Chapter 581 Come Prepared
Xu Jie closed the door and went to the next rehearsal room.

Although Director Jiang asked him to oversee the script work for the finals, since the actors didn't need it, there was no need for him to intervene forcibly.

After all, the stage of the finals is the stage of the actors, and the actors' own will and decisions must be respected, otherwise, they will not believe that the actors disrespect the actors and interfere with the actors' final performances.

If he won the championship in the end, that's okay, but if he didn't win the championship in the end, wouldn't he blame him for everything?
His small body can't bear the blame.

So check this kind of thing. If the actor needs it, he will stay. If the actor doesn’t need it, he will leave. There is no need to hold a chicken feather as an arrow, insist on showing the script to others, and use the time saved to do other things. Is it not good?
"Huh? Xiao Xu, why did you come out so soon?" Jiang Hai quickly caught up with Xu Jie, his face full of doubts.

He wanted to come and see how Xu Jie's work was going, and asked about the quality of the script by the way, but when he came, he saw the other party coming out of the rehearsal room.

be lazy?The other party doesn't seem to be that kind of person.

"Director, Sister Xia has hired a professional screenwriting team, each of which is a big name in the industry. I am a layman, so I really can't give you any advice." Xu Jie spread his hands and said with a wry smile.

Jiang Hai was taken aback when he heard it, looked at the rehearsal room thoughtfully, then frowned and asked, "Did Xia He not let you check?"

Xu Jie nodded, worried that the director would be angry about such a trivial matter, so he went in to find Xia He's theory, so he said, "Since Sister Xia is very confident in the script, there is no need for us to get involved, what do you think?"

Jiang Hai was very angry. He was worried that these actors were blindly confident, so he asked Xu Jie to check it out.

Isn't it equivalent to rejecting the arrangement of the program group to refuse Xu Jie's check?
Screenwriting team?In the finals of the first season, didn't Lu Dayu and Dai Qingqing also find a professional screenwriting team?what's the result?Haven't done Xu Jie before?

There is also the screenwriter group in the program group, which of the people in it is not a professional screenwriter?Didn't Xu Jie still have to be in charge?
"I don't know why, but sometimes she cries!" Jiang Hai muttered in a low voice, then looked at Xu Jie and comforted him, "Xiao Xu, don't take it to heart."

"Director, am I such a narrow-minded person? In fact, it's good not to need me, and I can just go back and work on new variety shows." Xu Jie said with a smile.

In fact, as the chief screenwriter, his work in the "Crossover Actor" program group has ended, and now he is checking the script for the three contestants, it is entirely for Director Jiang's face, and the next extra work, if it is anyone else, He will not agree.

He is not an idler, if he is busy here, the work on the new variety show will be delayed, and he will have to spend extra time dealing with the work of the new variety show, so not having him to check it will reduce his workload.

Jiang Hai smiled, reached out and patted Xu Jie on the shoulder, and said, "Okay, let's go to the next rehearsal room."

Xu Jie nodded, and then went to the rehearsal room next door.


The door opened quickly, and it was an assistant performer from the program group who opened the door.

"Director Xu? Please come in." The assistant said hastily.

"En." Xu Jie walked in.

Compared with the big battle in the rehearsal room just now, the number of people in this rehearsal room is relatively small. Including the filming team, there are only ten people in total. The singer Qin Xian only brought three people, one They are assistants, one is an acting teacher, and the other is a face-to-face student who should be a screenwriter.

"Director Xu, you are here, please help me read the script." Qin Xian said enthusiastically, and offered the script in his hand to Xu Jie.

Perhaps because he was rejected by others just now, Xu Jie was a little flattered when he faced Qin Xian. The other party has dominated the music scene for more than [-] years and is known as the king of pop. It is a bit surprising that he can be so enthusiastic about him.

Xu Jie took the script, flipped through it and asked, "What kind of role is Brother Qin going to play this time?"

"A master of martial arts." Qin Xian straightened his back and said.

"Oh?" Xu Jie was a little surprised after hearing this.

You must know that the other party has participated in so many competitions, and has never played a similar role. He only played an ancient costume once in the second round, and he was just a minister, and it was all literary dramas.

martial arts master?It sounds like there should be a martial arts show, otherwise I would be sorry for this character, and the audience would not find it enjoyable after watching it.

"At my age, it's impossible to play a young hero, so I'm going to play a martial arts master who has retired from the world. The story is also very simple. When the road is rough, he draws his sword to help. In layman's terms, he pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger." Qin Xian said with a smile.

"Brother Qin, why did you think of acting in a martial arts drama?" Xu Jie asked curiously. He read a few pages, and as he guessed, there were indeed action scenes in it.

Action scenes, especially on stage, are very difficult, not only need a lot of time to design fighting scenes, but also to practice various movements.

You can pause, slow-motion, or even hire a stand-in when filming film and television dramas, but it’s not possible on the stage of the finals of “Crossover Actors”. You must know that it will be broadcast live nationwide at that time, and there will be problems if you are not careful, and the movements are not in place. It also makes the fight scenes look nondescript.

"I like martial arts, and acting in a martial arts drama this time is a dream come true, and I have tried it, and my ancient costume is still very good." Qin Xian said confidently.

Xu Jie looked up at the other party, the king of pop is acting as a master of martial arts?Is the span a bit large?I don't know what the effect will be.

However, the surprise is quite big, and the audience will definitely be very surprised when the time comes, maybe they will be able to win the favor of the judges and win by surprise. After all, this spirit of challenging the role is very worthy of encouragement.

This was the case with Su Yun in the first season finals.

So Xu Jie respects Qin Xian's decision. His job is to check and add highlights to the script, instead of writing a new script for the actors if he thinks the script is not good. Firstly, there is not enough time, and secondly, it is contrary to the actor's final script preparation. Regulation.

He read it for a while, and the quality of the script was still very high.

This is not a traditional martial arts drama, and there are many jokes interspersed in it, which looks very interesting.

Seeing the smile on Xu Jie's face, Qin Xian couldn't help asking: "Director Xu, how are you doing?"

Xu Jie nodded and said, "Well, it's pretty good."

Qin Xian smiled, pointed to the screenwriter beside him and said, "To be honest, when I decided to participate in the second season of "Crossover Actor", I brought people to start preparing the script."

"Oh? Brother Qin is so confident?" Xu Jie asked.

"It's not self-confidence, but I just feel that once God opens his eyes and allows me to enter the finals, wouldn't it be a pity if I can't win the championship? It's better to be prepared, and it's better to use it. If I don't use it, I don't spend too much energy." Qin Xian said .

Xu Jie smiled, the other party's words made some sense.

"I'm very curious, how are you preparing for the action scene?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

Since the other party wants to play a martial arts master, the movements must not be blunt, and Kung Fu cannot be practiced in a day or a few days. Even if he can't be as smooth as a martial artist, he must at least have a decent appearance.

"I'm ready. I started preparing when the martial arts script was determined. I hired a martial arts master and learned a set of boxing techniques and a set of sword techniques. I have been practicing for three months." Qin Xian said to Xu Jie Nothing is hidden.

Xu Jie was taken aback, no wonder the other party dared to act in a martial arts drama, it turned out that he had already prepared for it.

He finished reading the script in one go. After all, he had been preparing for several months, and the quality was really good, so there was nothing to modify.

"The script is good. It depends on whether the judges and the audience accept it. I wish Brother Qin a good result and all wishes come true." Xu Jie looked at the other party and said.

"Thank you Director Xu, I can get your affirmation, and my grades will definitely not be bad, haha!" Qin Xian laughed,
Xu Jie turned to look at the group performers at the side, and said, "Did you hear that just now? Brother Qin is going to act in a martial arts drama, and there are two action scenes in it. You must practice well. Don't hold Brother Qin back. Did you hear that?"

"Yes!" said the crowd speaker.

In fact, even if Director Xu didn't say anything, they would still practice well. After all, this is also an opportunity for them to show their faces. In the last season's group performance, some people were invited by the crew, although they were not number one, number two, number three. No., but there are also many scenes, which can be regarded as opening the door to the film and television industry.

Xu Jie greeted Qin Xian and left the rehearsal room.

The content of the performance in the finals of the first season was announced after the six-in-three finals. Before that, the three contestants did not know the content of the finals, not even Su Yun.

Now in the second season, everyone has watched the first season and knows the content of the finals. It is not surprising that the contestants have prepared the scripts for the finals in advance.

However, if "Crossover Actor" has a third season, it would be better to change the content of the performance in the finals. Only by giving the actors a surprise can they see their true level.

After all, the script has been prepared for three months, who knows if there are three months of secret rehearsal?

Xu Jie walked to the last rehearsal room. The first two contestants, one with a strong lineup of screenwriters, and one who prepared a long time in advance, did not know how the third one was doing.

Xu Jie came to the door of the third rehearsal room, hesitated outside, and finally knocked on the door.



The door opens.

Seeing the person who opened the door, Xu Jie frowned immediately.

"Director Xu? Please come in." Liu Jinghua smiled and opened the door, pointing inside.

Xu Jie sighed secretly, then walked in.

There were even fewer people in the room than Qin Xian's. Apart from the program crew, there were only three people, Liu Jinghua, Tang Fei, and an assistant, not even a screenwriter.

"Is the script ready?" Xu Jie looked at Tang Fei and asked.

"It's ready, it's been ready a long time ago, look." Before Tang Fei could speak, Liu Jinghua handed over the script.

Xu Jie glanced at the other party, and then took the script. However, as soon as he got the script, his brows frowned.

This script is too thin, right?
(End of this chapter)

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