The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 585 I really don't want to be

Chapter 585 I really don't want to be

Liu Jinghua stared intently at the script in her hand, carefully reading page by page.

Ten minutes passed.

After she closed the last page, she finally let go of her heart, and a smile of surprise and satisfaction appeared on her face.

The old saying goes well: Once an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one.

As expected of the chief screenwriter of the show, his talent is really unfathomable for being able to change an incomplete story so wonderfully.

No wonder Su Yun was able to win the championship in the first season of "Crossover Actor". With the help of such a person, it is like a tiger with wings added.

She looked up at Tang Fei, who was also reading the script, and thought that the championship this time could not be said to be a sure thing, but at least it could make the other party the most powerful competitor.

She silently stuffed the spare script in the bag down, and covered it with other things to prevent others from seeing it.

"Director Xu, I just finished reading the script. You are really amazing for writing such a high-quality script in such a short period of time." Liu Jinghua came to the man, his eyes full of admiration.

Even the assistants in the room nodded their heads in agreement after hearing it.

Everyone thought that Director Xu's script, which was written in one day, must have speed but not quality. However, after reading it, they suddenly realized that they were wrong. It is a detective drama with a bizarre plot, clear logic, and echoes. It really deserves to be the star of the show Chief screenwriter.

Seeing Liu Jinghua's compliment, Xu Jie sneered directly, the hypocrisy of the other party was simply disgusting.

He got up and left the chair, and said lightly: "If you think the script is okay, then I'll go first, and you all hurry up to rehearse." After speaking, he walked outside.

"Wait a minute!" Liu Jinghua immediately chased after him, and said, "Director Xu, don't rush to leave. Now you know the script best, and you know the ins and outs of the story, the key points and difficulties. If you leave, the rehearsal effect will be as good as it is." Okay? Definitely not ideal!"

"What do you mean?" Xu Jie asked, frowning.

"What I mean is, since you've finished changing the script, can you be a good person and help us direct the short play? After all, there's not much time left." Liu Jinghua asked with a smile.

"What do I care about when I don't have time? I owe you? You don't even care about it, and you still want others to help you? It's a good idea!" Xu Jie said angrily, and then walked out of the rehearsal room without looking back.

Knowing that the other party is shameless, I didn't expect to be so shameless. Isn't this an inch?
Besides, if he comes to direct, what will happen once a championship is produced?
At that time, Tang Fei stood on the stage to receive the award, and Su Yun came to the stage to present the award to Tang Fei. At that scene, why don't you go home and kneel down on the durian?
In fact, when he rewrote the script, he kept it all the time, and he didn't give full play to the 70.00% level. He only took out [-]% at most, in order to avoid the embarrassing scene where his current wife and his ex-girlfriend were on the same stage.

He's not stupid, if Tang Fei is really written as the champion, won't it have an impact on Su Yun's career in the future?

Among the three finalists this year, Qin Xian is male and will not have any influence on Su Yun. Although Xia He is female, she is already in her 40s. Her play style is completely different from Su Yun's and has little influence on her. , only Tang Fei, who is only a few years older than Su Yun, and younger than Su Yun, is the most threatening.

How could he train his ex-girlfriend to be a competitor of his current wife?
"Director Xu, please help me, don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face." Liu Jinghua chased after him unwillingly, "I know I will lose face in front of you, but..."

"I don't care about anyone's face!" Xu Jie said coldly: "Don't think that I know your little thoughts, rewriting the script is already my bottom line, if you really don't care about the number of places, then choose to retire , Humph!"

Liu Jinghua saw that the man was in a hurry, and immediately swallowed all the words that followed.

If someone else participated in the competition, she would definitely go to Su Yun for help, but the problem is that this time the contestant is Feifei, and Su Yun's way will not work.

It seems that from now on, we can only look at Feifei's own.

Well, fortunately, the script is very competitive, and there is still hope for the championship.


Xu Jie left the rehearsal room. In order to revise the script, he stayed up all night. Now he urgently needs to go back to the office to catch up on sleep.

When he walked out of the theater gate, his footsteps stopped again. Isn't it a bit too arrogant to go back to the office to sleep?

If colleagues in the department see this, especially if Wang Wanjun sees it, they might make a small report to deputy editor-in-chief Zhou later.

Although he worked all night last night, no one saw him.

Can a job that is not seen be considered a job?


Even if you tell me, no one will believe you.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and for the sake of his own reputation, he turned around and went back to the Grand Theater. There are many rooms here, so it should not be difficult to find a quiet place to sleep.

He remembered that there were many empty rooms in the rehearsal room, so he walked towards the place where he came out just now.

Not far away, suddenly a voice came from behind.

"Xiao Xu!"

Xu Jie stopped, and it was Director Jiang's voice.

When he turned around, he saw Director Jiang walking towards him.

"Director, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked.

"How is the script going?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Sister Xia's script is kept secret, and I haven't seen it yet. Brother Qin's script has been read. It is said that he started preparing it a long time ago. The quality is good. Tang Fei's script is average, but I have already revised it and am rehearsing. "Xu Jie said truthfully.

"I just got the list of props that Xia He needs for the program team to prepare. I looked at what they need. According to the costumes and scenery, it should be a Republic of China drama." Jiang Hai said in a low voice.

"Really?" Xu Jie was startled when he heard it.

Speaking of which, from the first season of last year to the second season of this year, there are at least dozens of dramas performed on stage, including modern ones and ancient ones, and I have never acted in a short drama during the Republic of China.

Could it be that Xia He's team took a fancy to this, and that's why they prepared such a script?

"Do you think it's reliable?" Jiang Hai asked worriedly.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and then said: "She should have thought carefully about choosing this kind of period drama. In addition, she has a professional team, so I don't think it will be bad."

"Hearing what you said, I feel relieved." Jiang Hai nodded, "By the way, are you okay now?"

"It's okay." Xu Jie shook his head, he couldn't say that he was looking for a room to sleep in, could he?

"Come on, come with me to the scene, where the stage is being set up, help me with the staff, and see how to design better." Jiang Hai waved his hand, motioning Xu Jie to follow him.

"Ah? No need?" Xu Jie said.

He is so dizzy now that he just wants to sleep and can't think about anything at all.

"Come with me. You may be the chief director of the next season. You can go to the scene with me to see, and you can gain some experience. It's not a bad thing." Seeing Xu Jie standing still, Jiang Hai stretched out his hand to lift the other's chest Arms, walked to the stage scene.

"Director, I don't want to be the chief director of the third season." Xu Jie said as he walked, his face was full of reluctance, but he had no choice but to follow Director Jiang passively.

"After I leave, you don't want to be the chief director. Who will be the chief director? Don't think it's robbing me of my job. I have a lot of things to do when I go to Jingshi Culture. Besides, I have already become the chief director. After two seasons as the chief director, it is time to change someone, you have participated in both seasons, as long as you sign up, no one else will even have a chance to compete, the chief director must be you." Jiang Hai said.

He said this to avoid Xu Jie being neglected by the new director after he left. If there is a large-scale variety show, there will be basically no rejection in a short period of time.

"Because I have already participated in two seasons, I don't want to participate anymore, and I have a lot of work on my hands now. I have to be busy with my own program and other people's programs. To be honest, if it weren't for you, I would not be able to participate in this season." None brought back." Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

"Your shows are all small shows. No matter how high the ratings are, they are not as good as "Crossover Actors", a big variety show that trains people. It is also beautiful on the resume, isn't it?" Jiang Hai continued to persuade.

"Director, have you forgotten? I'm already directing a large-scale variety show." Xu Jie reminded.

Jiang Hai was taken aback, and was reminded by the other party, and suddenly remembered the new variety show directed by the other party, but he was worried that such a good program would be handed over to someone else, so he said: "Your new variety show is similar to "Crossover Actor" They are not of the same genre, although the competition shows are not as popular as they were when they first emerged a few years ago, they still have a certain market, and they are not bad for you."

Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang and thought: You forgot who was the guest director when you were lazy in the first season?
Come to the scene.

The crew is setting the stage.

Compared with last year, this year's stage is bigger and more gorgeous.

"How about it? Does it look better than last year? Let me tell you, for this finals and to bring a better experience to the audience, even the on-site sound and light equipment has been fully upgraded..." Jiang Hai Introduced eloquently.

"The stage is good, but it's a bit lacking." Xu Jie said.

"Less? What do you mean?" Jiang Hai asked puzzled.

"What is the most important thing about a live broadcast? It is the continuity of the skit. The stage looks huge, but there is only one stage. When the scene is changed, this continuity will be destroyed and the audience will have a bad experience. I think Qin Xian's script, and Tang Fei's script, both need to use two or even three scenes, and I'm afraid the transition will be a waste of time, so we can't cover it up by inserting commercials at this time?" Xu Jie pointed to the stage Said.

Jiang Hai frowned when he heard this. This is indeed a problem, "I remember last year's finals, the contestants seemed to complete their performances in one scene."

"That's right, last year's contestants were all playing tricks. Even when creating the script for the finals, they also referred to the previous rounds of performances. This year's contestants obviously want to do a big job. If you don't believe me, go and read Qin Xian's script. , even flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, I don't know how he will arrange it."



(End of this chapter)

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