Chapter 580

As "Crossover" enters its final stages, the show's ratings are also rising.

After the ratings of the first game of the Six-in-Three surpassed the ratings of last year's finals, the ratings of the second game broke the record again, reaching 3.869.

And the third and last game of the six-in-three game reached an astonishing 3.977, which is only one step away from breaking 4.

All industry insiders predict that the ratings of the second season finale of "Crossover Actor" will definitely break 4, but no one knows how high it will reach.

However, everyone is full of expectations for the finals!
The content of the finals of the second season has not changed in any way from the finals of the first season. It is still written, directed and acted by the top three contestants, but behind the scenes of the finals, there has been a little change.

That is Xu Jie, who needs to check the script of the three players.

Of course, this matter has not been disclosed to the public, after all, the goodness of the script is also one of the topics discussed by the audience.

Unlike the previous knockout rounds where there was only one week to prepare, the finals had two weeks to prepare.

Generally speaking, everyone will be busy with the script in the first week, and then start busy with rehearsals in the second week.

Xu Jie has been waiting for calls from the three actors, waiting for the actors to hand over the script to him to check it out.

As a result, a week passed, and no one called him.

Xu Jie was not unhappy about this, maybe the script was not finished yet?Maybe people have confidence in their scripts?
It's the Monday of the second week.

Xu Jie had already forgotten about the script, and came to the conference room to attend the weekly meeting as usual.

"Last week, we have confirmed two programs, one is Qin Yan's "Folk Music Festival" and the other is Jia Wei's "Art Story". Today we continue to discuss and try to come up with two more programs to enrich our The content of the art channel..." Wang Wanjun said.

Xu Jie watched the program plan in his hand while listening.

There are four programs that need to be discussed today, namely Song Huanhuan's "Heart Moment", Jiang Lan's "People's Stage", Ding Yingying's "The Art of Speaking", and Cheng Guangxian's "Quyi Awards".

As for other people's program proposals, they were eliminated last week.

"What do you think, let's talk about it." Wang Wanjun smiled and looked at the people in the conference room. Today, his purpose is very simple. He wants to take one of the last two spots, and give it to Jiang Lan's "The Great Stage for the People".

In terms of content, Jiang Lan's program is not the best, and the other party's professional ability is also very average, not only not as good as Qin Yan, but even not ranked in the top three among the hosts of the art program center, but who makes the other party the most loyal? ?
If you don't support the other party's program, wouldn't you disappoint those who follow him?
He just wants to let everyone in the cultural program center know that everyone who follows him will be valued by him.

A few days ago, he was reprimanded by deputy editor-in-chief Zhou and deputy editor-in-chief Lu in turn, which made him depressed and inspired at the same time.

As an outsider, if you want to gain a firm foothold in the cultural program center, you must first unite with your comrades. When you unite everyone around you, everyone will naturally revolve around him.

In the program center of satellite TV before, the reason why everyone listened to him was because of the support of deputy editor-in-chief Lu. Now that he has come to the program center of art, it indicates that everything will start from scratch, and the management method in the program center of satellite TV will be replaced. It is obviously not feasible to use it here.

As for the deputy director Xu Jie, don't be in a hurry to subdue him. When the others are united around him, the other party will not be able to figure it out.

"Deputy Director Xu, tell me first? You are in charge of the content of the program, and your opinion is still very important to everyone." Wang Wanjun turned to look at Xu Jie who was sitting on his right, and gave him a compliment by the way.

During this period of time, he has figured out that as long as Xu Jie doesn't hate him in the cultural program center, no one dares to hate him. Therefore, as long as the other party doesn't object to Jiang Lan's matter, it will definitely be passed today, and he can also give Jiang Lan some time later. Lan explained.

"Okay, let me talk about my views on these four programs..."

Xu Jie picked up the plan on the table, and just about to start with Song Huanhuan's plan, the mobile phone in his pocket vibrated, "buzzing" especially loud in the quiet conference room.

"Sorry!" Xu Jie said to the people present, and then quickly took out his mobile phone. He was slightly startled when he saw the caller ID. It was Director Jiang's number.

Xu Jie looked at the people around him, it's not suitable to pick up here, right?

Wang Wanjun saw Xu Jie's embarrassment, and immediately said with a smile: "Deputy Director Xu, go and answer the phone, we'll wait for you."

Xu Jie stood up and walked out of the conference room quickly.

Wang Wanjun looked at Xu Jie's back, and he wished that the phone call was a big deal, preferably something that he had to go to. In this way, as soon as the other party left, today's meeting would be dominated by him, and Jiang Lan's program would also be a one-liner. As for talking, after all, Xu Jie can't beat all the people present.

"Hello, Director Jiang, what's the matter?" Xu Jie went outside to answer the phone.

"Xiao Xu, have you read all the scripts of the three actors?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Script? What script?" Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, then realized, and continued, "I haven't read it yet. They didn't notify me, and I don't know if they have finished writing it."

"What? Haven't seen it yet? They're already rehearsing here, so hurry up and take a look at their script. I thought you'd already read it." Jiang Hai said.

"Oh, I'll go right away." Xu Jie responded, then returned to the conference room with his mobile phone in his pocket, looked at Wang Wanjun and said, "Director Wang, "Crossover Actors" is rehearsing at the Grand Theater, and I need to go there now. look……"

As soon as Wang Wanjun heard it, his heart immediately blossomed with joy, feeling that God heard his prayer, but the joy was only in his heart, and he showed a concerned look on his face, and said, "Go quickly, if I remember correctly, The finals of "Crossover Actors" are just this week, so this matter is still important."

"Thank you Director Wang, I'll go then." Xu Jie turned and left the meeting room.


The door of the meeting room was closed.

Wang Wanjun straightened his back involuntarily, and felt that the air in the meeting room became much fresher.

He looked at the conference room with satisfaction, feeling that everything was under control. After looking around for a week, he said: "Let's continue talking about the program. Since you don't talk about it, let me talk about it first to give you some reference. Among the programs, "The Great Stage of the People" is not bad..."

Everyone looked at Director Wang, why does it feel like there are no tigers and monkeys in the mountains calling themselves kings?

Xu Jie hurried to the Grand Theater and saw Jiang Hai as soon as he came backstage.


"Xiao Xu, you are finally here. Hurry up and go to the rehearsal room to see their script. Fortunately, I called you when I have nothing to do. Otherwise, I would have practiced in a daze." Jiang Hai pointed to the direction of the rehearsal room.

The reason why he invited Xu Jie to check the last three actors was not because he didn't believe in them, but because he wanted to get higher ratings and popularity for the show, which only Xu Jie can do.

Xu Jie came to the first rehearsal room, reached out and knocked on the door.



The door opened, but only a crack was exposed, and half of a woman's face was exposed.

"Director Xu? Why are you here?" The woman asked in surprise.

Xu Jie recognized the other party. This is the assistant of star Xia He. Xia He is one of the three singers who entered the finals. He is also a well-known singer. Everyone has to call Sister Xia when they see her.

"Let me see how sister Xia's script preparation is going." Xu Jie explained.

"Oh, please come in." The female assistant immediately opened the door after hearing it, but she still couldn't look outside, not knowing what she was looking for or worried about.

When Xu Jie walked in, he was startled when he saw the situation inside the room. There were too many people, right?

There are more than ten people in the small rehearsal room, not counting the filming team.

Among the ten or so people, six were assistant performers of the program group, and the remaining one, two, three, four... nine people should all be brought by Xia He.

This battle is too big!
It seems that Xia He must win this championship.

"Sister Xia, I heard that you have come to rehearse. Let me come to see you. I wonder how the script preparation for the finals is going?" Xu Jie looked at Xia He and asked.

Among the people in the room, only the other party was sitting on a chair, and the other party's chair was not a folding chair provided by the program group, but a soft sofa chair, which should be brought by oneself.

"I'm ready, the championship is mine." Xia He said with a smile, with a strong tone and full of confidence.

"Really? Then I'm looking forward to Miss Xia's performance in the finals. By the way, can you show me the script?" Xu Jie asked.

"Director Xu, it's not that I don't want to show it to you, but I have to keep the content of the script a secret." Xia He said.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it.


How can you keep a secret from him, the chief screenwriter of the show?

Besides, director Jiang told the three contestants about the script of the finals, if outsiders don't know, can the other party not know?
"Sister Xia, don't worry, I will definitely not say anything." Xu Jie said.

"Why, Director Xu is worried about my script? I invited six famous film and television screenwriters to write this script together." Xia He said proudly, then looked at several people standing aside, and introduced them one by one: "This The beautiful woman is the screenwriter of the TV series "Jiangshan", the one wearing the T-shirt is the screenwriter of the movie "Beautiful Legend", and the one wearing glasses, his name is Chen Shang, he once won the best screenwriting award, I don’t know if you heard it said..."

Xu Jie was taken aback. Man, he had never heard of any of them, but he had heard of these movies and TV series.

As expected of a big sister, so many screenwriters have been invited, no wonder he is not needed to check it out. May I ask who here is not more famous in the screenwriting circle than him?Is he still useful?

He is only a minor celebrity in the TV circle.

But the thing about the script is not that the more people there are, the better. Sometimes there are too many people, and the thinking cannot be unified, and the content of the script will become nondescript in the end.

But since he doesn't need it, there's no need for him to stay here.

"Okay, then I'm leaving, looking forward to Miss Xia's performance in the finals." Xu Jie said with a smile, turned and walked out of the rehearsal room.

Don't do the hot face sticking to someone's cold butt!


(End of this chapter)

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