The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 592 Someone is jealous!

Chapter 592 Someone is jealous!
on Monday.

When Xu Jie came to the unit, he felt that the atmosphere in the art program center was abnormal as soon as he entered the door.

Obviously, the weekend is just over, after two days of rest and adjustment, everyone should be very energetic, but many people are listless and look very tired.

"What's the matter, someone cooked it?" Xu Jie borrowed a sentence from the advertisement and looked at Qin Yan.

Women, especially hostesses, pay great attention to their own image, especially in TV stations, they will always maintain a glamorous side.

In Xu Jie's impression, Qin Yan, as the first sister of the literature and art channel, always looks radiant and energetic whenever she sees her, but today... she is not in the mood at all.

Qin Yan glanced at Xu Jie, and then said weakly: "Forget it, I have been busy for two days on the new program on the weekend, and I wrote it until 2 o'clock in the morning last night before finishing the plan."

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and asked in surprise, "Didn't you start preparing on Monday? How did you finish writing? Isn't your work efficiency too low?"

In his opinion, Qin Yan's new program "Folk Music Festival" is just a small program broadcast on the art channel, not a large-scale variety show broadcast on the satellite channel, so it doesn't need to spend so much time and thought.

Isn't it just inviting folk musicians to perform?
If it were him, he could finish writing in one day.

When Qin Yan heard this, she immediately became unhappy, and said angrily: "You don't feel back pain when you stand and talk, and you usually have to work on new variety shows with you, and you also need to produce the program "Deep Talk on Film and Television". Writing, saying that my stupid idea can be adopted, is really drunk."

"Haha!" Xu Jie couldn't help laughing, but when talking about "In-depth Film and Television Talk", he suddenly remembered something, looked at the other party and said: "By the way, the interviewees for the next issue of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" have been selected, is The crew of the movie "The World"."

"Got it." Qin Yan answered absently, then frowned suddenly, and asked, "Didn't you just interview the crew of the TV drama all this time? Why did you suddenly want to interview the crew of the movie again?"

"It's July, and the summer vacation is coming soon, it's time to introduce some movies to the audience." Xu Jie said.

"Oh, that's right, wait, "The World"..." Qin Yan frowned slightly, showing a thoughtful look, "Why does this name sound so familiar? By the way, isn't this a movie starring your wife Su Yun? "

"Hey, yes, I need you to take care of me during the interview." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"You're doing the public good for your own benefit." Qin Yan also smiled,

"Look at what you said. My wife's movie is good. I call it a virtuous one without avoiding relatives. Besides, this is the first movie starring the queen of music and the goddess of the country. Whether it is topical or attention, it will be very important." It's a big deal, once the program is broadcast, the ratings must be extraordinary, I'm completely thinking about our program." Xu Jie reasoned seriously.

Qin Yan rolled her eyes straight away, and she spoke so confidently about selfishness, the whole art program center couldn't find another one.

"Okay, I'll write the manuscript right away and review it for you before the interview." Qin Yan said.

Even if it is self-serving for one's own affairs, the gang should help. What's more, this cannot be regarded as self-serving for public benefit. After all, promoting good movies is the purpose of "In-depth Talk on Film and Television".

"Thank you!" Xu Jie said after hearing that, he was relieved that the other party was doing something.

Xu Jie returned to the office, today is not only a new week, but also a new month, so in addition to producing new variety shows, he also needs to shoot "Delicious History". There is a lot of work, and some are busy.

As long as he doesn't leave here for a day, he will still be the deputy director of the art program center, and he must do well in the programs he should do, so he can't ruin his reputation, right?


Not long after, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in."

The door opened, and Tian Haobo walked in from the outside.

"Director Xu, it's time for a meeting."

"What's the content of today's meeting?" Xu Jie asked.

In addition to summarizing last week's work and proposing work goals for this week, the weekly meeting on Monday usually has some very important topics.

Especially after Wang Wanjun came to the art program center, the time of the weekly meeting has increased significantly, and one meeting can last all morning, so everyone has to trot back to their posts after the meeting, or even the normal work will be lost. Can't finish.

"Discuss plans for four new programs." Tian Haobo replied.

Xu Jie nodded. No wonder Qin Yan didn't rest on weekends. It turned out that she was due to hand in the paper today.

He came to the conference room with his notebook, and everyone was present except Wang Wanjun.

After 5 minutes, Wang Wanjun finally arrived.

When Wang Wanjun sat down, the first thing he did was to look at Xu Jie, and said with a smile, "Deputy Director Xu, the finals of "Crossover Actor" broke multiple ratings records, congratulations."

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it. He didn't expect the other party to mention this matter. You must know that the chief director of "Crossover Actor" is Jiang Hai, who is also the previous director of the Cultural Program Center.

In the workplace, the first thing a new official does after taking office is to eliminate the influence left by the previous term, including supporting cronies and denying the work of the previous term.

The things Wang Wanjun did after he came, such as reusing Jiang Lan and Jia Wei, and revamping the art channel, aren't they all to eliminate the influence of the previous one?
Xu Jie didn't know what medicine was sold in the other party's gourd, so he said, "Thank you, but the finals have nothing to do with me, it's all about director Jiang."

"You are too modest. I heard that you are the one who checks the script of the finals? I hope you can also check the new program of our art channel." Wang Wanjun said with an amiable attitude.

"Director Wang doesn't say anything, but I know it too. It's my job." Xu Jie thought to himself: Since you asked me to check it out, I won't be polite if I wait a while.

At this time, Wang Wanjun looked at the other people present and said, "Everyone knows the situation of the finals of "Crossover Actors", right? We have to take it as our goal. I believe we can still produce such an excellent program. What do you think?" ?”

Because "Crossover Actor" is a program of the Art Program Center, and some of the staff members are from the Art Program Center, so there is nothing wrong with Wang Wanjun's use of the word "return".

However, after hearing these words, instead of being encouraged, everyone smiled wryly.

It is no problem to take "Crossover Actor" as the goal, but it is difficult for everyone to make such a show, isn't it?

Can a high-quality, popular, and popular three-high program like "Crossover Actor" be produced by saying it?
There are so many variety shows in the country, is there any more popular than this one?


This kind of success cannot be replicated.

Didn't the former richest man say that?Before people do things, they must first set a small goal. When you start, you set an unrealistic big goal. How can this be motivation?It is clearly a blow.

But if you think about it carefully, everyone will soon understand.

Director Wang is used to being in the satellite TV program center, so his vision is naturally very high.

This is just like the small goals mentioned by the richest man and the small goals spoken by the ordinary people are always different. The small goals mentioned by the richest man may be a dream to ordinary people, and they dare not even dream of such a big one.

Wang Wanjun opened his notebook and started today's meeting.

Xu Jie listened carefully, especially last week's work summary.

Last week, he was busy with the "Crossover Actor" finals. He spent more time at the Grand Theater than at the office, and then he simply put down his work at the Art Program Center.

Now that the second season of "Crossover Actor" is over, he also has time to deal with the matter here.

It's time to make trouble, it's time to fight.

Xu Jie was listening when he suddenly felt his leg kicked.

He leaned back and cast his eyes on Qin Yan's high-heeled shoes under the table.

At this time, a note was handed over from the side.

Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan, who was on the side with a focused expression, then looked at the note, and reached out to take it calmly.

He opened the note, only to see a line written on it: "Someone is jealous!"

Xu Jie instantly understood what Qin Yan meant.

After seeing the success of the second season of "Crossover Actor", Wang Wanjun became jealous.

Regardless of whether it is the new director or the old director, they are all directors of the art program center. Of course, Wang Wanjun also wants to create a popular variety show, not only for the leaders to watch, but also to prove that he is no worse than the previous director.

However, the director's eyes are red, and the unlucky ones must be the subordinates. After all, if the leader wants to achieve results, the best way is to toss the subordinates.

Xu Jie began to understand why Wang Wanjun congratulated him and entrusted him with a heavy responsibility as soon as he entered the conference room. He just wanted him to work for the other party and create a new variety show. At that time, the other party would also be the chief director or chief producer. What, isn't this achievement already there?
Xu Jie couldn't help hehe in his heart.

No way!
"Okay, now let's talk about the revision of our art channel. The four new programs have been confirmed, and Jiang Lan and the others have finished their plans. Next, let's study together. If there are no problems, we can enter the production stage .” Wang Wanjun then began to roll the roll, “Qin Yan, you go ahead.”

"Yes, Director!" Qin Yan got up and came to the front, playing the PPT she made while explaining her thinking to everyone present.

In less than 10 minutes, Qin Yan finished speaking, then returned to her seat and sat down.

"What do you think, let's talk about it." Wang Wanjun asked.

The meeting room was quiet, no one spoke. Qin Yan's program was approved by the director, and she was also the first to be approved among the four new programs. Is there anything else to say?

Seeing that no one spoke, Wang Wanjun said, "Since no one has spoken, let me speak."

Everyone was taken aback, thinking: Didn't you agree to the show?What else do you want to say?

Wang Wanjun looked around in the meeting room, finally set his eyes on Qin Yan's face, and asked with a serious expression: "Qin Yan, are you serious about writing the plan?"


Qin Yan was stunned when she heard it, not understanding what Director Wang meant.

The atmosphere in the meeting room became tense in an instant.

Everyone looked at Director Wang in astonishment, why did he suddenly change his face?


(End of this chapter)

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