Chapter 582 Give up?
Xu Jie pinched the script in his hand. Compared with Qin Xian's previous script, the difference was too great, only half of the other's.

Was it pantomime?
Surprise is only possible to win, not sure to win, not to mention the difficulty of pantomime is very high, and the requirements for performers are also very high.

Although Tang Fei made it to the finals, she staggered along the way. If she acted in pantomime, it would be equivalent to raising her hands in surrender.

Xu Jie turned to the first page and heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there are lines.

But as he flipped through the pages, his face became more and more gloomy.

How can this be called a script?
The narrative composition of middle school students is better than that of this script.

If Tang Fei used this script in the finals, she wouldn't even raise her hand to surrender, she would simply kneel down and beg for mercy.

In the end, Xu Jie didn't even finish reading the script, so he threw the script to Liu Jinghua.

"Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked, wondering in his heart that the other party was playing tricks on him, or maybe like Xia He, he deliberately gave him a fake script for the sake of keeping the script secret?

Liu Jinghua can definitely do this kind of thing, after all, the other party is professional and unethical.

"No, everyone is holding this script." Liu Jinghua pointed to Tang Fei, then pointed to the assistant actor at the side, then looked at Xu Jie and asked, "How is it? Is the script okay?"

Xu Jie sneered.

May I?
He wants to curse!

"You are such a big company, don't you even have a decent screenwriter?" Xu Jie asked angrily.

"Yes, this is the script written by our company's leading screenwriter." Liu Jinghua said.

"Are you in arrears with this screenwriter's salary? Or did you do something indescribable to her? Otherwise, why didn't you even deal with it and just gave you an elementary school composition?" Xu Jie really wanted to see what this top screenwriter looked like. So, is it a part-time job for elementary school students?

"Isn't it good? I think it's pretty good. The story is complete, the characters are distinctive, and you know Tang Fei's level. It's beyond everyone's expectations. I'm already very satisfied. I can't win the finals. It doesn't matter if you win." Liu Jinghua said with a smile.

"Then you can't act casually on the stage of the finals, right? It's very disrespectful." Xu Jie turned to Tang Fei and asked, "What do you mean? You agree to act in such a bad script? You Do you want to be the queen of bad movies?"

Tang Fei blushed when she heard this, and lowered her head in shame.

Xu Jie sighed, he knew that it was useless to say these things to the other party, because everything about the other party was arranged by Liu Jinghua. For a newcomer in the entertainment industry who has just debuted for a few years like the other party, many things cannot be decided by himself. Be obedient.

"Where's the screenwriter?" Xu Jie asked Liu Jinghua, he wanted to ask the screenwriter, how did the older guy write the composition for elementary school students.

"I'm sick, so I didn't come." Liu Jinghua said.

"Ah?" Xu Jie was taken aback.

Did he not come because he was sick, or was he afraid of being scolded for coming?
Liu Jinghua came to Tang Fei's side calmly, nudged Tang Fei lightly with his elbow, and at the same time winked at her.

Tang Fei looked up at Liu Jinghua, again?

Although she received the signal from the other party, she bit her lip with her teeth, showing a embarrassed expression.

Liu Jinghua winked anxiously, and even stretched out her hand to push Tang Fei from behind, but Tang Fei turned sideways, avoiding Liu Jinghua's hand, and retreated back.

Liu Jinghua secretly sighed, it is impossible to force it, it seems that he can only do it by himself.

"Director Xu, aren't you in charge of checking the actor's script? If you think it's not good, can you help me to change it? Please." Liu Jinghua said, this is also the purpose of her coming here today.

In fact, she found someone to write the script just now, and she deliberately asked the screenwriter to write the script in a different way, so that Xu Jie could change it.

As far as she knows, this man helped write the script that Su Yun won the championship in the first season. With such a champion screenwriter, is there any reason not to use it?
By the way, how could her company not have a big screenwriter?
Even if she didn't, with her working in the entertainment industry for so many years, a random phone call can call ten or eight. But those screenwriters have no problem writing film and television drama scripts. If they really want to write short drama scripts, they are really not as good as Xu Jie .

Xu Jie frowned and looked at Liu Jinghua. Although it was his job to revise the script, Tang Fei's current script was so bad that there was no need to revise it.

And this Saturday is the live broadcast of the finals. Even if the script can be written, can the short play be rehearsed?Even if the rehearsal can be finished, the time will be very rushed, and there is not even time to break in.

in spite of?

With such a poor script, when the time comes to appear on the stage of the finals, not only Tang Fei will be scolded, but the program team will also be scolded.

Xu Jie turned his head to look at Tang Fei again. When the other party saw him and looked over, he immediately lowered his head.

Xu Jie was very angry.

They broke up so badly, and tortured him so much, it was obvious that the other party owed him, but it seemed that he owed the other party.

Why has this woman changed so much since she entered the entertainment industry?
"Okay, I'll change it. Don't blame me if it's not good." Xu Jie sighed. If he knew this, he would never agree to Director Jiang to check the script. This is simply a trap, and he jumped in. .

"No, no, it's great if you can help. Besides, Director Xu's ability to help must be extraordinary." Liu Jinghua said with a smile.

On the other hand, Tang Fei's eyes were full of apology.

Seeing Liu Jinghua's happy look, Xu Jie suddenly felt that this might be a trap set by the other party, so he jumped in on his own initiative.

Have you encountered a serial pit?
Xu Jie brought the script over, read it patiently, and finally finished the story and got a general idea.

He took out a pen from his pocket, ready to add some highlights to make the story look fuller, but he held the pen in his hand for a long time, but he didn't know where to add it.

It's so fucking lazy, and it sucks from start to finish.

"I'll go back to the office and change it!" Xu Jie left the rehearsal room after finishing speaking.

Liu Jinghua looked at Tang Fei, and gave Tang Fei a flying eye, with a very smug smile on her face.

Tang Fei pulled Liu Jinghua to the side, and said softly, "Sister Hua, can we stop doing this in the future?"

"Why? Isn't this very good?" Liu Jinghua said with a smile.

"But your behavior will only make me feel that I owe him more and more." Tang Fei said guiltily.

"You must not have this kind of psychological burden. What is his job? Checking the script, we are giving him a chance to perform, understand?" Liu Jinghua said, without any guilt or gratitude.

Tang Fei shook her head.

She doesn't understand.

What gives the other party a chance to play is clearly taking advantage of the other party.

"You, you are just stubborn. I told you a long time ago that if you want to succeed, you must learn to use all possible means and use all valuable people. Emotionally indecisive people like you People, how can they be successful? Look at the recently divorced celebrity couple, they can even take advantage of their marriage, not to mention their relationship, if you don’t learn from the ready-made examples, don’t patronize to watch the fun, understand?” Liu Jinghua taught.

In her opinion, Tang Fei is good at everything, has a strong learning ability, understands things quickly, and has a good creative ability. Her private life is also simple and healthy, she has no bad habits, and the most important thing is that she has no scandals. She is a very good girl. A high-quality female idol, now there are fewer and fewer female artists like her.

But the only bad thing is that there is too much affection. Although I have broken up with Xu Jie, I have never forgotten each other. Especially in the recent period, because of the program "Crossover Actor", the two of them will meet almost every week Meeting each other directly evoked many memories of the other party, and some things hidden in their hearts began to leak out.

Emphasizing emotions can be seen as an advantage, but it is also a disadvantage. Especially for artists, the entertainment industry is a vanity fair.

"Feifei, you have to learn to use your emotions instead of being swayed by them, otherwise your emotions will become a stumbling block on your way to success. Since ancient times, those who have achieved great things will not take emotions too seriously. Look at those founding emperors. , After proclaiming the emperor, didn't he kill all the heroes around him? I will give you a copy of "Emperor's Mind Art", and you can read it when you have nothing to do, it will be good for you." Liu Jinghua said.


Tang Fei was speechless.

I thought: I just want to be a big star, not an empress, what about it?

She thought about it, and finally said solemnly: "Sister Hua, I will study hard, but this is the last time when it comes to dealing with Xu Jie, and this situation must never happen again in the future."

In the entertainment industry, she can act on the occasion, but Xu Jie is someone she met before entering the entertainment industry, and she can't use the entertainment industry's methods on the other party, this is also her bottom line.

Of course, she did this to reduce contact with Xu Jie. After all, once she used it, she had to contact him once, and the guilt in her heart would also deepen.

If you want to reduce this guilt, or forget someone, the best way is to disappear, time will slowly kill everything.

Liu Jinghua looked at Tang Fei's serious look, and knew that the other party was serious, so he said, "I know, don't worry, when you win the championship, the resources will take off immediately, will you still need him?"

Tang Fei frowned, and recognized the fault in Sister Hua's words, and said directly: "Even if we don't win the championship, there won't be a next time."

"Okay, okay, listen to you, this is the last time, besides, isn't it God's will this time? I originally let you join this show because I heard that he would not participate in the second season, but who knew he would come back halfway You can't blame me." Liu Jinghua said, thinking at the same time: I won't tell you the next time I use it, silly girl!

(End of this chapter)

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