The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 593 The sense of existence has become lower?

Chapter 593 The sense of existence has become lower?

"Director, I have carefully written this program plan. In order to complete this plan, in the past weekend, I visited famous artists to collect materials during the day, and organized these materials into text and PPT at night. This is my current plan. The best solution I could come up with so far.”

Faced with Wang Wanjun's doubts, ordinary people would definitely be frightened and at a loss, but Qin Yan did not feel guilty or timid, but chose to stand up and answer bravely.

For this program plan, she had to work overtime almost every day until late at night, and even gave up her weekend break, just to be able to produce a good program.

But now, someone actually questioned her labor results and work attitude, how could she bear it?

He was originally unhappy because he didn't sleep well last night, but now he is even more angry after hearing Wang Wanjun's words.

Hold your breath?

When Wang Wanjun heard that Qin Yan dared to refute, he immediately frowned, and said with a gloomy face: "I want you to come up with a good program plan, not to make you spend time, even if you don't have a rest on weekends, so what? Good plan, you're wasting your time."

Qin Yan didn't flinch at all, raised her chin, looked at Wang Wanjun and asked, "Excuse me, Director Wang, what's wrong with my plan, please advise!"

Wang Wanjun raised the plan in his hand, and said loudly: "How many times do I have to emphasize the content, content, content, content, content, content, content, content, content, how many times do I have to emphasize, it is not enough to have good ideas, but also exciting content that can attract the audience, look at your program program, in addition to inviting Famous artists play and tell stories, and there is nothing else, how can they attract audiences?"

"When I was writing this program, I thought so." Qin Yan said.

"This shows that you haven't thought about it carefully, and your thoughts are still stuck in the past. According to your plan just now, what is the difference between this and ordinary programs?" Wang Wanjun continued to question.


No one in the conference room dared to speak, only the voices of Wang Wanjun and Qin Yan.

No one in the room would have imagined that an ordinary program discussion meeting would turn into what it is now, let alone that Qin Yan would dare to toughen Director Wang,
Could it be because of the summer that everyone is very angry?
But think about it from a different position, if I were Qin Yan, would I feel comfortable if the program plan I worked so hard for a week was rejected by someone?If it was Director Wang again, and his subordinates contradicted him in public, it would be strange if he didn't get angry.

"Qin Yan, don't make excuses for your personal ability problems. If you think your abilities are fine, then take this program plan back and redo it. Remember, there must be highlights, there must be something different! "Wang Wanjun directly threw back the plan that Qin Yan had just put in front of him.

Qin Yan wanted to say something more, but she felt that someone had kicked her left leg. She turned her head to look at Xu Jie on her left, and saw that the other party was sitting quietly, but the hand under the table was pointing at her. Chair.

Obviously, this is telling her to sit down.

Qin Yan gritted her teeth, finally swallowed the words that came to her lips, and sat back on the chair unwillingly.

If it was someone else, she would definitely not listen, but this person is Xu Jie. You must know that in the art program center, the person who quarreled most fiercely with Wang Wanjun was Xu Jie. Now that Xu Jie asked her to sit down, there must be someone from the other party. reason.

For Xu Jie's sake, he endured it this time.

The expression on Wang Wanjun's face did not improve because of Qin Yan's sitting down, but continued: "I found a very bad phenomenon in our department. Efficiency, even if you treat your unit as your home, it’s useless if you don’t get good grades, understand?”


Qin Yan sat on the chair angrily with a cold face. Although she didn't say anything, she spit out Wang Wanjun's scolding in her heart.

What he said was aimed at her deliberately!

No one else in the conference room dared to speak. They looked at the pens in their hands or the notebooks on the table, not daring to look at Director Wang for fear of being implicated.

Some people are definitely not alone, that is to say, anyone else here may be a typical example in Director Wang's mouth, it all depends on who Director Wang said.

Wang Wanjun looked around and saw that no one was challenging his authority anymore, so his expression eased, and he said, "It's not that I'm picking on you, it's just that some people have a problem with their work attitude and want to make a good show. , we must take a serious attitude and let the audience feel our sincerity, you should learn more from Deputy Director Xu, and be serious and responsible in your work, the ratings will not lie!"

The ballpoint pen spinning in Xu Jie's hand suddenly stopped, and he was particularly dissatisfied with Wang Wanjun's words.

Is this setting an example for him?Or call him out to draw hatred?

"Work attitude is related to the ratings, but there is no direct relationship. If you are serious and responsible, the ratings will be high, so what are we still discussing here?" Xu Jie said, he firmly refused to blame this kind of hatred. .

"I think Director Wang is right." Jia Wei said at this time: "If you don't have a serious attitude and the spirit of being responsible for your work, how can you make a good program? If the program is not good, how can the ratings be high? "

Xu Jie turned to look at Jia Wei, and said lightly, "Really? Then let's listen to Jia Wei's program plan and see how his program is."

Jia Wei was taken aback, knowing that Deputy Director Xu was going to target him, but he was not worried, because the program plan in his hand had already been seen by Director Wang and praised by Director Wang, so there was nothing to worry about.

He turned to look at Director Wang, waiting for the other party's instructions. After seeing Director Wang nodded slightly, he couldn't wait to stand up, play the prepared PPT, and start explaining to everyone like Qin Yan.

"My program is called "The Story of Art". As the name suggests, it is about art, art is the theme, and the story is the core. Through telling art stories, the audience in front of the TV can understand art better. I am going to go first. Let's start with traditional art..." Jia Wei started talking endlessly.

Xu Jie looked at Jia Wei silently. The other party looked confident and seemed confident about the program plan he had written. Then he looked at Wang Wanjun who was listening and nodded. The program is very satisfactory.

Jia Wei spoke impassionedly for a few minutes, and after the plan was finished, he smiled and said to the colleagues present: "My plan is finished, and everyone's criticism and correction are welcome."

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Wang Wanjun raised his hands and began to applaud Jia Wei.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, and then some people also applauded.

one, two, three...

Applause broke out.

"Wow wow wow..."

After a while, Wang Wanjun stopped applauding, and the others put their hands down one after another.

"Well, there are ideas and bright spots, and you can see that you have put your heart into thinking about the plan at a glance, which is very good." Wang Wanjun highly praised it.

When Qin Yan heard this, she immediately rolled her eyes and twitched the corners of her lips.

"Director, in fact, I just finished my job, it's nothing." Jia Wei said modestly.

"Not arrogant or impetuous, that's right." Wang Wanjun turned his head to look at the people present and asked, "What else do you think, let's talk about it?"

Jiang Lan raised her hand, and said: "I think Jia Wei's proposal is very well written, not only very detailed, but also thoughtful and insightful. For example, what he mentioned just now is asking the old artist to tell his personal experience. Let people truly feel the charm of art, I think the audience will like it very much."

"That's right, what our art channel lacks most now is such heart-warming programs. True stories are the easiest to move people, and they can also bring spiritual resonance to the audience!" said program director Chen Jincang.

"I like this program very much. I want to join this program group. Is it possible?" A reporter asked.

"Welcome!" Jia Wei said with a smile.

Wang Wanjun said at this time: "Since everyone thinks it's good, then..."

"Wait!" Xu Jie who had been silent all this time suddenly said.

After such a long meeting, he discovered a problem.

These days, he has been busy with "Crossover Actor", and his presence in the art program center has also become low. Everyone seems to have forgotten about him.

If the tiger doesn't show off its power, it treats me like a sick cat?
Zheng worried that he couldn't find an opportunity to make trouble, and now that the opportunity has come to him, is there any reason to waste it?

"Deputy Director Xu, what's the matter?" Wang Wanjun asked.

"I don't understand one thing very much. I don't know who can answer me." Xu Jie said.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Wang Wanjun asked with a smile
"Qin Yan invited famous artists to tell stories, and was said not to be exciting, but when Jia Wei invited artists to tell stories, did they become thoughtful and insightful?" Xu Jie said lightly.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, they didn't pay much attention before, but after Deputy Director Xu said this, it was really the case.

"Deputy Director Xu, inviting artists is just a form, the key depends on the specific content." Jia Wei said.

"What's the specific content? Isn't the purpose of the program all to impress the audience and let them deepen their understanding of folk music and art? To be honest, I just listened to it for a long time, but I didn't hear what you said." Xu Jie said.

"In addition to inviting artists, my program also explores deeper aspects of art." Jia Wei explained.

"Qin Yan also said that it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis of traditional folk music." Xu Jie said.

"There are many forms of art. I will choose some popular and novel ones, and compare them horizontally and vertically, so that the audience can understand them more easily." Jia Wei continued to explain.

"I remember that Qin Yan also mentioned that there are many forms of folk music, and she will analyze them one by one for the audience," Xu Jie said.


Jia Wei suddenly got stuck. He was confident just now, but now he panicked.

Although he felt that his program plan was different from Qin Yan's in many ways, Deputy Director Xu's aggressive attitude made him feel oppressed.

It felt like... No matter what he said, the other party had something waiting for him.

Everyone is originally in the center of cultural and art programs, and the programs they do are all related to art and literature. How can it be possible to say that there is no connection at all?

"Why, can't you tell the difference?" Xu Jie turned his head to look at Wang Wanjun and asked, "Director Wang, you have a high level and can see the difference between the two plans, so you should help me out. What is the difference between these two programs!"



(End of this chapter)

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