Chapter 584 So confident?

on Tuesday.

Beijing TV Grand Theater.

Liu Jinghua walked back and forth anxiously in the rehearsal room, sometimes opened the door to look outside, sometimes looked down at his watch, as if he was waiting for someone.

"It's almost 10 o'clock, why hasn't Xu Jie come?" Liu Jinghua stopped and asked Tang Fei.

Tang Fei shook her head, thinking: How would I know, I'm not his wife.

"Why don't you call him and ask?" Liu Jinghua said again.

Tang Fei's head shook faster, like a rattle.

Call that man?

What a joke!
She was already full of guilt for this use, and it would be really ungrateful for her to call to remind her.

Seeing Tang Fei's avoidance, Liu Jinghua gave her a blank stare. She just finished her education yesterday, but today it didn't work at all. It was a waste of her saliva.

She walked around the rehearsal room twice, and finally stopped in front of the filming team, looked at the cameraman and asked, "Do you know Director Xu's phone number? Can you call him and ask him when he will be here today?" ?”

"Did Director Xu say he would come today?" the cameraman asked.

"No." Liu Jinghua said.

"Director Xu is so busy, I don't dare to disturb him." The cameraman said, he chose to continue his own work and not to meddle in other people's business.

Liu Jinghua became even more anxious, like ants on a hot pan.

Although yesterday when I asked Xu Jie to rewrite the script, the other party did not say that it would be completed in one day, but this Saturday is the final of "Crossover Actors". The less time the other party spends on rewriting the script, the more time Tang Fei will spend rehearsing. It is impossible for the other party not to know this truth.

According to her inquiries from the insiders of the Art Program Center, Xu Jie was writing in the office all day yesterday, and when she called Su Yun last night to insinuate, it could also prove that Xu Jie was busy with the script. You must know that it was already 10 in the evening. Too much.

Liu Jinghua waited for a while, and finally couldn't help but took out his mobile phone, ready to call the other party in person to inquire about the progress of the script.

Tang Fei looked at Sister Hua who seemed to have entered menopause early, but her heart was calm.

In her opinion, all of this is just what Sister Hua asked for. If the other party did not use Xu Jie, but arranged for the screenwriter to write it well, the current situation would not happen.

What's more, now that the script has been handed over to Xu Jie, this is quite a hand over the initiative to the other party. When the other party handed over the script to them, they will rehearse whenever they want, and they are resigned to their fate.

No, it was at the mercy of "Xu Jie".

Call up?
What's the use of urging?

The other party is from the TV station and the chief screenwriter of the show. They should be more anxious about the show than they are. Even if they don't rush, the other party will send the script here as soon as they finish writing.

I have known Xu Jie for so many years, and if I don't say anything else, I will be responsible for this point seriously, and the other party will never say anything.

Just when Liu Jinghua was about to make a call, there was a knock on the door outside.


Liu Jinghua was overjoyed, the simple knock on the door was like the sound of nature, and there was no better sound than this.

She walked over quickly, stretched out her hand to open the door, and said with a smile, "Xu...the host? Why are you here? What's the matter?"

Liu Jinghua's smile froze on his face, from surprise to disappointment, it was only a moment.

"I'm here to interview Tang Fei and see how the rehearsal is going." Jin Wei said.

"Oh, come in." Liu Jinghua turned around and walked back.

Jin Wei was taken aback when she saw it, and she couldn't help wondering, did she offend this golden broker?This is obviously an unwelcome attitude.

However, when she walked into the rehearsal room, she froze again.

The cameraman was wiping the lens, the assistants were looking at their phones, Tang Fei lowered her head, not knowing what was attracting her on the ground.

This, what's the situation?
She walked all the way, went to Xia He's rehearsal room, and also went to Qin Xian's rehearsal room, the two contestants were rehearsing intensively, and she didn't even have the heart to interrupt them for an interview.

But here, how did the painting style change?One by one, it's like nothing to do.

I know, this is the rehearsal room of Tang Fei, the finalist of "Crossover Actor". If I don't know, I think it is the staff's lounge.

Don't you already have a plan for the championship?

This reminded her of a song: We are different...

But it’s different, it’s not the same, the interview will continue, after all, this is her job, and these rehearsal video materials will also be used during the live broadcast.

"Feifei, how are your preparations going?" Jin Wei came to Tang Fei's side and asked.

Previously, the question to Xia He and Qin Xian was only out of work, but now the question to Tang Fei came from her heart.

She herself was really, really curious.

Because from the first season to the second season, I have never seen such a leisurely contestant in the finals. Most people really don't have this kind of confidence. There are only six screenwriters on Sister Xia's side, and there are two acting teachers. Seeing that Sister Xia is as confident as Tang Fei.

Is it a little too big? .

Could it be that because the other party came from an audition competition and participated in the finals, so he doesn't care about the stage of the finals of "Crossover Actor"?That is really the background of the Yangtze River pushing the waves forward.

She is now very much looking forward to Tang Fei's performance on the stage of the finals, whether she can still win the championship of the second season of "Crossover Actor" as a super rookie.

"I'm ready." Tang Fei said with a smile.

She doesn't feel like she's lying because she's personally ready, it's just that the script isn't ready yet.

The cameraman and assistant actors at the side looked this way after hearing it, and neither of them spoke to expose the other party.

They regarded Tang Fei's behavior as a tactic to interfere with their opponents.

"Oh? So confident? I don't know what kind of role you will play on the stage of the finals, can you reveal it?" Jin Wei continued to ask, becoming more and more interested in this singer.

"Temporary secret, you will know when the finals come." Tang Fei replied, thinking: I don't know now, how can I tell you?
"Then is this role difficult for you to control?" Jin Wei asked unwillingly.

"Difficult, very difficult, this role is very challenging." Tang Fei said seriously.

The assistants on the side thought: Today is already Tuesday, and rehearsals haven't started yet, can it be easy?Can it be challenging?It's also hard for us.

"Oh? What's the difficulty? Is it difficult to shape the character's career, or is it difficult to figure out the character? Or is it difficult to imitate the movements?" Jin Wei became more interested.

The role is difficult, but he is so confident, it seems that he has been prepared for a long time.

"There are various factors!" Tang Fei thought for a while and said.

The assistant actors thought to themselves: The most important thing is the time is difficult, which makes the agent become an ant on the hot pot.

"Really? I am looking forward to your performance more and more. I hope you can bring wonderful performances to the audience." Jin Wei said with a smile.

The interview session is over.

Jin Wei signaled the cameraman to turn off the camera, then looked at Tang Fei and said, "Feifei, the camera has been turned off, tell me, what kind of role are you playing this time? Don't worry, I will never Tell someone else."

"Sorry, keep it secret!" Tang Fei said shyly.

Jin Wei was taken aback, couldn't even ask this?
She thought about it, turned around and came to the cameraman following Tang Fei, and asked in a low voice, "Old Zhao, what is Tang Fei playing?"

Cameraman Lao Zhao looked in Tang Fei's direction, then said in a low voice, "I don't know."

Jin Weixiu frowned and looked at the cameraman, is she still one of her own?Don't even tell your own people?

"Even if you don't say it now, I can still see it when I edit the film later, so just tell me." Jin Wei pretended to be coquettish, her voice was sweet.

The cameraman trembled all over, with goosebumps all over the ground, and said with a wry smile, "I really don't know."

Jin Wei's complexion changed, and she rolled her eyes at the other party, "Forget it." She said and looked at the assistants on the side. The assistants bowed their heads in fear of being asked by the host.

"Thank you for the host's concern, but Feifei's program is still kept secret for the time being, we want to save the surprise until the end." Liu Jinghua stood up and said at this time, afraid of asking the truth and missing the truth.

Jin Wei saw that the gold medal agent said so, she couldn't continue to ask, so she said goodbye, opened the door and left the room.

Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief, even Tang Fei.


There was another knock on the door.

Liu Jinghua frowned, isn't the host too curious?Didn't know curiosity killed the cat?
She opened the door and said impatiently, "Jin... Director Xu, you are finally here, please come in."

When they heard that it was Director Xu, everyone stood up. They knew that the arrival of Director Xu meant that the script had arrived.

However, some people have a little doubt about Director Xu's script. Can the script written in one day work?

Xu Jie walked into the room and threw a stack of scripts to Tang Fei.

"Let's rehearse."

After speaking, I found a chair and sat down.

For this script, he stayed up all night and just revised it.

Of course, if there was more time, the quality of the script would definitely be improved, but he also knew very well that there was not much time for rehearsal, so he could only change it so far.

Tang Fei looked down at the script in her hand. Four copies had already been printed, one for each of the four characters. She did it very thoughtfully. Then she looked at the man with thick dark circles and bloodshot eyes, looking very tired.

"Thank you!" Tang Fei said gratefully. Apart from that, she didn't know what to say.

Liu Jinghua at the side impatiently picked up a script and flipped through it, she wanted to know the quality of the script.

In fact, she still has a backup script in her hand, which is also the same story. She didn't even tell Tang Fei about it. She wanted to see whether Xu Jie's script was of high quality or the backup script was of high quality, before finally deciding to use it. which one.

"It's true that you rehearse seriously and don't delay the ratings of the show." Xu Jie said lightly, but deliberately strengthened the pronunciation of the word "serious".

Tang Fei was not stupid, and she knew that the other party had guessed their thoughts as soon as she heard it.

Saying "sorry" at this time is completely unnecessary. All she can do is to follow the other party's words, rehearse seriously, and live up to the other party's script.


(End of this chapter)

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