The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 587 Silence is golden

Chapter 587 Silence is golden
Time passed inadvertently, and it was Saturday in a blink of an eye.

Countless people are looking forward to this day, because the finals of the second season of "Crossover Actor" will be staged on this day.

After three months of competition, more than a dozen celebrities were eliminated one after another, leaving only three contestants. Who will win the championship will be announced tonight.

In July in Beijing, the days are very long.

It was 6pm and it was still bright.

Beijing TV.

Colorful flags are flying here, flowers are all over the ground, and huge promotional posters are hung on the outer wall of the Grand Theater, which can be seen from a long distance, which is extremely conspicuous.

The road in front of the door was already surrounded by fans. They held star posters in their hands and held up famous tags, supporting their favorite artists.

"The Queen of Heaven, Xia He, will definitely take the first place!"

"Qin Xian, the King of Songs, is invincible!"

"Tang Fei, I love you!"


Dozens of security guards were at the scene to maintain order, and traffic police comrades were also nearby to guide traffic and avoid congestion.

Everyone is waiting for the stars to walk the red carpet.

The "Crossover Actor" final is not only a stage for the final three contestants, but also a grand gathering of stars. Many stars will attend the red carpet ceremony, especially singers.

May I ask, is there any singer who doesn't want to participate in "Crossover Actor"?

This is not only an opportunity to increase popularity and exposure, but also an opportunity to enter the film and television industry. In today's sluggish music industry, changing careers has become something that many singers have begun to consider. It is obviously great if they can enter the film and television industry But no more.

And coming to Beijing TV Station to participate in the red carpet ceremony of the second season finals of "Crossover Actors" is undoubtedly the best opportunity to express ideas to the program group.

Walking on the red carpet is fake, but performing on stage is real.

not far away.

Several cars of the same model lined up in a long line, waiting for the signal from the staff.

The last car.

"Are you sure you want to walk the red carpet with me?" Su Yun asked Xu Jie beside her. She took the man's arm and held the man's hand, completely ignoring the feelings of the driver in front.

"Yes." Xu Jie said after hearing this, it was a decision he made very early on.

"You are the chief screenwriter of the program group, don't you need to enter the stage with the program group?" Su Yun asked curiously. She remembered last year's "Crossover Actor" finals, the other party was the chief planner and chief director, etc. People enter together.

"They are all so old, they can find their way into the theater without a collar." Xu Jie said jokingly.

He knew what Su Yun meant. The reason why he didn't walk the red carpet with her last year was because she was a contestant in the finals. There is no need to worry about gossip from viewers and netizens.

"Hee hee!" Su Yun couldn't help laughing out, she dared to make fun of the leader, it's really audacious.

"Did you delay the shooting?" Xu Jie asked, the other party had already returned to the "Stranger Road" crew and started the third phase of filming. In order to participate in tonight's finals and present the championship award, the other party deliberately flew back from the outside, I have to fly back tomorrow morning.

"It's only half a day, it's okay, and director Xu Shenghua is also very supportive of me. After all, my exposure and topicality also affect the box office of her movie." Su Yun said.

After the finals, there will be the film’s summer vacation file, and after the summer vacation, it will be the National Day file. She has movies released during these two time periods, and the National Day file will be followed by the Spring Festival file. If there is no accident, Xu Shenghua’s " "Strange Road" will be released during the Spring Festival.

That is to say, her films will be released sequentially within half a year.

Under such circumstances, the last movie released will naturally receive more attention.

Of course, the premise is that the box office and word-of-mouth of the first two films are good.

If the box office and word-of-mouth of the first two films are not good, then Su Yun is likely to become a box office poison. At that time, the audience will not buy it, but it will affect the box office and word-of-mouth of the last movie.

"After filming the film directed by Xu Shenghua, is there any film to be filmed?" Xu Jie asked.

"No more." Su Yun said.

"No more?" Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, was he out of gear so soon?
He thought that a "Crossover Actor" champion would allow Su Yun to take on a few more movies, but he didn't expect there were only two.

"During the period when "Crossover Actor" just ended, many people handed me scripts and asked me to act in movies, but in order to shoot "Mulan", many movies have been rejected by me, in fact, there are still many The movie asked me to play the female lead, but there are very few major directors and big productions. As far as I know, everyone is currently waiting to see what kind of results the movie starring me will achieve in terms of box office and word of mouth." Su Yun explained road.

Xu Jie nodded, the entertainment industry is so realistic.

When "Crossover Actor" was broadcast last year, Su Yunhuo, there were a lot of people looking for her to film. However, a year later, Su Yun's popularity and exposure have declined slightly because she has no work, so Naturally, the number of people looking for her to film also began to decrease.

Although "Human World" and "Mulan" have been finalized one after another, Su Yun's exposure and topicality will also increase in the next period of time, but people in the circle dare not act rashly at this time, because once these two films The word-of-mouth is very bad, so finding Su Yun to make a movie is undoubtedly a waste of money. If the word-of-mouth is very good, it will not be too late to find a cooperation.

Especially for those big directors and big productions, they are never worried that actors will refuse. After all, big directors are the guarantee of quality, and big productions are the guarantee of salary, and no one will think too much money.

"Don't worry, I have confidence in you." Xu Jie comforted.

"Of course I have confidence, because I have confidence in you." Su Yun said with a smile: "Don't forget, you have participated in these two movies."

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, it was true.

Needless to say, for the movie "Mulan", he went to Hengdian every week during the filming, and he was one of the main creators. For the movie "Human World", he also participated in the directing work, and was also directed by Ye Chu He was invited to be an assistant director, but he declined.

Speaking of which, he also participated in Su Yun's third movie "Strange Road". If all three movies hit the street, then is he a cheating daughter-in-law?

Xu Jie originally wanted to comfort Su Yun, but when he thought of this, he became a little apprehensive.

It can be adjusted if the ratings of the program are not good, but once the box office of the movie is not good, there is no chance of adjustment.

At this time, the car suddenly moved, and slowly drove forward for a short distance before stopping.

Xu Jie knew that the red carpet session had begun.

He looked out through the car window, and sure enough, the car in front was also stopping and going until it reached the TV station.

"I heard that Tang Fei entered the finals of this season?" Su Yun asked abruptly.


Xu Jie was shocked all over, thinking: what should come is still here.

He turned his head to look at Su Yun beside him, only to see that the other party squinted his eyes, half-smiling, not sure if he was angry or dissatisfied... It seemed that they all meant the same thing.

"Well, yes." Xu Jie said calmly.

He was really calm. After all, Tang Fei's ability to come to the present had nothing to do with him.

He is the chief screenwriter and is only in charge of the script, and what the contestants will perform is decided by lottery. At most, he will give more opinions and suggestions during the rehearsal of the contestants. The problem is that he is like this for every contestant, not only Tang Fei.

"When I was free to watch the video, I watched her performance clips. I think it's very good. What do you think?" Su Yun asked again.

"I think it's average. She won a few promotion matches by a narrow margin, and there is a lot of controversy about her on the Internet." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

A lie usually needs to be covered up with countless lies, so he chooses to seek truth from facts, isn't there such a sentence?Even if he made a mistake, he would confess and be lenient. What's more, he didn't do anything at all, it was just a normal job, and he was not afraid of the shadow when he was upright, and he was not afraid of asking too many questions.

"Really? I don't think so. By the way, what do you think is the chance of her winning this final?" Su Yun continued to ask.

"Not big!" Xu Jie shook his head.

"Why?" Su Yun turned into a hundred thousand whys, asking non-stop.

"Director Jiang asked me to check the scripts of the actors, so I have read their scripts. Compared with the other two, her script has no advantage, and the chance of winning is naturally very small." Xu Jie explained.

"Maybe she can perform supernormally? After all, she is a live singer, and this finals will be broadcast live nationwide. I think she has a higher chance of winning."


Xu Jie didn't say anything after hearing it.

What can he say?
Well, can Tang Fei win?
This kind of trust in his ex-girlfriend is a blow to his current wife. How could he make such a low-level mistake?
There are some things that Su Yun can say, but he cannot.

What Su Yun said may not be sincere, but what he said will definitely be considered sincere.

"If Tang Fei wins the championship, I will present the award to her. What should I say to her? Husband, help me think about it." Su Yun pushed the man aside.

Xu Jie was not calm anymore.

This clearly pushed him into the fire pit.

"I don't know, haven't you given awards to others? You should have more experience in this area than me." Xu Jie said without changing his expression.

When he was alone at home, he often watched some past videos of the other party on the Internet. From his debut to the peak, from concerts to award ceremonies, he can now memorize all the music awards the other party won in any year.

"Then I wish her a bright future!" Su Yun tugged at the man again, and whispered in her ear, "Hey, do you think I'm setting you up? You're overthinking, just chatting, after all Among these three people, she is the one who knows her best, besides, it's not like I don't know about the two of you, right? "


Xu Jie still didn't say anything, and kept silence to the end.

He doesn't know if it's a trick or not, and he doesn't know if it's a small talk, but he only knows one thing, don't tell your wife anything about your ex-girlfriend.

Said, is the thing!


(End of this chapter)

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