The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 576 Want a statement

Chapter 576 Want a statement
Wang Wanjun returned to the office, he is now depressed and his mother opened the door for depression, depression has reached home.

Subordinates hate him, leaders scold him, who else is more depressed than him?

In fact, calm down and think about it, what Deputy Director Xu said is right, how to make a show without funding?
What are you doing?
He really wanted to pick someone up, and he wanted to do whatever he wanted.

However, as a new official, he knew very well that if he couldn't subdue these people in the cultural program center at the beginning, it would be even more difficult to subdue them in the future, and he would not even be able to carry out his work.

Sure enough, food can be eaten indiscriminately, but it cannot be forced to dress indiscriminately. Isn't this going to overturn the car?

It seems that only a few low-cost programs can be selected.


Wang Wanjun appeared again in the public office area.

Everyone checked the time, and there were still a few minutes to get off work. Director Wang appeared at this time, and his purpose was self-evident.

"The discussion about the new program in the morning is not finished, let's continue now." Wang Wanjun said.

When everyone heard it, they wailed in their hearts.

It's okay to work overtime, but there is still a new program discussion meeting, it seems that embarrassment is inevitable.

At this time, everyone thought of the beloved Deputy Director Xu.

What about Xu Jie?
Summon Deputy Director Xu!

"Jia Wei, tell me about your program plan." Wang Wanjun called the names again, still the old routine in the morning, throwing bricks to attract jade.

Jia Wei stood up when he heard it. He was holding a notebook and was about to read from it when he saw Deputy Director Xu walking over. He quickly closed his mouth.

Everyone was overjoyed when they saw it. Deputy Director Xu may be late, but he will never be absent.

Wang Wanjun looked at Jia Wei without squinting. He saw Xu Jie's appearance, but he pretended not to see it.

His idea is very simple, can't be provoked, can't I still hide?

After an afternoon of thinking, he decided to change his strategy.

Originally, he wanted to scare chickens and monkeys, so he used Xu Jie as a knife, and took down the most capable people first, and tidied up obediently, and the others would naturally be honest.

However, after last week's shots, he realized that the knife had already cut the curling blade, but the target was not injured at all. If he continued to cut like this, the knife might be broken. When the blade flew around and hurt himself again, the loss outweighed the gain.

Therefore, he decided to bypass this thorn first and subdue the others. When everyone in the entertainment program center is on his side, what kind of disturbance can the other party create by himself?

Perfect tactic!
"Where is the meeting going? What is the topic? Why hasn't anyone informed me?" Xu Jie asked as he passed by.

"It's nothing serious. Deputy Director Xu is too busy with work during the day, so hurry up and go home to rest." Wang Wanjun said after hearing this.

"How can I do that? Everyone is here, how can I go by myself? Besides, what meeting content is behind my back? It can't be Director Wang, you just took office, and you want to treat everyone to dinner?" Xu Jie asked with a smile .

"Cough, it's nothing, isn't it because the program discussion in the morning has not finished? I want to continue. You have finished speaking, so you can go." Wang Wanjun explained.

Qin Yan's spirit shook, so can she leave too?
"So this is the matter. By the way, Director Wang, I saw that you went to the office of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou in the morning. I wonder if the issue of program production funds has been resolved?" Xu Jie asked concerned.

The corner of Wang Wanjun's mouth twitched, he could not open any pot and lift any pot, and he couldn't avoid it even if he wanted to.

"For your program, I deliberately went to find the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, and specifically talked about the 6 million production budget. He said that your programs are all broadcast on satellite TV channels, so your program production funds should also be paid in the future. Go to Satellite TV Program Center to ask for it, and I will ask you to go to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu." Wang Wanjun said.

"What? Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou really said that?" Xu Jie frowned.

"Yes, can I still lie to you?" Wang Wanjun said seriously.

Xu Jie suddenly showed a sad expression.

"How can deputy editor-in-chief Zhou say that? Although all my programs are broadcast on the satellite TV channel, my people are from the cultural program center. I also want to contribute to the satellite TV programs and make suggestions for the revision of the cultural channel. He Doesn’t this exclude me from my work in the Arts Program Center? No, I’m going to ask him for an explanation, why he won’t allow me to do a program for the Art Channel.” After Xu Jie finished speaking, he walked out of the department.

Wang Wanjun was taken aback when he saw it. He didn't expect Xu Jie's reaction to be so big. The key is that he was also so courageous that he even asked Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou for an explanation.

and many more!

If Xu Jie quarrels with Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou and offends Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, will anyone in the Art Program Center stand on the other side?

Certainly not!

Deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, that's the leader of the station.

An idea suddenly popped up in Wang Wanjun's mind, go and see what's going on by himself, and light a fire by the way. If Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou still scolds Xu Jie like a spiel, the whole stage will know it?
"You discuss it yourself first, and I'll come as soon as I go!" Wang Wanjun said to the people in the public office area, and then quickly ran outside.

Everyone looked at Director Wang's back. Although they didn't let them get off work, the discussion meeting was suspended.

Sure enough, Deputy Director Xu has never disappointed anyone.

"Bang bang!" Xu Jie patted the door of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou's office heavily.

Zhou Zhengliang, who was packing his briefcase, was taken aback. Someone dared to smash his door. Is he crazy, or did he drink too much?

He opened the door with a frown, slightly startled when he saw the person standing outside, especially when he saw the angry expression of the visitor, he was even more puzzled.

"Xiao Xu, what's the matter with you? Come in!" After speaking, he put his arms around Xu Jie's shoulders and pushed him into the room.

"Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, it was you who said that my program plan will be handed over to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, and I will also ask Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu for production funds?" Xu Jie asked straight to the point.

Zhou Zhengliang was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Who told you that?"

"Director Wang told me that he was in a meeting about the new program discussion on the revision of the Art Channel. He said that I don't need to participate because my programs are broadcast on the satellite TV channel. He also said that I have something to do on the program in the future. , go directly to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu," Xu Jie said.

After being reminded like this, Zhou Zhengliang finally remembered that he had indeed said this to Zhou Zhengliang in the morning.

Looking at the sad and wronged Xu Jie in front of him, Zhou Zhengliang knew that the other party must have misunderstood, so he couldn't help but secretly scolded Wang Wanjun in his heart.

How can this kind of talk about people behind their backs be passed on to the parties involved?

Oh, I trust you and tell you, but you tell the person these words later, isn't this putting him in a ruthless situation?
Of course, as the deputy editor-in-chief of the TV station, he is not afraid that Xu Jie will know, but Xu Jie is an elite in the cultural program center and a general under him. Although Xu Jie can't do anything to him, those words have shaken the opponent's confidence. Junxin, can the other party do well in the art program center in the future?

"Xiao Xu, I did say that your programs are broadcast on satellite TV channels, and you should go to Lao Lu for the production funds, but my original intention is to praise you for your ability and ideas, and I don't want your programs to be buried on the art channel, and even more so. I didn’t want Wang Wanjun to interfere with your creation, that’s why I said that, I didn’t let you ignore the affairs of the art channel, you are the deputy director of the art program center, how can there be no programs on the art channel without you to check?” Zhou Zhengliang kept going said comfortingly.

He had heard about Lao Lu's plan to lure Xu Jie to the satellite TV program center before, and his attitude towards this matter was the same as that of Jiang Hai. They both disagreed. He, the deputy editor-in-chief in charge of the cultural program center, also had a bright face.

"Editor Zhou, is what you said true?" Xu Jie asked.

"Of course it's true. Don't forget, I strongly support your promotion. How could I push you to the satellite TV channel? You are overthinking." Zhou Zhengliang patted the other party on the shoulder , I thought: Young people, my heart is fragile.

"Director Wang didn't let me participate in the new program seminar. I thought that editor-in-chief Zhou wouldn't let me work in the art program center." Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, absolutely not. Wang Wanjun must have misunderstood. You not only have to check the programs of the Art Channel, but also make suggestions for the programs of the Art Channel to make the Art Channel better. But the Art Channel is just a small temple after all. Your show has received so much attention, so of course it can't be buried here." Seeing that Xu Jie's mood seemed to have stabilized, Zhou Zhengliang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Almost lost popularity!
Jiang Hai has already left, if Xu Jie leaves again, there will really be no useful people in the Arts Program Center.

Wang Wanjun?
Ha ha!

With regard to today's incident, this person not only has a problem with his ability, but also has a problem with his character.

The other party told Xu Jie what he said, probably because he wanted to exclude Xu Jie.

When the new director takes office, he must attack the old director's cronies.

He also came to the present step by step from below, how could he not understand those little tricks?
"Editor Zhou, I'm relieved if you can say that." A smile appeared on Xu Jie's face, "Then I'll go back and continue the meeting."

"Well, let's go back, by the way, let Wang Wanjun come to my office by the way." Zhou Zhengliang said.


After Xu Jie agreed, he turned around and walked out of the deputy editor's office. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Wang Wanjun standing outside.

"Hey, Director Wang, why are you here? By the way, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou called you." Xu Jie pointed to Zhou Zhengliang in the office.

"Oh, I see." Wang Wanjun smiled awkwardly.

In fact, he had heard it just now, but he didn't expect Xu Jie to open the door suddenly.

Wang Wanjun walked into Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou's office. When he looked at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, he found that the other party's face was cold, and his eyes were like two knives, which made people shudder.

"Editor Zhou, are you looking for me?" Wang Wanjun asked in a low voice.

"Director Wang, how can you say what we said in private? You are also an old comrade, why are you so immature? I am so disappointed in you." Zhou Zhengliang said seriously.

Wang Wanjun trembled in fright, and his smile disappeared without a trace. He hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Editor Zhou, please listen to my explanation. The situation at that time was that Deputy Director Xu asked me about the funding of the program, so I just said it casually." I went out, you don’t know, because of the funding of the program, he quarreled with me in public at the meeting, and there was nothing I could do about it.”

"No way? That's your incompetence. When Jiang Hai was here, I never heard them quarreling. Even if Jiang Hai is gone now, Xu Jie is helping Jiang Hai in "Crossover Actor". You, you, don't always think about it." If you exclude anyone and do your job well, you will naturally be respected by others! Also, don’t come to my office if you have nothing to do in the future!”



(End of this chapter)

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