The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 598 "The World" Crew Reunited

Chapter 598 "The World" Crew Reunited

on Tuesday.

Xu Jie came to the unit early, took the equipment and the people from the "Delicious History" program group, and drove to the film and television base to film the star part of the program in August.

The reason why he rushed early was because the weather was too hot recently. The weather forecast said that the highest temperature today would reach 32 degrees Celsius. He didn't want to shoot the show in an environment exposed to the sun.

When it was time to eat at noon, WeChat received a message from Qin Yan. The other party took a photo of the revised interview content last night and sent it to him, asking him to check it again. If something is inappropriate, please reply to the message quickly. After all, it will be conducted tomorrow. recorded.

Xu Jie took a quick look, focusing on the questions circled last night.

It has to be said that Qin Yan still understands him very well. These added issues are both explosive and hot. Not only can it increase Su Yun's popularity, but it will not hurt Su Yun at all. This is what a good host should have The condition is to be able to grasp the scale well.

The interview scale is well mastered, the program has topics, the audience is willing to watch it, and the interviewee can also gain popularity. Hello, me, him, everyone, everyone, all win.

If the interview scale is not well grasped, the program will be boring, the audience will not buy it, the interviewee will be angry, and everyone will be bad, which will easily lead to counterproductive effects.

After reading the interview, Xu Jie resolutely gave Qin Yan a "thumbs up" emoji to show his affirmation.

Whether this unpopular literary film "Human World" can attract everyone's attention depends entirely on the other party's interview tomorrow.


Xu Jie rushed back to the art program center before getting off work.

I don't know if it was intentional, but as soon as he showed up, he saw Wang Wanjun coming to the office area.

"Qin Yan, how is the program plan changed?"

Xu Jie couldn't help frowning, why is this happening again?
He now seriously suspects that the other party deliberately blocked him, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence?

"I just wrote a beginning." Qin Yan gave Wang Wanjun the plan that he started writing this afternoon.

It was said to be the beginning, but it was actually only one page, and it was written entirely to deal with Wang Wanjun. It took less than half an hour to write, and the rest of the time was busy with the new variety show "Ordinary Courage". As for the program "Folk Music Festival", she I have already given up. Anyway, it is broadcast on the Art Channel. If you don’t accept it, you won’t accept it.

Xu Jie stopped beside him calmly, pretending to communicate with Song Huanhuan about today's filming work, thinking in his heart that if Wang Wanjun still wants to play with his feelings, he will let the other party feel that you have no discussion tonight.

Wang Wanjun looked at it for a while, then nodded and said: "Well, yes, it's very good, just write it down according to this idea." After finishing speaking, he left.

In fact, this is a sequel from yesterday, so he deliberately asked the security guard at the guard box to notify Xu Jie immediately after he came back, just to perform the play just now.

Speaking of which, he has been in the Arts Program Center for more than a month, and it is a bit unjustifiable if he doesn't show some results.

Qin Yan froze immediately after hearing Wang Wanjun's words.

She just writes casually, without any intention at all, so why is it so good?
Qin Yan looked at Wang Wanjun strangely, and said that she didn't care when she was serious about writing, and that she was fine when she was not paying attention when writing. She seriously doubted the other party's professional level.

But if she follows the other party's standards, it will be much easier for her to work in the future.

But Xu Jie understood what Wang Wanjun meant.

The behavior of the other party is undoubtedly a signal of preparation for a truce and reconciliation, and it is for him to see.

I won't touch your people, and you won't touch mine either.

Xu Jie also hesitated.

Do you still hate it?

Damn, the other party will continue to touch the people around him. If you don't hate, how can you get Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu to transfer him to Jingshi Culture?
Xu Jie thought a lot about Qin Yan.

If you continue to fight and fight with Wang Wanjun, even if he leaves in the end, what will happen to the people around him?

Go to Jingshi Culture with him?

Absolutely impossible!
Neither the deputy editor-in-chief Lu nor the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou would let him take away one-third of the staff of the art program center.

He is a person, but not a person!

It seems that there is another way to think of, a way that will not hurt the people around him, a way that can be fatal in one blow.



Finally came the recording day of "In-depth Film and Television Talk".

After lunch, Xu Jie came to the sentry box next to the gate, chatting with the security guards, while waiting for the crew of "Human World" to arrive.

The agreed time was 1:1 in the afternoon, but just after [-]:[-], people came one after another.

"Director Ye, long time no see." Xu Jie walked out of the sentry box and walked towards director Ye Chu who was riding an old scooter.

"Director Xu, hello." Ye Chu parked the electric car, then politely stretched out both hands to hold Xu Jie's hand tightly, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Director Xu, for inviting us to record program, to promote our film."

"Director Ye, you are too polite. I should be the one to say thank you. Otherwise, you wouldn't have to postpone the movie's release date by half a year." Xu Jie said embarrassingly.

In fact, the movie "Human World" was supposed to be released during the Spring Festival last year, but in order to renew the popularity of Su Yun and the movie "Mulan", he specifically approached Ye Chu, hoping that the other party could postpone the movie's release time by half a year , changed to the summer vacation file.

This has a great impact on the movie "The World" and the main creators of the crew.

One is that the Spring Festival stalls are better than the summer vacation stalls, and more people go to the cinema.

You must know that the main audience of literary and artistic films are literary youths, not school students, and whether it is summer vacation or not has nothing to do with literary youths.

The second is that it will affect the work of the main creators, such as Ye Chu, whose reputation in the film and television industry is very small, and there are very few people who ask him to make movies.

If "The World" could be released earlier, maybe it would bring him some popularity and more jobs.

The old saying is good: You need to be famous as early as possible, and if the film is delayed for more than half a year, it is tantamount to wasting half a year of the other party's time.

The third is that during the Spring Festival, Su Yun's popularity for winning the "Crossover Actor" championship is still there. Although several months have passed by then, because of advertisements and magazines, Su Yun's popularity has lasted for a long time.

If "The World" had been released during the Spring Festival, it would have been able to draw attention to Su Yun's popularity at that time, and maybe it would have sold a lot of money. However, now that Su Yun has not released any works for a whole year, the popularity will inevitably decrease. dropped.

"Director Xu, it's nothing. The movie "The World" is originally a small literary movie, and it doesn't matter when it's released. Besides, you and Sister Yun helped me a lot during the filming of this movie. Such a trivial matter is nothing to worry about." Ye Chu said indifferently after hearing this.

Xu Jie looked at the other party, a white T-shirt that was so simple that it faded, big pants that cost dozens of dollars a pair on the side of the road, ordinary sandals that couldn’t be worn in ordinary ones, and that old electric car with the sponge already exposed on the seat cushion, This kind of image may be a hidden rich man in the southern coastal cities, but it must be a desolate pauper in the capital, and the other party looks darker than when he was filming the movie.

"How have you been recently?" Xu Jie asked.

"Creating, I'm writing the second script." Ye Chu said a little embarrassed.

Xu Jie nodded, this can also be understood as: no job, stay at home.

When filming the movie "The World", he knew that this was a very poor crew, and the other party borrowed a lot of money to make this movie.

Even during the filming process, several times I was so poor that I couldn't continue filming. In the end, Su Yun not only didn't ask for a salary, but also paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in it, and then finished the filming of the film.

Later, he also heard from Su Yun that Ye Chuquan was counting on this movie to pay off his debts.

Thinking about the past half a year, the other party's life must not be very good.

Xu Jie reached out and patted the other party's shoulder, and said seriously: "Believe me, after this movie is released, your name will definitely spread throughout the film and television circle."

Ye Chu smiled shyly, "Director Xu, don't make fun of me, I don't have high requirements for this movie, just don't make you and Sister Yun lose money."

"Don't say such frustrating words, by the way, where is your mobile phone?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

Ye Chu took out his mobile phone from his pocket. The back was bumpy, the paint on the sides had peeled off, and there was a crack on the screen. He knew it had been used for a long time.

Xu Jie took it over and said while entering the number: "The owner of this number is the general manager of Jingshi Culture. If you make this call later, just say that I introduced it, and he will arrange a suitable job for you."

"Ah? But besides writing scripts and making movies, I have bricks and bricks, so I can't do anything else." Ye Chu was startled, he didn't expect Xu Jie to introduce him to a job.

"That's right, Jingshi Culture also has a film and television drama business. If you go there, you can use your expertise. Don't get me wrong, I have taken a fancy to your talent, not to make you pay off your debts. Of course, this job is just an option. Maybe after the movie becomes popular, ask your people to break through the threshold, and then you won’t need this job.” Xu Jie returned the phone to the other party, and then pointed in the direction of the gate of the TV station, “Okay, go in, remember , Arts Program Center."

Ye Chu looked at Xu Jie moved, "Thank you Director Xu."

Xu Jie waved his hands again and again.

Ye Chu heard the electric car next to the sentry box, and then walked into the gate.

Xu Jie looked at Ye Chu's back until he could no longer see him, then turned around.


A harsh whistle sounded suddenly, Xu Jie frowned and looked over, and saw a sports car parked outside the gate, and then the driver's window opened, and a head protruded from it.

"Brother-in-law, I'm coming!"

After speaking, he blew the whistle twice.

Xu Jie walked over with a sullen face, without saying a word, raised his hand to Su Lei's head, and said angrily: "I don't even look at this place, is it the place where you honked the horn indiscriminately? Did you shoot it?" A few bad movies started to float again?"

"No, brother-in-law, am I excited to see you?" Su Lei said with a smile.

"Excited fart, get out of here quickly, and don't talk nonsense!" Xu Jie warned.


Xu Jie rolled his eyes at the other party, how uneasy!


(End of this chapter)

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