The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 577 Is there more sorrow than death?

Chapter 577 Is there more sorrow than death?
"Xiao Xu, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Jie was about to go back to the Arts Program Center when he ran into Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu Honglu on the way.

"No, it's okay." Xu Jie shook his head hastily, and looked away with evasive eyes, but he didn't meet the deputy editor-in-chief Lu.

Lu Hong looked at it, how did it look like nothing happened?

Besides, when he saw the other party just now, he had already noticed that the other party's mood was not right, his brows were furrowed, and his face was sad, as if he had something on his mind, otherwise he would not have taken the initiative to ask.

Fu Jiang is not happy?
This will not work!

"Xiao Xu, if you have anything to tell me, I will help if I can." Lu Hong asked with concern.

Once the other party is unhappy, the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV's variety show will drop accordingly.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that something happened at work." Xu Jie said hesitantly.

"You should tell me more about work. Although you are a member of the cultural program center, your program is broadcast on our satellite TV channel, so we are all our own family members, so don't see outsiders." Lu Hong said with a smile, To show comfort.

After Xu Jie heard it, instead of being comforted, he smiled wryly and became even more depressed.

"Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, I didn't expect you to say that."

Lu Hong was dumbfounded, what did he just say?

"Xiao Xu, what's the matter?" Lu Hong asked, the more unclear the other party said, the more anxious he became.

"Everyone says that my program is broadcast on the satellite TV channel. In the future, if I have something to do, I can directly contact you. I don't need to go to the leader of the cultural program center, and I don't need to attend the meeting of the cultural program center." Xu Jie said in a low voice, revealing in his voice lost.

Lu Hong's face changed, and his expression became serious. Doesn't this mean pushing Xu Jie out of the art program center?
"There is such a thing? Who told you?" Lu Hong stared, very angry.

He finally snatched Xu Jie from Jiang Hai and left him in the art center. Someone actually wanted to push Xu Jie away?Isn't this the right thing to do to him?

"Yes..." Xu Jie opened his mouth, finally shook his head, forced a smile on his face, and said, "Editor Lu, forget it, just pretend that I didn't say anything, anyway, Deputy Editor Zhou just now I explained it to me, it was a misunderstanding, Director Wang misunderstood."

Lu Hong was stunned. Is it Lao Zhou and Wang Wanjun?

He looked at the direction behind Xu Jie, and it was indeed Lao Zhou's office.

No way?
How could Lao Zhou be willing to push his generals to him?
and many more.

Director Wang misunderstood?That's probably the point.

"Wang Wanjun said these words to you?" Lu Hong asked.

"Oh, maybe I'm not fit to stay here anymore." Xu Jie sighed softly.

Lu Hong frowned involuntarily. Although the other party didn't answer his question directly, what he said already explained everything.

It is Wang Wanjun!
"Xiao Xu, I think there must be some misunderstanding here. Don't think so. You are the elite of the art program center, and the art program center cannot do without you." Lu Hong hurriedly spoke to comfort him, fearing that the other party would be impulsive do something irreversible.

"Editor Lu, don't praise me. How can I be so important? After all, I've only been here for three years. Without me, wouldn't the place be operating normally? Isn't there such a saying? The earth will continue to revolve without anyone," Xu Jie said.

Lu Hong felt a "thump" in his heart. He heard what the other party said, and he seemed to have the idea of ​​leaving the art program center, and even wanted to leave Beijing TV Station. As the old saying goes: there is nothing more sad than death, and he thinks Xu Jie is like this now.

But how can this work?

If Xu Jie is gone, what will happen to Beijing Satellite TV's variety shows?Who can succeed the other side and carry the banner of variety shows on the satellite TV channel?
For example, in the second season of "Crossover Actor", when there is no Xu Jie, the ratings are 1:2, and when there is Xu Jie, the ratings break 3, break 4, and even hit [-]. It is completely two programs.

If he had encountered this kind of thing in the past, he would understand it with emotion and reason, and by the way, talk about the old and the young, and talk about leaving the capital TV station and have to start from scratch, but These words are not powerful when used on the young man in front of him.

The other party's family is rich and his wife is rich, so he doesn't have to worry about making a living at all.

And with the other party's resume, there is no need to go out to find a job. After the news of his departure spreads, other TV stations will scramble to grab him.

In other words, the other party is very important to the TV station, but the TV station is not that important to the other party.

This is how to do?
Lu Hong thought for a while, and then asked: "Xiao Xu, how about you come to my satellite TV program center? You are also the deputy director, in charge of variety shows."

He had wanted to transfer the other party to the satellite TV program center before, and now was an opportunity.

Xu Jie shook his head and said, "Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Lu, for your kindness. I appreciate it, but I don't understand the deputy director of the Art Program Center, so why would I have the nerve to go to the Satellite TV Program Center? Forget it, Editor-in-Chief Lu, I'll go back first." .” After speaking, he walked towards the Arts Program Center.

Lu Hong was anxious and didn't know what to do. If the other party left, it would not only be a loss for the Art Center, but also a loss for Beijing TV Station.

How can we keep the other party?
"Editor Lu, you haven't gotten off work yet!"

At this time, a voice came from the ear.

Lu Hong turned his head and saw that it was Wang Wanjun. Without saying a word, he grabbed the opponent's arm and dragged him into the safe passage.

"Director Wang, what's the matter with you?" Lu Hong asked.

"Me, what's wrong with me?" Wang Wanjun was at a loss.

"Let me ask you, what happened to Xu Jie?" Lu Hong asked.

"Ah? Editor Lu, you already know? Did Xu Jie tell you?" Wang Wanjun was surprised at first, then dissatisfied.

It's fine to tell Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, but then tell Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, what's the end?Are you planning to tell the director?

"Don't care who told me, when I recommended you to be the director of the art program center, I hoped that you could produce some good art programs for the satellite TV channel, but it turned out that you were unlucky, and Xu Jie was pushed out as soon as he took office. You know who he is What? He is the trump card of our station's cultural program, what do you want to do if you exclude him from the discussion of the new program? Do you want to be a dictator at the cultural program center?" Lu Hong sounded stern, pointed at the other party's nose and reprimanded him.

Wang Wanjun listened honestly. Although he had left the satellite TV program center and transferred to the art program center, Lu Hong was still his leader. After all, besides the director of the satellite TV program center, the other party was also the deputy editor-in-chief of the TV station. , and even his old leader, aimed at this point, let alone reprimanding him, even if he scolded him, he had to listen.

"Editor Lu, I know my mission, and I don't want to live up to your expectations of me. That's why I want to take over the Cultural and Art Center as soon as possible, get everyone under control, and start the next work." Wang Wanjun explained aggrievedly.

After hearing this, Lu Hong rolled his eyes at the other party, thinking: You still want to subdue Xu Jie?I haven't even been able to subdue him, who are you?

"What do you want to subdue? You are now the director of the Art Program Center. As long as you show enough leadership and work ability, they will naturally be used by you. Don't always think about subduing this or that. We all work for Beijing TV Station , not working for someone, you have to be clear about this." Lu Hong said angrily.

"Yes, yes, I understand." Wang Wanjun nodded quickly. Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou had just finished talking to him before, and now Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu told him again.

It seems that there is really a problem with the way I work.

"Your priority right now is not to produce results, but to unite everyone, because unity is strength, and you can only work if you unite everyone, understand?" Lu Hong said.

"Yes, I understand." Wang Wanjun said.

"Okay, let's go back quickly. Remember, we must be united. You and Xu Jie are both the leaders of the art program center. Only when you are united can the art channel be run well." Lu Hong said, feeling a little resentful in his heart steel.

When the other party was the deputy director of the satellite TV program center, his work performance was quite good. How did he change when he came to the art program center?Could it be that the other party is only suitable to be a deputy?
Wang Wanjun was relieved when he heard it, and hurried away from Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

When he returned to the art program center, he found that Xu Jie hadn't left, but was sitting in the public office area, not knowing whether he was waiting for him or waiting to see his jokes.

Wang Wanjun suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, recalled the words of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, and finally the leader's warning overcame his emotions. After taking a deep breath, he said loudly: "It's getting late, today Let's stop here at night, let's continue the discussion tomorrow morning, and get off work."


Hearing this sentence, everyone present showed a surprised expression.

what's the situation?
Isn't there a discussion meeting for a new show?Why did you suddenly announce that you were off work again?
Doubts are doubts, but it is always a good thing to get off work, so everyone immediately tuned in and left, for fear that Director Wang would regret it.

"Deputy Director Xu, can you come to my office?" Wang Wanjun asked Xu Jie.

Listen to people's advice and eat well.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu have already made it very clear that if he doesn't make any changes, the position of director will probably be replaced, and he will also become the director with the shortest tenure in the history of the Arts Program Center.

People who were walking out all showed surprise expressions after hearing Director Wang's words, because Director Wang's words were not words or orders, but inquiries.

What just happened?
Director Wang's attitude towards Deputy Director Xu has changed too much, right?
Xu Jie was also taken aback, why are you looking for him?Do you have a private meeting?But it doesn't sound like it.

"it is good!"

Xu Jie agreed while walking towards Wang Wanjun's office.

(End of this chapter)

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