The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 594 Is the flame out?

Chapter 594 Is the flame out?
The conference room was silent, and a needle could be heard. Everyone was tense and did not dare to slack off.


Deputy Director Xu is going to "debate" with Director Wang again!

This kind of scene is all too familiar to everyone here, because when Director Wang first came to the Arts Program Center, such a scene would appear in almost every meeting.

Speaking of which, it has been a long time since Deputy Director Xu and Director Wang "debated".

Although "Huashan Lunjian" has not officially started, everyone has already smelled a strong smell of gunpowder in the air.

Still the original recipe, still the familiar taste.

"Deputy Director Xu, it seems that you didn't listen carefully to Jia Wei and Qin Yan's plan just now, otherwise you wouldn't be ignorant of the difference between the two of them." Wang Wanjun looked at Xu Jie and said, the smile on his face gradually disappeared. stand up.

"I listened carefully, but people are dull and don't understand. Otherwise, how can I say that Director Wang is high-level? Everyone didn't hear it, but you are the only one who did. Please tell everyone." Xu Jie smiled. Looking at the other party, I feel that I have not been angry for a while, and the other party has obviously become proud.

"I have emphasized many times just now that it is attitude. Jia Wei and Qin Yan have completely different attitudes towards the program. From Jia Wei's program plan, I can feel the heart, and from Qin Yan's program plan, I feel I can only feel perfunctory." Wang Wanjun said solemnly.

Everyone present was stunned.

What is "feeling"?Can this also be called a reason?The reason is too vague, right?

"Oh? Could it be that Director Wang evaluates the quality of a program based on his feelings?" Xu Jie said in surprise.

"Maybe you have just been the deputy director, and you have been exposed to very few programs, and you still don't understand it. After you stay in this position for a long time, you will naturally understand my feeling. This is the realm." Wang Wanjun said old-fashioned.

Xu Jie looked at the other party's pretending, and sneered secretly in his heart, pretending to be a senior in front of him, the other party is not qualified enough.

"I didn't expect Director Wang to be such a sentimental person. I thought Director Wang was monitoring their every move." Xu Jie turned his head to look at the other people in the conference room, and said, "I have a temporary proposal, let Director Wang would like to share his feelings with everyone, a person as magnanimous as Director Wang will definitely not refuse, come on, everyone applauds and welcomes!"

After speaking, he raised his hands and applauded vigorously.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Yan responded immediately.

Then came the people from the "Delicious History" program group, and the "Film and Television Talk" program group, and finally even the people from the new variety show "Ordinary Courage" applauded.

"Wow wow wow..."

Although not everyone was applauding, the applauding people occupied half of the conference room.

For a moment, the scene was the same as when Jia Wei finished talking about the program plan just now.

Wang Wanjun's face turned ugly all of a sudden, Xu Jie's words were second to none, the key is that so many people responded to the other party's words in the meeting room.

Doesn't this prevent him from stepping down?

For him, this situation is not a good thing.

He originally thought that during the time when Xu Jie was busy with "Crossover Actor", he had almost subdued the people in the art program center, but he didn't expect that everything was just on the surface, and the other party still had so many hardcore people.

"Deputy Director Xu, you didn't listen carefully to what I said. Didn't I just say that? This is a feeling that only those who have reached a certain level will have." Wang Wanjun said.


how to explain?

He just wanted to take advantage of this meeting to attack Qin Yan and raise Jiang Lan. Could it be that he should tell his real purpose?
"Director Wang, just because we know that you have a high level and high level, we all believe that you will be able to describe that feeling to us in easy-to-understand language. Is Director Wang not willing to share it with us? Or, are you Are you perfunctory us?" Xu Jie asked.

"Deputy Director Xu, what are you talking about? How could Director Wang be perfunctory to us?" Jia Wei stood up and said.

For him, anyway, the program plan has been finished, and the problems have been picked up by Deputy Director Xu, so what else is there to worry about?Anyway, Director Wang is there.

"Yes, there are some things that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words. Haven't you heard the big devil who plays table tennis say that? Sometimes in a game, you can know that the opponent will lose as soon as you shake hands before you have to fight. I think Director Wang is doing the same now. The same." Chen Jinchang followed up.

Wang Wanjun nodded in satisfaction, he was right.

"Oh!" Xu Jie showed a look of enlightenment, on the surface he believed it, but in his heart he dismissed it, and put it on him to pretend to be coercive.

"Okay, let's go on, Cheng Guangxian, it's your turn!" Wang Wanjun continued, afraid that Xu Jie would bring up the matter of feeling again.

"Yes, Director!" Cheng Guangxian trembled all over, looked at Director Wang, then at Deputy Director Xu, then stood up cautiously, and walked forward.

The others were very curious, what happened to Deputy Director Xu today?How could it be turned off so easily?It wasn't like this before.

Didn't "debate" with Director Wang for a long time, did his skill drop?Or is it that Director Wang has too many helpers, and Deputy Director Xu is powerless?

Although Cheng Guangxian was talking about the program plan, everyone's eyes unconsciously turned to Deputy Director Xu. Could it be that Deputy Director Xu just lost?Still lost in front of a reason that sounds ridiculous?
A series of question marks popped up in everyone's minds, and at the same time they were worried about their job prospects, because if Deputy Director Xu didn't speak up, working overtime might become a norm in the future.

Qin Yan stretched out her long legs, and lightly kicked Xu Jie next to him with her high heels under the table, while looking at him suspiciously.

In her heart, the contest between Xu Jie and Director Wang all ended in Xu Jie's victory, and the other party's ability to reason was simply unrivaled.

But what happened to the other party today?
Just now she was asked to sit down and not to argue, but now even the other party is silent, could it be that something is on her mind and she is not in the mood?
Xu Jie glanced at Qin Yan, then moved the chair under his buttocks to move a little away from Qin Yan.


Qin Yan opened her eyes wide and looked at Xu Jie in disbelief. Could it be that the other party gave in just like that?

Cheng Guangxian finished his program plan tremblingly, and then looked at Director Wang and Deputy Director Xu. As a person who did not belong to either side, he knew very well that it was useless for other people present to say anything, and in the end he had to listen to Director Wang. Director and Deputy Director Xu's decision.

In particular, Deputy Director Xu just now seemed to be suppressed by Director Wang. I don't know if he will use his program as an excuse to attack Director Wang again.

"Let's talk about it, everyone." Wang Wanjun looked at everyone and at the same time winked at his own people.

This time, he didn't express his own opinion first, but let others speak first. This was also to prevent Deputy Director Xu from bringing up the matter of feeling again.

"I think Cheng Guangxian's plan is very good. It brings together various folk art content, increases the interaction with the audience, and narrows the distance between the program and the audience." Jia Wei said.

"Yes, turn the "Quyi Awards" into a home for quyi artists, and let those who love quyi also integrate into this big family..." Chen Jinchang said, competing to perform in front of Director Wang today.

Jiang Lan opened her mouth, but said nothing in the end.

It wasn't that she had nothing to say, but that she didn't dare to say it.

Because she was the next person to talk about the program plan, she was worried that she would talk too much at this time, and she would be targeted by Deputy Director Xu later. Although Director Wang was there, she was afraid of being targeted before, leaving a shadow in her heart.

She cautiously looked at Deputy Director Xu, but was stunned.

I saw Deputy Director Xu sitting on the chair upright, with no expression on his face, and most importantly, his eyes were closed.

That's right, with eyes closed.

what's the situation?
Was the meeting too boring to fall asleep?
But sleeping at the meeting in front of all the staff of the Arts Program Center, wouldn't it damage your personal image?
At this time, other people also noticed the strangeness of Deputy Director Xu, and their faces were full of doubts.


The meeting was going well, why did I fall asleep?

Is Deputy Director Xu feeling unwell today?
Well, it's possible, otherwise, when I faced Director Wang just now, why did the fire suddenly turn off?

Wang Wanjun frowned slightly, wondering what this person was doing again?
Wouldn't it be using sleep to express dissatisfaction and protest?

Better yet, the only person who is a threat to him is asleep and he can do whatever he wants in the meeting.

"Since everyone agrees, then Cheng Guangxian's program plan is approved, and the next one is Jiang Lan!" Wang Wanjun said quickly.

There is an old saying: You will die while you are sick!
For him, now is the best opportunity.

Seeing that Deputy Director Xu didn't speak out about Cheng Guangxian's program, Jiang Lan was relieved, and a smile appeared on her face.

In fact, Cheng Guangxian's program plan was nothing special, and Deputy Director Xu didn't even stand up to say a word, thinking it must have really turned off.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lan stood up generously, walked towards the front of the meeting room with catwalks, and played her program plan for everyone to see.

"The purpose of my program "The Great Stage for the Common People" is to make it a stage that truly belongs to the common people, so that the common people in the capital can showcase their talents and spiritual outlook on this stage..."

Deputy Director Xu's "sleep" made her a lot bolder, and her confidence returned to her face. Originally, she only prepared a speech for seven or eight minutes, but it turned out that the speech lasted more than ten minutes, which was the most time for four people to speak. longest.

"My plan is finished, what do you think?" Jiang Lan said with a smile, looked around the conference table, and finally fell on Director Wang's face.

At this time, as long as Director Wang said a word, her program would definitely pass.

In other words, among the four program proposals today, only Qin Yan's proposal failed. This was definitely a big blow to Qin Yan, and at the same time, it also made people in the department recognize the reality.

Wang Wanjun nodded with a smile, and was about to speak, when suddenly a voice sounded beside him. It was so loud that he was shocked, and it rang through the entire conference room.

"I've found the feeling!" Xu Jie said loudly excitedly: "I feel that this plan is very bad!"

Everyone is dumbfounded!

"What do you say?"


(End of this chapter)

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