The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 574 I'm Too Difficult!

Chapter 574 I'm Too Difficult!

When Xu Jie talked about the idea of ​​the new program, everyone present was stunned.

Where is grandpa going?
Isn't Deputy Director Xu joking?
Isn't the content and name the same as the variety show "Where are we going, Dad" in the early years?

Could this be the source of Deputy Director Xu's confidence?Are you kidding me?

Wang Wanjun on the side was completely sculpted in sand.

The other party was so active before, could it be because he came up with such a program?
"Deputy Director Xu, are you serious?" Wang Wanjun couldn't help asking.

Even though he always wanted to make things difficult for the other party, but after hearing the other party mention such a program plan, he still couldn't believe it came from the other party's mouth.

Who is this?
The director, planner, and screenwriter of Beijing Satellite TV's multiple variety shows are the backbone of Beijing TV's variety shows, and the secret weapon for Beijing Satellite TV to regain the title of "The Most Influential Provincial Satellite TV of the Year". What kind of identity speaks?Not like!

Wang Wanjun originally thought that if Xu Jie spoke behind Qin Yan, his bad words would definitely make the other party lose face, but now it seems that the other party doesn't care at all, otherwise, can he say such a joke?
On purpose, absolutely on purpose!

He suddenly became worried. If the other party continued to treat the revision of the Literature and Art Channel negatively, then the prospect of this revision might not be very optimistic.

"Deputy Director Xu." Liu Qingpeng said at this moment, "As far as I know, there seems to be a program called "Where Are You Going, Grandpa?"

"Oh? Really? Then it's called "Where Are You Going, Grandma?" Xu Jie said.

Everyone was speechless.

Wang Wanjun gritted his teeth fiercely, he could feel from the tone of the other party changing his name at will, that this person was just perfunctory and didn't work hard.

"I've already written the planning plan, do you want me to read it to everyone?" Xu Jie raised the book in his hand, it looked very thick, even thicker than the one Qin Yan held before.

"Stop talking!" Wang Wanjun hurriedly stopped the other party, there must be a demon in every event, and the other party really didn't have any good intentions. .

"Why, do you think it's not good?" Xu Jie looked at the crowd and asked.


Everyone either avoided Deputy Director Xu's gaze, or lowered their heads one after another.

It's not a question of good or bad, it's just a joke.

"It's okay, I have another idea for a new program, this one is definitely good." Xu Jie opened another notebook while talking.

As soon as everyone heard it, Deputy Director Xu was prepared.

Well, that's right.

The first is a joke, the second is serious.

Xu Jie said seriously: "My idea for this second new program is that for so many years, our station has been worrying about how to produce a Spring Festival Gala that the audience loves. Our art program center is the backbone of the Spring Festival Gala. If our art channel can contribute some people and programs to Beijing Satellite TV’s Spring Festival Gala in advance, it will not only solve the problem of difficult programs for the Spring Festival Gala, but also reduce the burden on us all before the Spring Festival. I thought, why not invite people from all walks of life in the society to participate, and the final winner can participate in the Spring Festival Gala of our Beijing Satellite TV, and the name will be..."

"I want to go to the Spring Festival Gala?" Wang Wanjun asked, the other party's thoughts still made him feel very familiar, so familiar that when the other party said it, a name would automatically appear in his mind.

"No, isn't "I'm going to the Spring Festival Gala" a program of China TV? My program is called "Spring Festival Gala I'm Coming!"" Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Is there any difference?" Wang Wanjun asked suspiciously.

"Of course there is a difference. If you dare to call it "I want to go to the Spring Festival Gala", it will be an infringement. Why don't the people from Huaxia TV settle with you?" Xu Jie said.

Wang Wanjun took a deep breath, then looked at Xu Jie with a serious expression and said, "Deputy Director Xu, can you be more serious, please? Everyone is holding a program discussion meeting and making suggestions for the revision of the Art Channel. If you don't help find a way, it's fine." Now, why are you still making trouble here?"

"Director Wang, how can you say that? Who made the trouble? I am very serious about the revision of the Art Channel." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Seriously? Listen to the two program proposals you just mentioned. Aren't you remaking the variety show broadcast on the TV station?" Wang Wanjun questioned.

"It's not a remake, it's similar!" Xu Jie said emphatically.

"Why do you have so many similar thoughts?" Wang Wanjun asked.

"Why can't we make two similar programs? How many similar programs are there in the country? But as long as you can create your own new ideas and make your own characteristics, it is possible to surpass the original version. Everything is possible." Xu Jay retorted.

"Anything is possible, you..." Wang Wanjun was about to scold the other party, but suddenly froze.

Not only him, everyone present was stunned.

Everyone looked at Deputy Director Xu and then Director Wang, all of them had strange expressions.

Because, what Deputy Director Xu said just now is what Director Wang said when defending Jiang Lan last week, not even a single punctuation mark is bad.

Director Wang is now denying Deputy Director Xu's idea, isn't it equivalent to slapping himself in the face?
Just now, everyone thought that Deputy Director Xu didn't care about the revision of the art channel, but now everyone finally understands that everything was done on purpose by Deputy Director Xu.

Good guy, it's really a gentleman's revenge, it's not too late in a week!
Wang Wanjun was stunned for a while, then his face darkened.

The other party said so much, so it turned out to be waiting for him here.

Everything before was just foreshadowing.

Good intentions!
"Director Wang, my thoughts are all according to your wishes, you can't treat them differently." Xu Jie said lightly, and then glanced at Jiang Lan's direction.

Jiang Lan immediately lowered her head guilty, wishing she could find a hole to get in.

Originally, she planned to perform well at today's meeting, but now, even if she was given a chance, she didn't want it anymore.

The battle between Director Wang and Deputy Director Xu was really frightening. She just raised her head a little, but was beaten by Deputy Director Xu twice.

I used to think that Deputy Director Xu was a very kind guy, but I didn't expect that when he stood on the opposite side, he would be so scary.

It seems that it is better to be less troublesome in the future.

After all, no matter how quarreling and fighting, there is only one director and one deputy director, and she is just an ordinary employee, and it is secondary to the wrong person, and maybe it will end up with a displeased ending.

Wang Wanjun clenched his fists tightly. He had worked in the Beijing TV station for more than ten years, and it was the first time that his car was overturned, and he was overturned by someone. One can imagine the degree of anger in his heart.

What should we do now?
explain?how to explain?

Because Jiang Lan is mine, but you are not mine?
As a director, you want to unite everyone, how can you still form a small group in your own department?
If this word got out, wouldn't he be directly called to the office by deputy editor-in-chief Zhou to talk?

He is the director of the cultural program center, and the other party is the deputy director, how can he apologize to the other party?How can I stay in the art program center in the future?

He racked his brains for a while, and finally said: "I've heard your and Jiang Lan's thoughts on the new show, and your thoughts are too similar to the original version, which has gone beyond the scope of similarity."

Xu Jie smiled lightly, did you play word games?

"Director Wang only listened to the general description and didn't look at my plan. How do you know that the similarity is too great?" Xu Jie picked up the notebook on the table, "Why don't you take a look at my plan first?"

Wang Wanjun glanced at the notebook, but didn't pick it up. He knew it would be useless to pick it up. If the other party dared to trick him at the meeting, he must have done a very comprehensive job and would not let him easily find a loophole.

"No, I trust you. Since you are so confident, I will leave these two programs to you." Wang Wanjun said.

A good man does not suffer from immediate losses!
It is of no benefit to him to continue to dwell on this issue. It is better to end this topic quickly. By the way, let’s push the boat along the way. Since the other party is going to do these two programs, let the other party do it. It is his achievement to do it well. , What is bad is the other party's reputation.

"Okay, no problem. I will resolutely carry out Director Wang's orders. I will definitely do a good job of these two programs. But what about the funding issue?" Xu Jie asked.

"Funding?" Wang Wanjun frowned when he heard that, the funding for renovating the studio has not yet been approved, and now he is asking him for funding for the production of the show?

This person, besides being against him, is asking him for money, doesn't he have anything else to do?

"How much?" Wang Wanjun asked.

In terms of program funding, he still has a certain amount of authority. Although there is not much that can be allocated, it is still no problem to produce a normal program.

Xu Jie pushed the program plan in front of Wang Wanjun, directly turned to the last page and said, "I must have written the cost, roughly divided into two parts, the star's labor fee and the program production fee."

Wang Wanjun glanced at it, and was immediately stunned.

"6, 6 million?"

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded.

"What are you going to do? How did you spend so much money?" Wang Wanjun asked in surprise.

"It's mainly the labor costs of the stars, which also includes the production costs. Actually, it's not much at all. The star labor costs for my new variety show alone exceed 6 million." Xu Jie said calmly.

"But your new variety show is broadcast on the satellite TV channel, and your new program is broadcast on the literary channel!" Wang Wanjun swallowed and spit.

The normal production cost of programs on the Literature and Art Channel ranges from several thousand to tens of thousands, with a maximum of 10,000+.

6 million, it is still broadcast in the capital area, not to mention selling advertisements, even selling blood can't sell so much money, even if it is the entire Beijing TV station, there are only a handful of programs that invest more than 6 million.

"I'm not following through on what you mean. Everything should be on par with satellite TV channels." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"I'm talking about work efficiency, not expenses!" Wang Wanjun covered the notebook in front of him and pushed it back to Xu Jie.

At this moment, he felt powerless all over.

Why is this deputy director so difficult to deal with!
It's too difficult for me as the director!

(End of this chapter)

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