly invites traditional musical instrument players to play musical instruments live, so that the audience can better understand the charm of our Chinese musical instruments and promote traditional folk music culture..." Qin Yan spoke eloquently.

Wang Wanjun nodded secretly when he heard it. This idea sounds good. There is nothing wrong with the art channel promoting traditional folk music culture.

Moreover, there seems to be no such programs on the Art Channel and other channels. Now that ethnic style is popular, this idea is very in line with the current fashion trend. It may attract some viewers, especially some elderly viewers. He can often be seen in the park I saw some old people playing the erhu and playing the flute.

Qin Yan didn't take the plan and read it, but just talked about it in general. If everyone agrees and feels that the program plan is feasible, it will not be too late to elaborate.

After a few minutes.

"This is what I think. Everyone is welcome to criticize and correct me. Give me more opinions and suggestions." Qin Yan put down her notebook and looked at Director Wang, who was sitting at the front, with an extraordinarily humble attitude. Thinking of the performance, I feel somewhat uncertain.

A smile appeared on Wang Wanjun's face, and then he raised his hands, clapped his hands, and said, "Well, Qin Yan's idea is very good, it is innovative, and it also conforms to the values ​​of our art channel."

When everyone heard it, you all said it was very good, what else should we say?So one by one applauded immediately.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

There was applause in the meeting room.

Qin Yan breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and nodded around, thanking everyone for their applause.

I didn't expect to get through it so easily. Sure enough, all the creative people have to drink.

In fact, for her, it doesn't matter whether she applauds or not, as long as she doesn't get ridiculed, after all, there are fewer and fewer people who like and learn traditional Chinese musical instruments. Instead, some Western musical instruments often appear on TV.

"Everyone, don't just applaud, tell us what you think of this show." Wang Wanjun said with a smile, then set his eyes on his right hand, and asked by name: "Deputy Director Xu, what do you think?"

At the same time, I thought: Come on, pick something wrong, pick it if you have the ability!

Xu Jie didn't refuse, looked at the crowd and said, "Before I speak, I have a question to ask everyone. What do you think of Qin Yan's thoughts?"

"it is good."

"It has both content and connotation."

"It is very in line with the current national trend."

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and without exception, they all agreed.

Xu Jie nodded after listening, and said, "Like everyone else, I also think Qin Yan's idea is very good. Through this incident, what do you think it shows?"


The people present were stunned, with puzzled expressions on their faces, as if they had traveled back to the junior high school classroom for a moment, and were asked questions by the Chinese teacher.

What can a good idea mean?
Does it mean that Qin Yanbingxue is smart and has a good head?
I have never seen such a compliment at a meeting.

Wang Wanjun also had a series of question marks in his mind. After thinking for a while, he couldn't help guessing: "Does it mean that Qin Yan is serious about the new program?"

In his opinion, in terms of the results, Qin Yan's idea does sound better than Jiang Lan's, and he is more attentive.

Xu Jie shook his head.

"Deputy Director Xu, just tell me." Liu Qingpeng urged.

The others also looked at Xu Jie expectantly, waiting for the other party's answer.

Xu Jie looked at the people present, and then slowly said: "Explain whether you can have a good program idea, and it has nothing to do with overtime."

Everyone was taken aback, could this also be related to working overtime?Isn't this slapping Director Wang in the face?

However, it makes sense.

No one expected that the airing time of the series would be advanced, as it used to be after get off work.

This treatment is comparable to membership!

Everyone turned their heads to look at Director Wang, wondering what kind of reaction the other party would have when they heard Deputy Director Xu's words.

Wang Wanjun's face turned red and then turned white, just like the face changing in a Sichuan opera, and his heart was filled with incomparable anger. He didn't attack the other party, but the other party did.


"Deputy Director Xu, everyone is talking about a new program, why are you talking about working overtime?" Wang Wanjun said coldly.

"Oh, I'm sorry Director Wang, I got off topic." Xu Jie smiled slightly after hearing this, apologized quickly, and then continued: "Let me talk about my views on the program. Qin Yan's program has novel ideas and clear ideas. I guess she is in When thinking about the show, she must be very attentive, in fact, she can take shortcuts, but she didn't do that, but chose a very difficult path, we should all learn from her."

After everyone listened, doubtful expressions appeared on their faces again.

What are the shortcuts, what are the difficulties, what is it all about, why do you become more and more confused the more you listen?

What Wang Wanjun heard was also a misunderstanding, but there is a saying that the other party said is correct, that is, learn from Qin Yan, give him more good program suggestions, and increase the ratings of the Art Channel, so he, the director, can take it Report card to the above.

"Qin Yan finished speaking, Deputy Director Xu, it seems that you are very confident in the plan you wrote, so please tell me." Wang Wanjun said.

Now, Qin Yan has finished speaking, and what he said is very good. He asked the other party to speak at this time. If the other party said something better than Qin Yan, he would have another good program. If the other party said something better than Qin Yan, everyone You will feel that this person is exhausted, even inferior to his own host.

Therefore, no matter what the other party says is good or not, he is sure to win.

Hmph, challenge me?

Let's see if you can get away with it this time.

Wang Wanjun thought to himself.

"Finally it's my turn. To be honest, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time." Xu Jie said happily: "What I thought of was a variety show. Now young people are busy with work and leave their children to the elderly to take care of them." , I don’t know if you have heard of the word “next-generation relatives”. From this, an idea popped up in my heart, to make a variety show for grandparents to bring their children. I have already thought about the name of the show. It's called "Where Are You Going, Grandpa?"



(End of this chapter)

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