The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 591 Isn't it sweet to accompany my wife at home?

Chapter 591 Isn't it nice to go home with your wife?
Amidst the familiar singing, the finals of the second season of "Crossover Actor" came to a successful conclusion.

Today's three contestants not only showed superb acting skills, but also brought unexpected surprises, which made the audience who sat in front of the TV and accompanied them for more than 90 minutes exclaimed wonderful.

The major news media, as well as netizens, also immediately affirmed the finals.

"The second season finale of "Crossover Actors" not only continued the previous high-level and high-quality performance, but also brought enough surprises to the audience. It was worth the long wait of two weeks."

"The three contestants are all people with ideas. They dare to challenge brand-new roles on the stage of the finals. This kind of courage is admirable."

"Tianhou Xiahe has driven the popularity of cheongsam, and the search volume of the keyword 'cheongsam' on the shopping platform has skyrocketed. Merchants have listed the same style as Xiahe, and the search volume of men is more than that of women."

"Qin Xian is in charge of coolness, Xia He is in charge of beauty, Tang Fei is in charge of handsomeness, there will be no losers in tonight's finals."

""Crossover Actor" is getting better and better every season, and I look forward to the third season."


Director group.

"It's over, it's finally over!" Jiang Hai secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Whether it's the reaction of the audience, the comments of netizens on the Internet, or the movement of the ratings curve, it all proves that tonight's finals is a success.

The previous worries also completely disappeared at this moment, leaving only happiness.

He can finally leave the Beijing TV station's cultural program center with ease.

"I didn't expect that the final ratings could break 5. The "Spring Festival Gala" at the beginning of the year didn't even have such a high ratings. It seems that I have let our show go down." Zhou Zhengliang shook his head and sighed.

Of course he was very happy with such a high ratings, but besides being happy, he also felt unrealistic.

Because he has been working for so many years, this is the first time he has come across a program with ratings that can break 5, even if it only lasts for a short time, you must know that this is just a variety show, not "News Network".

This rating is very rare even if you look at the whole country, it should be regarded as the rating ceiling of domestic variety shows.

With a perfect start and a surprising ending, the overall ratings of tonight's finals will not be low. There is no problem breaking 4. The question is how high it can reach and how many domestic variety show records can be set.

"You're not the only one who underestimated this show. I guess everyone didn't think of it." Lu Hong said with a smile.

He, and some colleagues he had contacted, never mentioned the matter of breaking 5, even at the highest point, because apart from China TV, breaking 5 was even unthinkable for other TV stations.

But tonight, "Crossover Actor" has done it, the program of Beijing TV Station has done it, and he, the director of the satellite TV program center, has a bright face.

"I think someone must have thought of it," Jiang Hai said.

"Who?" Lu Hong asked curiously.

Who dares to think so?
"Xu Jie! Otherwise, could he be so calm all the time? Isn't it, Xiao Xu?" Jiang Hai turned his head, only to find that Xu Jie was gone, not only not where he was standing just now, but even the entire director team was gone.

"What about people?"

Everyone was full of doubts, they were still standing here before, why did they disappear after the show ended?
Did it just disappear out of thin air?
Just now everyone's attention was focused on the ratings, no one paid attention to where Xu Jie went.

"Look for it quickly, the celebration banquet later cannot be without him!" Lu Hong said.

The others also nodded.

The other party is the biggest contributor to this show. Along the way, it is the other party's script that supports the ratings of the entire program and attracts more and more viewers. Without Xu Jie, the ratings would not be so high.

Jiang Hai took out his cell phone and dialed Xu Jie's cell phone.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The other side of the phone was quickly connected.

"Director, what's the matter?" Xu Jie's voice sounded from the microphone, and the surroundings were very quiet, unlike a stage scene.

"Xiao Xu, where are you?" Jiang Hai asked quickly.

"I'm outside." Xu Jie replied.

"Outside? What are you doing outside?" Jiang Hai asked curiously, he thought the other party went to the bathroom.

"Go home with my wife." Xu Jie said.

"What? Go home? How can you go home? Wait a minute and the program team is preparing to hold a celebration banquet, how can we miss you?" Jiang Hai said in surprise.

"Director, my wife is going back to the studio tomorrow. She finally came back to stay for one night. Do you think I can waste my time at work?" Xu Jie didn't regard Director Jiang as an outsider at all.

In fact, he had already guessed that tonight's finals had such a high ratings that there would definitely be a celebration banquet after the show ended, but the problem is that it is already almost 11 o'clock, and Su Yun only has one hour left at home, so even if the celebration banquet No matter how good the meal is, can you go home with your wife?

Is it because the wife is not pretty?Or is the wife not gentle?
Besides, Xiao Biesheng is newly married, so he must hurry up to communicate?

When Jiang Hai heard this, he was really embarrassed to call the other party back. Wouldn't that affect the relationship between the young couple?This kind of bad guy absolutely can't do it.


Jiang Hai put down his phone.

"What's going on?" Lu Hong leaned over and asked.

"Xiao Xu went home with his wife, and his wife will leave tomorrow." Jiang Hai said.

"Oh!" Lu Hong nodded to express his understanding. Who didn't have a honeymoon period when they got married?

What's more, the celebration banquet is something that can be attended or not, and it is not a work, so it cannot be forced.

"Come on, let's go see the actors!"



"How about we leave without saying goodbye like this? Do you want to go back to the celebration banquet?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie who had put down her phone and asked. In fact, she thought she should stay for the celebration banquet, but it was Xu Jie who forced her to do so after the show ended. She left the scene.

"There's no need for that. We're not the protagonists. We're just a foil when we go. It's better to go home." Xu Jie said after hearing this, then started the car and drove out of the TV station.

The reason why he left actually had his own considerations, "communication" was only one aspect, and the other was to avoid unnecessary embarrassment.

Today's contestants were indispensable at the celebration banquet, and among the contestants was Tang Fei. It was a blessing that his wife did not present the award to his ex-girlfriend tonight. If he went to the celebration banquet again, wouldn't he feel uncomfortable?

Originally, there were [-] whys in Su Yun's belly, but if she really wanted to attend the celebration banquet, wouldn't there be [-] more whys?
As the old saying goes, one thing more is worse than one thing less, so don't get into trouble.

"Your leader is here, so it's okay to just leave?" Su Yun asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter. I came here today to accompany you. If you don't come, I won't come either." Xu Jie said.

I used to be present during the recording of the show because the script was related to him. For the effect of the show, he had to direct on the spot.

But on the stage of the finals, first of all, the script has nothing to do with him, and secondly, the show is live, even if he wants to intervene, he can't get in.

So today's finals is the same with him or without him.

"Really? Then I'm relieved, I was worried that you released the leader's pigeons to accompany me." Su Yun said with a smile: "But tonight's finals are really exciting, and the performance of the three contestants is also very good." Brilliant, it's like a fight between gods, if I were a judge, it would be difficult to choose."

"It's far worse than you." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Is it far? I don't think it's far. If I put my show this year, I'm afraid I won't win easily." Su Yun said.

"That's because they have been preparing for a long time." Xu Jie explained.

"It's a pity that Feifei didn't win the championship. I'm still going to present her with an award. I've already thought up the congratulatory message." Su Yun sighed.

"..." Xu Jie didn't speak, and drove the car silently, saying that there must be a hundred thousand reasons.

"Actually, Feifei performed very well tonight, what do you think?" Su Yun turned her head and asked.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, and he smiled wryly in his heart. It seems that the other party's hundred thousand why didn't disappear because of his silence.

"Are you hungry, do you want to eat something?" Xu Jie quickly changed the subject.

"I'm not hungry." Su Yun shook her head.

"Just because you're not hungry now doesn't mean you won't be hungry later," Xu Jie said.

"While?" Su Yun was puzzled.

"There will be activities in a while, and activities will consume energy. Do you think you will be hungry?"

Su Yun was startled when she heard it, and then gave Xu Jie a charming look.

"Then let's go eat something."


the next day.

After a whole night of fermenting, the topic of the second season finals of "Crossover Actor" has not decreased but increased, and it has directly rushed to No. 1 in the hot search.

And among the top ten most searched, four are news related to "Crossover Actor".

"The second season finale of "Crossover Actor" is over!"

"Qin Xian won the overall championship of the second season of "Crossover Actors"."

"The ratings of the second season finals of "Crossover Actor" are released: 4.473."

"The highest ratings of the finals of "Crossover Actors" broke through 5, breaking the ratings records of many domestic variety shows."

Seeing these news, the people from the Beijing TV station were naturally flattered, and completely took off the hat of "not good at variety shows", while the people from other TV stations were jealous when they saw this.

Huxiang TV Station.

"No matter what, in the second half of the year, we must come up with blockbuster programs, and we must not let Beijing Satellite TV take away the title of No. [-] Variety Show!"

"Yes, Director!"

Shanghai TV Station.

"A rating of 4.473? It's too outrageous. They dare not buy such a high rating. How did they do it?"

"Xu Jie, since Xu Jie returned to the "Crossover Actor" program group as the chief screenwriter, the ratings of this program have remained high."

"It's him again? Can you find a way to recruit this person? Money is not a problem."

"Editor-in-chief, this person is a rich second generation, and his family is not short of money. I heard that he usually drives a multi-million dollar car to and from get off work, wears a multi-million dollar watch, and gives his wife a diamond ring if he is free. The million-dollar kind."


(End of this chapter)

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