Chapter 583
Xu Jie returned to the Art Program Center, locked himself in the office, and made changes to Tang Fei's script from beginning to end.

There is no way, the script is too rubbish, even if the other party dares to act, the program crew dare not let the other party on stage, for fear of affecting the ratings of the entire program.

After all, colleagues all over the country are paying attention to the ratings of the second season of "Crossover Actor", and it must not affect the whole because of Tang Fei alone.

What is ratings?
Ratings are money!

The ratings of this season will directly affect the sponsorship fee for the next season.

This is why Director Jiang asked him to check the script of the finals.

As for Xia He's script, although I haven't seen it, there is such a huge screenwriting team, so I guess it won't be too bad.

As for Tang Fei's script, Xu Jie can't guarantee how exciting the content is, and even more can't guarantee the championship. The ratings were too poor, which affected the ratings of the entire finals.

When Xu Jie finished writing the story, it was already past 6 o'clock in the evening. He copied the script into a USB flash drive, and then left the office with the USB flash drive.

At present, the story is just finished, and the script needs to be revised to add highlights while ensuring that the story has no loopholes and the content logic is not chaotic, so that at least it will not be criticized by the audience.

When he walked through the corridor and passed the office area, he found that there were still many people here, accounting for almost two-thirds of all the people. Some of them were writing, some were looking for information, and they all looked very Busy.

what's the situation?
Xu Jie was startled, and his steps stopped involuntarily. He glanced at the clock on the wall, and it was already 18:32, which is 6:[-] in the evening.

Under normal circumstances, everyone should have left work an hour ago, why are you still here?

Could it be that Wang Wanjun asked everyone to stay and work overtime again?
Xu Jie was overjoyed, feeling that the opportunity to leave here had come again.

However, he found another place that was obviously different from the past.

In the past, everyone stayed and worked overtime, but this time, only some people.

Xu Jie was about to ask Qin Yan what happened, when suddenly a voice came from behind.

"Deputy Director Xu? You haven't left yet?"

Xu Jie turned his head and saw Wang Wanjun walking over with a bag, apparently ready to leave work.

This is even more wrong!

In the past, the other party worked overtime with everyone and didn't leave until 10 o'clock. Why did they leave so early today?
Could it be that he saw that he was about to leave, in order to avoid being targeted, that's why he temporarily decided to leave work early?
"Well, I'm sorting out some materials in the office. This is Director Wang..." Xu Jie looked at the bag in the other party's hand. If he just sent documents to other departments, he shouldn't need to carry such a bag.

"Oh, I'm also sorting out the materials. I just finished my work and I'm about to go home. By the way, you are busy with "Crossover Actors" during the day. I didn't have a chance to tell you. The discussion about those four programs has ended. After everyone In the end, Cheng Guangxian's "Quyi Grand Award" and Jiang Lan's "People's Stage" were unanimously recognized, and they were successfully selected into the new program of the Art Channel. I wonder what Deputy Director Xu thinks?" Wang Wanjun asked with a smile road.

This morning's meeting was the smoothest and most in line with his wishes since he came to the Art Center.

The rhythm of the whole meeting was all under his control, and during the discussion, as long as it was what he said, no one would object to it. The whole meeting went very smoothly, even exceeding his expectations. If every meeting in the future It could be as good as it is today.

"Very good." Xu Jie said after hearing this, but felt that the other party didn't need to ask him this question.

The other party said it himself, the result was decided by a show of hands, what else could he say?So what if you are not satisfied with the result?Doesn't it mean standing on the opposite side of all the staff if you don't agree?
Xu Jie couldn't help looking at Wang Wanjun a few more times. Judging from the results of today's meeting, the other party has been quiet for so many days, and finally he couldn't help it.

You must know that Jiang Lan's "The People's Grand Stage" is the worst one among the four programs. It needs no creativity, no new ideas, and many TV stations have similar programs, but with different names.

Out of the four choices, this show was able to be selected. From this point, it can be seen that Wang Wanjun began to think carefully again.

This may be very unfair to others, but to Xu Jie, there is another reason to conflict with the other party.

He wasn't afraid that Wang Wanjun would make trouble in the cultural program center, but he was afraid that the other party would be as quiet as if he didn't exist, so that he couldn't even find a chance.

"Deputy Director Xu is also going to get off work, right? Let's go together?" Wang Wanjun asked, with a flash of smugness in his eyes.

"No, I'm going to talk to Qin Yan about the show, Director Wang, you go first." Xu Jie said, talking about the show is fake, but talking about today's meeting is real.

He wanted to know what happened at the meeting after he left. He didn't believe what Wang Wanjun said just now, and he felt very wet just listening to it.

"Okay, then you talk, I'm leaving first, see you tomorrow." Wang Wanjun waved his hand, and then walked towards the door.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun's back until the other party disappeared, then looked away.

However, what surprised him was that the people in the office area didn't pack up their things to get off work, and continued to work on their busy hands, with no intention of leaving.

This, is this all bewitched?
Xu Jie came to Qin Yan's side, looked at the other party and reminded: "Director Wang is gone."

Qin Yan said while typing: "I know."

Seeing the way the other party sat firmly at the station, Xu Jie felt even more strange.

"Aren't you leaving? It's almost 7 o'clock." Xu Jie pointed to his watch and reminded.

"Leave after writing this." Qin Yan said, keeping her eyes on the screen the whole time without looking at Xu Jie.


Xu Jie frowned, as the saying goes: If you are not active after get off work, you have a problem with your thinking.

One must know that Qin Yan used to have a lot of opinions on overtime work. Every morning, she felt as if someone owed her money. Why is she willing to stay and work overtime today?This is completely unreasonable.

Could it be that Director Wang knows magic and cast spells on these people in front of him?

But if it's really that powerful, why not cast a spell on him?He still hates working overtime, even normal overtime.

"What are you writing?" Xu Jie leaned over and asked curiously.

"Director Wang asked us to hand over the detailed copy of "The Grand Ceremony of Folk Music" to him during the weekly meeting next Monday." Qin Yan stretched out her hand and pushed Xu Jie's head back, "Go aside, don't disturb my work."

After Xu Jie heard it, he kind of understood what was going on.

This is a routine, Wang Wanjun's new routine.

The other party handed over a very important job to the employee and asked the employee to complete it within a certain period of time. In order to complete the task on time, the employee could only choose to work overtime.

There are two types of overtime, one is active overtime, which means working overtime for work, and the other is passive overtime, which means working overtime to make time.

When Wang Wanjun first came to the cultural program center, everyone's overtime was passive overtime, but the current overtime is active overtime.

Passively working overtime, he can help everyone, but actively working overtime, how can he help?Nowhere to start!

Xu Jie pulled a chair from the side and sat beside Qin Yan, looked up and looked around, and then asked in a low voice, "Hey, tell me about this morning's meeting, how Jiang Lan's program passed."

Qin Yan stopped typing, and finally turned her head to look at Xu Jie, and asked, "You know everything? Song Huanhuan told you?"

"I don't know, that's why I asked you." Xu Jie said: "Director Wang told me just now that the remaining two programs have been confirmed. They are the programs of Jiang Lan and Cheng Guangxian. Cheng Guangxian's "Quyi Awards" is nothing, but Forgive me for my poor eyesight in Jiang Lan's "The People's Grand Stage", but I don't see any good points."

"Hmph, it's not just that you didn't see it, I didn't see it either, you didn't see the scene of discussing Jiang Lan's program, don't let it be embarrassing." Qin Yan said in a low voice.

"Then why did it pass in the end?" Xu Jie asked.

"As soon as Director Wang came up, he said how close this program is to the people, and listed one, two, three, and four points. Jia Wei and his group followed suit. What can the others do? They can only agree." Qin Yan shrugged. shoulder, very helpless.

"You didn't express any opinion?" Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan and asked.

"Who dares to oppose the director of the entire art program center except you? Besides, Jia Wei and those people are like mad dogs. I'm afraid that if Jiang Lan's program is not good, they will come to bite me. Anyway, the program is as good or bad as I It doesn't matter, they can choose if they want to, and wait for the ratings to come out and see who gets slapped in the face." Qin Yan said with a sneer.

Obviously, she was also dissatisfied with today's meeting.

Xu Jie nodded slowly. Sure enough, Wang Wanjun's previous behavior was just to endure the calm for a while. Now there is harmony in the art program center. The quarrel over the program was gradually forgotten by people, and the other party finally couldn't help it.

However, regarding the selection of the program, he is not easy to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble for the other party. After all, he voluntarily left during the meeting. It was he who chose to participate in the production of "Crossover Actors" and did not choose to stay. If the meeting continues, even if the trouble comes to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, the other party will have a reason to explain, but then it will appear that he is making trouble for no reason.

It seemed that he was the one who had to endure this time.

Xu Jie thought to himself.

Now that Wang Wanjun changed his routine, he also decided to change his routine.

Pretend that you don't know anything first, and let the other party slowly relax their vigilance. At that time, the other party's courage will definitely become stronger and stronger, and the desire will also become stronger. When the other party stops covering up and returns to the original state It's not too late to start a fight with the other party!

He believes that day is not too far away.


(End of this chapter)

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