Chapter 597
"Xiao Xu, did you encounter any difficulties?" Lu Hong asked with concern.

The performance of Beijing Satellite TV in the first half of the year is still very impressive. Whether it is news programs, variety shows, or TV dramas, they have achieved quite good ratings, especially the second season of "Crossover Actors". It also drove the popularity of the entire TV station.

Now everyone is full of enthusiasm for the work in the second half of the year, and they are full of confidence in regaining the title of "The Most Influential Provincial Satellite TV of the Year". Not too big, how can this work?
You must know that among all the programs of Beijing Satellite TV, variety shows are undoubtedly the most important part, and they are also the most influential. If its ratings are not good, it will affect the entire TV station.

In a word, when Xiao Xu coughs, the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV catch a cold.

"Editor Lu, if we talk about difficulties, there must be difficulties, but I will try my best to overcome them." Xu Jie said, "I just feel a little hopeless."

"Xiao Xu, you are the trump card of our station's variety show. If you feel that you have no bottom, who else can stand up?" Lu Hong leaned forward, put his elbows on the table, and asked curiously towards Xu Jie: " Why do you feel this way? Is it because of the content of the program? Or is it because of your inability to do what you want in post-production? Tell us and listen, and we will find a way to solve it for you."

The heads of other departments also looked over, hoping to help.

Although they are not in the same department, they even have a certain competitive relationship with Xu Jie for their own department's programs to be listed on Beijing Satellite TV, but Xu Jie's existence has relieved them a lot of viewing pressure.

When variety shows were weak in the past, the station always wanted to seek breakthroughs in other types of shows, and the requirements for other departments naturally increased.

But now, Xu Jie has made variety shows very popular, and the ratings have repeatedly broken records. The requirements of other departments in the station are not as high as before.

Facing everyone's eyes, Xu Jie shook his head and said, "I can't tell. It's just a feeling anyway, isn't it, Director Wang?" He turned to look at Wang Wanjun.

Wang Wanjun trembled all over, with an extremely embarrassed expression.

Maybe others don't know what's going on, but he knows very well in his heart that if he feels or doesn't feel it, the other party just wants to make trouble.

No, fuck him!
"Yes, right!" Wang Wanjun said hesitantly, bowing his head guiltyly.

"Actually, I feel that this thing is not necessarily accurate." Zhou Zhenghua, director of the sports program center, said with a smile: "It's like football. Before I kick it, I feel that anyone can win it. After I kick it, I find that no one can win."

"Deputy Director Xu, is it because your requirements for the program are too high?" People from other departments also asked.

"Did the success of "Crossover Actor" bring you too much pressure? If so, I don't think it is necessary. The reason why human beings are different from other animals is because they have rationality. Only the most primitive animals will Follow your feelings!" Lu Hong said.

"Well, Director Lu is right, it seems that I was worrying too much." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this.

Wang Wanjun: Then I am a primitive animal?

Seeing the smile on Xu Jie's face again, Lu Hong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, after all, Beijing Satellite TV's variety shows in the second half of the year are all counting on him.

"Director Wanjun..." Lu Hong looked at Wang Wanjun and said, "You are the director of the Art Program Center, and you should pay more attention to Deputy Director Xu's programs in the future. If you encounter any problems, you should try to help Deputy Director Xu, understand me mean?"

"Understood, understood!" Wang Wanjun nodded repeatedly, but his back was sweating.

Originally, he wanted to use this mid-year meeting to let the surname Xu know his position in the heart of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, but now he found that the position of the surname Xu in the heart of deputy editor-in-chief Lu seemed to be higher than his position in the heart of deputy editor-in-chief Lu. The position of the deputy editor-in-chief is still high, otherwise, deputy editor-in-chief Lu would not let him care about the surname Xu.

He has been by Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's side for so many years, so he naturally knows what Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu meant just now. Although what he said was caring and helping, it was actually asking him to cooperate with Xu Jie's variety show.

The director cooperates with the deputy director?
Simply unheard of.

It's over, if the other party asks for this request in the name of producing a variety show in the future, he won't even be able to find someone to complain about.

Who is the big and small king?

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, how could you do this?

Wang Wanjun felt depressed and lost, but he also strengthened his determination to revise the art channel.

He wants to prove himself with a good program, and at the same time let deputy editor-in-chief Lu see the results of his work.

He wanted to tell Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu clearly that even without Xu Jie, he could stand up and replace him.

The meeting lasted for more than an hour before it ended.

Wang Wanjun returned to the art program center and locked himself in the office.

This time, he will personally plan a variety show.



Xu Jie returned to work after completing the shooting task of "Delicious History". Not surprisingly, it was another day when most people were working overtime.

No way, who let only one of the four new programs pass?The other three program groups that did not pass had no choice but to stay here and explode.

"and many more!"

When Xu Jie passed by in the aisle, he was stopped by Qin Yan, who took out a document from a drawer and handed it over.

"Give you!"

"What?" Xu Jie took it and asked.

"I've already drafted the interview script for "In-depth Film and Television Talk." Qin Yan said.

"So fast?" Xu Jie asked in surprise.

He just told the other party about it this morning, and it was already written in the evening?Work efficiency is too fast, right?
Qin Yan looked around, and then said in a low voice: "You help me vent my anger, of course I have to focus on your business first, quickly see how the interview about your daughter-in-law is, if it's not good, I'll go home and change it .” After finishing speaking, he began to tidy up the desk.

"Are you leaving? No more overtime?" Xu Jie asked.

"Since the plan written by overtime work is not good, who will stay here and work overtime? Are you stupid? If I hadn't waited for you, I would have left long ago." Qin Yan said.

Xu Jie was taken aback. He confronted Director Wang because he wanted to leave the Art Center, but what did Qin Yan do?Do you want to leave too?
He looked at Jia Wei and Jiang Lan who were not far away. They and the team were still there, and they had no intention of leaving.

"Have you figured it out? Be careful of wearing small shoes in the future." Xu Jie reminded.

"It's as if you're not being put on shoes now, so hurry up and take a look, and if you have any comments, hurry up and don't delay getting off work." Qin Yan said impatiently.

She finally understood that Wang Wanjun was determined to support Jiang Lan and attack her, the former director's confidant. Anyway, she would be put on little shoes, so why swallow it?It's better to let yourself go.

Xu Jie smiled, this is the Qin Yan he knew.

Xu Jie didn't go back to the office, but directly pulled a chair from the side and sat down, looking at the interview draft in his hand word by word.

In fact, he is quite relieved about Qin Yan's interview draft. After all, "In-depth Film and Television Talk" has been broadcast for almost a year, and the interview draft is basically in charge of the other party.

He read the interview script, that is, to see if there were any questions about the interview with Su Yun. After all, she was his wife, so he couldn't ask all kinds of questions like interviewing other heroines.

The interview draft has eight pages in total, and the interview about Su Yun took up three pages. He finished it in less than 2 minutes, took out a pen from his pocket, and crossed and circled some of the questions. .

"Don't ask these two questions that are crossed. Although the topic is very high, it may even be on the hot search, but as a person, you still need to take care of it. The circled questions can be further in-depth. Compared with the past, this time not only to promote the movie, but also to promote my wife, because later on National Day there will be her movie..." Xu Jie stated his purpose straightforwardly, without treating Qin Yan as an outsider at all.

"Understood, I'll go home tonight and revise it, and I'll show it to you tomorrow morning." Qin Yan took the manuscript and stuffed it into her bag. Just as she was about to leave, she saw Wang Wanjun coming to the office area.

If it were someone else, she would definitely sit down at this time, put away her bag, and pretend to be working, but Qin Yan has decided to let herself go, so she picked up her bag and left.

"Qin Yan, have you finished changing the program plan?" Wang Wanjun asked suddenly.

"Not yet." Qin Yan stopped and said.

"How much have you written?" Wang Wanjun asked again.

"I didn't write much." Qin Yan said lightly.

"Bring it to me to have a look, so as not to fail the meeting next week." Wang Wanjun said.


Qin Yan was taken aback when she heard it, and then an embarrassing expression appeared on her face.

When she said she didn't write much, she actually didn't write a single word.

Because the program plan was rejected, or because of the ridiculous "feeling", she is still angry until now, and has no intention of changing it at all. What should she take?
Seeing Qin Yan's embarrassment, Xu Jie also guessed that the other party must have left nothing to write, so he stood up frowning.Do you feel uncomfortable when you don't see people working overtime?

Seeing Xu Jie's expression, Wang Wanjun knew that the other party had misunderstood him, so he said quickly: "It seems that it's time to get off work, so you can show me tomorrow." After speaking, he looked at other people in the office area and said, "After work It's okay, you can go now."

Everyone was startled when they heard it, what's going on?
He even took the initiative to ask everyone to get off work. Is this the sun coming out from the west?
Even Xu Jie froze in place, wondering what kind of trick the other party was playing?Didn't I stand up for nothing?
Wang Wanjun didn't care about other people's eyes, and walked towards his office.

In fact, he came out specifically to show his favor to Xu Jie.

His idea is very simple. By watching Qin Yan's program plan, saying a few words of praise, and confirming that it will be approved next week, Xu Jie's hostility towards Jia Wei and Jiang Lan will be resolved, so that everyone's program plan can be accepted. Pass quickly, so as to carry out the production of new programs, speed up the revision of the art channel, and achieve the ultimate goal of showing the results to the leaders.

He found out that the longer he was in a stalemate with Xu Jie, the more unfavorable it would be to his work, and it would not be too late to settle accounts with the other party after the revision was successful.

Moreover, deputy editor-in-chief Lu is still looking forward to the other party's program. Now that the other party's momentum is in full swing, it's better for him to avoid it.

Save first!


(End of this chapter)

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