The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 588 Walk the red carpet for publicity!

Chapter 588 Walk the red carpet for publicity!

A car stopped outside the gate of Beijing TV Station, and a man got out of it. He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes. After getting out of the car, he straightened his clothes, and walked into the gate along the red carpet.

At this time, countless cameras were aimed at the man, and the sounds of "click" and "click" were heard endlessly, and the screams and shouts of fans even resounded through the scene.

"Zhou Xuehua! Zhou Xuehua! Zhou Xuehua!"

"God of song! God of song! God of song!"

There are many excellent male singers in China, and there are many who are called the King of Songs and the Prince, but there is only one person who can be called the God of Songs, and that is Zhou Xuehua.

So the appearance of Zhou Xuehua immediately caused the screams of the onlookers.

They may have come for the three finalists, but they are definitely fans of Zhou Xuehua.

Zhou Xuehua clasped his hands together, gestured to the surrounding fans as he walked, and finally stopped in the media interview area.

"Welcome the God of Songs, Zhou Xuehua." The host of the red carpet area said loudly, and then handed a microphone to Zhou Xuehua, "Brother Zhou, you are able to come, which is beyond everyone's expectations. You heard the fans screaming just now. Yet?"

"I heard that, in fact, I am also a loyal viewer of "Crossover Actor". I will watch every episode of the show. I am also very happy to be here today." Zhou Xuehua said with a smile.

"Really, Brother Zhou? As your fan, I would like to ask you a question on behalf of all your fans: Will you come to participate in "Crossover Actor" in the future?"

After the fans around heard it, they immediately screamed loudly again. Obviously, the host's question went to their hearts.

May I ask, who wouldn't want to see the God of Songs acting on stage?
This alone is enough to dominate the headlines of the entertainment edition.

"Haha, I don't know either, but if I have the chance to be on stage, I'm very willing to give it a try." Zhou Xuehua replied.

Hearing the answer from the God of Songs, bursts of cheers erupted at the scene.

"Really? That's really great. Did everyone in the program group hear that? Next time, I must remember to invite Zhou Geshen to participate in this program." The host said loudly in the direction of the program group.

Lu Hong nodded, with a smile on his face. Being able to invite Zhou Xuehua, the ratings must have been good. In contrast, Jiang Hai's reaction was relatively flat, because Zhou Xuehua's coming or not basically has nothing to do with him, because today It will be his last time directing "Crossover Actor", and he will not be the chief director of the next season.

The interview continued. There were more than 30 stars present today, and soon it was the turn of three contestants.

The first to appear was Tang Fei.

As one of the most popular young female singers at present, her popularity is no worse than that of the previous stars.

Because she was walking the red carpet, not performing on stage, so she dressed up carefully, not only put on smoky makeup, but also wore a black suspender dress, which looked handsome and stylish, yet sexy and hot, as well Her performance on stage is exactly the same, so that her fan base not only has a lot of male fans, but also a lot of female fans.

"Feifei, today is so beautiful, I wonder if you are ready for tonight's competition show?" the host asked with a smile.

In fact, this question is completely redundant. Are you not ready to participate in a ball?But for the host, some questions are obviously redundant, so they should be asked.

"Ready." Tang Fei said holding the microphone.

"So do you have confidence in tonight's performance?" The host continued to ask.

"I have confidence, but not much." Tang Fei said with a wry smile.

"Oh, why?" the host asked.

"The two seniors are too strong. Compared with them, I am far behind, so I don't want to beat them tonight, as long as I can surpass myself." Tang Fei said.

"Feifei is so humble. In fact, your strength is obvious to all along the way, especially your progress. From the first period to the next few periods, just like the judges said, the progress is rapid. I hope you can achieve it tonight. A good result." The host said quickly.

Because she has already seen that Qin Xian is walking towards this side.

"Welcome, Brother Qin. Seeing the smile on your face, I think you're ready." The host said.

"Haha, I'm ready, but when I came here just now, I saw that the other two seemed to be ready as well. I don't know if I can complete the goal tonight." Qin Xian said with a smile.

"Oh? What is your goal?" the host asked curiously.

"Protect the three and fight for the second to win the first." Qin Xian said.

"Huh? Brother Qin really knows how to joke." The host said.

The surrounding fans also laughed.

There are only three people in the finals, so why three?

As long as you stand on stage, even if you don't perform anything, you are still third.

At this time, Xia He, the last player, came over.

"Sister Xia, Brother Qin said just now that his goal is to keep the three and fight for the second, so what is your goal?" the host asked.

Xia He took the microphone and said directly: "Tonight's championship is mine, and no one can take it away!" After speaking, he returned the microphone to the host.

The host was stunned.

gone?Just leave?I'm not done yet.

Are you so confident?
In the webcast room at this time, the screen was full of two words: Domineering!
Yes, it's too domineering. It feels like I'm not here to compete in the finals, but to win the championship trophy.

This kind of momentum directly crushed the first two opponents. What kind of singer, what kind of powerful supernova, all of them are not enough.

The host subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He interviewed so many people today. This is the first time he encountered such a simple interview. The one-sentence interview ended, which caught people off guard.

She took a deep breath, and then cast her eyes on the red carpet. As the car door opened, a man and a woman came out from inside.

The host's eyes lit up, and he immediately shouted excitedly: "Now coming to us is Xu Jie, the chief screenwriter of "Crossover Actor", and his wife, Su Yun, the overall champion of the first season of "Crossover Actor".

After the introduction, lead the applause.

In fact, in terms of fame and popularity, Su Yun must surpass Xu Jie. It stands to reason that she should introduce Su Yun first, but who made Xu Jie's other identity the deputy director of the art program center of Beijing TV Station?In theory, it can be regarded as her leader, so why not introduce the leader first?

"Su Yun! Su Yun!"

"Goddess! Goddess!"

There were screams again.

And in the webcast room, the word "goddess" is also used all over the place.

Xu Jie held Su Yun's hand, which reminded him of the first time he accompanied her on the red carpet. He remembered that he was attending a film festival in Shenzhou, but in terms of scale, it must have been bigger.

One thing that made him very satisfied was that he hadn't heard any voices scolding him for the time being, but at the film festival, the voice of "scum" was heard almost from the beginning to the end, even in the live broadcast room.

It seems that everyone has completely accepted his relationship with Su Yun.

And it has been recognized that he is worthy of Su Yun.

"Sister Yun, welcome to the finals of the second season of "Crossover Actor". I wonder if there are any psychological changes between this time and last year?" the host asked.

"Last year, I came here as a contestant, and I was very excited. This year, I came here as a guest, and my heart is more of a kind of anticipation, looking forward to the wonderful performance of the three contestants." Su Yun smiled, elegant and generous, She is full of goddess style.

Xu Jie looked at the host at this time, and winked at the host. The interview time is limited, so don't talk about "Crossover Actor", let's talk about business.

The host received the signal, looked at Su Yun and said, "Sister Yun, I haven't forgotten the surprise you brought us on the stage of the finals last year. By the way, I heard that you will have two Is it true that the movie is coming out?"

The host's face was full of curiosity.

Of course, this curiosity is feigned.

Before the red carpet ceremony started, Deputy Director Xu found her and told her about the movie, hoping that the other party would take the opportunity of the interview to promote Su Yun's movie. After all, the ceremony will be broadcast live on the art channel. There is also a live webcast, so the publicity effect is definitely better than the road show.

As the host of Beijing TV Station, it is not easy for her to refuse. Firstly, Xu Jie is the deputy director and one of her own people. Second, Su Yun's movie "Mulan" was invested and shot by Forbidden Films, which in turn It's the company of Beijing TV Station, and it's still its own people after a round. How can there be any reason why their own people don't help their own people to promote it?

Originally, she wanted to ask Su Yun a few more questions, but when she saw Deputy Director Xu's signal, she immediately talked about movies.

"Yes." Su Yun said after hearing it.

"I've read the news. One is called "The World", which is a literary film, and the other is "Mulan." The host became excited when he said this, looked at the fans and cameras around him, and said loudly: "No I know if you still remember the script played by Sister Yun in the first season of "Crossover Actor", including "Mulan", which left a deep impression on me at that time. I would like to ask, this time the movie Is there any difference between "Mulan" and the "Mulan" you performed on the "Crossover" stage?"

"Compared to "Mulan" on the stage, the movie version of "Mulan" this time has a more complete story, more grand scenes, and more exciting content..." Su Yun said, Xu Jie told her about this part, so These words are all lines that she thought up in advance.

"Really? That's really exciting. When it's released, I'll definitely watch it..."

"Thank you!"

The interview is over.

Xu Jie and Su Yun walked towards the Grand Theater.

When Xu Jie passed by the host, he blinked at the host and nodded at the same time, meaning: Good job.

The host smiled implicitly: This is my job.

Then face the camera.

"The red carpet ceremony is over here. Next, let's look forward to the finals of the second season of "Crossover Actor". Please lock on Beijing Satellite TV and let us witness the emergence of the champion together!"


(End of this chapter)

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