The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 589 A Perfect Start

Chapter 589 A Perfect Start
The familiar opening music sounded in thousands of households, and the second season of "Crossover Actors" finally started.

"You are watching the reality show "Crossover Actors", which stars from Beijing Satellite TV are competing across borders. Welcome to the finals. I am your old friend Jin Wei..."

The host, Jin Wei, appeared on the stage in a golden sequined dress, with an elegant and majestic image, looking like a statuette.

"After 116 days of anticipation and 12 wonderful PK games, we have finally come to the stage of the finals. Although there is only one championship, each competitor has given us a wonderful performance. Now we invite our competitors to come on stage ..."

All 15 contestants stood on the stage, 12 who had already been eliminated stood in the back row, and 3 contestants who broke into the final three stood at the front.

This is a fixed link in the finals of "Crossover Actors". Bringing all the contestants together again is not only a review, but also adds a sense of ceremony to the finals.

Of course, the most important point is to increase the attention and ratings of the program.

Let me ask, with so many celebrities appearing, who doesn't want to take a few more glances?
The fans and fans of these stars alone are enough to increase the ratings by a few points.

Audiences like to watch celebrities and their performances, while TV program groups are more concerned about the ratings of programs.

It was very lively in front of the stage, but very tense behind the stage.

Lu Hong, Zhou Zhengliang, Jiang Hai, Xu Jie, the chief producer, the president, the chief director, the chief screenwriter, etc., all the creators are closely watching the ratings curve, waiting for the appearance of the broadcast ratings.

Although the ratings had already broken 3 in the sixth and third season, and the last episode was only one step away from breaking 4, everyone present was full of concern and tension.

As the old saying goes: When weaving baskets and weaving baskets, it’s all about closing the mouth.

How the second season of "Crossover Actor" will be, the ratings and word-of-mouth of the championship are very important.

If the ratings of the finals are not satisfactory, no matter how high the ratings of the previous episodes are, the second season will be defined as poor, and the ratings on some websites will also drop significantly.

The time suddenly became longer.

After an unknown amount of time, the picture on the screen finally trembled.

"Move, move!"


"Good! Good! Good!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw it, and a smile finally appeared on their tense faces.

"Lao Jiang, congratulations!" Lu Hong held Jiang Hai's hand tightly. The other party will officially leave Beijing TV Station after tonight, and he really feels a little bit reluctant.

"Congratulations, congratulations!" Jiang Hai shook Lu Hong's hand and smiled like a chrysanthemum in full bloom.

With such a high ratings at the beginning, the overall ratings tonight will not be too bad. He can also rest assured that he will retire, leave the art program center, and go to another place to continue to shine.

After Jiang Hai let go of Lu Hong, he turned around and gave Xu Jie a hug, and patted him on the back heavily with his hands.

In his opinion, Xu Jie is naturally the number one contributor to such an opening. As for Lao Lu, Lao Zhou and others beside him, despite their famous names, they are both the chief producer and the president's fundraiser. I was watching a play from the sidelines, and I didn't do anything to help.

"Calm down, calm down, the show has just started, the key is the trend behind it." Xu Jie said, as if everyone is drunk and I am alone.

You must know that the entire program lasts more than 90 minutes, and no one knows what will happen next.

"Well, that's right." Lu Hong looked at the other people around him, and said, "It's indeed a little early for us to be happy."

"Yes, compared to before, Xiao Xu is more like a person who has experienced big storms." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

"Don't say that, the finals have nothing to do with me." Xu Jie said, in front of several big shots, he didn't dare to pretend to be a big shot.

"Who said it has nothing to do with you? Have you checked the script? You are also responsible for the stage design, right? Is it okay?" Jiang Hai asked back.

He is leaving here soon, and of course all the credit should be put on Xu Jie, which can be regarded as the last care.

"I'm just a supervisor, and Mr. Jiang has always been in charge of the overall situation." Xu Jie said after hearing this
In fact, he understands the other party's kindness, but he can't accept this kindness, because he has been looking for opportunities to leave the TV station. The more credit he has, the harder it will be to leave.

The reason why he didn't tell Director Jiang all this was because he was worried that the plan would fail. After all, he had been disappointed once before and didn't want to be disappointed again.

"You are important!" Jiang Hai said, while keeping winking at Xu Jie.

"Boss Jiang is more important." Xu Jie bounced back, pretending not to see it.

"Okay, stop arguing, you two are very important." Lu Hong couldn't stand it anymore, shouldn't the credit be taken?Why are there still pushing each other?
"I suddenly have a worry." Zhou Zhengliang frowned, then looked at Lu Hong and said, "After Lao Jiang is gone, who can shoulder his work?"

"Isn't there Wang Wanjun?" Lu Hong said with a smile.

"Is he really okay?" Zhou Zhengliang asked seriously.

"Uh..." Lu Hong hesitated.

Think back to the years when Wang Wanjun served as his deputy. It is true that he is a good hand in daily management. He has also done several programs and won awards.

But after careful recollection, it is not difficult to find that the number of large-scale variety shows and evening parties directed by the other party is relatively small. Whether he can shoulder the burden of variety shows after Lao Jiang left the art program center is indeed an unknown, not even as good as...

He suddenly remembered another person, and said with a smile: "Isn't there still Xiao Xu here? Wang Wanjun can't do it, Xiao Xu can do it, shouldn't it be enough to let him direct?"

Xu Jie immediately shook his head and waved his hands when he heard it, and said, "I'm okay with small shows, but I'm still far behind for large-scale variety shows like "Crossover Actors."

"Xiao Xu, you're being a bit modest in your words. Aren't you the director of the new variety show in the second half of the year?" Lu Hong said.

"It's true that I directed it, but it's also my first time as the chief director. I'm not familiar with many tasks. As you can see, from March to the beginning of July now, four months have passed, and there is no new variety show yet. Finished, I'm just like a headless chicken, busy all day." Xu Jie deliberately belittled himself.

This is not modesty, but simply does not want to take on the job. He is already busy enough now, and he doesn't want to take on himself the jobs that originally belonged to Wang Wanjun.

After Jiang Hai heard this, he almost gasped.

Why not cherish such a good opportunity?
What Lao Lu said just now was very clear that he would be important to Xiao Xu in the future, even the hints that were hinted at were simply explicit.

But what about Xiao Xu?Instead of thanking him, he described himself as a headless chicken. Isn't this a disappointment to Lao Lu's respect and his heart?
Xiao Xu today is so strange!

Jiang Hai thought to himself.

In his impression, the other party is a very flexible person, not the kind of elm lump, why did he repeatedly reject other people's kindness today?
"Boss, the audience rating has broken 3!" the staff member said suddenly.

After hearing this, everyone turned their gazes to the ratings graph, with satisfied smiles on their faces, but they weren't as excited as before. After all, it was already 2.895 just now, and it's normal to break 3. It's not normal if it doesn't break 3.

However, after being called out by the staff, Jiang Hai also recovered from the conversation just now, and refocused on tonight's program.

You must know that this is a live broadcast, and he, the chief director, is not allowed to be sloppy.

The three contestants began to draw lots to determine the order of tonight's performance.

Soon, the lottery ended, Tang Fei was the first to appear, Xia He was the second, and Qin Xian was the third.

The three left the stage immediately and went back to their respective rehearsal rooms to put on makeup.

After a few minutes.

Host Jin Wei took an envelope from the staff and took out a card, "Next, let's enjoy Tang Fei's competition show "Detective Ke Lan"!"

Looking at the picture on TV, Xia He and Qin Xian who were sitting in the rehearsal room were taken aback for a moment, remembering that Tang Fei said before that she wanted to play the famous detective Ke Lan, they still didn't believe it, so it turned out that the other party really wanted to play the famous detective Ke Lan .

This girl is too real, right?
As soon as the stage picture went dark, the camera shifted to another stage, the props were ready, and when the lights came on again, the first performance officially began.


Xu Jie sat in the director's group, quietly looking in the direction of the stage.

He didn't know how Tang Fei would perform.

Although he rewrote the script, he hadn't been in the rehearsal room since Monday, so it was the first time he watched Tang Fei's performance, and he was full of expectations for her performance.

Hope not to win the championship.

Otherwise, Su Yun would definitely activate the "One Hundred Thousand Whys" skill on him when he returned home.

After more than 20 minutes of performance, the first performance finally came to an end.

There was warm applause at the scene.

However, the applause at the scene can't reflect the quality of the show. After all, the audience present today is related to the celebrity guests.

So to see whether the effect of the program is popular with the audience, you have to look at the ratings curve.

It has been 10 minutes since the show started, and the ratings curve continued to rise like a mountain. At the end of the first show, the ratings directly broke 4, reaching 4.122, breaking the highest ratings of "Crossover Actors".

Of course, temporarily.

Anyone who is familiar with ratings curves knows that an upslope curve represents an increase in ratings, while a downslope curve represents a decline in ratings.

In a period of time, if the curve fluctuates frequently, like an electrocardiogram, it means that the ratings during this period are unstable, and the quality of the program is also open to question.

And the first program showed a rising shape throughout the whole process, that is to say, the ratings have been rising, and more and more people are watching, or it can also be said that new viewers are greater than those who left, but no matter whether there are viewers who leave, One thing that comes out of the ratings curve is this: the first show didn't screw up.

"There are two thirds left!" Lu Hong said.

The others nodded and looked forward to it silently in their hearts. After all, high ratings for a period of time does not mean anything, the overall high is really high!


(End of this chapter)

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