Chapter 578 Face Change
Xu Jie came to Wang Wanjun's office and sat down in front of Wang Wanjun.

I remember that this was the same position before, and Director Jiang was sitting opposite, but now, it was another person.

"Director Wang, what's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun and asked.

"Deputy Director Xu, what are your thoughts on the future work of the Art Program Center?" Wang Wanjun asked, unity starts with listening to the other party's opinions.

"I don't have any ideas, everything is under the director's arrangement." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Wang Wanjun thought to himself: No idea?Why don't you still tease me all day long?listen to me?Listen to me and still fight against me all day long?
After thinking about it, for the sake of unity, he didn't say these words.

"I would like to hear your opinion on the revision of the art channel. I have just arrived at the art program center and I am not familiar with the work here. You are the deputy director here, so you should be very familiar with it." Wang Wanjun said in a tone Much calmer than before.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun suspiciously. When did the other party become so humble and respect his opinion so much?

It seems that he was criticized by Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou just now!
This can't work!

How can you lower your profile and send a signal of reconciliation to the deputy director?You are the director, you have to be as tough as a man, how can you convince me to be soft?Are you still a man?
Xu Jie began to feel irritable in his heart.

The reason why he confronted Wang Wanjun was that on the one hand, some of the other party's demands were indeed too much, and he wanted to speak up for everyone, and on the other hand, it was for his own sake. The Art Program Center left and was transferred to Jingshi Culture Company.

Why did he go to deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, and why did he complain in front of deputy editor-in-chief Lu?Don't you just want to make things big?
The director was just appointed in the station, and he certainly cannot be transferred, so he can only be transferred.

Now Wang Wanjun's attitude suddenly softened, and he didn't know how to make a move.

This is so special that there is an expert pointing out at a glance!
That would be a bit of a no-brainer.

It wasn't his fault in the first place, and it will become his fault. Then, with Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's shrewdness, how could he fail to guess what he was thinking?
Once the opponent sees through it, if you want to use this trick in the future, I'm afraid it won't work.

Alas, Director Wang is not firm at all.

I misread you!
"Director Wang, didn't you say that? I have no objection to removing the poorly rated programs and replacing them with new ones." Xu Jie said absent-mindedly.

He has made up his mind to go, even if Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu disagrees, he will still try to get the other party to agree.

For this matter, he also thought over and over again.

He is now the deputy director of the Art Program Center, and there will not be too many job changes in a short period of time. Instead of doing art programs here, it is better to go to Jingshi Culture. He can do programs, evening parties, and film and television dramas. There are too many things that can be done.

And staying in the art program center all day, facing the same people and the same things, the work is too boring. If he can go out and gain insights, it will be beneficial to his future work and future development .

The level has been raised, it is time to go out and fight monsters, otherwise how to accumulate experience points?
No, we have to make trouble!
When the conflicts are irreconcilable, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, either you go or I go, otherwise, he can even imagine the work in the next few years, so what's the point?

Director Wang, Director Wang, I'm sorry, but please don't let me look down on you.

"It's fine if you don't have an opinion. Let's have a meeting tomorrow morning to discuss the new program. What do you think?" Wang Wanjun asked, with a smile on his face this time.

"I don't think so." Xu Jie said deliberately.

"What do you think is wrong?" Wang Wanjun asked.

"The preparation time of the previous week was too short, I think everyone should be given more time to think carefully, after all, the channel revision is not a trivial matter, we should be more cautious, and don't rush for a while." Xu Jie said.

I thought: Are you in a hurry to get results?Are you anxious for the new official to take office?I just dragged you so that you couldn't get burned.

"Well, what you said makes sense. Last year, the satellite TV channel was revised, and it took several months to achieve the current results. It is really not easy to be too anxious. We are not making new programs for new programs, but for Make the Art Channel better before making new programs, if the program is not excellent, it might as well not be on it..." Wang Wanjun said seriously.

Xu Jie was dumbfounded.

Why did this person suddenly become sensible?

Is it the same person as in the morning meeting?
What did Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou say to Wang Wanjun?
Xu Jie recalled the scene where he went to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou to complain, did he act it out?Did Wang Wanjun let Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou scold him?

"Deputy Director Xu, how long do you think it is appropriate for everyone to consider?" Wang Wanjun asked.

"It will take ten days and half a month!" Xu Jie said casually.

"Then give them two weeks, what does Deputy Director Xu think?"

"Hehe, it's good!"

Xu Jie lost his temper completely.

The other party asked him everything and listened to him, as if he was the director of the cultural program center and the other party was just his assistant.

What more can he say?
How can this person change his face when he changes his face?
Could it be because everyone else has left and only the two of them are left, so there is no need to worry about losing face?
Well, it must be.

That being the case, let's fight again tomorrow.


on Tuesday.

Xu Jie drove to the unit, and as soon as he drove into the gate, he saw Lu Hong standing at the entrance of the parking lot and waving to him.

"Editor Lu, are you looking for me?" Xu Jie stopped the car and looked at Deputy Editor Lu, as if he was deliberately waiting for him here, and it must have been a while.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just want to tell you that the weekends after September are reserved for you. Your new variety show will be aired on any day you want. Okay, there's nothing else to do. Goodbye .” After Lu Hong finished speaking, he walked towards the TV station building.

Xu Jie stared blankly at the back of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, is this the end?
Block him in the parking lot just to talk about it?

Why bother to tell him?When the production of the program is completed and the broadcast time is arranged in the station, shouldn't you tell him the chief director?
Xu Jie parked the car, and suddenly seemed to understand the intention of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

September is the prime time for variety shows to air, and weekends are the prime time for variety shows to air. The other party reserved these two prime times for him, most likely to appease him and prevent him from leaving.

As the old saying goes: A child who cries gets candy.

He was wronged, unhappy, and complained, so there was sweetness.

But Xu Jie remembered that Director Jiang told him before he left that the new variety show is the secret weapon of the second half of the TV channel, and he will definitely save the best time for this show.

So what Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu said just now is not a sweet treat, but a notice at most. After all, apart from his new variety show, there are no variety shows that can support the ratings on the satellite TV channel in the second half of the year.

When Xu Jie came to the art program center, the public office area was still very quiet. Some of the people were working, some were pretending to be working, and at a glance, they all looked busy.

At this time, Qin Yan at the workstation suddenly waved to this side. Although she didn't make any sound, she seemed to be saying: Xu Jie, come here!

Xu Jie walked over after seeing it, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"What happened last night? Why did Director Wang suddenly announce that he would not work overtime? What did you tell Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou?" Qin Yan asked curiously.

Although she no longer hosts "Entertainment Broadcasting", the heart of gossip still exists and has not changed.

"I just asked who is in charge of my show, and I don't know anything else." Xu Jie shook his head and said.

"Really? Then what did Director Wang ask you to do in his office last night?" Qin Yan asked again.

"Ask my opinion on the revision," Xu Jie said.



Qin Yanxiu frowned, stared at Xu Jie for a while, and asked suspiciously: "Are you lying to me? You and Director Wang are in the same room, how could such a trivial matter happen? Don't you guys pinch each other?" ? This is completely inconsistent with your performance this week!"

"Hehe, I actually thought the same way before I went to his office." Xu Jie looked around, then lowered his voice and said, "You may not believe me, but we were very harmonious last night, we didn't quarrel, we didn't blush, I even They all suspect that Director Wang has a dual personality."

Qin Yan looked at Xu Jie for a while, seeing that the other party didn't seem to be lying, so she believed the other party's words.

She turned her head and looked out the window, muttering in her mouth, "It's strange, the sun doesn't come out from the west either."

Xu Jie also looked out the window, "Isn't it, you'll find out later."

"Huh?" Qin Yan suddenly turned her head to look at Xu Jie, "Why, what's the big deal?"

"You'll know then."

Xu Jie was about to go to the office when he saw Wang Wanjun walking towards him.

"Deputy Director Xu, good morning!" Wang Wanjun greeted with a smile.

"Director Wang is looking for it!" Xu Jie responded.

Wang Wanjun came to the public office area and stopped, looked at the employees present and said, "I want to tell you something. I discussed with Deputy Director Xu last night. I feel that the new festival is a bit anxious. We should give everyone enough time to go to the office. Thinking and preparing, so this morning's discussion meeting will not be held, and we will give you another two weeks to prepare, and hope that everyone can come up with a better program plan by then."

Everyone was stunned, and two more weeks to prepare?Are you not in a hurry?
Everyone looked at Director Wang, then at Deputy Director Xu, and couldn't believe it.

Seeing Deputy Director Xu go to Director Wang's office last night, everyone thought that the two would fight, but no one expected that the negotiation would yield results.

This seems to be the first time for the two of them.

Are the two reconciled?
"In addition, the preparation time has become longer, and the requirements for new programs are naturally different. This time, the content is required to be novel, which means that the form can be similar, but the content cannot be the same. It must have its own characteristics. Do you understand?" Wang Wanjun Said.


Everyone was surprised. Director Wang's words, don't they mean denying himself?That wasn't the case last week.

Everyone unanimously turned their attention to Deputy Director Xu.

Say, what did you do to Director Wang last night!
Xu Jie: How the hell do I know what kind of wind he has!


(End of this chapter)

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