The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 599 When will the wedding be held?

Chapter 599 When will the wedding be held?

"Hi Director Xu, I'm Li Zhongpeng, the assistant director of the movie "The World", do you remember me?"

"Director Xu, why did you come out to meet him in person? How embarrassing."

Familiar faces appeared in front of Xu Jie's eyes. Although it had been a long time since the last meeting, he still had an impression of these people.

Of course, the main thing is that these people remember him. After seeing him at the gate, they excitedly stepped forward and started introducing themselves, even if they couldn't remember him.

No way, who made him a celebrity?
And he is more famous now than when he was filming the movie "The World".

"Mr. Xu is good."

Another cast member came forward to greet Xu Jie. This time Xu Jie recognized who it was before the other party introduced himself.

Acquaintance Ding Mengni.

The other party is not only the second female lead in the movie "The World", but also plays the role of Su Yun's younger sister in the play, and is also an assistant in the first and second seasons of "Crossover Actor". I just met in the finals a few days ago, so The two are not familiar with each other.

"Come on, how are you doing recently, have you picked up any new plays?" Xu Jie asked.

"I took over a costume drama and played the female number four in it." Ding Mengni replied respectfully.

Whether it is the second female lead in the movie "The World" or the assistant actor in "Crossover Actor", these opportunities were introduced to her by teachers Xu before her, so she has always been grateful.

"Well, it's good, haven't you signed a brokerage company yet?" Xu Jie looked at Ding Mengni and asked.

In fact, based on the other party's conditions, she is completely qualified for a more important role, but because there is no agent, there are few resources, and she refuses to socialize. After learning about this situation, many investors and crews who originally wanted to choose her, In the end it was all over.

"No." Ding Mengni shook her head, then said with a wry smile, "Mr. Xu, you know that few agencies are willing to sign an actor like me."

"Be patient, you are still young, and gold will always shine." Xu Jie comforted.

As for advice, he really couldn't give it.

The other party is a rich second generation, and he doesn't care about the salary or whether he has a job. This is also the confidence that the other party dares to refuse to socialize.

And from his point of view, the other party just regards acting as a hobby and pastime. If there is a play, he will shoot it, and if there is no play, he will live the life of a rich lady. Anyway, there is no pressure in life, so there is no need to wrong himself.

Not long after, a commercial vehicle parked outside the gate.

Xu Jie saw the license plate clearly, and a smile appeared on his face. Today's protagonist is here.

At this time, the car door opened slowly, and Su Yun was seen getting out of the car.


Su Yun quickly walked in front of Xu Jie, opened her arms and threw herself into the man's arms.

Xu Jie hugged Su Yun tightly, turned around in a circle and stopped, regardless of whether anyone was watching, just bowed his head and kissed affectionately.

It is said that marrying a celebrity will cause mutual affection to fade due to the long-term separation between the two places, but he does not feel this way at all.

A change of heart is a change of heart, so why use other things as an excuse?
"I'm not late, am I?" Su Yun asked.


Xu Jie told the security guard, put the commercial vehicle outside, and then pulled Su Yun into the TV station.

Come to the studio.

The staff is putting on make-up for the crew members of "The World", at the same time, Qin Yan is also communicating with the crew members about the content of the interview.

When everyone saw Xu Jie and Su Yun coming, they all stopped their work to say hello.

"Hello, Miss Yun!"

"Sister Yun, long time no see, you look beautiful again."

"Sister Yun, you've worked hard on the road!"

Su Yun smiled and responded one by one, filled with emotion for a moment.

Although it has been a year and a half since the filming of "The World" has ended, everything seems to have happened just a few days ago.

"Director Xu, everyone is here." Miao Zhenzhen came to Xu Jie and said.

Xu Jie nodded. There were not many crew members invited this time, only 7 people, compared with the dozen or so people before, it was reduced by half at once.

However, this is also impossible.

People who are engaged in film and television drama work, whether they are actors or staff in the crew, need to follow the crew everywhere. Wherever the film and television drama is filmed, people have to go with them, so when the program crew contacted, many people said No time.

Furthermore, it has been too long since the filming of "Human World" ended. Some people even changed their contact information, and some even switched to other jobs. It was hard to get in touch.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie clapped his hands, and after everyone looked over, he said loudly: "Everyone in the "Human World" crew, don't be nervous when recording the show, everyone is on their own, so behave naturally, speak freely, don't worry What would be inappropriate, this is a recording, not a live broadcast, and we will edit it later, understand?"



The crew responded one after another.

"Director Xu, I've caused you trouble." Ye Chu said shyly.

"Don't talk about two families in one family." Xu Jie waved his hand, and then reminded: "You are the director and screenwriter of the movie, and you will be asked a lot of questions later, so you have to be prepared."

"Yeah!" Ye Chu nodded.

The movie has been delayed for a long time, and he has held back some words for a long time, so today is also an opportunity for him to share his original intentions with the audience.

It didn't take long for the program team to communicate with the crew, and the recording of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" officially started.

"Hello, everyone who likes movies. Welcome to "In-depth Film and Television Talk". I am your old friend Qin Yan. Before you know it, the mid-summer vacation has quietly arrived. Starting today, our program will recommend a movie for you every week. This is a good-looking movie, and it will show you the story behind the scenes. Today we are inviting the crew of the movie "The World", and its heroine is Miss Su Yunyun, who won the championship in the first season of "Crossover Actors"..."

Qin Yan started to introduce as usual.

It has been a long time since Xu Jie participated in the recording of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", but today, he stood behind the camera and watched silently.

It has been more than half a year since "In-depth Film and Television Talk" started broadcasting. During this process, Qin Yan has gradually figured out a set of interview methods unique to this program.

The interview will start with the actors themselves, talking about their private affairs and gossip, and then through the actors, they will enter the main topic of the movie.

Nowadays, people’s expectations for movies usually start with the leading role. Simply put, when most people choose a movie, they will put the actors first, followed by the content, so let’s talk about the actors first. Movies are very in line with the interests of the audience, and will allow the audience to understand the movie unconsciously, and then become interested in the movie.

"Sister Yun, the second season of "Crossover Actor" has just ended, and you presented an award to the champion of this season in the finals. Counting it, it will be almost a year since the end of the first season finals. In fact, after that , everyone is very much looking forward to your film works being released, but you seem to have disappeared suddenly, until today, a year later, no work appeared, can you tell me what you have been doing during this time?" Qin Yan asked road.

Su Yun became famous again because of the first season of "Crossover Actor" and successfully broke into the film and television industry, so the interview with her cannot avoid this matter.

At the same time, it can also awaken the memory of the audience, reminding everyone of Su Yun's wonderful performance in the first season of "Crossover Actor", and then go to the cinema to watch Su Yun's movie.

"Actually, I've been shooting movies during this period of time, hoping to present good movies to everyone after "Crossover Actor"..." Su Yun replied seriously.

"So, the news that you are preparing to conceive and give birth to confinement is all fake?" Qin Yan continued to ask.

Su Yun was taken aback when she heard this. This question was not among the questions Xu Jie gave her yesterday, but it was not a difficult or offensive question, so she responded with a smile: "Well, it's fake."

"As we all know, you have registered your marriage, and it's been a while. I don't know when the wedding will be held? Do you plan to have a child?" Qin Yan asked again.

"This matter depends on your Director Xu. I have time anytime." Su Yun finished speaking and looked at Xu Jie who was standing behind the camera.

She thought it might just be the curiosity of her husband's colleagues, so she didn't care.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, caught off guard by Qin Yan's question that hadn't appeared in the interview draft before.

Is this a question that the other party came up with temporarily?
In fact, the interview draft is just an outline. During the actual interview, the host will conduct the interview according to the answers of the interviewees.

This Qin Yan must be acting for private interests, and then interviewed and inquired about gossip

Xu Jie met Su Yun's eyes, although he was interviewing, but this question did remind him, since he and Su Yun have already done a fake show, from a fake couple to a real couple, then the wedding is naturally indispensable a link.

Women, all pay attention to the sense of ritual.

Especially for things like marriage, the ceremony is even more important than getting a certificate.

For the sake of development and popularity, some celebrities would choose to keep their marriages secret and not hold a wedding even after receiving the certificate, but the fact that he and Su Yun obtained the certificate is already known throughout the country, so there is no need to worry about it.

"Director Xu, when do you plan to hold a wedding with Sister Yun?" Qin Yan looked at Xu Jie and asked.

At the same time, the camera next to it also pointed its lens at Xu Jie.

"Come on, remember to get your money ready." Xu Jie said to the staff watching the excitement.

The atmosphere in the studio suddenly relaxed, and everyone took this paragraph as a joke.

"Okay!" Qin Yan said with a smile.

The interview continues.

However, Xu Jie's mind has already left the program and shifted to the matter of the wedding.

It was indeed his negligence.

Between him and Su Yun, what should be received has been received, what should be filmed has been filmed, what should be done has been done, and this wedding should indeed be held.


(End of this chapter)

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