The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 579: The People-Friendly Route?

Chapter 579: The People-Friendly Route?

Wang Wanjun left, leaving Xu Jie with a dazed expression and everyone looking at each other.

Today's director Wang is really abnormal. Not only did he postpone the new program that he had been anxious about, but he also indirectly denied what he said.

What is this for?
Make a facelift and become the director again?


After hearing the door closing from the direction of the director's office, everyone immediately whispered to each other.

"What happened to Director Wang today, it seems like a different person."

"I don't know, it's probably because the old tree is blooming and has a second spring."

"Is there any conspiracy? Give us another two weeks to prepare. It sounds like it's for our sake. Do you want us to work another two weeks?"

"I'm going to wake up the dreamer with a word. If the new show hasn't aired for a day, we have to work overtime with him."

Thinking of working overtime, people who originally thought that the golden hoop had finally loosened, immediately began to have headaches again.

Is this to give everyone enough time to prepare for the show?
It is clear that I want everyone to add more classes!

"Director Xu, Director Xu?" Song Huanhuan called softly.

Xu Jie was shocked and recovered from his thoughts. He turned to look at Song Huanhuan and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Did you discuss what Director Wang said just now?" Song Huanhuan asked curiously.

"Probably." Xu Jie said after hearing this, the delay of two weeks was what he meant, and the content requirement was what the other party meant.

Speaking of which, Wang Wanjun is also a face-saving person, why did he slap himself in the face with his own hands?

What kind of medicine is sold in the other party's gourd?

"So, in the contest between you and Director Wang, you won in the end?" Song Huanhuan's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"What kind of competition? That's called discussion, don't talk nonsense." Xu Jie corrected, no matter what, he is the deputy director, how can he compete with the director?
Such remarks are too dangerous and not conducive to the unity and stability of the department.

If placed in ancient times, this is the following offense.

"Yes, discussion, you won the discussion?" Song Huanhuan asked.

"It's been said that it's a discussion, not a fight, winning or losing, everyone is seeking common ground while reserving differences, understand?" Xu Jie said angrily, it's really not a big deal to watch the excitement.

In other words, isn't he the one who most wants things to go wrong?
"Understood, but do you agree with what Director Wang said just now? Director Xu, the postponement of the new show is to allow everyone to prepare again, or do they want us to take half an extra month of classes? Everyone is concerned about this matter , just tell me." Song Huanhuan said.

"Yes, if you don't work overtime, it's a good thing, but if you still have to work overtime, then it's better to finish the seminar today." Xiao Wei next to her said.

"Why, do you think you don't need to work overtime after the seminar? Naive! If he wants you to work overtime, he can definitely ask you to work overtime to drive out the new program." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Everyone thought about it, and nodded involuntarily. What Director Xu said made sense.

It seems that working overtime cannot escape.

Xu Jie looked at the moaning people, he had no chance to find fault this morning, and it seemed that he could only hope in the evening.

Director Wang, Director Wang, please don't give me a chance to get mad.

If you dare to work overtime, I dare to continue to "discuss" with you.


During the day, everything was calm.

Xu Jie has been discussing the variety show copywriting with the program team members in the small meeting room. Although the time passes slowly, no matter how hard it is to go to work, it will eventually usher in the end of get off work.

5 points.

It's time to get off work.

However, none of the people in the public office area left. Everyone sat quietly at their workstations, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

Xu Jie was still sorting out the files, but the door of the office was always open. From his position, he could not only hear the movement outside, but also see who was passing by outside.


At this time, there was a sudden sound of doors opening and closing in the corridor.

Xu Jie raised his head vigilantly and looked straight at the door. After a while, he saw Wang Wanjun passing by.

Finally showed up!
Xu Jie had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

He immediately stuffed the documents into the drawer, got up and left the seat, and walked outside quickly. He had just left the door with one foot when he heard Wang Wanjun's voice.

"Everyone is here, have you finished today's work? Get off work if you have nothing to do."

Xu Jie paused and stopped in his footsteps.

Not even overtime?

Xu Jie's brows were tightly furrowed, there was no rush for the new show, no overtime classes, and he was asked for his opinion on everything, how could this make him mad at Wang Wanjun?

There is no reason at all!

"Goodbye, Director Wang" came from the direction of the office area. Obviously, everyone was very happy with the decision not to work overtime.

Did Wang Wanjun change his routine?

Xu Jie thought to himself.

You used to take the strict line, but now you have changed to the people-friendly line?
Well, it is possible!
"Hey, Deputy Director Xu, haven't you left yet?" Wang Wanjun greeted Xu Jie when he saw Xu Jie on the way back to the office.

"Preparing to leave." Xu Jie said quickly after hearing this.

"Well, let's go, or there will be traffic jams on the road." Wang Wanjun said with a smile, and then walked to his office.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun's back, and he was even more certain in his heart that some expert was offering advice to him, either Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou or Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

It's over, self-defeating!

Not only did he not magnify the matter, and he left the art program center smoothly, but gave Wang Wanjun an assist to win people's hearts.

It seems that we can only slowly find opportunities in the future.


The days passed by.

Although there was no laughing and laughing like Director Jiang was in the Art Program Center, it was much more relaxed than the serious and depressing atmosphere before.

"Xiao Xu, what's the matter with you?" In the Grand Theater, Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie strangely, feeling that the other party seemed to be absent-minded and out of state today.

In his impression, the other party has always been very serious and responsible when working, what happened today?
You know, today's recording is the second show of "Crossover Actors". It stands to reason that after the first show's super high ratings of 3.623, the recording of the next show should be more exciting and devoted. At least the others are in this way.

"Ah? Nothing." Xu Jie shook his head.

In fact, he was thinking about Wang Wanjun.

In the past few days, the plan has not progressed very smoothly.

Because he has been busy with new variety shows, he rarely meets Wang Wanjun, but whenever they meet in the department, the other party will take the initiative to greet him.

As for the overtime work that was hated before, I never heard the other party mention it again. Everyone got off work when the time came, and the office was peaceful.

Perhaps for others, everyone is very satisfied with the current working status, but for him, the plan to go to Jingshi Culture may be ruined because of this.

"Is it really okay? Is work not going well?" Jiang Hai asked with concern.

"Satisfactory." Xu Jie replied, it was because it was so smooth that he was worried in his heart.

"That's good, that's right, let me tell you something." Jiang Hai pulled Xu Jie aside, and then said in a low voice: "You also know that the six-to-three will end soon, and the most critical finals will follow , although the self-written script will make the finals full of surprises, but it also adds a lot of uncertainty, so in order to avoid overturning, I would like to ask you to continue to be in charge of the script."

Xu Jie was stunned when he heard it, and asked suspiciously: "Director, I didn't understand. You said it yourself just now. Why did you let me continue to be responsible for the script of the finals? Blame the blame on me?"

The reason why the performance content of the finals is in charge of the actors themselves is to prevent the loser from dumping the blame on the program crew.

In fact, in the previous knockout rounds, some players were always unconvinced, and fans of many celebrities also defended their artists. This kind of situation not only happened in the second season, but also happened in the first season.

And director Jiang's decision now, isn't the show crew waiting to take the blame?
"It's not what you think, you don't have to write scripts for actors, you just check their scripts." Jiang Hai explained.

"Just checking?" Xu Jie asked.

"By the way, help them change the script," Jiang Hai said.

"Is this okay? They won't blame me, right?" Xu Jie said worriedly.

"They are not stupid. They don't know whether the script is good or bad, and whether the content is exciting or not? You have also experienced last year's finals. Although the scripts of Lu Dayu and Dai Qingqing were carefully prepared, the program was as exciting as it was. It's still a little short, there is almost no suspense about your wife's victory, so this time, I want to save the suspense until the end." Jiang Hai said seriously.

Xu Jie understood.

Director Jiang wanted to turn a standout into a rivalry among heroes. In this way, the popularity of the show would rise to a higher level. Even if the show ended, the topic would last for a long time.

"Okay." Xu Jie nodded. He didn't understand Director Jiang's request and refused.

"Haha, with you here, I feel relieved in the finals. Let's create a new ratings record together." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

Xu Jie also laughed, but when he talked about the finals, an idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

"Director Jiang, I have an idea." Xu Jie said.

"What idea?" Jiang Hai asked, he was not afraid that Xu Jie had too many ideas, but that the other party had no ideas.

In his view, the more ideas the other party has, the better, the greater the help to the program, and the higher the ratings will be.

"Look, can the awards for the finals be handed over to the previous champion?" Xu Jie asked.

"You mean, let the previous championship present awards to this championship? Well, yes, but does your wife have time?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Yes, this matter is on me." Xu Jie said, patting his chest.

The reason why he has such an idea is mainly because after the finals of this year, it happens to be the summer vacation of the film, and Su Yun's movie "The World" will be released in the summer vacation, and after the summer vacation, it will be the National Day movie. It's the release time of the movie "Mulan".

If Su Yun appeared in the finals, it would naturally remind the audience of Su Yun's performance last year. With this wave of appearance, it can be regarded as a promotion for the movie.


(End of this chapter)

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